

在 shied產品中有25篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅媽媽監督核電廠聯盟,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Radiation levels at Fukushima plant far worse than was thought(12/30/2020 The Asahi Shimbun日本朝日新聞) 最新測量解果顯示,日本福島一號核電廠受損反應爐的廠房放射性輻射濃度遠比原先估計的來得更高,工作人員只...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅新大 寶可夢遊戲實況,也在其Youtube影片中提到,您現在收看的是寶可夢劍盾直播,目前還困在大冒險出不來 目標是把裡面所有的神獸都刷完 :目 *********************** #寶可夢劍盾 #極巨大冒險 #精靈寶可夢 *********************** ● 若您喜歡我的直播風格,歡迎贊助我的頻道 https://w...

shied 在 Natalie ? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-03-14 06:27:24

I still remember a 13 y/o scrawny Natalie hitting @thebodyshop to get bronzer✨ so I could look like Rihanna in the SOS 🎵vid. Safe to say, my first i...

  • shied 在 媽媽監督核電廠聯盟 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-11 00:17:31
    有 37 人按讚

    Radiation levels at Fukushima plant far worse than was thought(12/30/2020 The Asahi Shimbun日本朝日新聞)



    福島核災十年了, 福島核電廠2,3號機輻射遠高過預期, 人員難以接近,即便是使用機械手臂也因超高的輻射線影響,使得機械工具的使用壽命異常短暫,根本無法正常作業,想要拆除反應爐並清除廠房內的高放射性污染廢棄物以及融化的核燃料棒殘渣,比原先預測的來得困難太多。

    日本政府的原子力規制委員會(Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) )指出最新量測到的反應爐廢墟周遭存在的超高濃度放射性輻射線對於福島一號核電廠廠區整體的除役以及除污復原工作造成“極端嚴重的挑戰”。

    日本政府的原子力規制委員會(Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) )指出在如此巨量的放射性輻射污染環境到附近待超過一個小時,人類就會因接觸過量輻射而致死,因此日本原子力規制委員會認為反應爐廢墟現場的實際狀況比早先擬定的除役清污計畫所想訂的還要還要艱困許多,因此原先擬定的廢爐除役清污計畫勢將需要重新評估重擬。

    基於最新測得的環境輻射濃度測量結果,以及廢爐除汙機械設備開發的進度比原先預估的時程發生延誤,日本東京電力在去年(2020)12月24 日宣布原先預定要在今年(2021)展開的反應爐廢墟清除熔燬的核燃料棒殘骸、碎片的除汙工程,將再度順延到2022年甚至更晚的時程。

    Radiation levels at Fukushima plant far worse than was thought(12/30/2020 The Asahi Shimbun日本朝日新聞)

    (By NORIHIKO KUWABARA/ Staff Writer)Exceedingly high radiation levels found inside crippled reactor buildings at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant were labeled by nuclear regulators as an “extremely serious” challenge to the shutdown process and overall decommissioning of the site.

    The Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) said a huge amount of radioactive materials apparently had attached to shield plugs of the containment vessels in the No. 2 and No. 3 reactors.

    Radiation levels were estimated at 10 sieverts per hour, a lethal dose for anyone who spends even an hour in the vicinity, according to experts.

    The finding would make it exceptionally difficult for workers to move the shield plugs, raising the prospect that the plan to decommission the reactors will have to be reassessed.

    Toyoshi Fuketa, chairman of the NRA, noted that removing the highly contaminated shield plugs added to the enormous difficulty of retrieving nuclear fuel debris, the most daunting part of the decommissioning process.

    “It appears that nuclear debris lies at an elevated place,” he said at a news conference earlier this month. “This will have a huge impact on the whole process of decommissioning work.”

    A shield plug, made of reinforced concrete, is circular in shape and measures about 12 meters in diameter.

    It has a triple-layer structure, with each layer about 60 centimeters thick. It is placed above the containment vessel like a lid on the top floor of a reactor building.

    The shield plug blocks radiation from the reactor core at normal times.

    When nuclear fuels need to be replaced, workers remove a shield plug to gain access to the interior of the containment vessel.

    In a study that resumed in September after about a five-year hiatus, the NRA carried out fresh measurements of radiation levels in the vicinity of the shield plugs of the No. 2 and No. 3 reactors.

