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[爆卦]Pulsus paradoxus是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包
#1Cardiac tamponade - 心包填塞| 醫學影像學習園地 - 中國醫藥大學
4.Pulsus paradoxus:正常情況下,吸氣時血壓會稍微降低,而呼氣時血壓會稍微上升,下降的正常範圍是<10 mmHg,如果下降的幅度>10 mmHg則稱為pulsus paradoxus。理學檢查上 ...
#2奇脈- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
奇脈(Pulsus paradoxus),是吸氣期間收縮壓和脈博異常的大幅度下降。正常情況下,收縮壓下降不超過10mmHg。然而,當收縮壓下降的程度超過10mmHg,即稱為奇脈。
#3Pulsus paradoxus in pericardial disease - UpToDate
Pulsus paradoxus can be thought of as a direct result of competition (ie, enhanced chamber interaction) between the right and left sides of the ...
#4Pulsus Paradoxus - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
Pulsus paradoxus refers to an exaggerated fall in a patient's blood pressure during inspiration by greater than 10 mm Hg. Pulsus paradoxus ...
#5Pulsus paradoxus - European Respiratory Journal
Systolic blood pressure normally falls during quiet inspiration in normal individuals. Pulsus paradoxus is defined as a fall of systolic blood pressure of >10 ...
#6Pulsus Paradoxus & Blood Pressure Measurement
Blood pressure is an important vital sign. Measurement errors are common so it is important to understand factors that affects results. Pulsus paradoxus is ...
#7Pulsus Paradoxus Topic Review | Learn the Heart - Healio
Pulsus paradoxus is the term used to describe an exaggerated blood pressure variation with the respiratory cycle. This can be found in cardiac tamponade or ...
#8pulsus paradoxus. Khasnis A, Lokhandwala Y - J Postgrad Med
Pulsus paradoxus has great diagnostic significance in pericardial disease. The following mechanisms are proposed to operate: 1. Tense fluid accumulation within ...
#10Definition and relation to the severity of cardiac tamponade
Pulsus paradoxus in asthma. Lancet, 1 (1978), p. 330. Google Scholar. 7. Braunwald E. The physical examination. Braunwald E (Ed.), Heart disease: A textbook ...
#11Reversed Pulsus Paradoxus | NEJM
This "reversed" form of pulsus paradoxus may be easily mistaken for the usual variety, and its appearance in a patient with cardiac tamponade ...
#12How is pulsus paradoxus measured in cardiac tamponade?
The paradox is that while listening to the heart sounds during inspiration, the pulse weakens or may not be palpated with certain heartbeats, while S1 is heard ...
#13Pulsus paradoxus - Sarkar - 2018
Pulsus paradoxus is a valuable physical sign seen in many clinical conditions. Pulsus paradoxus is defined by an inspiratory fall in systolic ...
#14Pulsus paradoxus in a patient with tricuspid atresia and ...
to the left, thereby decreasing left ventricular filling, has been suggested as a mechanism of pulsus paradoxus. We recently saw a patient with tricuspid ...
#15Pulsus Paradoxus, Cardiac Tamponade, and the Pericardial ...
To the Editor.—Leventhal and colleagues' report1 concerning nonspecificity of antinuclear antibody in pericardial fluid was very helpful for those of us who ...
#16Understanding Pulsus Paradoxus | Lippincott NursingCenter
What is it and how do you detect it? In its simplest form, pulsus paradoxus is defined as a drop in peak systolic blood pressure more than 10 mm ...
#17Understanding the Mechanism of Pulsus Paradoxus
Pulsus paradoxus is a drop in blood pressure of more than 10 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) when taking a breath. It's a very specific sign ...
#18Does asthma cause pulsus paradoxus? - Healthline
When you take a breath in, you may experience a mild, brief drop in blood pressure that's unnoticeable. Pulsus paradoxus, sometimes called ...
#19Pulsus paradoxus. - The Journal of Clinical Investigation
Viewing as Journal of Clinical Investigation. Not your institution? Research Article Free access | 10.1172/JCI105295. Pulsus paradoxus. R Shabetai, N O Fowler, ...
