

在 sediments產品中有28篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,000的網紅詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #周末愉快! 跟小欣姐去試新餐廳!試咗新開係中環嘅 #純素食 餐廳 #MaVeganRestaurant。先嚟一杯好fruity 嘅Strawberry Burst雞尾酒接福,跟住再嚟一杯香檳去開始午餐,跟住仲試埋 #零酒精有氣酒,佢哋個wine list當然有vegan wine啦!咩係 #Ve...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過386的網紅明仔,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Director | Keung Szeto Tung Ping Chau Layer upon layer of rock form a bewildering structure. The strata looks just like a huge book, guarding great m...

sediments 在 Cecilia Wong 黃詩詩(詩詩酒樂園) Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-03-03 21:35:32

#周末愉快! 跟小欣姐去試新餐廳!試咗新開係中環嘅 #純素食 餐廳 #MaVeganRestaurant。先嚟一杯好fruity 嘅Strawberry Burst雞尾酒接福,跟住再嚟一杯香檳去開始午餐,跟住仲試埋 #零酒精有氣酒,佢哋個wine list當然有vegan wine啦!咩係 #Veg...

  • sediments 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-02-27 18:11:22
    有 76 人按讚

    #周末愉快! 跟小欣姐去試新餐廳!試咗新開係中環嘅 #純素食 餐廳 #MaVeganRestaurant。先嚟一杯好fruity 嘅Strawberry Burst雞尾酒接福,跟住再嚟一杯香檳去開始午餐,跟住仲試埋 #零酒精有氣酒,佢哋個wine list當然有vegan wine啦!咩係 #VeganWine? 即係造酒過程中不使用動物物質作澄清劑(Fining agents),如蛋白(蛋清)、魚油等清除雜質,然後進行過濾。食物方面,法藉大廚Tina好有創意,我試咗Vegan魚子醬、鵝肝、田螺、帶子等,好似呀!😋😋 #Cheers! 🎊🎉🥳🥂😋
    #HappyWeekend! So happy to join Cha Eileen for lunch & tried the newly opened @Ma Vegan Restaurant in Central. Started with Strawberry Burst Cocktail and then a glass of champagne to start our lunch. I also tried a glass of zero alcohol sparkling wine! U can also find some vegan wine on their wine list. What’s vegan wine? They are wines made without animal products (fining agents) to do the fining process in wine production (e.g. egg white or fish oil) to filter the sediments. As for food, French head chef Tina is very creative! I’ve tried vegan caviar, Foie Gras, escargot & scallops! They look & taste alike! So real! 😋😋 #Cheers! 🎊🎉🥳🥂😋
    #ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園 #weekendvibes #foodandwine #vegan MA and The Seeds of Life

  • sediments 在 羅展鵬 /Lo Chan Peng Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-08-27 19:27:25
    有 158 人按讚

    Painting in Layers
    Jan van Eyck is a representative artist and he also perfected the oil painting system. Influenced by the system, Titian extended his painting method with Glazing.
    Painting in Layers, as the name implies, must have a lot of "layers". Between each layer, the painting requires a long wait time for drying. The transparency and opacity between each layer are interlaced, resulting in interesting optical and physical color mixing, which is different from that of the 14th and 15th century when the pigments were in short supply. We can do a lot more between each layer, because we have a great deal of choices now.
    Through the online oil painting course productions this time, I revisited and practiced Painting in Layers. In fact, technical aspects in art have always been the least important. However, I understand what most of you are interested in, regarding my
    oil painting course. I will progress slowly in hope of a global-oriented course with English subtitles. I want to do it well and I hope you can all learn effectively and discover new directions through history sediments. Let's do it~!

  • sediments 在 Count Down To Travel Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-11-16 22:01:10
    有 30 人按讚

    Mont Saint-Michel 於1979年被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產,它是法國西北海岸線上的一個「孤島」,島上有一座哥特式的修道院,遠看就像一座被海水包圍的中世紀古堡。相傳修道院建造的原因是天使Michel曾多次報夢給一位主教,主教決定在這個寸土不生的地方興建修導院。十九世紀,當地人建築在Mont Saint-Michel長堤,水流受阻,潮漲、潮退促使沙地上留下大量的淤泥和沉積物;所以到訪Mont Saint-Michel,你會看到它被一片沉積物包圍着,有些旅客會參加tour,走在這些沉積物上,在這個島上留下於他們獨有的足跡--「腳印」,哈哈。
    從巴黎到Mont Saint-Michel來回需時約六小時,班次疏落,車費亦不便宜;出發前我們掙扎了許久,亦多次修改行程,但到達後看見此美景,我們都感到不枉此行。
    PS1:到訪Mont Saint-Michel,旅客需要在DOL DE BRETAGNE 或RENNES 轉乘巴士。
    PS2:在網上購票時,我們意外地發現分別購買每一站的車票比合起來購買由PARIS到MONT SAINT MICHEL FR的車票更便宜。
    Mont Saint-Michel was listed as a World Heritage Site by the United Nations in 1979. It is an “island” on the northwest coast of France. With a Gothic monastery built on top of the island, the whole island looks like a Medieval castle surrounded by sea. According to legend, the construction of the monastery was made by a bishop after Angel Michel repeatedly asked him to do it in the dreams. In the 19th century, the locals built a long embankment around the Mont Saint-Michel leaving a lot of sands and sediments subsequent to the tides. As such, when you visit Mont Saint-Michel, you may walk around the island with a tour leaving your footprints.
    It takes about six hours round trip to travel from Paris to Mont Saint-Michel. The schedule is infrequent and the fare is not cheap. We absolute not regret it after seeing this view.
    PS1: Visiting Mont Saint-Michel, passengers need to transfer to the bus at DOL DE BRETAGNE or RENNES.
    PS2: When buying tickets online, we accidente discovered that it is cheaper to buy a ticket for each stop separately than to buy a combine ticket from PARIS to MONT SAINT MICHEL FR.

  • sediments 在 明仔 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-03-10 14:58:20

    Director | Keung Szeto

    Tung Ping Chau
    Layer upon layer of rock form a bewildering structure. The strata looks just like a huge book, guarding great mysteries of geological history within its numerous pages. Since no sediments after Early Tertiary have successfully solidified into enduring rock, Ping Chau Formation is the youngest rock in Hong Kong's geological history.


    Info from web

