

  • rankyaku 在 kormaruR Youtube 的最佳解答

    2012-03-11 20:32:51

    One Piece Kaizoku Musou (Pirate Warriors) : 海賊 vs CP9, ロブ・ルッチ (Rob Lucci)
    難しい Hard Mode

    Main Log: EP11 - Straw Hats vs CP9 Scenario
    6:31 - Kaku
    12:45 - Rob Lucci

    Before starting the stage !GET! "パラミシア" [Paramecia] The coin set skill for longer stun duration! It will help you a lot.

    Jabra's fight is easy but the stupid camera angles are the worse... I try to bait him into the area where the item box reside before I fight him. It just atrocious to fight at the corners with the camera keep zooming in where I can't see my character...
    Just □, □, R1 or □, □, △, R1 and repeat. R1 for Sanji is like a homing rebound kick that continues a combo.

    Kaku is easy, just be patient and do 1 or 2 hit combo to bait him on doing that nose ground pound for stun opportunity.

    Phase 1: Rob Lucci strategy is just try combo your way through and try use evade when he does a combo into rankyaku. When he does a blue glow stance, dash break his stance for combo opportunity. (press attack button once then evade toward the enemy's stance to dash break, if you don't press attack once and just evade toward the enemy you will not emit a blue glow to signify that you are dash breaking) If you miss the timing to dash break he usually does a combo or 嵐脚 豹尾 Rankyaku Hyobi and if it's a combo then you can use special to try break away/prevent getting punish with his full combo.

    15:53 - Phase 2: Rob Lucci is what makes this fight the hardest, Lucci got two new attacks that can take 1/2! or even more! of your hp in hard and additional with the stupid foot soldier marines shooting bazooka at you that mess up your combo + hurt you...
    My advice is to use the special here and try thin down the marine size but don't kill them all, leave 1/3 of them alive because more will spawn! Shield marines too!
    Key to winning this is go apeshit and chase Lucci down. You want to do enough damage to cancel out his 飛ぶ指銃 Tobu Shigun or 剃 Soru. You might want to use special for the invincible frames to prevent getting hurt by his soru. Also don't forget to dash break if you got the chance as for some reason a successful dash break can also cancel/prevent the marines from shooting the bazooka.

    19:45 - Phase 3: Rob Lucci is easy once you get the timing of the canon ball QTE. For some reason my first few times ゴムゴムの風船 Gomu Gomu no Fusen did not activate... When you fight Lucci just use ゴムゴムのJET銃(ピストル)Gomu Gomu no Jet Pistol, saves you time and strength... It has knock-back effect that nullify all his attack, you'll see what I mean.
    When returning from the ship to the battle area with Lucci, the QTE sequence is □, △, х, △, х, □ then х. Easy Easy Phase!

    Rob Lucci phase 1+2 is the hardest fight for me so far. It took me 2 days to finally beat him, freaking foot soldier marines in phase 2 always kill me when I was this close to getting to phase 3 or either getting one shot'ed by 飛ぶ指銃 Tobu Shigun. Phase 1 and phase 2 will be continuous whereas phase 3 there is a checkpoint at the start for retries. If you retry more than 3+ times, more item box would appear and I tend to reload my save to negate those extras but for this fight I really needed them. The game has no save point throughout the episode thus I don't want to repeat Jabra and Kaku's fight but either way its really hard to fight Rob Lucci on hard where he can take 1/3 of your hp from a single attack thus I needed those extra items.
    H264 Video Codec @ 1280x720p 30FPS 8mb bitrate
    44.1KHz 96,000bps Audio Bitrate
    MP4 Container

  • rankyaku 在 kormaruR Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2012-03-11 16:53:34

    One Piece Kaizoku Musou (Pirate Warriors) : ガレーラカンパニー (Galley-La Company), サイファーポールナンバーナイン (Cipher Pol Number 9)
    難しい Hard Mode

    Main Log: EP9 - Galley-La Company Scenario
    38:15 - Franky
    49:22 - Blueno

    Zoro did a fine job holding Franky down.

    Blueno fight took me quite some retries to figure out a way to defeat him. Basically bait him with 1 or 2 hits combo for him to use 鉄塊 Tekkai then stun him.
    If he does 嵐脚 Rankyaku, let him finish his 2 or 3 rankyaku cycle first before you attack. Never attack him right after his first rankyaku as he is already queued to do the 2nd rankyaku, which this makes him have no knock-back effect and thus he can punish you for attacking too early.
    The room is small so don't stay near the wall as it can mess up the camera angle...
    H264 Video Codec @ 1280x720p 30FPS 8mb bitrate
    44.1KHz 96,000bps Audio Bitrate
    MP4 Container

