#1The Power of Self-Explanation - learning at Northeastern
Self -explanation is similar to elaborative interrogation, but the prompts can be more varied. This strategy involves learners explaining a task or concept while ...
#2Self-Explanation, An Instructional Strategy to Foster Clinical ...
Self -explanation (SE) is a learning technique in which students explain to themselves pieces of a learning material for the purpose of improving their ...
#3Self-explanation is a powerful learning technique, according ...
Self -explanation is a powerful learning technique, according to meta-analysis of 64 studies involving 6000 participants ... It is better to ask a ...
If someone tells you that a software product is self-explanatory, or that a diagram or chart is self-explanatory, that usually means the thing is obvious.
#5Self-explanation for studying | SFU Library
In self-explanations, learners describe why a concept or idea is important and how it relates to their prior knowledge (Larsen et al., 2013).
#6Self-explanation - The Science of Learning to Learn
Self -explanation involves explaining new information in order to make sense of it. In general, your learning improves if you are actively trying to make sense ...
#7Elaboration as Self-explanation - The Learning Scientists
Self -explanation involves students trying to explain concepts to themselves in their heads. It has most often been studied in physics and math.
#8Self-Explanation (& Think-Alouds) | ablconnect
The self-explanation effect has been studied since the 1980s, and has been examined in many disciplines, e.g. chemistry, biology, mathematics and nursing, ...
#9Self-Explanation - Taking Learning Seriously
Self -explanation involves trying to make sense of new information by relating it to what you already know and making inferences to fill in any missing ...
#10Self-explanatory Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of SELF-EXPLANATORY is explaining itself : capable of being understood without explanation. How to use self-explanatory in a sentence.
#11Effects of Self-Explaining on Learning and Transfer of Critical ...
Moreover, self-explaining might stimulate students to stop and think about new problem-solving strategies (Siegler, 2002) with engagement in ...
#12What is self-explanation and how does it work? | Tes Magazine
What is self-explanation exactly, how does it work as a learning strategy and can it be even more effective than teacher explanation?
#13Self explanation training | Department of Mathematics Education
Self -explanation training has been shown to help students in many subjects improve their comprehension of academic texts. The version available here has been ...
#14is self explanatory - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"is self explanatory" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#15Learning by Self-Explanation, with Application to Neural ...
Learning by self-explanation is an effective learning technique in human learning, where students explain a learned topic to themselves for ...
#16Self‐Explanations: How Students Study and Use Examples in ...
The present paper analyzes the self-generated explanations (from talk-aloud protocols) that “Good” and “Poor” students produce while studying worked-out ...
#17The self-explanation principle in multimedia learning
Self -explanation prompts are supposed to encourage the learner to engage in meaningful learning activities, such as linking new information about problem cases ...
#18Self-Explanation: A Good Reading Strategy for Bad Texts ...
Self -explanation is a proven reading technique anyone can use to help tackle technical text and other difficult material.
#19Benefits of Self-explanation in Introductory Programming
One approach for helping students learn to program is the use of self-explanation assignments. In these assignments, students explain instructional ...
#20Is self-explanation worth the time? A comparison to additional ...
Aims: In the current study, we compared the effectiveness of self-explanation prompts to the effectiveness of solving additional practice problems (to ...
#21Self-explanation during revision - InnerDrive Blogs
Asking yourself questions about what you've learnt and explaining the answers to yourself can help you learn better. Find out about self-explanation...
#22Eliciting Self-Explanations Improves Understanding
Learning involves the integration of new information into existing knowledge. Generating explanations to oneself (self-explaining) facilitates that ...
#23A Model of the Self-Explanation Effect - jstor
processes of self-explanation and to understand why they enhance learning. Protocols from the Chi et al. (1989) study were reanalyzed, and several learning ...
#24Supporting Self-Explanation in an Open-Ended Domain
Self -explanation has been used successfully in teaching Mathematics and Physics to facilitate deep learning. We are interested in investigating whether ...
#25A Comparison of Self-Explanation and Elaborative Interrogation
The purpose of the present study was to examine the effectiveness of two learning strategies, self-explanation and elaborative interrogation, ...
