

在 profundity產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅民意論壇:聯合報。世界日報。udn tv,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #名人堂 當數學遇見美學 科技離不開人文 洪蘭 研究發現,美有內在潛意識的法則。圖為新竹市241藝術空間首檔展覽《識相.非象》,將展場變成雕塑美育陣地。圖/新竹市文化局提供 最近教育部在推素養教育,其中包括美學在內。但是「美」很抽象,是個主觀的經驗,如臭豆腐和榴槤,你的厭惡可能是我...


profundity 在 Wilson Sim 沈斯涵 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-02 05:53:36

[The Forbidden City, Beijjing] The Belvedere of Literary Profundity (文渊阁, wen yuan ge) is a palace building in the Forbidden City, it was used as a st...

profundity 在 suen Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-04-21 14:41:29

, profundity...

  • profundity 在 民意論壇:聯合報。世界日報。udn tv Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-11-11 11:00:35
    有 4 人按讚


    當數學遇見美學 科技離不開人文




    也有老師有不同的意見,說她擔任過多次作文比賽和美術比賽的評審,她的經驗是「英雄所見略同」,每次評審結果,如果去掉常態分配(normal distribution)曲線兩端的分數,大部分評審員的意見是很相近的。也就是說,你認為美的,我也認為不錯,因此認為美感是有共通性的。



    數學被公認是所有科學的基礎,數學上有個Occam's razor的簡約法則,講究優雅(elegant)、清晰(clarity)等等,數學家喜歡說這個證明很美。一般人對數學也有很多直覺,例如在「4-2=2,因為2+2=4」,和「2+2=4,因為4-2=2」的推論中,一般人偏愛前者,因為前者basic。

    曾有研究請數學家在核磁共振儀中,對數學公式做美的評分,結果發現符合他們心目中美的標準時,大腦眼眶皮質內側(medial orbitofrontal)會活化起來,跟我們對視覺和聽覺刺激感到美是同一個地方。大腦竟然有專門反應美的地方,真是令人驚訝。因為閱讀這個能力對人類文明這麼重要,但大腦中並沒有一個地方是閱讀中心。






  • profundity 在 Angelique Nicolette Teo Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-01-31 10:34:40
    有 45 人按讚

    Wines of Ronda - 6/12.

    We are at the halfway mark with my wine reviews!

    Thanks for walking this journey with me. Here's bottle number six.

    Encaste personifies a wine from a city and land whose traditions lie deep in the traditions of classical Rome.

    The sunlight, climate, culture and the ancient art of the bull, all ensure that the Cabernet Sauvignon vine (from which births this wine) represents the character and intensity of this ancient land, where the bull’s head blazes from the bridge over Ronda’s great gorge.

    The Bottle
    Name: Encaste
    Type: Sustainable Red Wine - Cabernet Sauvignion
    Vintage: 2013
    Winery: Bodegas Doña Felisa
    Region: Ronda, Spain

    The bottle is striking, serious and fun all at the same time with its distinct imprint of a bulls head on the label.

    It immediately tells the story of Ronda's history and connecting to traditions.

    The black and bronze foil holds a traditional cork which reveals a wine with simplicity and profundity.

    First Impressions
    After 12 months of being pampered in French Oak barrels, it's beauty is immediate with the the clarity of ruby red and redcurrant tones.

    Nose and Mouth
    A deep breath reveals some woodiness with some traces of spice and chocolate. On the palate, it's fully rounded with so much freshness that's reminiscent of clean mountain air.

    Purchase Wines Of Ronda SG at www.wineronda.sg

  • profundity 在 Translators Anonymous Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-01-31 14:54:45
    有 57 人按讚

    【Become Who You Are】



    我不想摘譯,也無從深入討論此書的內容,只能摘錄一些讀起來很有感覺的部分。對我而言,經過多年的渴求與自我追尋,這本書最大的意義在於提醒我「Become who you are」的重點不在於「who」,而是在於「become」。面對沒完沒了的苦難終於恍然大悟,如釋重負。自我追求的重點在於過程,而非終點或答案。我也非常喜歡最後赫曼.赫塞的那一段話,就別讓(我的)翻譯毀了它吧。

    “He who has attained to only some degree of freedom of mind cannot feel other than a wanderer on the earth—though not as a traveler to a final destination: for this destination does not exist.” —Friedrich Nietzsche.Human, All Too Human. 1878

    “There is in the world a single path where no one can go except you: whither does it lead? Do not ask,” Nietzsche instructs, “but go along it.”

    ”First, one must become the camel, loaded down with the baggage of the past, of tradition, of cultural constraints. This always struck me as the most brutal of the steps. Usually when one pictures camels they are walking in perfect single file, dutifully carrying their packs. But it’s not always like this. Camels are huge, stubborn creatures—sand monsters, really—that are not inclined to submit to the strictures that are placed on them. So, before the packs are placed on their backs, they have to be broken. Each camel is staked to the ground. And starved. If starvation doesn’t weaken their will, the beatings commence. This is how one becomes a beast of burden. But then, Nietzsche writes, in the loneliest desert, a second metamorphosis occurs: “here the spirit becomes a lion who would conquer his freedom and become the master of his own desert.” The lion is the only beast who can fight, and kill, what Zarathustra calls the dragon of the “Thou shalt.”This dragon must die so that the will—the sheer individual volition—of the lion can live.

    …that dying at the right time is the greatest challenge of life, that the line between madness and profundity is a faint thread high in the mountains that eventually vanishes.

    As it turns out, “becoming who you are” is not about finding a “who” you have always been looking for. It is not about separating “you” off from everything else. And it is not about existing as you truly “are” for all time. The self does not lie passively in wait for us to discover it. Selfhood is made in the active, ongoing process, in the German verb werden, “to become.”The enduring nature of being human is to turn into something else, which should not be confused with going somewhere else. This sometimes comes as a great disappointment to one who goes in search of the self. What one is, essentially, is this active transformation, nothing more, nothing less. This is not a grand wisdom quest and it doesn’t require one to escape to the mountains. No mountain is high enough. Just a bit of cheese and any fast moving river will suffice.

    In becoming who one is, a person turns back, into, gathers something of the past, and carries it forward. It is genealogy compressed under high pressure. The present, as such, is but a placeholder where the past and future meet, a fleeting moment where becoming takes place.

    Nietzsche’s point may be that the process of self-discovery requires an undoing of the self-knowledge that you assume you already had. Becoming is the ongoing process of losing and finding yourself.

    “You must find your dream,” Hesse instructs, “but no dream lasts forever, each dream is followed by another, and one should not cling to any one particular dream.”

    (Kaag, J, Hiking with Nietzsche)

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