

在 self-exploration產品中有26篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🧚🏻 原來真正愛你的人 是推不走的♥️ 原來你們一直都在 是我把自己藏起來了 but now I'm back y‘all~ 🤟🏻🤪 #sisters #realfriends #loveisallaround #greatcatchingupwithfriends #gladtohaveyou...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅Sleeping with Your Teacher,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Sleeping WIth Your Teacher Episode 73: ”Self-Exploration" 跟老師上床第七十三集:性向探索 Please follow 子平 Casper: https://www.instagram.com/casper_y_0715/ Casper's ...

  • self-exploration 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-19 10:11:06
    有 6,045 人按讚

    but now I'm back y‘all~ 🤟🏻🤪

    #sisters #realfriends #loveisallaround
    #greatcatchingupwithfriends #gladtohaveyou #somuchfun
    #rebuilding #lifelessons ♥️

    It’s been a crazy year! So glad I can finally find time to see and catch up with some close friends lately. Can’t believe the last time I saw @sammkoling was 7 months ago. This crazy lady been doing lots of travelling and self exploration, happy for you!
    It’s so great we can all walk our own paths in life and chase our dreams, then to reunite and share our stories with each other.
    #repost from @rahrahsong

  • self-exploration 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-07 13:27:25
    有 450 人按讚

    Our latest episode of the all-English podcast Between Here & There, we are joined by Jane W. Wang, a self-actualization coach for “third-culture” people. What third culture means is the hybrid of two separate cultures that one may experience growing up. That means all of us here in this photo. In this episode, Jane helps us understand our cross-cultural identities and gives us some constructs to understand ourselves better as people who will always feel “between here and there” Where do we belong? How do we navigate conflicting cultural values? Is there a "right" way to communicate? What is “cultural intelligence?”

    Jane is a very compassionate and insightful coach with a rich personal journey of self exploration. You can find out more about her on her personal website:


    Looking at this group photo does make me a bit wistful, as this was taken right after our interview which happened about a month ago, when we were all still talking about Taiwan as ‘the luckiest place to be’ and when we can be outside without a mask mandate. It’s interesting to listen to the episode now in light of all that’s happened recently, but it makes some of Jane’s messages even more relevant.

    Check out our talk here:

    Apple Podcasts: https://bit.ly/bht-apple
    Spotify: https://bit.ly/bht-spotify
    Google: https://bit.ly/bht-google

  • self-exploration 在 女子健心室 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-10 11:00:15
    有 15 人按讚

    東方的思想家 #老子 曾說:「知人者智,自知者明」。當你能一眼看出在你面前的是怎樣的人,是一種智慧;然而更高層次的清明智慧是 #自知者 也就是充分認識自己的人。西方的思想家 #尼采 也說過:「聰明的人只要能掌握自己,便什麼也不會失去。」

    許多的盲目追求、人生充滿許多的苦痛煩惱與不順遂,或是找不到生活的意義⋯⋯,都可能源自於 #不夠了解自己 。 我們每個人都有能力成為充滿反省能力的 #生活哲學家,當你能開始 #有意識地 對自己的想法、行為、生活提出一些問題,開始有所覺察與發現,雖然可能無法馬上得出一個對的答案,卻能使我們 #擺脫成見與慣性的制約,進而 #擴展我們的思考境界與視野。

    這樣的生活哲學思考,能幫助你活得愈來愈清晰明白,愈能自在地活出真實的自己,掌握自己。不只是單純地 #活著,而是 #活出意義 💃

    這張參考來自 @thefabstory 的金字塔圖,很棒地解釋了想要掌握自我,由最底層一直到最高層的過程:自我覺察(Self-aware) 👉🏻 自我探索 (Self-exploration)👉🏻 自我了解(Self-understanding) 👉🏻 自我疼愛 (Self-love)👉🏻 自我蛻變 (Self-transformation)👉🏻 自我主宰(Self-mastery)👑



    💛Apple Podcast⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
    💛Pocket Casts⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
    💛Google Podcast⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
    👯‍♀️加入社團交流: 臉書搜尋 🔍女子健心室|陪妳健身也健心⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
    #心靈 #哲學 #身心靈 #療癒 #覺醒 #覺察 #自我覺察 #愛自己 #正能量

  • self-exploration 在 Sleeping with Your Teacher Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-10-13 19:47:50

    Sleeping WIth Your Teacher Episode 73: ”Self-Exploration" 跟老師上床第七十三集:性向探索

    Please follow 子平 Casper:
    Casper's new song:
    The City of Broken Souls

    The purpose of the show is to compare view points from two generations of gay people.

    This is a channel that has zero tolerance for internet gay bullying. Any comments that are unfriendly to LGBT community will be deleted.

    Please follow me on:
    ✔ I N S T A G R A M https://www.instagram.com/teachershen55/
    ✔ F A C E B O O K https://www.facebook.com/teachershen5
    ✔ E M A I L francisshen@hotmail.com

  • self-exploration 在 那些電影教我的事 Lessons from Movies Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2017-08-03 20:15:16


    Change requires courage, persistence requires faith; with heart you can let go, with wisdom you can move on.

    猩球崛起:終極決戰 (War for the Planet of the Apes), 2017

    大家好,今天要介紹給大家的,是猩球崛起系列中的第三集,《猩球崛起:終極決戰》War for the Planet of the Apes。







