

在 subverted產品中有11篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4,231的網紅CHuCkLe,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 品牌秀_Brand Show[ Seivson ] 疫情的衝擊,顛覆人們既有的生活習慣,寄生於室內的人類,居家裝飾成了人們生活的主軸。 本季Seivson將室內生活轉化成設計,開發獨家的面料花紋,將家飾布料、牆紙印花、家具廓形等,應用在本季設計上,如:地毯織紋印花的套裝、枕頭包裹的提包、壁紙印刷的...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅阿宏釣魚日記,也在其Youtube影片中提到,第四篇我們測量的是線結拉力及泡完海水後的拉力測試,最後講一下總結 而在1/24日晚上我們會抽出之前要抽的獎品..請記得當天晚上要注意哦 [Fishing line test][Тест лески][釣り糸テスト][낚싯줄 테스트] 測量的結果也顛覆了原本對pe線的一些常識...詳細內容就讓我們看下...

subverted 在 ♐️ Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-11 13:21:31

*Bắt đầu xem vô tình đúng lúc sắp ra 2 tập cuối mà vì thi cử nên phải trì hoãn lại 1 tuần* . Xem phim hành động tội phạm sát nhân mãi lâu lâu tình cảm...

  • subverted 在 CHuCkLe Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-10-14 17:12:28
    有 8 人按讚

    品牌秀_Brand Show[ Seivson ]
    無階級的人們搭建帳篷、茅屋等,Seivson 將此一幻想運用在洋裝上,裙面上加上帳篷骨架,局部撐起創造出異常的輪廓,彷彿是受到輻射,皮膚下產生的病變組織。鬆開骨架後服裝自然垂墜,展現版型效果,變回的 One-piece 洋裝。
    打破美醜的定義、尺寸的設定將重新洗牌定義;街上的流浪漢、無家可歸的小孩 能撿現成、不合身的衣服蔽體取暖,Seivson 重新定義既有的美感,超出正常尺寸的外套,過小的服裝都將成為未來時尚的一部分。
    Seivson 將運用環境友善的原料與素材,翻玩環保布料、植物染印花等等,透過品牌 一向擅長的印花開發與版型結構,融合設計和藝術的能量,創造生活化的服裝,混 搭且實穿。將對環境的反思、永續經營的概念,傳達在本季的設計中。

    The impact of pandemic subverted people's living habits. People keep living indoors for safety reasons; the indoor decoration became the main axis of people's lives.
    SS21 Seivson transforms indoor life into the design, develops exclusive fabric patterns, and applies furnishing fabrics, wallpaper printing, furniture silhouettes. Such as carpet texture printing suits, pillow-wrapped bags, wallpaper printing bathrobes, etc.
    The runway show extends from indoor life to outdoor survival; everything outside became primitive and wild.
    Classless people build tents and huts. Seivson applies this fantasy to western dresses. A tent skeleton is added to the skirt, which is partially propped up to create an abnormal contour as if it is a diseased tissue under the skin that has been irradiated. After loosening the skeleton, the garment draped naturally, showing the shape effect and turning back into a one-piece dress.
    Breaking the definition of beauty and ugliness, the size setting will reshuffle the definition; the homeless and homeless children on the street can pick up ready-made, unsuitable clothes to cover the body for warmth, Seivson redefines the existing beauty, beyond the normal size Outerwear and undersized clothing will become part of the future fashion.
    Seivson uses environmentally friendly raw materials, fabrics, and plant-dyed printing. Through the printing development and pattern structure, integrating the energy of design and art, creating lifestyle clothing, mix and match, and wear it. The reflection on the environment and the concept of sustainable management are conveyed in the design of this season.

