

在 snipes產品中有38篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過67萬的網紅MenClub,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【影視】Marvel《Blade》重啟版最新消息 導演人選即將出爐明年開拍 由Wesley Snipes主演嘅《Blade(刀鋒戰士/幽靈刺客)》系列,可以話係Marvel科幻電影先驅,隨住新線影業(New Line Cinema)版本三部曲結束,角色版權於2012年正式回歸Marvel Stud...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,210的網紅DJ Macky Suson,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Vote for #TeamIvy, #TeamNenia, or #TeamKen. Who will win 10,000 Pesos for #JLOWeek on #MackySayawChallenge One winner to be announced on 08.08.20 at 0...

snipes 在 goodbyehkhellouk Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-05-26 20:53:15

肥波火滾英文 "Captain Hindsight"「事後孔明大隊長」 上年3月爆發第一波疫情嘅時候,英國醫院嚴重缺乏呼吸機,當時政府希望本地生產業幫手緊急製造應付,而Dyson就係其中一間企業願意免費設計同生產。今日BBC唔知點樣揾到Dyson老細同首相Boris Johnson當時嘅私人訊息,...

  • snipes 在 MenClub Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-20 16:30:57
    有 383 人按讚

    【影視】Marvel《Blade》重啟版最新消息 導演人選即將出爐明年開拍

    由Wesley Snipes主演嘅《Blade(刀鋒戰士/幽靈刺客)》系列,可以話係Marvel科幻電影先驅,隨住新線影業(New Line Cinema)版本三部曲結束,角色版權於2012年正式回歸Marvel Studios。Marvel亦喺2019年宣布重啟作品,並由《Green Book》金獎影帝Mahershala Ali出演,可惜一直物色緊底班所以遲遲未成事,不過最近就有傳Marvel終於搵到人執導,預計最快2022年開拍。

    #Marvel #MCU #Blade

  • snipes 在 電影神搜 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-20 12:42:32
    有 139 人按讚


    在 2000 年初由 #衛斯理史奈普 主演的新線影業版《#刀鋒戰士》三部曲結束之後,系列版權也在 2012 年正式回歸漫威工作室手中。而在 2019 年的聖地牙哥動漫展上,漫威正式宣布 #馬赫夏拉阿里 將會主演一部全新的重啟版《刀鋒戰士》,讓這位曾在 Netflix 漫威影集《盧克凱奇》中飾演反派「蝮蛇」的演員重返漫威電影宇宙。

    在今年稍早,相關消息指出了《守護者》影集編劇 #史黛西歐賽庫福爾 將會為本片撰寫劇本,據傳也幫助了漫威縮小了導演人選的範圍。而近日據外媒報導,操刀重啟版的導演人選現已揭曉——

  • snipes 在 香功堂主 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-04 21:19:08
    有 52 人按讚

    1995 年推出的《#艷倒群雌》,靈感源自 94 年的澳洲電影《#沙漠妖姬》,然而,好萊塢版熱鬧有餘,深度不足,講人、講情、講歧視、講女性成長等,都只能點到為止。儘管劇本過於一廂情願,這部 26 年前的作品,依然有娛樂到我。
    四,這次重溫《艷倒群雌》才發現這部片的卡司好難得,客串演出的羅賓威廉斯、飾演警長的 Chris Penn 和飾演薇妲的 Patrick Swayze,都已經離世,能在螢幕上看見他們的身影,有點感動。
    另外,飾演娜席瑪的 Wesley Snipes 和飾演琪琪的 John Leguizamo(喜德耶!),儘管身形有點大隻,但扮相都蠻美的哩、魯保羅(RuPaul)有在片中小小亮相一下,而有點痞有點壞的小鎮混混湯米,居然是銀幕形象溫文儒雅的 Michael Vartan 飾演(四年後演出《一吻定江山》,完全被帥到),也很讓人驚喜!

  • snipes 在 DJ Macky Suson Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-02 03:51:23

    Vote for #TeamIvy, #TeamNenia, or #TeamKen.
    Who will win 10,000 Pesos for #JLOWeek on #MackySayawChallenge
    One winner to be announced on 08.08.20 at 08:08.
    #JLo #MackySayawChallenge #MackyAcademy #DJMackySuson

    Fun Facts About Jennifer Lopez
    Jennifer Lopez attended college briefly in an attempt to please her parents.
    Jennifer moved out of her family home when they failed to support her dreams of becoming famous.
    In 1991 Jennifer Lopez was hired as a backup dancer for New Kids on the Block. She performed with them at the 18th Annual American Music Awards.
    Jennifer Lopez moved to Los Angeles to film the series In Living Color, in which she was a Fly Girl dancer.
    In 1993 Jennifer left In Living Color to pursue acting. She backed out of being a dancer on Janet Jackson's tour in 1993 to follow her own dreams instead.
    In 1993 Jennifer Lopez landed an acting job on the film Lost in the Wild.
    That year she signed a deal for a TV show Second Chances.
    Jennifer Lopez' first big acting role was in the 1995 film My Family. She was nominated for an Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Female.
    In 1995 Jennifer Lopez starred along with Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson in Money Train.
    IN 1997 Jennifer Lopez landed the role of Selena in the biopic of the same name. She became the highest paid Hispanic actress in history for that role, earning $1 million.
    Because of her role as a singer in Selena, Jennifer Lopez became interested in singing and her music career began to take off as well.
    As her music career began to grow Jennifer Lopez changed her name to J.Lo.
    In 2003 Jennifer Lopez starred in the film Gigli with Ben Affleck. It was considered to be one of the worst films ever made.
    Jennifer Lopez met her first husband while shooting Blood and Wine. They were married for only 13 months.
    In 2005 Jennifer Lopez was paid $15 million for her role in Monster-in-Law. This once again made her the highest paid Hispanic actress in Hollywood's history.
    Jennifer Lopez married Cris Judd in 2001 and they divorced in 2003. In 2004 she married Marc Anthony. They were married until 2014.
    Jennifer Lopez has two children. They are twins Maximilian David and Emme Maribel, born February 22, 2008.
    Jennifer Lopez has been a judge on American Idol several seasons.
    Jennifer Lopez abstains from drinking alcohol.
    Jennifer Lopez has appeared in many movies and television shows and went on concert tours twice - both in 2007 and in 2012.

  • snipes 在 傑仔Ricky Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-06-19 22:43:48

    喜歡的話給個Like哦! 歡迎訂閱 :-D


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    Support the music artists!
    Music by (Epidemic Sound) : http://www.epidemicsound.com/
    Music by (Kevin Macloed) : http://incompetech.com/music/
    Music by (Audionautix) : http://audionautix.com/
    Epidemic channel: https://goo.gl/7GjJ4s

    #Fortnite #要塞英雄 #堡壘之夜

  • snipes 在 趙志翰 Chihhan Chao / Official Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-01-06 21:41:57

    NEW TRICK #藤原效應 🔥🔥
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