#26SELF-EXPLAINING – Hybrid Instruction Toolkit – UW–Madison
DESCRIPTION. Self-Explaining is based on the theory that when students explain out loud what they are doing while completing a learning task, ...
#27Exploring Prompted Self-Explanation in the Context of Second ...
prompted self-explanation as a potential tool for assessing student efficacy in English grammar concepts with students undergoing a vocational training ...
#28Self-explanatory definition and meaning - Collins Dictionary
Something that is self-explanatory is clear and easy to understand without needing any extra information or explanation. I hope the graphs on the following ...
#29Self-Explanation in Adaptive Systems - IEEE Xplore
Since self-adaptive system requirements may themselves be emergent, a means needs to be found to explain the current behaviour of the system and the reasons ...
#30[PDF] Eliciting Self-Explanations Improves Understanding
It is shown that self-explanation can also be facilitative when it is explicitly promoted, in the context of learning declarative knowledge from an ...
#31Self-Explanation Strategies in Undergraduate Students
Self -Explanation Strategies in Undergraduate Students. Mei-Chi Chen, professor of National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C..
#32Elaboration / Self-explanation - Study Smart
When using the strategy 'elaboration' or 'self-explanation', you need to connect new information to information you already knew, for example, to explain ...
#33Self-Explanation Prompts on Problem-Solving Performance in ...
Self -explanation refers to a reflective activity explaining to oneself a learning material in order to understand facts from the material or to repair ...
#34Self-Explanation in the Learning Process - Smartick
Today we will talk about the chapter which focuses on self-explanation which is the self-reflection that takes place when you are reading or ...
#35self-explanation 中文 - 查查在線詞典
self -explanation中文:[網絡] 自我解釋;自我解釋法;自我解釋的…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋self-explanation的中文翻譯,self-explanation的發音,音標, ...
#36Learning Theory: Elaboration and Self-Explanation Definition
or memories and explaining/describing concepts in greater detail. Effect: Elaborative interrogation and self-explanation enhance learning.
#37Self Explanation by Brain Waves Music Academy on Amazon Music ...
Check out Self Explanation by Brain Waves Music Academy on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon.com.
#38self-explanatory在線翻譯- 英語 - 海词词典
self -explanatory的英文翻譯是什麼意思,詞典釋義與在線翻譯:. 英英釋義. Adjective: needing no explanation. self-explanatory的用法和樣例:. 例句.
#39What is Self-Explanation and Reading Strategy Trainer (SERT)
Definition of Self-Explanation and Reading Strategy Trainer (SERT): Pedagogy uses five strategies to help students become a better reader.
#40Self-Explanation and Reading Strategy Training (SERT ... - ERIC
self -explanation reading training (SERT) to college students' course exam ... to self-explain and use comprehension strategies allowed low-knowledge ...
#41Explaining to yourself can be a powerful mechanism for learning
These early demonstrations of the “self-explanation effect” kick-started a productive line of research in educational psychology (Chiu & Chi, 2014), ...
#42Self-Explanation, Interleaved Practice, and Other Learning ...
Self -explanation – in some cases it can be helpful to come up with explanations, in your own words, of to-be- learned concepts or ideas.
#43Let's Get to Work with Productive Learning Strategies: Self ...
Self -explaining as productive learning strategy means that while studying/learning you're asked or required to explain to yourself what ...
#44Training in Self-Explanation and Self-Regulation Strategies ...
Previous research has found positive correlations between particular strategies students use while studying to explain instructional ...
#45Inducing Self-Explanation: a Meta-Analysis
Because self-explanation could be an effect rather than a cause of learning, observational data showing better learning outcomes for learners who self-explain ...
#46synonyms for self-explanatory - Thesaurus.com
Find 7 ways to say SELF-EXPLANATORY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
#47Is Self-Explanation Always Better? The Effects of Adding Self ...
The Effects of Adding Self-Explanation. Prompts to an English Grammar Tutor. Ruth Wylie ([email protected]). Human-Computer Interaction Institute, ...
#48Effects of Segmentation and Self-Explanation Designs on ...
Keywords: instructional video, multimedia learning design principle, segmentation, self-explanation, cognitive load. INTRODUCTION.
