

在 seasonings產品中有176篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5,735的網紅Le bonheur d'Eunice,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Although there are lots of Italian restaurants in Hong Kong, homemade pasta is not so widely popular as making fresh pasta takes patience and attentio...

 同時也有406部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過60萬的網紅macaroni,也在其Youtube影片中提到,王道食材で絶品レシピ✨定番レシピから、人気レシピまで! マンネリ知らずのレシピ集♪ 1.鶏もも生姜焼き 00:04 https://macaro-ni.jp/90333 ■調理時間:15分 ■材料(2人分) ・鶏もも肉:1枚(300g) ・玉ねぎ:1/2個 ・a. 砂糖:小さじ1杯 ・a. 酒...

seasonings 在 ʟᴏʀʀᴀɪɴᴇ |ɢғ/ ʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜʏ • ʀᴇᴄɪᴘᴇ Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 09:08:38

👩🏻‍🍳🐽🍚 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐲 蒸肉餅 ➡️🎥 ——————————————————— Wishing everyone a happy mid autumn festival 🌕 with our beloved ones and some good food ...

seasonings 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-15 23:06:16

【健康危機】高血壓是身體響起警號 ⭐高血壓會引起多種致命疾病 ⭐養成定期量血壓習慣 #星期四食材 小心高鈉食物 高血壓是一種動脈血壓升高的慢性疾病,分為原發性及續發性,續發性高血壓有明確病因,例如懷孕、內分泌異常、腎病等;而原發性高血壓與遺傳、年齡、體重等有關,如果父母都患有高血壓,子女遺傳機率...

  • seasonings 在 Le bonheur d'Eunice Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-17 10:23:57
    有 20 人按讚

    Although there are lots of Italian restaurants in Hong Kong, homemade pasta is not so widely popular as making fresh pasta takes patience and attention to the intricate details of the process. However, you can find every dish made in-house from scratch at Casa Cucina & Bar located at Sai Ying Pun. Formerly of Two- Michelin Guide -starred Amber at The Landmark Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong Executive Chef Anthony Cheung brings a Cicchetti-inspired menu featuring a limited selection of dishes all made in-house. This restaurant has three floors of intimate dining space which looks like a resort hotel, no wonder it has become an Instagram favorite since its grand opening.

    雖然意大利餐廳在香港隨處可見,但手工意粉卻不常見,始終複雜製作過程需要一定的耐性,不過位於西營盤的Casa Cucina & Bar就可找到從頭開始自家製作的手工菜式。大廚Anthony Cheung曾任職香港置地文華東方酒店、米芝連兩星法式餐廳Amber,餐牌選取意大利特色小食文化Cicchetti為創作靈感,選擇不算多,但全都是自家製作。餐廳猶如一幢獨立度假屋,擁有三層空間,難怪開張以來已成為IG打卡熱點。

    Burrata $105
    This appetizer resembles the "red, white, and green" colors of the Italian flag. The softness and delightful milky aroma of buffalo cheese are irresistible. The seasonings allow the delicate flavor of the cheese to shine through. When cut open, the creamy interior of Burrata is revealed as it slowly seeps from the centre like rich cream. It tastes cool and refreshing and that's why is a great choice for appetizer in summer.


    Duck Ragu Pappardelle $178
    This pasta with double-seared duck breast chicken, liver parfait and French yellow wine topped with Parmesan is one of the Casa signature dishes. The biggest difference between fresh pasta and dried pasta is the springy texture which offers an al dente bite. Pappardelle goes wonderfully with a hearty, meaty Duck Ragu sauce.

    這道鴨胸肉醬意粉是Casa的招牌菜之一,加入雞肝及法國Vin Jaune黃葡萄酒,再撒上巴馬臣芝士,新鮮現造意粉與乾意粉最大的分別就是彈性中帶點煙韌的麵質,挺身富有Al dente咬口嚼勁,寬帶蛋麵極易掛上濃稠肉汁。

    Chicken Parmigiana $168
    It is a classic Italian dish of breaded chicken breast covered in melty mozzarella cheese and is served with bright and tangy tomato sauce to provide a contrast to the fried cutlets and rich cheese. The coating is flavorful and crispy.

