雖然這篇Smad 中文鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Smad 中文這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章
在 smad產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅JOHN YUYI,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Interview with i-D CHINA talking about "SMAD" “社交网络焦虑”症 “people knows me through the internet....but I feel kip napped at the same time" “网络让无国界的...
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過166萬的網紅瀬戸弘司 / Koji Seto,也在其Youtube影片中提到,本日、2021年3月2日 AM10時より、ソニーの新型シネマカメラ「FX3」の予約が開始されました。 <商品リンク> SONY FX3 ボディ ILME-FX3 | マップカメラ https://www.mapcamera.com/item/4548736123205 <ワイヤレスピンマイクに...
- 關於smad 在 Charis 姜姜? Instagram 的最佳貼文
- 關於smad 在 Adrian Anh Tuan Instagram 的精選貼文
- 關於smad 在 Muhammad Shazrul Najmi Instagram 的最讚貼文
- 關於smad 在 JOHN YUYI Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於smad 在 未來流通研究所 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於smad 在 貓婆選物所 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於smad 在 瀬戸弘司 / Koji Seto Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於smad 在 SabaruddinSohaimi LIVE! Youtube 的最讚貼文
smad 在 Charis 姜姜? Instagram 的最佳貼文
2020-11-22 13:16:11
#肉乾界的愛馬仕 真的有夠時髦🔥 #水根肉乾 從外到內都是精品等級! 60年職人手作肉乾,選用台灣純正豬肉 更是 #彰化十大伴手禮 之一 還研發全台第一款麻辣口味 #青花椒肉乾 採用江津九葉青花椒,香麻而不辣👍 這次體驗的輕奢品味組($1199元) 總共有三種口味 #青花椒肉乾 非常特別,是我的...
smad 在 Adrian Anh Tuan Instagram 的精選貼文
2020-05-02 05:05:23
Đáng yêu quá, cả người lẫn chó 😆 #adrianandson #awaywewow 📷 @andrewnguyenimages...
smad 在 Muhammad Shazrul Najmi Instagram 的最讚貼文
2020-04-21 14:23:10
#smadmarchingchallenge #kadetjpj #smkps #jpjmalaysia #kawadkaki #smad #smkps #kjpj...
smad 在 瀬戸弘司 / Koji Seto Youtube 的最佳解答
2021-03-02 19:19:10本日、2021年3月2日 AM10時より、ソニーの新型シネマカメラ「FX3」の予約が開始されました。
SONY FX3 ボディ ILME-FX3 | マップカメラ
「UTX-B40 + UTX-B40 + URX-P03D + SMAD-P3D」のセットが必要になります。
日本での発売はまだですが、RODEのWireless GO IIを買えば299ドルで実現してしまいます。
ソニー 2波受信機+送信機2台セット URX-P03D + (UTX-B40×2個)
UTX-B40 | プロオーディオ | ソニー
URX-P03D | プロオーディオ | ソニー
SMAD-P3D | プロオーディオ | ソニー
Wireless GO II | Dual Wireless Mic System | RØDE Microphones
瀬戸弘司 YouTube使用機材リスト - note
楽曲提供:Production Music by http://www.epidemicsound.com
かわいいフリー素材集 いらすとや
素材提供 PIXTA
http://facebook.com/eguri89 -
smad 在 SabaruddinSohaimi LIVE! Youtube 的最讚貼文
2020-04-30 16:13:32Salam terima kasih semua sudi support Channel Sabaruddin Sohaimi, saya harap contents di Channel ni dapat membantu serba sedikit terutama newbie yang baru nak belajar. Disini saya cuba share contents harian 100% percuma! Like, Subscribe & Comment pun dikira sangat sangat memberikan saya semangat untuk SHARE banyak lagi termasuk supplement review!
Insya Allah akan ada GIVEAWAY berbentuk Supplement, Tunai dan macam macam lagi. Subscribe supaya korang tak terlepas ok ;)
Di video ni saya kongsikan Resepi Diet Pancake yang korang boleh try. Senang je kalau kita tengah nak lean down, skip sahaja penggunaan Peanut Butter. Kalau korang nak lean bulk, lebihkan sahaja bahan seperti oats, pisang dan peanut butter untuk memastikan kita dapat lebihan calories.
