

在 spiraled產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,427的網紅CommonWealth Magazine,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ◤How golf champion Yani Tseng faced her inner demons◢ Her meteoric rise to the top of world rankings at 22 was matched only by her spectacular fall ...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅Daphne Iking,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Exactly a year ago, Isobel and I sat on my bed waiting for the clock to strike 12. It was that day that I decided to do daily vlogs. Unfortunately, po...

spiraled 在 MAGGY WANG Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-16 03:15:30

I haven't been kind to myself.  Yes, the world is a mess right now and so am I - my room, my mind, everything is a mess. It has been hard and I feel ...

spiraled 在 Jooch | Malaysian Entrepreneur Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-01-05 16:10:24

Anyone has 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒙𝒊𝒆𝒕𝒚? I have to admit that seeing everyone on the gram showing off how much they have achieved this year despite of the pandem...

  • spiraled 在 CommonWealth Magazine Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-02-02 19:37:26
    有 10 人按讚

    ◤How golf champion Yani Tseng faced her inner demons◢
    Her meteoric rise to the top of world rankings at 22 was matched only by her spectacular fall back outside the top 100. Having spiraled into the depths of depression, she eventually managed to regain her grounding.
    ✹More stories to follow. Please visit
    #YaniTseng #golf #inner

  • spiraled 在 ROZZ Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-19 01:06:32
    有 45 人按讚

    A few years ago, a couple, friends of mine from England, came to visit. We hung out a lot during their stay. I even introduced them to my guy at the time. Everything seemingly went swimmingly. But while we were out partying one night, the wife uttered something that really took me aback.

    She said, rather condescendingly, "Well Rozz, you may be happily in love now, but this won't last - he won't stay with you, and he won't take care of you. But we are your friends, and we will take care of you when you're old."

    Like I'm some pathetic loser who can't take care of myself.

    Anyway, 2 years after their visit, I heard the couple divorced. The wife's drug addiction spiraled and she lost custody of her baby which some other man fathered, and she even ended up in the mental asylum for some time.

    But according to her, I'M the one who needs taking care of?

    #Rozz #Music #Live #Singer #Jazz #Soul #Drag #LGBT #BiduanitaDeDiva #Trans #Inspire #BeYou #BeTrue #BeProud #Motivate #NoFear #PRIDE #LGBTQIA #LoveIsLove #LoveYourself #Love #Singing #Sprezzatura #DragArtiste #DragPerformer #Vocalist #BornThisWay #Integrity #PurposeBeforeFame #ServiceBeforeCelebrity

  • spiraled 在 Sally Yeh Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-17 22:33:42
    有 505 人按讚

    Dear ALL.. A friend of mine sent my antique song to me other day saying he had been listening and loved the lyrics.. it's truly amazing that walking back on memory lane we would find the lyrics so befitting to the present Universe reminding us the back to the basic wonders of Nature, love and harmony. In the last few years, I've taken some magical, random photos, and I would like to share them with you along with this song. Our TAP family administrator, VICKY, started to put some photos I had sent her to this song, and then it became a personal, storytelling project! Vicky has been ever so patient to my every demand to put in this and that photo as I found them on my phone! I wanted to only put in photos I personally took but Kuan also got involved and it just spiraled into a LOVE FEST, as she had taken some photos of my Dad back in 2005, and I just had to share everything with all of you because it just became so meaningful and all about how we must love & cherish what we have in our lives and all our surroundings! I hope you like the surprise ending! It is everything that matters in life! So, hope you will feel the tranquil, surreal, beautiful, mystical, natural, soaring, tenderness and so much more, our world can offer us and interconnect this feeling into your own lives!!! I'm very proud of the lyrics of this song, and want to thank the lyricist for connecting to what really matters even way back then, and be able to remind us now for us to appreciate ever more. Thank you so much and hope you can enjoy the song and editing by Vicky and thank you so much Kuan for your contribution too!

    親愛的大家..我的一個朋友前幾天發给我这首古董歌曲,說他一直在聽並喜歡歌詞。令人驚奇的是,我們走在充满回忆的路上,会猛然發現曾经的舊歌詞竟然如此貼切地將宇宙的最基本的這些有關自然,愛與和諧的奇蹟重新介紹給我們。 在過去的幾年中,我有機會拍攝了一些隨機的充滿魔力的大自然的照片,並希望將它們與這首歌一起同大家分享。 我們的 TAP 大家庭管理員 VICKY 一開始將一些我曾經發給她的照片加到了視頻裡,接著,這成了一個個人的,來講故事的大工程! Vicky 對我的每個把這個照片放這裡或者那個照片放那裡的要求都很耐心,因為我不斷在電話中找到想要加到視頻中的照片!我想只使用我自己親自拍攝的照片,但 Kuan 也參與其中,令它變成了一場 “愛的行動” ,因為她早在2005年為我父親拍攝了一些照片,而我必須和大家分享這所有,因為這一切都變得如此有意義,都是關於我們必須如何去愛,如何去珍惜生活和周圍環境中的一切! 希望大家也喜歡驚喜的結尾! 這些就是生活中至關重要的一切! 希望大家能體會到寧靜,超現實,美麗,神秘,自然,飛揚,溫柔等等,還有很多很多所有我們這個世界賦予我們的,也希望大家把這些感受連結到各自的生活中... 我為這首歌的歌詞感到非常驕傲,並想感謝這位歌詞作者即使在過去已經將我們與這些最重要的事聯繫在一起,並且在現在仍可以提醒我們,去感激更多。 非常感謝大家,希望大家能喜歡這首歌以及 Vicky 的剪輯,也非常感謝 Kuan 的貢獻!

  • spiraled 在 Daphne Iking Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2017-01-01 10:24:19

    Exactly a year ago, Isobel and I sat on my bed waiting for the clock to strike 12. It was that day that I decided to do daily vlogs. Unfortunately, post Isidore's birth, editing daily vlogs became challenging and things spiraled down to 2-3 vlogs a week. If I'm lucky.

    I have no regrets starting this vlog commitment. I've managed to capture some amazing footage , including the last days of my late father's life and the birth of my son Isidore.

    Here's to a new year! Not sure if I will continue daily vlogs, but I know I will surely document memorable times.