#20Can We Assess Pulsus Paradoxus through Polysomnography ...
Pulsus paradoxus (PP) is a decrease in systolic blood pressure greater than 10 mm Hg during inspiration that occurs in various medical conditions.
#21Cardiac tamponade: Pulsus paradoxus - OpenAnesthesia
At some point in the accumulation of fluid (around 250-300 ml), the pericardium reaches maximal distension and results in a phenomenon called pulsus paradoxus.
#22Medical Definition of pulsus paradoxus - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of pulsus paradoxus is a pulse that weakens abnormally during inspiration and is symptomatic of various abnormalities (as pericarditis).
#23(PDF) Pulsus paradoxus - ResearchGate
We used the following search terms: Pulsus paradoxus, pericardial effusion, acute asthma, ventricular interdependence and so forth. All types of study were ...
#24Pulsus Paradoxus • LITFL • CCC Differential Diagnosis
Pulsus paradoxus is defined as an inspiratory drop in blood pressure of 10mmHg or more during normal breathing.
#25Oximetry-detected pulsus paradoxus predicts for severity in ...
Objective To evaluate if qualitative visual detection of pulsus paradoxus (PP) on the pulse oximeter plethysmograph can predict outcomes for children with ...
#26Pulsus Paradoxus | Signs - MedSchool
Causes of Pulsus Paradoxus · Cardiac - tamponade, constrictive pericarditis, severe CCF, myocardial pathology, mitral / tricuspid stenosis · Respiratory - acute ...
#27pulsus paradoxus and Kussmaul's sign - The Lancet
The current formal definition of pulsus paradoxus is an inspiratory fall of systolic blood pressure of greater than 10 mm Hg. To measure the ...
#28Palpable Pulsus Paradoxus in Primary Care Clinic - The ...
Given the patient's known metastasis to the mediastinum and palpable pulsus paradoxus, cardiac tamponade was suspected.
#29Pulsus Paradoxus | An Objective Measure of Severity in Croup
Pulsus paradoxus (PP) is an exaggeration of the normal inspiratory drop in systolic blood pressure which reflects the large inspiratory fall ...
#30Mechanism Study of Pulsus Paradoxus Using ... - PLOS
Pulsus paradoxus is a condition whereby normal inspiratory causes a fall of systolic blood pressure of greater than 10 mmHg [1]. It was first ...
#31Bedside Rounds #1: Why is a pulsus paradoxus not a paradox?
1. Any condition in which results in exaggerated drop in intrathoracic pressure on inspiration can result in pulsus paradoxus. · 2. Hypovolemia ...
#32Pulsus Paradoxus: A Definition Revisited - Journal of the ...
Pulsus paradoxus is associated with many clinical conditions and is defined as a greater than 10 mm Hg end-inspiratory decrease in systolic blood pressure.
#33Pseudopulsus Paradoxus - Chest Journal
Until recently the mechanism of true pulsus paradoxus was controversial. However, it is agreed that pulse pressure and left ventricular stroke volume fall ...
#34Pulsus paradoxus and pleurisy - Respiratory Medicine
But it is also well to recognise that pulsus paradoxus can occur in the presence of a large pleural effusion alone; and therefore, that when such an ...
#35Pulsus Paradoxus - Family Practice Notebook
This page includes the following topics and synonyms: Pulsus Paradoxus, Paradoxical Pulse.
#36Electrical Alternans and Pulsus Paradoxus - Journal of ...
Electrical alternans and pulsus paradoxus. J. Hosp. Med. 2010 April;5(4):253-254 | 10.1002/jhm.598. By: Ernest Lo, MD, Xiushui Ren, MD , Peter Y. Hui, MD.
#37Searching for pulsus paradoxus and correlates in cardiac ...
Pulsus paradoxus (PP) is a sign of great diagnostic value in cardiac tamponade. The clinical detection of PP is sometimes nebulous, ...
#38Noninvasive assessment of asthma severity using pulse ...
