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在 rejoicing產品中有76篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過64萬的網紅JUST ดู IT.,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Nicolas Cage ลั่น "ผมจะไม่มีวันเลิกเล่นหนัง" Nicolas Cage หนึ่งในสักแสดงที่มีผลงานเรื่องเยี่ยมให้ดูกันอย่างต่อเนื่องตั้งแต่อดีตจนถึงปัจจุบันไม่ว่าจะเ...

 同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6,590的網紅Simon Chau,也在其Youtube影片中提到,On a misty spring morning, rejoicing with the birds......

rejoicing 在 malaysianfoodie.com Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 09:41:05

This year, Corus Hotel Kuala Lumpur welcomes Mid Autumn with an array of delectable selections of mooncakes. In here, one can enjoy their purely handm...

  • rejoicing 在 JUST ดู IT. Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-21 14:00:57
    有 1,619 人按讚

    Nicolas Cage ลั่น "ผมจะไม่มีวันเลิกเล่นหนัง"

    Nicolas Cage หนึ่งในสักแสดงที่มีผลงานเรื่องเยี่ยมให้ดูกันอย่างต่อเนื่องตั้งแต่อดีตจนถึงปัจจุบันไม่ว่าจะเป็น Con Air, Face/Off, The Wicker Man, Ghost Rider, Next, Knowing หรือแม้แต่หนังฮีโร่โคตรเกรียน Kick-Ass และอีกหลายต่อหลายเรื่อง

    Nicolas Cage ผันตัวสู่การเป็นเจ้าพ่อหนังคัลต์ยุคใหม่ที่เต็มไปด้วยความเพี้ยนเกินพิกัด ไม่ว่าจะเป็น หนุ่มดวงซวยไร้บทพูดใน Willy's Wonderland, ชายแก่ออกล่าหมูล่าเห็ดทรัฟเฟิลใน PIG และผลงานล่าสุดที่ได้รับเลือกให้เข้าฉายในเทศกาลหนัง Sundance ของผู้กำกับชาวญี่ปุ่นมากฝีมือ ชิออน โซโนะ "Prisoners of the Ghostland" กับบทบาทนักโทษที่ต้องตามหาหญิงสาวที่หายตัวไปใน Ghostland

    ซึ่งระหว่างเดินสายโปรโมทภาพยนตร์เรื่อง Prisoners of the Ghostland เขาได้เผยกับทาง Entertainment Weekly เมื่อถูกถามว่าเขาจะเกษียณตัวเองจากการเล่นหนังไหมว่า

    " ไม่ ๆ ๆ ๆ มันไม่มีวันเกิดขึ้นแน่นอน สิ่งที่ผมได้แสดงเอาไว้ในภาพยนตร์มันเหมือนกับ นางฟ้าผู้พิทักษ์สำหรับผมเลยก็ว่าได้ และผม ต้องการมัน ผมได้รับการเยียวยา เมื่อผมแสดงหนัง ผมได้มีสถานที่ที่ได้ปลดปล่อยประสบการณ์ชีวิต และเหล่าผู้สร้างหนังก็ให้โอกาสผมได้ทำแบบนั้น นั่นทำให้ ผมจะ ไ ม่ มี วั น เ ลิ ก เ ล่ น ห นั ง ตอนนี้เล่นไปกี่เรื่องแล้วนะ ? 117 เรื่องใช่ไหม?"

    ดูจากไฟนักสะสมในตัว โอนงานจ่ายไวของ ป๋าเคจ อยากได้อะไรต้องคว้าให้ได้ จนเคยโดนเรียกเก็บภาษีสูงถึง $6,300,000 ทำให้การลั่นออกมาว่าจะไม่มีวันเลิกเล่นหนังจะไม่ใช่อะไรที่เกินตัว

    #จดอ #JUSTดูIT #NicolasCage #PrisonersOfTheGhostland | ที่มา: https://www.slashfilm.com/606823/nicolas-cage-says-hell-never-retire-and-there-was-much-rejoicing/

  • rejoicing 在 網球場的路上 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-11 21:00:06
    有 59 人按讚

    「喜悅」(joy) 可以是來自這些感受。網球中的喜悅可能包含了哪些呢?







    7。忘我(ecstasy or bliss,將人拉升到自我之外)


    9。難掩自豪(radiant pride,當孩子贏得殊榮)

    10。幸災樂禍(unhealthy jubilation or schadenfreude,樂見他人痛苦)




    14。陶醉著迷(delight or enchantment,種油然而生的滿足)

    15。精神煥發(spiritual radiance,從深層的幸福與仁慈產生的祥和喜悅)

    擷取自最近在讀的《最後一次相遇,我們只談喜悅》(The Book of Joy - Lasting Happiness in a Changing World)。作為網球粉絲頁,期許我們可以提供如此深細幽微的網球喜悅與大家分享。

  • rejoicing 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-21 07:55:43
    有 119 人按讚

    Distance is Not An Issue

    “For though I am absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, rejoicing and seeing your order, and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ.” (Colossians‬ ‭2:5‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    At that time, there was no Internet technology. There was no way to hop on a Zoom online conference call to speak to the churches. Instead, the apostle Paul saw visions of the churches in his spirit, and that is how he could see their order and steadfastness of faith. Having the Holy Spirit in us is like being connected to the Internet. We are connected to all the knowledge and power that God has.

