

在 started產品中有10000篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Hapa Eikaiwa,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ================================= 英語で勤務期間を伝える際の定番表現2パターン ================================= 社会人になると、「この会社でどのくらい働いているんですか?」と聞かれることがよくあると思いますが、そんな時、英語で...

 同時也有5839部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅城 南海official,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Minami Kizuki https://lnk.to/kizukiminami 城 南海 “ウタアシビ 2021 夏" Minami Kizuki "Utaashibi 2021 Summer" Saturday, June 26, 2021 EX THEATER ROPPONGI ...

started 在 CP Sarimah Ibrahim❤️ Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-10-02 07:05:44

This is another Part of my interview snippet with @farisya_shukor about grief, loss, depression and the pandemic. ❤️🤲🏻 Women Empowerment Series Vide...

  • started 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-10-01 06:00:21
    有 14 人按讚

    社会人になると、「この会社でどのくらい働いているんですか?」と聞かれることがよくあると思いますが、そんな時、英語ではどのように返答していますか?日本ではnew employee、new hire、new recruitなどの表現を使っている人をたまに見かけますが、これらの表現は実はネイティブの間では殆ど使われません。そこで今回は、多くのネイティブが使っている代表的な表現2つをご紹介します。
    1) This is my _____ year.
    日本語の「入社◯◯年目です」に相当する表現で、英語ではこの言い方で表現するのが一般的でしょう。入社1年目であれば、「This is my first year」、2年目であれば「This is my second year」のように、myとyearの間に勤務年数(序数)を入れるだけでOKです。
    I started working there 6 months ago. It's still my first year.
    I've been here for a while now. This is my 10th year.

    A: How long have you been working here?

    B: This is my third year.
    2) I've been (working) here for _____ year(s).
    ✔「here」の代わりに「with 会社名」でもOK。
    I've been with ABC Inc. for 7 years.
    I've only been with them for less than a year. I still have a lot to learn.

    A: How long have you been working for Starbucks?

    B: I've been with Starbucks for about 5 years now.

  • started 在 KEN.L PHOTOGRAPHY Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-30 20:34:33
    有 2 人按讚

    In the mean time when the new GFX50S II start shipping out on the market, Capture One today also release a new update v14.4.

    In this version, it will started support GFX50S II RAW file, tethering; also it improved the live view tethering feature, you are now able to adjust the setting from capture one when the live view is ON.

    Also many people complaint about the missing export tab now is back in the version.

    Here have some JPG vs RAW comparing from my earlier shot with GFX50SII for you reference

    Now you purchase/subscription the Capture One 21, will get the free upgrade license to the Capture One 22

    Welcome to use my 10% off discount code: kenlfoto for your purchasing

    Capture One Pro

  • started 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-30 19:09:08
    有 4 人按讚

    We survived 4 days of HBL, and today is also the start of PSLE. 💪

    This time round, I never set up any schedule for the girls mainly because I wasn't very ready and since it's only 10 days 说长不长,说短不短. I have so much things not settle yet so I decided to let nature take its course. 🛶 船到桥头自然直。

    Day time was pretty manageable, because the girls are busy with online work and homework. I prepare their snacks earlier which I shared on my IGS, or u can swipe left to see.

    I started this in May which I shared on my blog (link in bio). Starting, they do not know how to control and finish the snacks before the "school" ends. Too bad no replenish. 😝
    After awhile they get a hang of it and don't bother me about snacks, hungry etc.

    They only keep calling me for IT stuff (no sound, no screen, change backgrounc) which is getting on my nerves especially when I'm trying to listen to my lecturer talking. 👹

    It's not easy for us parents, it's also not easy for the kids.. although it seems like they are enjoying.. but occasionally they miss their friends, the social life they have and their emotions let out channel is greatly affected. Plus the uncertainty for those who are preparing for exam.

    Sometimes not having a schedule, letting ourselves to relax awhile, it's good for our mental health.

    Not sure how long this "one step forward, 2 steps back" restrictions will last.. 😅 it's good to rethink by changing our mindset so we can handle this pandemic better.

    All the best to those who have kids doing PSLE! And may we all stay positive and love. 🥰

  • started 在 城 南海official Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-09-30 21:45:12

    Minami Kizuki

    城 南海 “ウタアシビ 2021 夏"

    Minami Kizuki "Utaashibi 2021 Summer"
    Saturday, June 26, 2021 EX THEATER ROPPONGI

    Vo & Shamisen : Minami Kizuki
    Piano : Kento Ohgiya
        Takuto Kudou
    Guitar : Kazuma Sotozono
    Percussion : notch

    Minami Kizuki "Utaashibi 2021 Summer"
    2021.6.26 Sat EX THEATER ROPPONGI
    2021.7.4 Sun umeda TRAD
    2021.7.10 Sat Fukuoka IMS Hall
    2021.7.11 Sun Kagoshima CAPARVO HALL
    2021.7.22 Thu Nagoya THE BOTTOM LINE
    2021.7.31 Sat Sapporo PENNY LANE 24
    2021.8.9 Mon Sendai Rensa

    Extra Show
    8.15 Shibuya duo MUSIC EXCHANGE

    ♪てぃんさぐぬ花 (Tinsagunu hana)
    ♪らんかん橋節 (Rankanbashi bushi)
    ♪島のブルース (Shima no blues)
    ♪ワイド節 (Waido bushi)