Pulsus paradoxus estimated by dynamic change in area under the oximeter plethysmograph waveform (PEP) might provide a measure of acute ...
#39PULSUS PARADOXUS | Anesthesiology - ASA Publications
PULSUS PARADOXUS · Article PDF first page preview · Citing articles via · Most Viewed · Most Cited · Email alerts · Related Articles · Social Media ...
#40pulsus paradoxus - Translation into French - examples English
Translations in context of "pulsus paradoxus" in English-French from Reverso Context: a method and system for automatically detecting pulsus paradoxus.
#41pulsus paradoxus - 奇脈 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
奇脈. pulsus paradoxus. 審譯日期: 103.1.21. 以pulsus paradoxus 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 醫學名詞
#42Pulsus paradoxus due to a tumorous mass constricting the heart
A 54-year-old man was transferred to our cardiology department from a secondary centre in July 2015 due to progressive dyspnoea.
#43A manifestation of a marked reduction of left ventricular end ...
To examine the cardiodynamics of pulsus paradoxus, simultaneous intrathoracic and cardiac pressures, coronary blood flow, and cardiac volumes were measured ...
#44Pulsus paradoxus - WikEM
Physiology · Inspiration is performed by decreasing intrathoracic pressure · Because the heart is in the thorax, this pressure is transmitted to ...
#45Pulsus Paradoxus | SpringerLink
Knowledge of respiratory variation of the amplitude of the pulse in pericardial disease dates back a long way. Some early observers of this phenomenon had ...
#46Pulsus paradoxus and Kussmaul's sign in massive pulmonary ...
A case is presented which emphasizes the fact that two classical signs of pericardial tamponade, pulsus paradoxus and inspiratory distension of the neck ...
#47Pulsus paradoxus - Anales de Pediatría
1 / Pages. Previous article. Go back to website. Next article.
#48Detection of Pulsus Paradoxus Associated With Large ...
Detection of Pulsus Paradoxus Associated With Large Pericardial Effusions in Pediatric Patients by Analysis of the Pulse-Oximetry Waveform.
#49Paradoxical Pulse | PSNet
(9) The hallmark physical exam finding of cardiac tamponade is the pulsus paradoxus, which does not appear to have been performed in this case.
#50Pulsus Paradoxus | Calgary Guide
... Cardiology Physical Exam Pulsus Paradoxus. Pulsus Paradoxus. Pulsus Paradoxus. Post Views: 4,093. © 2021 - The Calgary Guide to Understanding Disease.
#51Pulsus paradoxus - wikidoc
Pulsus paradoxus is an exaggeration of the normal variation in the pulse and drop of systolic blood pressure during the inspiratory phase of ...
Pulsus paradoxus is an exaggeration of this normal blood pressure variation with breathing. It is defined as a fall in systolic pressure by more than 15 ...
#53Reversed Pulsus Paradoxus - Penn State Pure
The term “reversed pulsus paradoxus” may be used to describe an inspiratory rise of the arterial systolic and diastolic pressures, ...
#54Clinical Signs in Medicine: Pulsus Paradoxus - Bioline ...
Causes of Pulsus Paradoxus · Cardiac tamponade · Pericardial effusion · Constrictive pericarditis · Restrictive cardiomyopathy · Pulmonary embolism · Acute myocardial ...
#55Pulsus Paradoxis: Physical Exam - EBM Consult
Pulsus Paradoxis · Definition. A fall of systolic blood pressure of >10 mmHg during the inspiratory phase · Pathophysiology (result of the following mechanisms ...
#56Pulsus Paradoxus in a Neonate with Interrupted Aortic Arch
Pulsus paradoxus is an exaggerated inspiratory fall (>10. mmHg) of systolic blood pressure (BP). It has been reported with cardiac tamponade, asthma, ...
#57Pulsus paradoxus and pericardial effusion - Resuscitation
Pulsus paradoxus has been defined as a systolic pressure fall greater than 10 ... after pericardial drainage, shows maturing ST segments without alternans.
