

在 remonstrate產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅盧鎮業 Siuyea Lo,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 五一有假放 係因為有人為改善我們的勞動環境而死了 佢臨死前講過呢d,你要知 [老衲亂譯系列] 五一勞動節先烈之一,工會組織者、安那其/無政府主義者Adolph Fischer在法庭的陳辭: 法官閣下,你問我為何我不應被判處死刑,我沒太多話好說,我只會抗議我被判死刑,因為我從未犯罪。我...


  • remonstrate 在 盧鎮業 Siuyea Lo Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2015-05-01 10:56:39
    有 70 人按讚



    五一勞動節先烈之一,工會組織者、安那其/無政府主義者Adolph Fischer在法庭的陳辭:

    法官閣下,你問我為何我不應被判處死刑,我沒太多話好說,我只會抗議我被判死刑,因為我從未犯罪。我被控以謀殺, 而被定罪的原因是身為無政府主義者。我抗議自己被判死刑,是因為我從未謀殺。但是,若我的罪狀是「無政府主義者」這個身份,以及我對於自由、平等和友愛的熱切追求,我則死而無憾。如果熱愛人類的自由是一條死罪,那麼我只能公開表明,我欣然付出我的生命;但我不是謀殺者。我雖然參與了籌備乾草市場的集會,但我與放炸彈完全無關,我跟這件事的關係,或者比政府的代表律師跟它的關係更少。我不否認我親身參加了乾草市場的集會-

    (此時,辯方律師 Salomon上前跟Fischer低聲談話,但Fischer揮手著他坐下。)

    Salomon先生,請容我繼續。我知道自己在說什麼。乾草市場集會的目的並非製造暴力和犯罪;相反,集會的目的正正是抗議警察在前一天的鎮壓McCormick 工人罷工的暴行(兩名工人被警察槍殺)。Waller與其他政府的證人已經作證過,而我只需重申:我們在星期一晚上開會,(McCormink罷工就在幾個小時前被暴力鎮壓),就在此時我們決定號召一場抗議警察暴行的群眾集會。Waller就是那次會議的主席,而他動議在乾草市場舉行集會,也是他委派我印刷傳單以及聯絡演講者。除此之外我就沒做其他事。接著的一天,我去到Wehrer & Klein,印了25000張傳單,並邀請Spies (另一位被處死的工人運動領袖) 在乾草市場的集會演講。在傳單的最初版本,我加入了「工人,帶備武器出席!」一句,我這樣寫的原因只有一個,就是我不希望工人會在這個集會中被殺害。這傳單印了出來,部份拿到去Arbeiter-Zeitung ( Spies主編的激進刊物) 辦工室,Spies同志看到了其中一張 - 我在這之前邀請他演講。他拿出傳單對我說:「Fischer,如果這種單張派發出去,我不會來演講。」我承認將那些爭議性的字眼拿走會更好,然後Spies便同意演說。我跟這個集會的聯繫就只有這些。我大槪08:15左右去到乾草市場,直到Parsons (另一位被處死的工人領袖) 打斷Fielden (8名被定罪者其中之一) 的發言,Parsons走到台上,說是即將要下雨,建議集會移師到 Zepf's Hall。這個時候我的一個朋友 - 他已經作了供 - 跟我一起去Zepf's Hall,我們坐下並要了一杯啤酒。我正要坐下時,我的朋友Parsons與其他人進了來;我坐下來五分鐘後,爆炸就發生了。我完全不知道什麼事情將要發生,因為,正如證人所說,我們在那個晚上沒有為防衞達到共識,這只是一場抗議暴行的集會。

    現在,就如我之前所說,這個由陪審團提交的裁決,並非針對謀殺,而是針對無政府主義。我感受到,我將被處死,是因為我是無政府主義者,而不是因為我是殺人犯。我一生中從未犯過罪;但我知道有一個人將要成為殺人犯 - 他就是政府的律師Grinnell,因為他將他明知會說謊的證人帶到證人席;若我將要被處決,我公開遣責 Grinnell 為殺人犯。但若果統治階級以為吊死我們,吊死一些無政府主義者,就能把無政府主義消滅,他們就大錯特錯了,因為無政府主義者愛他的原則多於他的性命。


