

在 potty產品中有308篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 君會坐馬桶了.第一泡成功尿在 #MyHeart馬桶 ✔︎ 免運連結🔗 https://lihibaby.com/DiqHg ✔︎ 艾比媽心分享🔗 https://ibmm.tw/myheart-potty/ - Yeah Yeah Yeah🎉 君第一泡成功尿在馬桶裡啦👍🏻 姊姊從小使用的MyHe...

 同時也有119部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,320的網紅Today is my day,也在其Youtube影片中提到,訂閱《Today is my day》👉https://bit.ly/2Roz2qd #宇宙人外信 全收錄:https://bit.ly/3wO4KwA 來IG找我們玩吧:https://bit.ly/2PNGJ8J 有一天,一處十字路口的電線杆斷了,日本警察調查後才赫然發現,原來是狗狗闖的禍!...

potty 在 L I A N M E I T I N G Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-10 20:38:05

I’m so proud of this little girl right here. I was kinda worried about Kayla when I got pregnant, that I wouldn’t be able to spend as much time with h...

potty 在 -ᴄʜᴀɴ ᴋᴀʏ- Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-03 10:41:45

"I need to poo poo💩!" Lia 影影下相大叫要去poo poo😂🙈😅 真係好準時,每日差唔多晏晝4至6點嘅時候就會叫去poo poo,一早戒晒片片嘅Lia叫完就會自己做便便三步曲:拎書>除褲褲>坐potty,不過依家通常睇完幾頁書就會起身,因為太暢順了😂 之前分享過點揀奶粉,除...

  • potty 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-31 10:48:48
    有 102 人按讚

    君會坐馬桶了.第一泡成功尿在 #MyHeart馬桶
    ✔︎ 免運連結🔗 https://lihibaby.com/DiqHg
    ✔︎ 艾比媽心分享🔗 https://ibmm.tw/myheart-potty/

    Yeah Yeah Yeah🎉 君第一泡成功尿在馬桶裡啦👍🏻 姊姊從小使用的MyHeart小馬桶,是完全仿照大人馬桶造型的,樣子很擬真~

    我們君君明天要去幼幼班了😍!我們最擔心的戒尿布,雖然還在努力中,但失誤率越來越低啦🤣 趁夏天熱,索性不要包尿布,讓他練習練習,想趁今年戒尿布的,趕快把握最後機會,讓寶貝感受一下坐馬桶的感覺。

    家裡原本就有一個桃紅色(姊姊的),之前出於好奇常常會去偷偷坐一下XD 自從天氣變好,在家我們都只有穿上衣,喝完內內或吃飽飯後,就鼓勵他去坐馬桶,沒想到坐著坐著真的就尿出來。

    🔗 https://ibmm.tw/diaper-byebye/


    畢竟包布布一陣子了,要換成上在馬桶裡,屁股坐在馬桶上用力,如果腳踩不到地板,會失去平衡重心,很多孩子在這過程中,就會卡關,明明很想上但一坐大馬桶就是尿不出來~ 因為,腳踩著地板,才有安心感覺。


    造型仿真,跟大人馬桶一模一樣,還有沖水按鈕,之外,有悠揚音樂聲🎵,更能引起好感💕 揪媽媽友一次買3個,更便宜唷!
    🔗 https://lihibaby.com/DiqHg

    有任何問題可以私訊艾比,加賴搜尋🔍 @ibmm 或點 https://lin.ee/z3lOzV 歡迎加艾比媽LINE團購社群,相關訊息會立即通知喔 🔗 https://line.me/ti/g2/tIndPIyc5nS6NhW7O1yIHQ

  • potty 在 Zoe Raymond Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-26 21:16:59
    有 15 人按讚

    This was a picture I took of @yangarielle Arielle a month ago, little did I know that this would be her last diapers picture.

    11 months since we started toilet training and today is Arielle’s 4th week of being diaper-free for majority of her nights. I say majority because there were 3 nights where she wore diapers because, 2 nights she really needed milk before bed and 1 night she slept over at my parents. We are still taking it slow and listening to her cues, if she really needs diapers, we will put it on for her.

    We have had 4 misses so far - first was on the third day where she came to my room at 3am saying, “Mommy I wet my pants”. The second and third miss was on Day 4 where we reckoned that the AC was too cold that night. I would comfort her “it is alright”, clean her up and she quickly falls back to sleep. After being dry for 3 weeks, our 4th miss was just earlier this morning. Is the 4th miss to commemorate week 4, Arielle? 😝

    Night toilet training all started for us when Arielle didn’t have milk before bed. I asked her if she wanted to wear panties to sleep tonight and she replied YES in a heartbeat! I was so excited, I changed her into panties, lined her bed with a waterproof mat and put the potty and flushable wet wipes in her room.

    Arielle is a milk monster like all of us know. She would ask for milk out of routine even if she has had a hearty dinner. Some of the changes we made was to offer Arielle milk earlier, lesser or even no milk on most nights now. We also take her to the potty before we go to bed at about 11.30pm-12am. Arielle pees quite a substantial amount in a sleepy state so she sleeps right back. If she wakes up MOTN to look for us, we will take her to the potty too. Arielle sleeps at about 830pm and wakes up about 630am. She would walk to her potty when she wakes before she goes downstairs.

    Swipe to see Arielle’s @rascalandfriends journey! 🥲

  • potty 在 米式抓餅 - 很台的台美混血寶寶 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-18 19:29:26
    有 17 人按讚

    Fisher-Price 費雪 國王便器椅凳 



    我喜歡用positive reinforcement的方式教孩子,意思就是做對了就跨獎,讓對方知道做對了是好棒的事,是可以得到讚賞的。

    我在教米寶戴口罩、戴帽子,吃飯、學手語的時候也是一樣,喜歡用這種方式來引導米寶,所以第一眼看到這款【Fisher-Price 費雪 國王便器椅凳】的時候覺得很適合我,因為它有個便便成功的時候會播放音樂出來鼓勵寶寶的功能。





    7/19 開始會有蝦皮線上婦幼展