Although pulsus paradoxus is associated with severe asthma, the degree of the association is unknown. This British study examined the ...
#59Respiratory waveform variation can prevent pulsus paradoxus ...
Background: Pulsus paradoxus (PP) represents increased fluctuation of systolic pressure during the respiratory cycle. PP increases in pathologic conditions, ...
#60Detection of Pulsus Paradoxus Associated ... - AAP Publications
Pulsus paradoxus was defined as a fall of >10 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure with inspiration. Other data recorded included echocardiographic ...
#61superiority over pulsus paradoxus in the clinical diagnosis of ...
We demonstrated that respirophasic variation in pulse oximetry waveform amplitudes is superior to pulsus paradoxus in the diagnosis of tamponade ...
#62The Vitals: Pulsus Paradoxus - CriticalCareNow
Pulsus paradoxus is an exaggerated fall in systolic blood pressure by 10 mmHg or more during inspiration; its discovery may have serious ...
#64Tamponade Physiology and Pulsus Paradoxus
Pulsus Paradoxus = > 10 mmHg fall in systolic BP during inspiration. To actually measure, inflate the cuff like normal, slowly deflate until your hear the ...
#65347 Point-Of-Care Ultrasound to Evaluate Pulsus Paradoxus ...
Pulsus paradoxus (PP) is defined as a fall of systolic BP of >10mmHg during the inspiratory phase of respiration. Measurement of PP is recommended by asthma ...
#66definition and relation to the severity of cardiac tamponade.
Pulsus paradoxus : definition and relation to the severity of cardiac tamponade. Am Heart J. 1988; 115(2):391-8 (ISSN: 0002-8703). Curtiss EI; Reddy PS; ...
#67Pulsus paradoxus - DocCheck Flexikon
Als Pulsus paradoxus versteht man einen Abfall des systolischen Blutdruckes von mehr als 10 mmHg während der Inspiration (Einatmung).
#68Pulsus paradoxus in ventilated and non-ventilated patients.
Pulsus paradoxus is a phenomenon in which the difference in systolic blood pressure ... and treatment of pulsus paradoxus in a mechanically ventilated patient.
#69Question 10 of 16 - AccessMedicine
Pulsus paradoxus has been described with pericardial tamponade or severe obstructive lung disease. Pulsus alternans is alternating large and small volume pulses ...
#70Palpable Pulsus Paradoxus in the Setting of Malignant ...
Palpable Pulsus Paradoxus in the Setting of Malignant. Pericardial Effusion and. Tamponade. Akshay Pendyal, MD. University of Colorado.
#71Portable Signs and Symptoms - 第 459 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Causes To accurately detect and measure pulsus paradoxus , use a sphygmomanometer or an intra - arterial monitoring device . Inflate the blood pressure cuff ...
#72Interpreting Signs and Symptoms - 第 510 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Comparing arterial pressure waves The waveforms shown here help differentiate a normal arterial pulse from pulsus alternans and pulsus paradoxus .
#73Applied Physiology in Intensive Care Medicine
Pulsus paradoxus is a frequent symptom of cardiac tamponade [6] and acute severe asthma [7, 8]. It may be observed as well in other forms of airway ...
#74Medicine: Prep Manual for Undergraduates, 3/e
Pulsus alternans • Description — This is an alternation of large and small volume beats , with a normal rhythm . There is a difference of 10-40 mmHg in ...
#75Congestive Heart Failure - 第 399 頁 - Google 圖書結果
From above down, aorta showing pulsus paradoxus without hypotension, respirome- try, superior caval pressure (P SVC) and velocity (Q SVC). ECG.
#76The Pericardium - 第 277 頁 - Google 圖書結果
4.12 Absence of anticipated pulsus paradoxus In a number of conditions , pulsus paradoxus is absent in spite of severe cardiac tamponade .
#77Pulsus paradoxus in cardiac tamponade - UMass Profiles
Swami A, Spodick DH. Pulsus paradoxus in cardiac tamponade: a pathophysiologic continuum. Clin Cardiol. 2003 May; 26(5):215-7. View in: PubMed. collapse ...