    YOUR HONOR: You ask me why sentence of death should not be passed upon me. I will not talk much. I will only say that I protest against my being sentenced to death, because I have committed no crime. I was tried here in this room for murder, and I was convicted of Anarchy. I protest against being sentenced to death, because I have not been found guilty of murder. But, however, if I am to die on account of being an Anarchist, on account of my love for liberty, fraternity and equality, then I will not remonstrate. If death is the penalty for our love of the freedom of the human race, then I say openly I have forfeited my life; but a murderer I am not. Although being one of the parties who arranged the Haymarket meeting, I had no more to do with the throwing of that bomb, I had no more connection with it than State's Attorney Grinnell had, perhaps. I do not deny that I was present at the Haymarket meeting but that meeting-

    (At this point Mr. Salomon stepped up and spoke to Mr. Fischer in a low tone, but the latter waved him off and said:)

    Mr. Salomon, be so kind. I know what I am talking about. Now, that Haymarket meeting was not called for the purpose of committing violence and crime. No; but the meeting was called for the purpose of protesting against the outrages and crimes committed by the police on the day previous, out at McCormick's. The State's witness, Waller, and others have testified here, and I only need to repeat it, that we had a meeting on Monday night, and in this meeting-the affair at McCormick's taking place just a few hours previous-took action and called a mass-meeting for the purpose of protesting against the brutal outrages of the police. Waller was chairman of this meeting, and he himself made the motion to hold the meeting at the Haymarket. It was he also who appointed me as a committee to have handbills printed and to provide for speakers; that I did, and nothing else. The next day I went to Wehrer & Klein, and had 25,000 handbills printed, and I invited Spies to speak at the Haymarket meeting. In the original of the "copy" I had the line "Workingmen, appear armed!" and I had my reason too for putting those words in, because I didn't want the working men to be shot down in that meeting as on other occasions. But as those circulars were printed, or as a few of them were printed and brought over to me at the Arbeiter-Zeitung office, my comrade Spies saw one of them. I had invited him to speak before that. He showed me the circular, and said: "Well, Fischer, if those circulars are distributed, I won't speak." I admitted it would be better to take the objectionable words out, and Mr. Spies spoke. And that is all I had to do with that meeting. Well, I went to the Haymarket about 8:15 o'clock, and stayed there until Parsons interrupted Fielden's speech. Parsons stepped up to the stand, and said that it looked like it was going to rain, and that the assembly had better adjourn to Zepf's Hall. At that moment a friend of mine who testified on the witness stand, went with me to Zepf's Hall, and we sat down at a table and had a glass of beer. At the moment I was going to sit down, my friend Parsons came in with some other persons, and after I was sitting there about five minutes the explosion occurred. I had no idea that anything of the kind would happen, because, as the State's witnesses testified, themselves, there was no agreement to defend ourselves that night. It was only a meeting called to protest.

    Now, as I said before, this verdict, which was rendered by the jury in this room, is not directed against murder, but against Anarchy. I feel that I am sentenced, or that I will be sentenced, to death because of being an Anarchist, and not because I am a murderer. I have never been a murderer. I have never yet committed a crime in my life; but I know a certain man who is on the way to becoming a murderer, an assassin, and that man is Grinnell-the State's Attorney Grinnell-because he brought men on the witness stand who he knew would swear falsely; and I publicly denounce Mr. Grinnell as being a murderer and an assassin if I should be executed. But if the ruling class thinks that by hanging us, hanging a few Anarchists, they can crush out Anarchy, they will be badly mistaken, because the Anarchist loves his principles more than his life.

    An Anarchist is always ready to die for his principles; but in this case I have been charged with murder, and I am not a murderer. You will find it impossible to kill a principle, although you may take the life of men who confess these principles. The more the believers in just causes are persecuted, the quicker will their ideas be realized. For instance, in rendering such an unjust and barbarous verdict, the twelve "honorable men" in the jury-box have done more for the furtherance of Anarchism than the convicted could have accomplished in a generation. This verdict is a death-blow against free speech, free press, and free thought in this country, and the people will be conscious of it, too. This is all I care to say.


    審訊後,被判吊死的 Fischer 拒絕求情。

    (中譯: 周諾恆)

  • remonstrate 在 Kyary Pamyu Pamyu (Official FB for Fans) Facebook 的精選貼文

    2013-10-04 22:12:50
    有 1,237 人按讚

    ** KPP's new song "Mottainightland" began broadcasting **
    Japan's telecommunication service "au" have been used KPP
    for the TV-CM with the songs such as "Ninja Re Bang Bang",
    "Noriko to Norio". And now au appointed KPP as the role of
    a character possessed by "Mottainai Obake" (Japanese ghost
    that remonstrate with a waster). KPP is playing real role of
    Kyary Pamyu Pamyu unconcerned with the communication
    charge, with the result that KPP was haunted. KPP dances
    singing "Mottainightland" with Mottainai Obake in the film.

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