    Minami Kizuki - Profile
    1989: Born in Amami Oshima, Kagoshima Prefecture. A singer with roots tied to the Amami Islands’ folk song genre Shima Uta (Island Songs).
    2009, Jan: She made her debut with the song Aitsumugi
    2014~: She started appearing on the TV Tokyo program “The Karaoke Battle,” and was the first person to ever win ten titles on the show.
    2018: She was responsible for songs in the Taiga drama (TV saga) series Segodon as well as the Taiga travelogue theme.
    2019: In commemoration of the 10th anniversary of her debut, she released her first “best” album, Utatsumugi 2020: She was responsible for signing and translating the lyrics for the Disney live-action film Mulan theme song, Reflection

    城南海 with 1966カルテットクラシカルコンサート
    【出演】城 南海 / 1966カルテット
    ■2021年10月16日(土) 愛知 電気文化会館 ザ・コンサートホール
    (〒460-0008 愛知県名古屋市中区栄二丁目2番5号)
    開場 17:30 開演 18:30

    ■2021年10月31日(日) 大阪 住友生命いずみホール
    (〒540-0001 大阪府大阪市中央区城見1-4-70 住友生命OBPプラザビル)
    開場 13:30 開演 14:30

    ■2021年11月19日(金) 東京 紀尾井ホール
    (〒102-0094 東京都千代田区紀尾井町6番5号)
    昼の部 開場 13:30 開演 14:30
    夜の部 開場 17:30 開演 18:30

    初回盤 PCCA.04994 ¥6,380(税込)/通常盤 PCCA 04995 ¥3,080(税込)

    2.Change the World (カバー)
    4.Good-bye days(カバー)
    5.Never Enough(カバー)
    7.Over the Rainbow(カバー)
    9.Encounter in Space ”THE EARTH”
    NHK BSプレミアム『コズミックフロント☆NEXT』
    NHK「ラジオ深夜便」2020年12月〜2021年1月 深夜便のうた

    Digest of「城 南海 with 1966 カルテット クラシカルコンサート 2020」東京

    Follow me
    Twitter https://twitter.com/kizukiminami
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kizukiminami/
    Official HP https://www.kizukiminami.com/

  • started 在 宮川大聖 / みやかわくん Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-30 11:00:10


    僕の誕生日である7月11日に行われた「Salvia Party 5」のダイジェストを特別に公開します





    ●宮川大聖 Twitter

    ●宮川大聖 Instagram

    7月11日Zepp DiverCity TOKYOにて、政府・地方自治体の新型コロナウイルス感染防止ガイドラインに沿った対策を十分に行った形で開催した公演の模様をダイジェストで全世界へお届けします。

    Live concert at Zepp DiverCity TOKYO on July 11th. This concert was performed under the guidelines of covid-19. Here is a digest Movie from Zepp DiverCity TOKYO delivered to the whole world.

    June 27th 2018 Major debut with his mini album "STAR LAND". In July 2019, He made solo performance at Nippon Budokan just one year after his major debut. He also song-writes for other artists, and his related words has become a trending topic on SNS. From July 2020, he started his career under the name as "Miyakawa Taisei".

  • started 在 Osamuraisan Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-09-29 22:56:03


    Wednesday and Saturday night broadcasting from Japan
    生放送お便り→ https://osamuraisan.com/contact 「お便りコーナー」

    [日本] → https://www.kokomu.jp/profile/103/post
    [Overseas people] → https://www.mymusicsheet.com/Osamuraisan

    https://amzn.to/2QIyKYx https://amzn.to/35Jj23A https://amzn.to/2VYhO26

    年齢→831歳 / 身長172㎝ぐらい / ギター歴→800年ぐらい 独学(ピアノ経験者) /
    使っているギター→Headway HJ523(廃盤) / 初心者にオススメギター Headway HJ-OSAMURAISAN 2 / ギターの弦→エリクサー / 爪→ジェルネイル(ネイルサロン) / 部屋は防音室 / 相対音感 / ピックも使います / 弦高は1.23~1.67mm(普通のお店だとやってくれない) / 好きなコード→C9 / エレキギター弾けるけど持っていない

    ・パンク、メタル等音圧が大きくリズムが聞き取りずらいジャンルは難しいです フュージョン・ジャズは無理

    Frequently Asked Questions:Age → 831 / Height About 172 cm / Guitar History → About 800 Years / Using Guitar → Headway HJ 523 /String of guitar → elixir /String Height below→1.23~1.62mm /Self-Study (It started with a piano) /Claw→ Gel nail (nail salon) /from Soundproof room /Sense of relative pitch /also use picks / Favorite Cord → C9 / I can play an electric guitar, but not have it

    8888888 means applause(Japanese slang).

    Membership will be closed by the end of this year.

    Fan community on Discord(non-official, free)

    Effector, 機材など https://lineblog.me/osamuraisan/archives/8399958.html

    iTunes, Spotifyなど https://linkco.re/AEvdbvF8

    Facebook http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000944765815

    Twitter http://twitter.com/niconicosamurai

    #Fingerstyle #Osamuraisan #guitar