#49Focused self-explanation prompts and segmenting foster pre ...
Second, providing self-explanation prompts supports the learner in integrating new information with prior knowledge, with focused prompts that ...
#50Self-explaining effect in general chemistry instruction: eliciting ...
Self -explaining refers to the generation of inferences about causal connections between objects and events. In science, this may be summarised as making ...
#51Elaboration + Self Explanation - TeacherToolkit
Elaboration + Self Explanation. Free. This resource offers two techniques for teachers to try with students when using retrieval exercises to ...
#52Enhancing learning through self-explanation - CiteSeerX
Abstract: Self-explanation is an effective teaching/learning strategy that has been used in several intelligent tutoring systems in the domains of ...
#53ERRR #044. Alexander Renkl on self-explanation - Ollie Lovell
In this eposide of the ERRR podcast I speak with Alexander Renkl about self-explanation. That is, the role that students' internal dialogues ...
#54Self-explanatory - Wikipedia
Wikipedia does not currently have an article on "self-explanatory", but our sister project Wiktionary does: Read the Wiktionary entry on "self-explanatory".
#55Self-explanations: How students study and use examples in ...
We then discuss the role of self-explanations in facilitating problem solving, as well as the adequacy of current AI models of explanation-based learning to ...
#56Why You Should Add Self-Explanation Questions to Multiple ...
To help promote deeper understanding it can be beneficial to ask learners to “self-explain” a reason for an answer.
#57Self-explanatory Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
Self -explanatory definition, explaining itself; needing no explanation; obvious. See more.
#58The Self-Explanation Effect | Chaco Canyon Consulting
In the learning context, self-explanation is the act of explaining to oneself what one is learning. Self-explanation has been shown to ...
#59Learning by constructing self-explanation diagrams
The self-explanation effect (whereby students generate explanations to themselves as they are studying) has been shown to enhance learning in many domains.
#60Self-explanation - LearnLab
Also see Chi, M.T.H., et al (1989).Self-explanations: How students study and use examples in learning to solve problems. Cognitive Science, 15, ...
#61Self-Explanation Training for Mathematics Students
Using the self-explanation strategy has been shown to substantially improve students' comprehension of mathematical proofs. Try to use it every time you read a ...
自我解釋(self-explanation)這個名詞最早在1989 年被提出(Chi et al., 1989),學者認為. 是一種口語調節思考的動態過程,在自我解釋的過程中學習者反思自己的 ...
#63SELF-EXPLANATORY (adjective) definition and synonyms
Definition of SELF-EXPLANATORY (adjective): easy to understand without explanations.
#64A Self-Explaining Architecture for Neural Text Classifiers
We introduce SELFEXPLAIN, a novel self- explaining model that explains a text classi- fier's predictions using phrase-based concepts.
#65Self-Explanation: Explain What You're Thinking! - Schoolink
Self -explanation is exactly what it sounds like, explaining problems and the process of solving these problems two yourself.
#66Enhancing Learning from Different Visualizations by Self ...
The purpose of the two experiments was to investigate the potential effects of different types of visualizations and self-explanation prompts on learning ...
#67What Natural Language Processing Can Tell Us - EasyChair
Abstract. Self-explanation is designed to increase coherence by encouraging students to activate prior knowledge, generate inferences, ...
#68The Design of Self-explanation Prompts: The Fit Hypothesis
The Design of Self-explanation Prompts: The Fit Hypothesis. 2009. Author(s): Gershman, Sophia;; Hausmann, Robert;; Nokes, Timothy;; VanLehn, Kurt.
#69Performance, Self-Explanation, and Agency
Social constructionist explanations of human thought and behavior hold that our representations produce and regulate the categories, thoughts, and behaviors ...
#70Learning through self-explaining - simpleshow video maker
Self -explaining significantly improves learning. Students seem to gain more knowledge and organize the knowledge more effectively.
#71Self-explanation | English to Arabic | Education / Pedagogy
Self -explanation is an effective teaching/learning strategy that has been used in several intelligent tutoring systems in the domains of ...
