

在 self-conceit產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, I freaking love the woman in my mirror. She looks and smiles at me with so much love and compassion. She is me. I love this body of mine and how it ha...


self-conceit 在 Bubz Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-02-08 19:38:10

I freaking love the woman in my mirror. She looks and smiles at me with so much love and compassion. She is me. I love this body of mine and how it ha...

  • self-conceit 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-05 17:58:51
    有 761 人按讚

    I freaking love the woman in my mirror. She looks and smiles at me with so much love and compassion. She is me. I love this body of mine and how it has grown and healed after every bruise, cut and scrape. This very body brought my two children into the world who give me so much joy. I love my legs and feet for taking me where I need to go. I love my hands that allow me to draw, paint, sculpt, cook, clean and do all the things I love (and need). I don’t just love my exterior because it’s me, I also love what’s within too. I am thankful for my awkward sense of humour. I love my passion for creativity to allow me to learn and be inspired constantly. I love my ability to always find a silver lining. Above all, I know I am resilient and full of love. Self love and self conceit are different. While conceit comes from fear and ego, self care comes from love. It is accepting and having compassion for all that you are. After all, you are with you all the time so no wonder they say the most important relationship you have is with yourself. Be your own cheerleader. There is POWER in your words. I am proud of the woman I am and becoming. I will continue to love and care for her because SHE IS ME and this body will never stop protecting me until the very last heartbeat. Thank you ME for all that you do. I will celebrate you every single day. #bubzcomics #webtoon #selflove #selflovequotes #inspirational #feelgood #itsbubz #lindytsang #comics #iloveme

  • self-conceit 在 Firdaus Wong Wai Hung Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-07-23 11:19:01
    有 565 人按讚


    When we first saw him, we thought he was the simple "mosque caretaker". He would walk around the Masjid in Damascus daily, pouring all the worshippers glasses of water until the sun would set. This is despite his old age and the greyness of his beard.

    When he came towards me, I humbly declined to accept water from him. This was mostly due to my ignorance and young age, but he just stood there waiting for me as he uttered verses of the Quran. Out of shyness, I then signalled for him to pour me a cup as I smiled to my friend next to me.

    I said to the man “May Allah reward you, being the mosque caretaker is a virtuous job”.

    The man walked off smiling as he continued to pour glasses of water to the mosque attendees.

    My friend then looked at me giggling and said “That man that just poured you a glass of water is no mosque caretaker."

    "He is a Hafith of the Quran, who has memorised the ten different dialects with a strong chain. He is also a renowned poet, calligraphy artist and French teacher."

    "More importantly, he is great Islamic Legal Jurist and Scholar who has students from around the world who come from the farthest of lands to read under him. Have you not heard of Shaykh Shukri Al Luhfi?!”.

    I was immediately overcome by a strong feeling of embarrassment and just sat there completely ashamed for how I had judged the Shaykh previously. I wanted to return to the Shaykh, but he was busy continuing to pour people glasses of water until the sun had set.

    I had always thought that such scholars and people of knowledge were meant to be elevated in high positions, no where to be seen amongst common people. But when I had seen this Shaykh, I realised what true knowledge and scholarship teaches. Truly the more knowledge you learn the more humble you should become.

    May Allah increase us all in humility and remove pride, ego and self-conceit from our hearts. Ameen.

    [Original Post from Ahmed Homeedi Saeed]

  • self-conceit 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • self-conceit 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • self-conceit 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