    #2020臺北時裝週 #臺北時裝週 #TaipeiFashionWeek #TPEFW #RECONNEXT #去_你的時尚
    #dailyoutfit #fashion #fashionworld #fashionstyle #fashionista #Influencer #kol #lookoftheday
    #model #newstyle #ootd #outfitoftheday #picoftheday #photooftheday #photographyislifee #photogram #photographylovers #snap #stylish
    #เสื้อผ้าแฟชั่น #ファッション #นางแบบ #モデル

  • subverted 在 CHuCkLe Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-10-14 17:09:19
    有 17 人按讚

    品牌秀_Brand Show[ Seivson ]
    無階級的人們搭建帳篷、茅屋等,Seivson 將此一幻想運用在洋裝上,裙面上加上帳篷骨架,局部撐起創造出異常的輪廓,彷彿是受到輻射,皮膚下產生的病變組織。鬆開骨架後服裝自然垂墜,展現版型效果,變回的 One-piece 洋裝。
    打破美醜的定義、尺寸的設定將重新洗牌定義;街上的流浪漢、無家可歸的小孩 能撿現成、不合身的衣服蔽體取暖,Seivson 重新定義既有的美感,超出正常尺寸的外套,過小的服裝都將成為未來時尚的一部分。
    Seivson 將運用環境友善的原料與素材,翻玩環保布料、植物染印花等等,透過品牌 一向擅長的印花開發與版型結構,融合設計和藝術的能量,創造生活化的服裝,混 搭且實穿。將對環境的反思、永續經營的概念,傳達在本季的設計中。

    The impact of pandemic subverted people's living habits. People keep living indoors for safety reasons; the indoor decoration became the main axis of people's lives.
    SS21 Seivson transforms indoor life into the design, develops exclusive fabric patterns, and applies furnishing fabrics, wallpaper printing, furniture silhouettes. Such as carpet texture printing suits, pillow-wrapped bags, wallpaper printing bathrobes, etc.
    The runway show extends from indoor life to outdoor survival; everything outside became primitive and wild.
    Classless people build tents and huts. Seivson applies this fantasy to western dresses. A tent skeleton is added to the skirt, which is partially propped up to create an abnormal contour as if it is a diseased tissue under the skin that has been irradiated. After loosening the skeleton, the garment draped naturally, showing the shape effect and turning back into a one-piece dress.
    Breaking the definition of beauty and ugliness, the size setting will reshuffle the definition; the homeless and homeless children on the street can pick up ready-made, unsuitable clothes to cover the body for warmth, Seivson redefines the existing beauty, beyond the normal size Outerwear and undersized clothing will become part of the future fashion.
    Seivson uses environmentally friendly raw materials, fabrics, and plant-dyed printing. Through the printing development and pattern structure, integrating the energy of design and art, creating lifestyle clothing, mix and match, and wear it. The reflection on the environment and the concept of sustainable management are conveyed in the design of this season.

    #2020臺北時裝週 #臺北時裝週 #TaipeiFashionWeek #TPEFW #RECONNEXT #去_你的時尚
    #dailyoutfit #fashion #fashionworld #fashionstyle #fashionista #Influencer #kol #lookoftheday
    #model #newstyle #ootd #outfitoftheday #picoftheday #photooftheday #photographyislifee #photogram #photographylovers #snap #stylish
    #เสื้อผ้าแฟชั่น #ファッション #นางแบบ #モデル

  • subverted 在 健吾 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-02 11:10:45
    有 385 人按讚


    支持我,想食好西,聽我八月再將patreon 進化,講多d我覺得大家應該聽既野。可以去呢度:www.patreon.com/eatgoodsite

    想買《未敢忘記 2019/20》書尾,請pm。團隊會覆。

  • subverted 在 阿宏釣魚日記 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-01-18 18:30:01

    [Fishing line test][Тест лески][釣り糸テスト][낚싯줄 테스트]
    측정 결과는 pe 라인의 상식을 파괴했습니다 ... 세부 사항을 살펴 봅시다 ...
    Результаты измерения также подорвали некоторый здравый смысл линии pe ... давайте посмотрим на детали ...
    The results of the measurement also subverted some common sense of the pe line ... let's look at the details ...

    YGK g-soul super jigman x8
    shimano tanatoru x8
    sunline braid 5 x8
    seaguar r18 seabass
    貝克力 x5 x9









    [阿宏釣魚日記]釣魚就是要裝B , AV8D小烏龜(水滴輪)水漂打起來












    阿宏聯絡方式: zard62300978@gmail.com

    fb: 阿宏釣魚日記