#72Self Explanation And Practice Testing - 1365 Words | Bartleby
Dunlosky, Rawson, Marsh, Nathan & Willingham (2013) composed a research article, exploring ten main studying techniques including highlighting, self-explanation ...
#73S is for Self-Explanation Serves Learning - ClassrooMechanics
Wonder why? It might be because they use a neuro strategy of self-explanation that serves their learning and improves comprehension!
INSTRUCTION BASED ON SELF-EXPLANATION ; Edition 1st Edition ; First Published 2010 ; Imprint Routledge ; Pages 26 ; eBook ISBN 9780203839089.
#75Self-Explanation and Explanatory Feedback in Games
International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology · Self-Explanation and Explanatory Feedback in Games: Individual Differences, Gameplay, ...
#76Investigating the Impact of Integrating Self-explanation into an ...
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of integrating self-explanation principles [2] into a digital game-based environment on the students' ...
#77A Concept for Self-Explanation of Macro-Level Behaviour in ...
Such self-explaining be- haviour needs to answer the questions of when, what and how explanations should be provided to the user. We review exist-.
#78What is self-explanatory? - Quora
' Self-explanatory' means ' understandable without explanation; self-evident' . When a written material needs not help for understanding, you can say that it's ...
#79Learning Benefits of Self Explanation: Time on Task or ...
Self -explanation prompts will result in greater procedural knowledge in familiar and novel ... Self-explanation will be most beneficial for student learning.
#80Self-explanation to support knowledge development...
Background: Self-explanation (SE) used as a learning strategy with clinical cases, can benefit medical clerks' diagnostic performance.
#81ERRR #044. Alexander Renkl on Self-explanation
Play ERRR #044. Alexander Renkl on Self-explanation by Ollie Lovell on desktop and mobile. Play over 265 million tracks for free on ...
#82Self-explanation is often more effective than presenting ...
Self -explanation is a process by which students use prior knowledge to make inferences ... were directed or prompted to self-explain during a learning task, ...
#84Michelene Th Chi, What is self-explanation? - PhilPapers
What is self-explanation? Michelene Th Chi. In Gale M. Sinatra & Paul R. Pintrich (eds.), Intentional Conceptual Change. L. Erlbaum ...
#85Scaffolding Self-Explanation to Improve Learning in ...
Scaffolding Self-Explanation to Improve Learning in. Exploratory Learning Environments. Andrea Bunt, Cristina Conati and Kasia Muldner.
#86Self-explaining - The Free Dictionary
Explaining itself; capable of being understood without explanation. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co. Want to thank ...
#87SELF-EXPLAINING | Meaning & Definition for UK English
Able to be understood without explanation; that explains itself, self-explanatory. Pronunciation. self-explaining. /ˌsɛlfɪkˈspleɪnɪŋ/ /ˌsɛlfɛkˈspleɪnɪŋ/ ...
#88Self-Explanation in Training
Self -explanation is “a process by which learners generate inferences about causal connections or conceptual relationships” (Bisra et al., ...
#89Advancing the Design of Self-Explanation Prompts for ...
inference followed by integration) and level (low vs. middle vs. high) in self-explanation prompts on both cognitive load and learning outcomes. To achieve this ...
#90Self Explanatory - NBC News
Self Explanatory · The cruel truth is Brexit's broken promises provide less independence, not more. James Rodgers Jan. 1, 2021 / 1:31 AM PST.
#91Best 25 synonyms for self-explanatory - Thesaurus
Synonyms for SELF-EXPLANATORY: unequivocal, plain-as-the-nose-on-one-s-face, plain as day, obvious, open, visible, clear-as-crystal, clear; Antonyms for ...
#922.3 (Self-)explanation - TECFA
This effect is known in the cognitive science literature as the self-explanation effect. Chi et al [6] showed that asking students to explain aloud some ...
#93Extending the Self-Explanation Effect to Second Language ...
Citation: Wylie, R., Koedinger, K., & Mitamura, T. (2010). Extending the Self-Explanation Effect to Second Language Grammar Learning. In Gomez, K., ...
#94Self explanation
Self explanation. Elaboration – a key study strategy. Feynman: “If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.” What is it?
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