    The study was undertaken following investigations by Tokyo Electric Power Co., operator of the plant, and other entities, which had shown extraordinary levels of radiations there.

    The NRA’s study found that the amount of radioactive cesium 137 was estimated at 20-40 petabecquerels between the space between the top and middle layers of the shied plug of the No. 2 reactor.

    That works out to more than 10 sieverts per hour based on readings of radiation levels nearby. Radiation at such levels can kill a person if they are exposed for an hour, according to experts.

    The estimated figure was 30 petabecquerels for the No. 3 reactor.

    In the triple meltdown triggered by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster, the shield plug of the No. 1 reactor slipped out of place and was damaged by a hydrogen explosion that occurred at the reactor building.

    As larger amounts of cesium 137 leaked from the No. 1 reactor through the damaged plug, the amount of the radioactive material attached to its shield plug was estimated at 0.16 petabecquerels, considerably lower than for the No. 2 and No. 3 reactors.

    In contrast, the shield plugs for the No. 2 and No. 3 reactors remained relatively unscathed, blocking a huge amount of radioactive substances that leaked from their containment vessels from escaping into the atmosphere, according to the NRA.

    TEPCO announced Dec. 24 that the removal of nuclear fuel debris will be postponed to 2022 or later, rather than the initially scheduled 2021, due to a delay in the development of equipment to carry out the work.

    Radiation levels at Fukushima plant far worse than was thought(12/30/2020 The Asahi Shimbun日本朝日新聞)


  • shied 在 無待堂 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-09-21 19:53:55
    有 79 人按讚

    (Please scroll down for English)















    9月18日 下午6時40分 (辦公完結時間為下午6時)






    ❗️Disclaimer: The opinion expressed in the statement issued by The Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration (OFNAA) does not reflect the views of the director and the production team.

    The Tug of War with the OFNAA over “Taking back the Legislature" + "Inside the Red Brick Wall".

    Although “Taking back the Legislature" and "Inside the Red Brick Wall" have not shied away from controversy, yet the production crew have always strived to objectively capture every social movement against all odds, and the films have received a wide swath of responses since their release.

    Nevertheless, the OFNAA has gone out of their way to coerce the directors into making statements against their wills. When failed to oblige, they could face having their works barred from screening by the OFNAA with whatever administrative reasons they might come up with.

    Therefore, Ying E Chi hereby express our strong discontent to the following actions of the OFNAA:
    1. Force the films to be edited under the pretext of protecting everyone, but in fact, only to protect their own interest
    2. Request an announcement to be made at the beginning of the film, yet refused to be declared as the one who demanded the announcement
    3. Overturn the previous certificate issued by the OFNAA with unspecified reason
    4. Fail to issue the certificate on time as promised, whilst shifting the responsibility to the applicant

    The statement required by the OFNAA is as follows:
    “Taking back the Legislature”:
    “This film records the serious incident of the storming of the Legislative Council Complex on 1 July 2019. Some of those depictions or acts may constitute criminal offences under prevailing laws.”

    “Inside the Red Brick Wall:
    “This film records the serious incidents at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and nearby areas in November 2019. Some of those depictions or acts may constitute criminal offences under prevailing laws. Some of the contents of or commentaries in the film may be unverified or misleading.”

    Here is how the negotiation between Ying E Chi and the OFNAA unfolds:

    Ying E Chi filed an application for a Certificate of Approval for the old version of “Taking back the Legislature" + "Inside the Red Brick Wall".

    7/8/2020 (A month after the National Security Law was enacted)
    The first time Ying E Chi were notified by the OFNAA that a warning issued by them must be added at the beginning of the film. Ying E Chi then categorically declared that since the content of the warning does not reflect the will of the director, the films will not be edited as a result. The OFNAA responded by saying the administrative procedure might be delayed if their instructions have not been followed.

    3/9/2020 (About 2 months after the National Security Law was enacted)
    Ying E Chi handed in the application again with a new version of the films including the warning statement as requested, indicating that the warning is issued by the OFNAA.

    Ying E Chi were informed by the OFNAA to remove the statement at the beginning of the film as it does not belong to the film. Ying E Chi responded by calling out the absurdity of such request, as the OFNAA ought not to ask the films to be edited before they even review the whole film. Yet again the OFNAA demanded the changes to be made since it might cause a delay in the reviewing process.

    As a result, Ying E Chi submitted a new version at the first instance at the request of the OFNAA.

