#1Strumigenys - AntWiki
2022年1月10日 — Hita Garcia, Wiesel and Fischer (2013) - A species-rich, worldwide occurring genus mainly distributed in the world tropics and subtropics ...
#2Strumigenys - Wikipedia
Strumigenys form small nests in soil, under or between rocks, or in and under logs or under cattle dung. Some species nest in association with other ants such ...
#3Taxonomy browser (Strumigenys) - NCBI
Strumigenys. Taxonomy ID: 198464 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid198464). current name. Strumigenys. NCBI BLAST name: ants. Rank: genus
#4Strumigenys perplexa (Smith, 1876) (Formicidae, Myrmicinae ...
2019 ). Strumigenys is also the third most diverse ant genus, currently including 853 described species and is characterized by small size, ...
#5Genus: Strumigenys - AntWeb.org
Current Valid Name: Taxonomic History (provided by Barry Bolton, 2022). Extant: 859 valid species. Fossil: 4 valid species. Strumigenys ...
#6ITIS - Report: Strumigenys - Integrated Taxonomic Information ...
Genus, Strumigenys Smith, 1860. Direct Children: Species, Strumigenys adrasora Bolton, 1983. Species, Strumigenys anetes Brown, 1988.
#7Strumigenys perplexa (Fr. Smith 1876) - Landcare Research
Seventeen species are known from Australia. An Australian species, [Strumigenys perplexa] has become established in New Zealand.
#8Automontage images of a paratype of Strumigenys royi, new ...
Download scientific diagram | Automontage images of a paratype of Strumigenys royi, new species. 23, Full-face view. 24, Dorsal view. 25, Lateral view. from ...
#9The Neotropical Species of the Ant Genus Strumigenys Fr. Smith
The Neotropical Species of the Ant Genus Strumigenys Fr. Smith: Synopsis and Keys to the Species. William L. Brown 1. 1 Department of Entomology ...
#10Taxonomic clarification of two Nearctic Strumigenys ... - Biotaxa
In 1901, Forel described an ant species from a relatively poorly known genus of ants from North America, naming it Strumigenys pilinasis.
#11ADW: Strumigenys: CLASSIFICATION - Animal Diversity Web
Confused by a class within a class or an order within an order? Please see our brief essay. Additional Information. Encyclopedia of Life. Strumigenys.
#12Formicidae: Strumigenys cordovensis - John T. Longino
Strumigenys cordovensis Mayr 1887 ... The ant tribe Dacetini, with a revision of the Strumigenys species of the Malagasy Region by Brian L. Fisher, ...
#13Strumigenys perplexa (Smith, 1876) | BWARS
The primarily tropical genus Strumigenys Smith 1860 (Formicidae: Myrmicinae) are minute predators with a growing history of global introductions but rarely ...
#14Strumigenys hexamera (Brown) 1958
Strumigenys is a monophyletic genus of attine ants that includes over 900 species worldwide (Bolton 2013). Forty-eight described species of ...
#15Cytogenetics of Strumigenys louisianae Roger, 1863 ...
Strumigenys louisianae from the Amazon rainforest showed an intriguing karyotype: 2n = 26. •. The karyotype of the Amazonian S. louisianae contrasts with an ...
#16The First Cytogenetic Data on Strumigenys louisianae ... - PLOS
In the present study, the first cytogenetic data was obtained for the ant species Strumigenys louisianae, from a genus possessing no ...
#17Strumigenys Smith, 1860 - GBIF
Strumigenys Smith, 1860. = Quadristruma Brown, 1949. = Trichoscapa Emery, 1869. Immediate children. Species. Strumigenys abdera.
#18"A brilli-ANT new species" named after Corrie Moreau
Booher, postdoctoral associate in the Biodiversity and Global Change Center in the Jetz Lab at Yale University and expert on the Strumigenys ant ...
#19Strumigenys | Atlas of Living Australia
Browse the list of datasets and find organisations you can join if you are interested in participating in a survey for species of Strumigenys Smith, 1860.