Selain tu saya ada banyakkan kongsikan resepi sihat yang lain, silakan jenguk ke Channel saya banyak lagi yang saya kongsikan hampir setiap hari!
smad 在 JOHN YUYI Facebook 的最佳解答
Interview with i-D CHINA
talking about "SMAD" “社交网络焦虑”症
“people knows me through the internet....but I feel kip napped at the same time"
"you wanna take a good picture on the beach to post on your social media, but you forgot to swim in the ocean"
smad 在 未來流通研究所 Facebook 的最佳貼文
日本Bic Camera東京秋葉原新店「Bic Camera AKIBA」開張
日本大型家電零售企業Bic Camera東京秋葉原新店「Bic Camera AKIBA」於上個月底開幕,在Yodobashi Camera、Edion、山田電機等眾多電器零售企業雲集的秋葉原區域,對於吸引國內消費者與境外旅客購物腳步較慢的Bic Camera,轉而將目標擴展至女性客戶族群,希望藉此打造出新的營收驅動基礎,並突破電腦家電銷售業績低迷的困境。
Bic Camera AKIBA坐落於秋葉原中央大道,取代sofmap在秋葉原的旗艦店「秋葉原本館」。不同於Bic Camera過去的門市配置與經營模式,Bic Camera AKIBA一樓主要銷售日用品及日本特産,二層則以化粧品及美容家電為主,原本的主力銷售品項電腦與白色家電,則被配置在四樓以上進行展售,未來Bic Camera將持續開展新的店型,取代過去以家電銷售為主的門市經營。不過,根據日本經濟新聞報導,Bic Camera AKIBA 1號店開張當天仍多以外國遊客為主,亦有女性顧客對於店內商品陳列方式表達不滿。
雖然Bic Camera是否能兼顧家電銷售本業與新興消費需求仍是未知數,但可以看出,從電器街到日本次文化發源地,再到訪日遊客爆買集中地,經歷了層層蛻變的秋葉原正迎來新一波的轉型浪潮。由於訪日遊客爆買風潮趨緩,旅客消費重心轉向追求精緻服務與特色商品,加上秋葉原鄰近區域重新開發,辦公區域擴充帶來較以往更多的女性顧客,使當地商家為吸引各年齡層消費者的爭奪日趨激烈。2016年,秋葉原開設了以女性為主要目標族群的動漫周邊商品店舖、以及女性專用的膠囊旅館,Laox秋葉原總店亦計劃於近期開設化粧品銷售專櫃,以吸引更多女性客戶。顯見零售企業與整體商圈經營為吸引消費者正積極各變其法,由過去高度標準化與集中化的優勢展店策略,走向貼近客製化服務需求、提供高度彈性服務的特色化商圈經營。
smad 在 貓婆選物所 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【美國終於承認手術或化療後癌細胞反而加速擴散】 - 路透社報道
參考連結:Inhibition of TGF-β with neutralizing antibodies prevents radiation-induced acceleration of metastatic cancer progression
主持研究的卡洛斯.。啊特亞加博士補充說,可能還有其他物質與TGF-be-ta一樣對癌症的治療有類此的影響。他們希望通過對TGF-be-ta的研究得出更多結論。 以上訊息在10月8日的《參考訊息》報也有報導。
看來主張手術或放化療治療癌症的人,良心終於被發現了。 人類自從3000年前發明瞭藥物以來,200年前發現了抗生素,人類的疾病就更複雜,更多,更難治。
8、請癌症病人去新華書店購買《營養免疫學》陳昭妃癌症研究博士著,《不要讓不懂營養學的醫生殺了你》雷.D.斯全德醫學博士著。《別讓醫生殺了你》, 《食物是最好的醫生》,《醫生對你隱瞞了什麼》...等最新學科書籍。但是闡述得最完整最好的還是《營養免疫學》這本書。
9 四大基石裡的休息和運動促使免疫力提高。晚上安靜下來睡覺的時候,是人體內免疫細胞正在大量修復身體破損的細胞的時候,所以晚上也是最需要休息和營養的時候。
Inhibition of TGF-β with neutralizing antibodies prevents radiation-induced acceleration of metastatic cancer progression
We investigated whether TGF-β induced by anticancer therapies accelerates tumor progression. Using the MMTV/PyVmT transgenic model of metastatic breast cancer, we show that administration of ionizing radiation or doxorubicin caused increased circulating levels of TGF-β1 as well as increased circulating tumor cells and lung metastases. These effects were abrogated by administration of a neutralizing pan–TGF-β antibody. Circulating polyomavirus middle T antigen–expressing tumor cells did not grow ex vivo in the presence of the TGF-β antibody, suggesting autocrine TGF-β is a survival signal in these cells. Radiation failed to enhance lung metastases in mice bearing tumors that lack the type II TGF-β receptor, suggesting that the increase in metastases was due, at least in part, to a direct effect of TGF-β on the cancer cells. These data implicate TGF-β induced by anticancer therapy as a prometastatic signal in tumor cells and provide a rationale for the simultaneous use of these therapies in combination with TGF-β inhibitors.