#78Mechanisms of pulsus paradoxus in airway obstruction
of pulsus paradoxus in airway obstruction. J. Appl. Physiol. 68(5): 1927-1931, 1990.-To assess the mechanisms of pulsus and arterial pressures, support the ...
#79Pulsus paradoxus - Oxford Reference
pulsus paradoxus [pa-ră-doks-ŭs] n. ... an exaggerated fall in systolic blood pressure and pulse volume when the patient breathes in. It is seen in constrictive ...
#80Pulsus Paradoxus - ProQuest
Pulsus Paradoxus. Rajasuriya, K. British Medical Journal; London Vol. 2, Iss. 5318, (Dec 8, 1962): 1543. DOI:10.1136/bmj.2.5318.1543-c. Publisher logo.
#81Mechanism of pulsus paradoxus in clinical shock. - Experts ...
Mechanism of pulsus paradoxus in clinical shock. J. N. Cohn, A. L. Pinkerson, F. E. Tristani. Medicine - Cardiology Division.
#82דופק פרדוקסי (Pulsus paradoxus) - הסימפטומים, הבדיקות ודרכי ...
דופק פרדוקסי ( Pulsus paradoxus ) · סיבות וגורמי סיכון · טיפולים ותרופות · נושאים מרכזיים · בדיקות קשורות · מחלות קשורות.
#83Pulsus Paradoxus - CiteSeerX
Pulsus paradoxus (Sidebar) is an abnormally large inspiratory decline in systemic arterial pressure and pulse pressure. This fluctuation occurs during ...
#84Ultrasound Case of the Month - Brown Emergency Medicine
In addition, one can evaluate for pulsus paradoxus on cardiac echo. By placing the pulse wave Doppler at the tips of the mitral valve in an ...
#85Cardiac tamponade | Deranged Physiology
Pulsus paradoxus - an exaggeration of the normal inspiratory fall in blood pressure, which has for some reason attracted a considerable ...
#86Pulsus paradoxus; historical and clinical perspectives
(2010) Abu-Hilal, Mookadam. International Journal of Cardiology. Pulsus paradoxus or the paradoxical pulse is an exaggeration of the normal inspiratory ...
#87Mechanism of reverse pulsus paradoxus - Dr. Johnson ...
Reverse pulsus paradoxus in a patient on IPPV is thought to be a sensitive indicator of hypovolemia [5]. Left ventricular end systolic volume as ...
#88Pulsus paradoxus
Schematic illustrations of pulsus alternans (A) and pulsus paradoxus (B). In clinical practice, pulsus alternans usually indicates systolic ventricular ...
#90Pulse ox for pulsus paradoxus - Contemporary Pediatrics
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#91Pulsus Paradoxus - Clinical Examination | Epomedicine
There is normal physiological fall in Blood pressure upto 10 mmHg during inspiration. Pulsus paradoxus is the exaggeration of this normal ...
#92What is Pulsus Paradoxus? | Medicine Specifics
If the difference between these two pressure readings is the >10 mmHg, it is pulsus paradoxus. Diff Dx: Used in the evaluation of cardiac tamponade (LR 3.3) ...
#9328 下列那種疾病最不可能出現奇脈(pulsus paradoxus)?
Other signs may include pulsus paradoxus (奇脈a drop of at least 10 mmHg in arterial blood pressure with inspiration), and ST segment changes on the ...
#94Pulsus paradoxus | 健康跟著走
Pulsus paradoxus :正常情況下,吸氣時血壓會稍微降低,而呼氣時血壓會稍微上升,下降的正常範圍是<10 mmHg,如果下降的幅度>10 mmHg則稱為pulsus ... ,Pulsus ...
#95什么是Pulsus Paradoxus? - Netinbag
什么是Pulsus Paradoxus? 人的心脏由四个腔室组成,在器官的上部包括两个心房,在下半部包括两个心室。 称为隔膜的肌肉将心脏右侧的腔室与左侧的腔室分开。
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