#20Strumigenys - Wikispecies
Strumigenys. Language · Watch · Edit · Strumigenys xenos (dealate female). TaxonavigationEdit. Taxonavigation: Formicoidea.
#21Strumigenys takasago | 台灣生物多樣性網絡
高砂角瘤家蟻 Strumigenys takasago. 分類階層: 種. 命名者: Terayama, Lin & Wu, 1995. 別名: Pyramica takasago. 物種屬性: 原生Native、臺灣特有. 外部資源:.
#22Geographic distribution of Strumigenys louisianae ... - Brill
Abstract. Strumigenys spp. are tiny predatory ants that feed on soil arthropods. Strumigenys louisianae has the broadest geographic ...
#23Formicidae) in western North America North of Mexico | Zootaxa
The ant genus Strumigenys Smith, 1860 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in western North America North of Mexico. DOUGLAS B. BOOHER.
#24Strumigenys rogeri - CABI
Preferred Scientific Name; Strumigenys rogeri. Taxonomic Tree; Domain: Eukaryota; Kingdom: Metazoa; Phylum: Arthropoda; Subphylum: Uniramia; Class: Insecta.
#25Thelytokous Parthenogenesis in the Ant Strumigenys ...
Abstract. Strumigenys hexamera (Brown) is a terrestrial ant nesting exclusively in the soil and specialized in predation on diplurans and ...
#26the australian workerless inquiline ant strumigenys xenos ...
由 RW Taylor 著作 · 1968 · 被引用 6 次 — STRUMIGENYS XENOS BROWN (HYMENOPTERA-. FORMICIDAE) RECORDED FROM NEW ZEALAND. R. W. TAYLOR,. Division of Entomology, C.S.I.R.O., Canberra, Australia.
#27Review of the genus Strumigenys (Hymenoptera, Formicidae ...
Article: Review of the genus Strumigenys (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae) in Hong Kong with the description of three new species and the addition of ...
#28Strumigenys emmae - iNaturalist
Strumigenys emmae is a species of ant in the genus Strumigenys. It is 1.5 millimeters long and is yellowish brown, has a 4 segmented antennae, small eyes, ...
#29Miniature Trap-jaw Ants - Genus Strumigenys - BugGuide.Net
Genus Strumigenys - Miniature Trap-jaw Ants ... Disclaimer: Dedicated naturalists volunteer their time and resources here to provide this service. We strive to ...
#30estudos morfológicos e taxonômicos do gênero strumigenys ...
STRUMIGENYS SMITH (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE: MYRMICINAE). Dissertação apresentada à Universidade. Federal de Viçosa, como parte das exigências.
#31Morphology of the Novel Basimandibular Gland in the Ant ...
Genus Strumigenys (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Chu Wang 1,* , Michael Steenhuyse-Vandevelde 1, Chung-Chi Lin 2 and Johan Billen 1.
#32Review of the genus Strumigenys ... - HKU Scholars Hub
The species of the ant genus Strumigenys Smith, 1860 found in Hong Kong are reviewed based on new sampling efforts performed over the past five ...
#33Geographic Distributions of Strumigenys gundlachi ... - BioOne
Strumigenys gundlachi and Strumigenys eggersi are tiny predatory ants that feed on minute soil arthropods. Both these closely related New ...
#34"First Vouchered Record for <i>Strumigenys Louisianae</i ...
We report the first known vouchered collection of Strumigenys louisianae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Illinois. Two specimens were captured in pitfall ...
#35Ready species one: exploring the use of augmented reality to ...
Data from: Ready species one: exploring the use of augmented reality to enhance systematic biology with a revision of Fijian Strumigenys ...
#36Strumigenys liukueiensis | NIAES Type Specimen
Strumigenys liukueiensis Terayama & Kubota, 1989. Holotype, worker. Dorsal view, Lateral view, Head, Thorax, Labels. Locality: Liukuei, Kaohsiung Hsien, ...
#38The ant genus Strumigenys Fred. Smith in the Ethiopian and ...
