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在 primoz產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅美利達自行車,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 熱血沸騰的東京奧運才剛結束,另一場環法賽等級的第76屆 La Vuelta a España環西班牙自行車大賽即將於本週六8月14日登場,並吸引3位耀武揚威而來的新科奧運金牌等高手,預告這年度3大自行車大賽的第3場將是一場精采可期的天王對決。 Vuelta環西班牙以特別難的高山爬坡為主要特色,今年...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過14萬的網紅SELF PICK,也在其Youtube影片中提到,更多精彩歡迎訂閱頻道 ▶http://bit.ly/2hyHNef Selfpick臉書粉絲頁 ▶https://www.facebook.com/selfpick ------------------ 【自由歌】 詞曲:楊子樸 導演:徐嘉凱 現在還有誰能這樣唱著歌 一把吉他一副破嗓唱著歌 如果...

  • primoz 在 美利達自行車 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-14 19:30:54
    有 157 人按讚

    熱血沸騰的東京奧運才剛結束,另一場環法賽等級的第76屆 La Vuelta a España環西班牙自行車大賽即將於本週六8月14日登場,並吸引3位耀武揚威而來的新科奧運金牌等高手,預告這年度3大自行車大賽的第3場將是一場精采可期的天王對決。

    Vuelta環西班牙以特別難的高山爬坡為主要特色,今年比賽有21站,長達23天、3418公里的比賽有高達9個以爬坡為終點的賽段,號稱是歷年來最難的環西班牙大賽。挑戰這場嚴酷考驗的是全球23支最菁英的職業車隊,共184名頂尖選手,其中來自斯洛維尼亞,尋求衛冕三連霸的東奧公路計時車金牌選手Primoz Roglic(羅德里奇)自是眾人關注的焦點。此外,英力士車隊也推出東京奧運公路車賽的Richard Carapaz(卡拉帕茲)、登山車賽Tom Pidcock(皮德科克)兩位新科奧運金牌選手,搭配已經環法賽、環義大利雙冠在握,志在奪冠的主將Egan Bernal(伯納爾),組成令人矚目的超級豪華陣容。

    但是,戰力同樣不容小覷的是唯一騎乘來自台灣品牌(美利達),7月剛勇奪環法賽團隊總冠軍的TBV巴林.勝利車隊,這是台灣東京奧運唯一自行車選手馮俊凱所屬的車隊,今年亮眼的成績已讓全球車迷刮目相看。領軍TBV車隊的是西班牙地主明星選手Mikel Landa(蘭達),上週剛摘下環西班牙前哨戰環布爾戈斯賽總冠軍,顯見狀態極佳。隊友包括今年環義賽總成績第2的卡魯索(Damiano Caruso)、環法賽傷癒歸隊的主力海格(Jack Haig),去年環西總成績第6的普爾斯(Wout Poels)、今年環義及環瑞士2個單站冠軍的梅德(Gino Mäder)、小環法賽連兩勝的帕登(Mark Padun),還有名號”東京奧運最佳破風手”的特拉特尼克(Jan Tratnik)等8位菁英選手。

    環西賽是另一場知名自行車品牌爭奇鬥勝的大舞台,台灣之光的美利達自行車為TBV車隊提供的主力選手車包括訴求低風阻,且兼具優異爬坡性能的全能型空氣動力車REACTO(銳克多),以及高山爬坡型選手最仰賴的超輕量型全能車SCULTURA(斯特拉),還有公路計時賽專用車Warp TT。值得一提的是,為了迎戰強敵,美利達助攻TBV車隊的還有一款爬坡性能特強,即將於環西賽期間正式全球發表的指標性新車,使TBV車隊如虎添翼。

    奧運歸來,剛從防疫隔離出關的台灣一哥馮俊凱指出,這次他所屬的TBV車隊推出的環西班牙大賽陣容堪稱鑽石等級,非常有競爭力。美利達自行車特別邀請您一起為阿凱的TBV隊友加油,也見證台灣品牌持續在國際體壇發光發熱。關注另一場熱血沸騰的環西班牙大賽,請鎖定美利達自行車的Facebook( https://reurl.cc/VEVjpQ ),將有好康的抽獎品回饋車迷喔!

  • primoz 在 Culture Trip Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-03-19 00:00:52
    有 459 人按讚

    The Church Of St Primoz stands on a peaceful hilltop in Jamnik, Slovenia. Want to explore more of this beautiful country? Download our app 👉 http://bit.ly/2w7Kcpd

    📸 @jakenethercott on Instagram

  • primoz 在 Culture Trip Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-11-09 18:00:47
    有 407 人按讚

    The Church Of St Primoz stands on a peaceful hilltop in Jamnik. If you're a nature-lover, add Slovenia to your wishlist.

    📸 @jakenethercott on Instagram.