    作為一道經典的意大利菜,裹著麵包糠的雞胸肉以半熔的Mozzarella芝士舖面, 配合酸酸甜甜的番茄醬,與炸雞和濃郁的芝士形成鮮明對比,外層炸漿香脆可口。

    Braised Ox Cheek $218
    Slow-cooking is perfect for ox cheek meat which is a thick working muscle. It turns this tough meat into a wonderfully rich and tender delicacy. Ox cheek is braised in red wine, every mouthful is juicy and luscious. It matches in a perfect way with the deep, warm, complex flavours of red wine.


    Tiramisu $58
    Tiramisu is a rich treat blending the bold flavors of cocoa and espresso, the cake melts in the mouth without being too sweet.


    Tofu Panna Cotta $58
    This panna cotta does not taste like usual because it is inspired by Hong Kong's favourite "Tofu Fa", made with fresh tofu and topped with a toffee-like-sweet syrup made with red sugar and light soy sauce. Its delicate sweetness and smooth tofu texture make it a perfect treat at the end of a meal.


    #casacucinahk #casacucina #casacucinabar #SaiYingPun #西營盤 #homemadepasta #手工意粉 #foodie #foodporn #hkfoodie

  • seasonings 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-09 18:42:47
    有 264 人按讚




    白麵包 — 「無味」的白麵包加入鹽及酸度調節劑乙酸鈉等製作
    麵條 — 杯麵鈉含量高,有些乾麵條鈉含量也不少
    燒味 — 燒味製作時加入大量調味料
    醬料 — 豉油、蠔油、雞粉、鹵水汁、魚露、蝦醬等都是高鈉調味料
    罐頭 — 為延長罐頭保質期製作時添加鹽分
    湯 — 湯底味道越濃郁,鈉含量就越高
    醃製食品 — 火腿、香腸、午餐肉、榨菜、泡菜、鹹蛋等都是高鈉食物
    零食 — 薯片、蝦片、餅乾、魷魚絲等小小一片鈉含量都很高

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Beware of high-sodium foods
    Hypertension is a chronic disease related the pressure of blood pushing against the arteries. There are two types of hypertension — primary and secondary. Secondary hypertension has apparent causes, for instance, pregnancy, endocrine disorders, and kidney problems. On the other hand, primary or essential hypertension is associated with hereditary, age, and weight.

    If both parents suffer from hypertension, their children have a 60% chance of inheriting it. Chances of having hypertension would also increase with age. If you are at risk, do observe and adjust your lifestyle and dietary habits to keep hypertension at bay.

    People always tell us that eating extremely salty food can cause hypertension. The main culprit of hypertension is actually sodium, which does not only exist in salt, but also foods that are not even salty. Therefore, keep an eye on the nutritional label of foods before buying them. The World Health Organization suggests that an adult should consume less than 2000mg of sodium per day. This is equivalent to less than one teaspoon of salt.

    Foods that are high in sodium:
    White bread — contains salt and acidity regulator like sodium acetates
    Noodles — cup noodles and some dried noodles have high sodium content
    Roasted foods — spices and seasonings are ingredients used to enrich the flavor of roasted foods
    Sauces — soy sauce, oyster sauce, chicken stock powder, braised and brined sauce, fish sauce, and shrimp paste are all high in sodium
    Canned foods — sodium is added to canned foods to extend their shelf life
    Soup — soup that is rich in flavor normally contains a lot of sodium
    Pickled foods — ham, hot dog, luncheon meat, pickled mustard, and salted egg are high-sodium foods
    Snacks — potato chips, prawn crackers, biscuits, and even dried shredded squid are high in sodium

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女

  • seasonings 在 Spice N' Pans Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-29 07:35:44
    有 112 人按讚

    [Luncheon Meat Fried Rice 午餐肉蛋炒饭]
    Luncheon meat fried rice or spam fried rice is perfect when you only have spam, eggs and rice as well as some seasonings. They aren’t the healthiest food around but they are really convenient to be used in cooking. We grew up eating luncheon meat and we love the taste of it. How about you? Happy cooking!