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TGF-β is both a tumor suppressor and a tumor promoter. The TGF-β ligands bind to cognate serine/threonine kinase transmembrane receptors, which in turn phosphorylate and activate the Smad family of signal transducers. Once activated, Smad2 and Smad3 associate with Smad4 and translocate to the nucleus, where they regulate the transcription of genes involved in cell cycle arrest and apoptosis (1), essential for the tumor suppressor role of the TGF-βs. Indeed, loss or attenuation of TGF-β signaling in epithelial cells and stroma is permissive for epithelial cell transformation (2, 3). On the other hand, introduction of dominant-negative TGF-β receptors into metastatic cancer cells has been shown to inhibit epithelial-to-mesenchymal transdifferentiation, motility, invasiveness, and survival, supporting the tumor promoter role in TGF-β in fully transformed cells (reviewed in ref. 4). Most carcinomas retain TGF-β receptors but attenuate or lose the Smad-dependent antimitogenic effect while, in some cases, gaining prometastatic abilities in response to TGF-β. In addition, excess production and/or activation of TGF-β by cancer cells can contribute to tumor progression by paracrine mechanisms involving modulation of the tumor microenvironment (2, 5, 6). These data have provided a rationale in favor of blockade of autocrine/paracrine TGF-β signaling in human cancers with a therapeutic intent.
In addition to Smads, TGF-β can stimulate several transforming signaling pathways (7). TGF-β has previously been shown to protect transformed cells from apoptosis (8–10). One possible mechanism for this cellular response is TGF-β–induced activation of PI3K and its target, the serine-threonine kinase Akt (11, 12), a signaling program associated with resistance to anticancer drugs. Some tumors resistant to conventional anticancer chemotherapy overexpress TGF-βs (13, 14), and inhibitors of TGF-β have been shown to reverse this resistance (15). In addition, overexpression of TGF-β ligands have been reported in most cancers, and high levels of these in tumor tissues and/or serum are associated with early metastatic recurrences and/or poor patient outcome (16–21).
In transgenic models of breast cancer, TGF-β signaling enhances the metastatic progression of established mammary tumors induced by oncogenes such as Neu/ErbB2 or polyomavirus middle T antigen (PyVmT) (22–24). Furthermore, in transgenic mice expressing the PyVmT oncogene under the control of the MMTV/LTR mammary promoter, conditional induction of active TGF-β1 for as little as 2 weeks increases lung metastases by more than 10-fold (10). Some anticancer therapies have been shown to induce TGF-β systemically or in situ (25–28). Therefore, we speculated that in tumors resistant to anticancer therapies or in resistant subpopulations within those tumors, treatment-induced TGF-β would provide a survival signal to cancer cells potentially accelerating tumor progression immediately after therapy. Using the MMTV/PyVmT transgenic model of metastatic breast cancer, we show here that administration of ionizing radiation or doxorubicin caused increased circulating levels of TGF-β1 as well as increased circulating tumor cells and lung metastases. These effects were abrogated by administration of a neutralizing pan–TGF-β antibody. Radiation did not increase lung metastases in mice bearing tumors that lack the type II TGF-β receptor (TβRII). These data implicate TGF-β induced by anticancer therapy as a prometastatic signal in tumors and thus provide a rationale for the simultaneous use of these therapies in combination with TGF-β inhibitors.
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Thoracic radiation and chemotherapy increase circulating TGF-β1.
We administered 10 Gy to the thoraxes or pelvises of 8-week-old FVB virgin female mice. Blood was collected 24 hours after irradiation. We observed an approximate 2-fold increase in plasma TGF-β1 in irradiated mice over controls regardless of the site of radiation (thorax, P = 0.03; pelvis, P = 0.02; Figure Figure1A),1A), while TGF-β2 levels did not change (data not shown). Similar results were obtained in 8-week-old MMTV/PyVmT transgenic mice and in nontransgenic mice transplanted with MMTV/PyVmT tumor cells stably transfected with a luciferase expression vector (P = 0.015 and P = 0.007, respectively, versus controls; Figure Figure1B).1B). Levels of TGF-β1 remained higher than controls 7 days after radiation (data not shown). To expand these results to other anticancer therapies, we examined the effect of the DNA-intercalating agent and topoisomerase II inhibitor doxorubicin (Adriamycin). Transgenic mice were treated 3 times with doxorubicin (5 mg/kg i.p.) at 21-day intervals starting at week 8. In plasma collected on week 15, TGF-β1 was also elevated 2-fold compared with untreated mice (P = 0.009; Figure Figure1C),1C), whereas TGF-β2 levels remained constant. To measure activated TGF-β1 in the lung tissue harvested 5 weeks after radiation, we used a TGF-β1 bioassay that uses mink lung epithelial cells stably expressing a plasminogen activator inhibitor–1/luciferase reporter (PAI-1/luciferase reporter) (29). Tissue lysates from irradiated mouse lungs induced a 2-fold increase in active TGF-β1 compared with nonirradiated lung tissue lysates (P = 0.0008; Figure Figure1D). 1D).