The ant genus Strumigenys Fred. Smith in the Ethiopian and Malagasy regions. [Brown, W L.] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
#39Geographic distribution of Strumigenys epinotalis (Hymenoptera
Strumigenys spp. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae,. Dacetini) are tiny, inconspicuous ants. All. Strumigenys are thought to be predators on tiny.
#40Strumigenys - Alex Wild Photography
is a diverse group of tiny predators with oddly-shaped mandibles specialized for capturing various arthropod prey. The hundreds of Strumigenys species show ...
#41First Records of Two Strumigenys Ant Species (Hymenoptera ...
The Strumigenys ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) are poorly studied in Bulgaria due to their small size and cryptic lifestyles.
NEW RECORDS OF THE GENUS Strumigenys SMITH, 1860 (HYMENOP- ... and an identification key for Turkish Strumigenys species are given.
#43Two Species of the Genus Strumigenys (Hymenoptera
한국산 개미과 비늘개미속의 2미기록종인 Strumigenys alecto과 Strumigenys solifontis가 분포함을 보고한다. 2 종의 일개미에 대한 형질과 사진을 제공한다.
#44Formicidae) from Korea with a description of new species
A Taxonomic Study on the Genus Strumigenys Smith, 1860 (Hymenoptera: ... Korean species of the genus Strumigenys Smith, 1860 are revised.
#45A new species group of Strumigenys (Hymenoptera ... - X-MOL
Strumigenys is one of the most diverse ant genera in the world and arguably the most morphologically diverse, exhibiting an exceptional ...
#46Entomologists Discover New Species of Trap-Jaw Ant in ...
Head of Strumigenys ayersthey in full-face view. Image credit: Booher & Hoenle, doi: 10.3897/zookeys.1036.62034.
#48Strumigenys ayersthey: Ant given world's first gender-neutral ...
A new species of ant has been given a gender-neutral name, a first in the scientific world. Strumigenys ayersthey was discovered by German ...
#49Ameisenshop - Ameisen kaufen - Strumigenys lewisi - Antstore
Latin Name: Strumigenys lewisi. Trivialname: -. Taxonomy: Subfamily: Myrmicinae, Tribe: Dacetini. Keeping Level: (2) shows higher requirements to climate ...
#50Strumigenys Leptorhina - WaKooshi
Strumigenys Leptorhina • Humidity requirements: 50-80% • Temperature requirements: 22-26°C • Hibernation: None • Suggested housing: Wakooshi Ant Farm ...
#51Strumigenys Sp. Experience/ Observations - Formiculture.com
Strumigenys Sp. Experience/ Observations - posted in General Ant Keeping: Well I stumbled upon these guys (Strumigenys Sp.) accidentally on ...
#52Agriculture Monograph - 第 2 期 - 第 828 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Strumigenys ( Cephaloxys ) missouriensis M. K. Smith , 1931. Ent . Soc . Amer . Ann . 24 : 691 , 701. 8 . Strumigenys ( Cephaloxys ) sculpturata M. R. Smith ...
#53Sobre la hormiga Strumigenys membranifera (Hymenoptera ...
C. Pradera, Barcelona, 12-10-2020 Recientemente he tenido la suerte de encontrar cuatro obreras de Strumigenys membranifera (=Pyramica ...
#54The Ants of Fiji - 第 129 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Strumigenys ekasura Bolton (Plate 124) Strumigenys ekasura Bolton, 2000: 807; worker described. Type locality: FIJI, Vanua Levu, Kontiki, 19 km.
#55Insect Bioecology and Nutrition for Integrated Pest Management
(d) Worker of Strumigenys louisianae Roger (kinetic action mandibles during prey approach. (Courtesy of Alex Wild.) The static pressure mandible's shape is ...
#56#BLACKINSTEM - Twitter Search / Twitter
Maisha helped name the newly discovered species Strumigenys collinsae, pictured above. © Maureen Tucatel. 15. 21. Maia the Mogul. @maia_melanin.
Strumigenys is one of the most diverse ant genera in the world and arguably the most morphologically diverse, exhibiting an exceptional range of ...
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