    Nowadays, the local church that I attend is not allowed to hold in-person church services due to government regulations. As a result, all services are held through online broadcast instead.

    Although I miss sitting in the physical services, worshipping the Lord together with other believers, I believe that online services are no less powerful than in-person ones.

    Many people are more comfortable with ‘the human touch’, such as receiving prayer in person, having a pastor to place his hand upon them while praying, but this physical contact is actually not absolutely necessary.

    In His second miracle, Jesus demonstrated that the power of the Holy Spirit is not limited by distance.

    “Jesus came therefore again to Cana of Galilee, where he made the water into wine. There was a certain nobleman whose son was sick at Capernaum. When he heard that Jesus had come out of Judea into Galilee, he went to him, and begged him that he would come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death. Jesus therefore said to him, “Unless you see signs and wonders, you will in no way believe.” The nobleman said to him, “Sir, come down before my child dies.” Jesus said to him, “Go your way. Your son lives.” The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and he went his way. As he was now going down, his servants met him and reported, saying “Your child lives!” So he inquired of them the hour when he began to get better. They said therefore to him, “Yesterday at the seventh hour, the fever left him.” So the father knew that it was at that hour in which Jesus said to him, “Your son lives.” He believed, as did his whole house. This is again the second sign that Jesus did, having come out of Judea into Galilee.” (John‬ ‭4:46-54‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Jesus was in Cana, while the sick boy was in Capernaum. Just by speaking the words “your son lives” in faith, the power of the Holy Spirit healed the boy from a long distance away. Jesus did not have to lay hands on the child in order for him to be healed.

    The nobleman initially thought that Jesus had to go to his house before the son could be healed. However, when Jesus released the words, “Go your way, your son lives,” the nobleman believed, and that was enough to receive the healing in proxy for his son.

    We know that the nobleman believed because he met Jesus at the seventh hour (between 1 - 2pm). Cana and Capernaum are about 25 miles apart (about 6 - 8 hours walking distance) so if the nobleman set off immediately, he could be back home the same day at night to check on his son.

    However, we see that the nobleman only spoke to his servant the next day. This means that the nobleman stayed at an inn or something for a night, and trusted that his son had been healed. If he had been unbelieving, he would have rushed home right away so as not to miss his son’s last moments, since he was “at the point of death”.

    There are other long-distance healing miracles like this one, such as Jesus healing the Roman centurion’s servant, and Jesus healing the Syrophoenician woman’s demon-possessed daughter.

    Continue to feed on the rhema word that God is releasing in season. Whether online or in-person, God’s power is still fully effective, and is not limited by the distance or channel.

    As long as you hear or read, believing it, you shall experience the manifestation of the rhema word.

    In the nobleman’s son’s case, the word in season was “your son lives”.

    Earlier this year, I felt like I was coming down with a flu. I was sneezing repeatedly and my nose was dripping. I felt weak and irritable.

    As I was praying in tongues and also asking Jesus to heal me and make me well, suddenly I heard these words in my spirit: “he grew strong through faith”.

    Instantly, I knew that the Holy Spirit was talking about the apostle Paul’s description of Abraham in “Romans”.

    “Yet, looking to the promise of God, he didn’t waver through unbelief, but grew strong through faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what he had promised, he was also able to perform.” (Romans‬ ‭4:21‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    This was a rhema word for me to be healed. I grabbed it and repeatedly confessed and meditated on this, that I was growing strong through faith.

    Abraham grew physically stronger through faith. He was already old and weak, but because he believed in the rhema word which God spoke to him, he and his wife Sarah experienced drastic youth renewal.

    Their saggy skin, old internal organs, weak muscles, and dry bones were all renewed miraculously, allowing them to be fit for childbearing and even raising a child.

    As I kept confessing “he didn’t consider the deadness of his own body, but he grew strong through faith,” I felt physically better and I did not sneeze or have runny nose anymore.

    It was just a few words, but I emphasized on the “grew” and “strong”. Suddenly, each word was pregnant with life-giving power for my situation.

    Faith comes through hearing the rhema word of Christ. What is He saying to you? As you are listening to a sermon video online, what is the key message or statement that jumps out at you and makes a strong impression in you heart? Sometimes the Lord whispers a verse or passage to you from within. Grab it and declare it for yourself because it carries the miracle-working power of God to turn your situation around!

    Actionable Steps:

    1. Get yourself plugged in to a ministry that preaches the Gospel. Listen to the new messages released by the pastor or preacher. If the Holy Spirit led you there, then you will benefit from believing the rhema words that is released through that ministry.