    Ying E Chi phoned in to enquire about the application procedure, since the application was made on the 3 Sep, so the Certificate of Approval should be issued on 17 Sep. However, the OFNAA replied that the Certificate of Approval would in fact not be granted this week for they claimed to have received the updated version on 11 Sep, so they could only have begun the reviewing process officially on the 14th, and thus the earliest time the certificate could be issued would be 21 Sep. (Note: Despite the official application date listed on the application form was 3 Sep, the OFNAA still tried to avoid the responsibility caused by their sluggish bureaucratic process.

    18/9/2020 6.40pm (Office Hour ends at 6pm)
    The OFNAA informed Ying E Chi that a statement PROVIDED by them must be included at the start of the film, and the new version must be handed in on 21 Sep, otherwise the Certificate of Approval would not be issued on the day of the screening. Ying E Chi again requested to indicate the OFNAA as the one who issued the statement, and that the certificate should be granted on screening day. The OFNAA, however, rejected to be identified as the one who issued such a statement, and insisted that all amendments can only be made subject to their approvals and requirements. At the time, Ying E Chi were informed that the Certificate of Approval obtained for the old version of “ Taking back the Legislature" + "Inside the Red Brick Wall" could no longer be used, as there cannot be two certificates for both old version and the updated version. (Ying E Chi, are deeply confounded by this sudden decision, but the OFNAA has failed to offer any clarifications.)

    Not only have Ying E Chi just received the certificate on the day of the screening from OFNAA, but at the same time we have been notified that "Inside the Red Brick Wall” has been classified as a Category III Film, and therefore need to make the refund arrangements.

    We are profoundly sorry about the inconvenience caused.

    It is not the wish of Ying E Chi and Hong Kong Documentary Filmmakers to set the wrong example for the industry, yet we would hate to have the truth to be buried by the Hong Kong Government or to let those in power rewrite the history. Ying E Chi have compromised for this instance in order to facilitate this screening, we, nevertheless, will keep on protesting, so please spread the words and make our story known. Thank you for continuing to support Hong Kong films, and from now on please do not be misled by any bizarre statements in movies and misunderstand the directors.

    *Note: Under the Film Censorship Ordinance (Cap 392), a film intended for exhibition in Hong Kong at any public place has to be submitted to the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration for prior approval. Failing to comply with such requirement may constitute a criminal offence.

  • shied 在 Yu-Ming Huang Illustration 黃昱銘 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-04-17 20:48:05
    有 45 人按讚



    然後星期三晚上十點草稿就一次審核通過,並於星期四晚上九點繳交完稿也是一次通過!真的非常感謝藝術總監的邀稿,而且他還說跟我合作也太輕鬆容易了吧! 哈哈哈

    其實在上個星期,一個之前合作的華盛頓郵報藝術總監在他的instagram上面發了一個即時動態,詢問有哪位插畫師能夠在「一天到兩天內」完成一張插畫,我就隨性地回他— 「我啊!」,然後這星期就被另一個藝術總監邀稿了。

    在插畫市場上,速度其實就是優勢,如何迅速解讀文章並且畫的快又讓客戶滿意就是基本訓練。而這些也在我與 Hahow 好學校 合作的課程中有提到,課程中還有更多成為專業插畫師的眉角和實用資訊,想了解可以去報名喔!

    🌟課程網址:https://hahow.in/cr/ymhartsop 🌟

    #插畫 #插畫家 #插畫師 #教育 #學習 #學校沒教的事 #illustration #角色設計 #美國教育 #專業教育 #留學

  • shied 在 新大 寶可夢遊戲實況 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-11 12:30:00


    目標是把裡面所有的神獸都刷完 :目


    #寶可夢劍盾 #極巨大冒險 #精靈寶可夢


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    2020-06-05 12:17:22

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  • shied 在 HEYMAN LAM Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-07-06 20:15:01

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    Products Mentioned:

    1. IPSA - Protector Daytime Shied EX SPF50 PA++++

    * * 2. Mentholatum - Lip Magic Color(01) *

    3. IPSA - 極致透光粉底液 SPF25 PA++*

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    10. NARS - Wanted Eyeshadow Palette

    11. Helena Rubinstein - Lash Queen Feline Elegance Mascara*

    12. Clio - Kill black eyeliner
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    Items with (**)= paid to mention
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