  • primoz 在 SELF PICK Youtube 的最佳解答

    2014-12-24 13:06:17

    更多精彩歡迎訂閱頻道 ▶http://bit.ly/2hyHNef
    Selfpick臉書粉絲頁 ▶https://www.facebook.com/selfpick












    記憶在書寫之後 開始旅行...
    手是鴿子的翼 叼著一葉透光的故事
    海風中 尋找陸地


    寫手樂團 The Writers
    Produced and Arranged by Venk Yang
    Lead vocals by Venk Yang
    Guitar by David Liu
    Accordion by Primoz Parovel
    Cello by Lini Hsu
    Background vocals by David Liu and Little O
    Recorded by Dr.GU and Venk Yang
    Mixed by Dr.GU and Chief Wang



    創作者實境秀最終完結篇 貴 賓 席

    ▶Reach us : http://bit.ly/selfpick-facebook
    ▶Original Music : The Writers , http://bit.ly/thesongwritershand

  • primoz 在 pennyccw Youtube 的精選貼文

    2009-01-07 23:27:18

    The Philadelphia 76ers would rather not rely so heavily on Allen Iverson.

    They certainly can't complain about the results, though.

    Iverson scored 48 points and the 76ers gained ground in the race for the final playoff spot in the Eastern Conference with a 106-103 win over the Charlotte Bobcats on Wednesday night.

    Iverson had 30 in the first half to help the Sixers (37-37) take a 25-point lead, which was sliced all the way to one late in the fourth quarter. It was the second straight game the Sixers let a huge lead slip away, blowing a 26-point lead against Boston before holding on for a four-point win.

    Certainly, the eighth spot is Philly's to lose over the final eight games. The Sixers have won six of 10 and are 11-8 since March 1 to build a game and a half lead over New Jersey and a 2½-game cushion on Orlando.

    Chris Webber missed his third straight game with a sprained left shoulder.

    "When Chris is not on the court, it puts way too much on Allen's shoulders," said Sixers coach Jim O'Brien.

    Kyle Korver finished with 11 points and Andre Iguodala had 11 rebounds for the Sixers.

    Cleveland's 98-77 loss to Indiana on Wednesday night pulled the Sixers to one game of the Cavaliers for the seventh spot. The Cavs play at Philadelphia on Friday and are 0-2 this year against the Sixers.

    The Sixers are 3½ games behind first-place Boston in the Atlantic Division.

    "The next game, that's the one we have to have," Iverson said. "If we approach everything that way, than everything will take care of itself.

    The feisty Bobcats were a little too late in turning the game around and lost their sixth straight.

    Cory Alexander sank two free throws that made it 104-103 with 33 seconds left, but Gerald Wallace mishandled the ball and it bounced out of bounds on Charlotte's last possession.

    "We would like to just completely put a team away," said Korver. "But there's something to be said about us winning both games. They do come back on us, we feel the pressure a little bit, but still we win."

    Korver sank a couple of free throws for Philadelphia and clinched a win that probably shouldn't have been so close.

    "It seems like every game we just can't finish," said Primoz Brezec, who led the Bobcats with 23 points.

    The Bobcats had their chances for an improbable victory in the final minutes.

    Emeka Okafor's layup and turnaround jumper cut Philadelphia's lead to 102-99. Iguodala hit two free throws for a five-point lead, but Primoz Brezec stepped out for a 17-foot baseline jumper that made it 104-101.

    Iverson's attempt for 50 points on a driving layup hit off the front of the rim and Samuel Dalembert's ill-advised putback in traffic was an airball.

    With a chance to go-ahead, Wallace started to drive and the ball seemed to bounce off his sneaker.

    "Wallace had a layup, but he just lost the ball," said Bobcats coach Bernie Bickerstaff.

    Alexander had 17 points and Keith Bogans 16 for the Bobcats, who were coming off a 104-102 loss to the Los Angeles Clippers on Tuesday night.

    Iverson came as close as he could in the first half to matching his league-leading scoring average of 30.4 points. Iverson was sensational, making 10 of 15 baskets and 10 of 11 free throws. His only weakness came from the 3-point line where he missed all four attempts.

    Iverson finished 17-for-31 and went 13-for-14 from the line. He had a career-high 60 points in a win over Orlando on Feb. 12 and reached the 40 mark for the eighth time this year.

    The Sixers used 17-0 run late in the second quarter to race to a 62-37 lead. They led 66-47 at halftime, scoring a season-high for points in a half.

    Game notes
    Brezec got in Iguodala's face late in the second quarter and was whistled for a technical foul. Brevin Knight and Bickerstaff also was hit with a T in the first half. Knight got another technical in the fourth and was ejected. Okafor got one soon after ... Iverson has scored 50 points three times this season and has 58 career games with 40 or more points.