    2. Train your mind to believe in the limitless reach of prayer. Pray for people who are far away from you, knowing that God will answer your prayers of faith, regardless of the distance between you and them.

    3. When you receive a word in season (rhema word), write it down in your notebook or somewhere so that you do not forget. Revisit these words often and declare them, so long as you are still waiting for the manifestation.

    - - -

    This teaching is the 5th issue in my new Patreon Bible Study series called “The Way Forward: How to Thrive Amidst Change”. If you want to learn how you can still reign in life amidst lockdowns, strict regulations, and lots of bad news, join us as a “God Every Morning (GEM)” tier or above patron to receive it.

    GEM patrons also receive daily devotionals by email, as well as all my eBooks! Become a patron on Patreon at this link: http://Patreon.com/miltongohblog

  • rejoicing 在 Simon Chau Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-06 09:48:00

    On a misty spring morning, rejoicing with the birds...

  • rejoicing 在 Lisa hui 許靜雯 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-07-04 00:18:00

    Lisa 的創作心靈:
    "沒關係"是Lisa 2016年五月份寫的原創歌曲。lisa 當時原本是為了愛情和新生命來臨而放棄了她最喜歡的音樂世界。也因為這種改變而令Lisa 那段時間意志非常消沈。
    這是她再次回到音樂舞台寫的第一首原創歌曲,描述關於一個為音樂而生的女生,經過不同的愛情歷練,走進愛情的虛假世界而迷失,連唯一支援自己動力"音樂"也放下不管。 可惜無論她多麼的努力都只是在渴望得到真愛的邊緣遊走,現實都給她重重的打擊, 今天這女生從謊言中醒覺,痛苦中成長蛻變,終於學懂了放下,再次回到她最愛的音樂世界,站上舞臺再次發亮。 她發覺原來只要走進音樂的世界,所有的委屈和痛苦都只是一個經歷,一切都不重要,因此這首歌叫《沒關係》。
    希望觀眾會感到音樂的真實和生命,無論受多大傷害, 只要有音樂, 一切的苦難都會是《沒關係》。
    這首歌有在「多倫多中文電台」有播放過,「A1 Chinese Radio Toronto Canada」,與商業電台 嘅《馬路的事 我哋的事》, 還有台灣電台「獨立音樂講堂 -第二十八集」(DJ罐頭)。

    "It's Okay" is an original song written by Lisa Hui in May 2016. Lisa had given up her beloved musical world for her love and new born son. The change in circumstance left Lisa very depressed  at the time. This song was written for the "9th Chinese Song Writing Competition", sponsored by the Canadian Chinese radio station. 

    Lisa took the opportunity to write and record "It's Okay" while rejoicing in her return to music.

    "It's Okay" describes a girl who is reborn to create music... capturing Lisa's return to writing original songs. The story of a woman who's experiences through a false world of love left her without  her creativity. Leaving her alone in a place where no matter how hard she tries the reality of lost love leaves her on the edge. The reality of life has hit her hard.

    Today, this girl wakes up from the lies, grows and transforms the pain into strength. She learns to let go and return to her beloved musical world again. Standing on the stage and shining again is where she wants to be. She has realized that as long as she walks in the world of music the pain and hurt are no longer important... "It's Okay"

    Lisa hopes that her audience and listeners feel the truth and the life in her music. No matter how much damage or trauma we have experienced as long as there is music "It's Okay"

    This song has been played on stations such as ; "Toronto Chinese Radio" , "A1 Chinese Radio Toronto" ,”Industrial Radio station "The Road and us", "Taiwan Radio's Independent Music Lecture ep.28"and shown live on Fairchild Television

    English translation Lisa Hui & brett beattie

  • rejoicing 在 爆哥Neal Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-03-21 16:00:06

    🎁 Hypervolt 無線震動按摩槍,限量加贈專用提盒!活動到 3/31:
    🎁 結帳時輸入指定代碼【BAOGER2020】就享有
    Hypervolt / Hypervolt Plus 無線震動按摩槍兩款九折優惠!

    🔴 直播日期:2020.03.19

    合作諮詢 ➔ jteamesport@gmail.com
    爆哥粉專 Facebook ➔ https://goo.gl/VCKvo1
    火暴可可 Twitch ➔ https://www.twitch.tv/xhibaoger

    加入會員 Membership ➔ https://reurl.cc/9EzVQa
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    YouTube VOD清單 ➔ https://goo.gl/Rqhryt

    🔗 Sources:
    Outro ➔ KartRider Abyss Theme Cinematic Video

    🎵 BGM:
    Spence - Retrograde
    김한솔 - 심해의 지배자 (Ruler of the Abyss)
    ASTERIA - 겨울에는 캐롤 (Rejoicing in Carol)
    KartRider - [Jurassic] Travel to Dinosaur Island!
    KartRider - [Village] Lazy Bazzi
    Kevin MacLeod - Fig Leaf Times Two

    #爆哥 #Neal
    #跑跑卡丁車 #카트라이더 #KartRider