    To enjoy the best viewing experience, simply open your YouTube app & search for Spice N Pans Spam Fried Rice. Alternatively, click here http://bit.ly/easy-spam-fried-rice

    Join Spice N’ Pans cooking group to get free cooking ideas. It’s free! Join now 🤓

    🧡 #spicenpans 🧡

  • seasonings 在 macaroni Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-09-30 20:00:30


    1.鶏もも生姜焼き 00:04
    ・a. 砂糖:小さじ1杯
    ・a. 酒:大さじ2杯
    ・a. しょうゆ:大さじ2杯
    ・a. みりん:大さじ2杯
    ・a. しょうが(すりおろし):大さじ1杯

    2.鶏むね肉の玉ねぎソテー 01:02
    ・a. 砂糖:小さじ1杯
    ・a. みりん:大さじ1と1/2杯
    ・a. 酒:大さじ1と1/2杯
    ・a. しょうゆ:大さじ1と1/2杯

    3.鶏もも肉とアボカドのかき揚げ 02:35

    4.鶏肉のにんにく味噌マヨ焼き 03:17

    5.鶏肉のトマト煮込み 03:57

    6.鶏もも肉の自家製くるみ味噌炒め 04:45

    7.旨味たっぷり本格チキンカレー 05:22

    8.鶏むね肉の南蛮漬け 06:41
    ・a.だし汁:だしの素:小さじ1/3 水:100cc

    9.鶏むね肉のチーズピカタ 07:39


    🌟3位 コスパ抜群!鶏むね肉レシピ10選

    🌟2位 【鶏むね肉】作り置きレシピ 10選

    🌟1位 家計の味方!鶏むね肉レシピ集







  • seasonings 在 てぬキッチン/Tenu Kitchen Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-29 19:55:43









    『てぬキッチンのブログ』⇒ https://www.tenukitchen.com/entry/2021/09/29/205637
    ▽twitterもやっているので、もし『てぬキッチン』のレシピをお試し頂いたら、#てぬキッチン をつけて投稿してもらえると嬉しいです♪
    『てぬキッチンのtwitter』⇒ https://twitter.com/tenu_kitchen


    冷凍うどん 1個
    豚バラ肉 50g
    キャベツ  30g
    玉ねぎ 1/6個
    めんつゆ(4倍濃縮) 小さじ2
    醤油 小さじ1/2
    ごま油 小さじ1
    かつおぶし 適量


    【Yaki udon made in the microwave】
    Today, I made "Yaki udon made in the microwave" that can be easily made with a microwave oven! Even though it's not baked, it's delicious at a level that you wouldn't notice if you didn't know it.
    It looks like it's been baked with the water dripping, and the taste is well decided! !! !! Seasoning is super easy with just two seasonings! !!
    Please try this once, and if you like it, please join us in the repertoire of troublesome days! !!

    1 frozen udon noodles
    Pork belly 50g
    Cabbage 30g
    1/6 onion
    Mentsuyu (4 times concentrated) 2 teaspoons
    1/2 teaspoon soy sauce
    1 teaspoon sesame oil
    Appropriate amount of dried bonito

    ▽Subscribe to my channel♪


    楽曲提供:フリーBGM DOVA-SYNDROME by http://dova-s.jp/
    効果音素材:ポケットサウンド – https://pocket-se.info/

  • seasonings 在 ochikeron Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-28 21:00:16

    Karaage (also called Tatsutaage) is Japanese fried chicken. It is usually cooked for lunch, dinner, or bento. Also, it is the best party recipe favored by most people!

    FYI: Dried soy meat I used.

    Vegan Karaage (Soy Meat Fried Chicken) Recipe

    Difficulty: Very Easy
    Time: 40min (incl. marinating time)
    Number of servings: 4

    100g (3.5oz.) dried soy meat blocks https://amzn.to/3zBFQ4m
    * 2 tbsp. soy sauce
    * 2 tbsp. sake
    * 1 tbsp. grated ginger
    * 1 clove grated garlic
    * 1 tsp. sesame oil
    2 tbsp. Katakuriko (potato starch)
    deep frying oil
    lemon wedges if preferred

    1. In a boiling water, cook dried soy meat blocks for 4 minutes. Or as directed on its package. Wash well (change water for a few times) to remove the bad smell, then drain well.
    2. Mix the seasonings in a bowl and marinate the soy meat for about 30 minutes. Overnight is okay, longer makes them tasty.
    3. Drain lightly (do not squeeze out the marinade liquid), coat with Katakuriko in a plastic bag.
    4. Deep fry in oil at 180C (350F) until crisp golden brown.
    5. Serve with lemon wedges if you like.


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    Follow me on social media. If you have recreated any of my food, you can share some pictures #ochikeron. I am always happy to see them.


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