

在 populate產品中有14篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過741萬的網紅Culture Trip,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Lake Como is mesmerising no matter which part of it you choose to visit. Even more charming, though, are the towns that populate its shores. 📍Varenn...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過75萬的網紅志祺七七 X 圖文不符,也在其Youtube影片中提到,本集廣告與「NVIDIA」合作播出 4/12 - 4/16 #NVIDIA 年度 GPU 技術大會 #GTC21 即將盛大登場 ✔️ 上千場跨國講座,免費線上隨選觀看 ✔️ 線上朝聖 AI 界大神| 3 位圖靈獎得主 Geoffrey Hinton、Yann LeCun 和 Yoshua Ben...

populate 在 看ig學英文 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-03-06 23:48:37

特斯拉電動車的創辦人 Elon Musk 近日成為全球首富,在推特上宣布,將貢獻他一半的財產,來致力發展火星移民計畫。  大家期待有一天人類真的可以上火星嗎?   現在加入 IG PRO 超過上百篇的教學內容 讓老師讀新聞給你聽 增強你的聽、讀能力 順便搞懂你每次都會搞錯的英文文法...

  • populate 在 Culture Trip Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-18 21:00:43
    有 2,914 人按讚

    Lake Como is mesmerising no matter which part of it you choose to visit. Even more charming, though, are the towns that populate its shores.

    📍Varenna, Italy
    📸 Simone Polattini / Alamy

  • populate 在 Gucci Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-25 03:57:56
    有 1,121 人按讚

    “It [No Space, Just A Place] also evokes a relationship to outer space, a sort utopian place in which to set new empowering narratives, dwelling into the understanding of otherness, minoritarian identities, queer politics, new political and aesthetic relationships between humans, non-humans, the earth and the cosmos…” curator Myriam Ben Salah—Executive Director and Chief Curator of the Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago. The exhibition aims to support the cultural landscape of South Korea’s contemporary art scene by creating multi-layered project that brings visibility to Seoul’s alternative art spaces and other local and international artists. Historically underground venues that populate storefronts, lofts, warehouses and other places abandoned by the mainstream, these independent art spaces first appeared in Seoul in the late 90s and are famous for promoting work that is often politically engaged, experimental, and more concerned with artistic debates than commercial viability ‘No Space, Just a Place’ is curated by Myriam Ben Salah —Executive Director and Chief Curator of the Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago—and propelled by #Gucci Creative Director Alessandro Michele’s meditations on society: the ethical and aesthetic value of the relationships between genres and gender, the notion of learnscapes, the urgency of self-expression and an ageless anthropological manifesto are key themes to him, which are reflected in the mission and ambitions of these alternative spaces. This lays the foundation for a new perspective on the act of “being together” while not being a single entity. The exhibit will run until July 12, 2020.

  • populate 在 Gucci Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-07 05:41:37
    有 972 人按讚

    Images from ‘No Space, Just A Place’, a new exhibition propelled by Gucci Creative Director Alessandro Michele’s meditations on society and reflections on eterotopia. Curated by Myriam Ben Salah, the exhibition spans across the floors of the Daelim Museum in Seoul—a location part of the Gucci Places network—and features independent art spaces which have been invited to give their own definition of what an “other space” might be. Historically underground venues that populate storefronts, lofts, warehouses and other places abandoned by the mainstream, these independent art spaces first appeared in Seoul in the late 90s and are famous for promoting work that is often politically engaged, experimental, and more concerned with artistic debates than commercial viability.
    Seen here in images 1 and 2 is ‘Room’, a project exhibited by the independent art space OF that reflects on the notion of domesticity, of separation between the inside and the outside through three distinct rooms displaying different levels of privacy. Featured in images 3 and 4 is ‘Secret for Longevity’ by White Noise, which reflects on how to reinvent an artist’s identity through collaboration. In images 5 and 6 the independent art space Post Territory Ujeongguk displays ‘Lunar Real Estate’ by artist Kang Woohyeok, where he projects onto the moon the possibility of owning land – a crucial need in Seoul and its immediate region.
    ‘No Space, Just a Place’ will run ‪until July 12, 2020‬. Take a virtual tour of the exhibition with a special 360 video available on.gucci.com/_NoSpaceJustAPlace360.

  • populate 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-06 19:00:04


    4/12 - 4/16 #NVIDIA 年度 GPU 技術大會 #GTC21 即將盛大登場
    ✔️ 上千場跨國講座,免費線上隨選觀看
    ✔️ 線上朝聖 AI 界大神| 3 位圖靈獎得主 Geoffrey Hinton、Yann LeCun 和 Yoshua Bengio 的獨家演說!
    ✔️ 4/13 上午九點|執行長黃仁勳的主題演講
    ✔️ 4/14 - 4/16 「DLI 深度學習實作坊」提升備戰力!學生、研究人員或團體報名另有優惠

    💡 預約 Keynote 行事曆:https://nvda.ws/3dPlZYe
    🧠 臉書活動資訊:https://nvda.ws/3d6QCpQ
    ✉️ 獲取 DLI 實作訓練相關優惠 GTC_Taiwan@nvidia.com

    ✔︎ 成為七七會員(幫助我們繼續日更,並享有會員專屬福利):http://bit.ly/shasha77_member
    ✔︎ 購買黃臭泥周邊商品: https://reurl.cc/Ezkbma 💛
    ✔︎ 訂閱志祺七七頻道: http://bit.ly/shasha77_subscribe
    ✔︎ 追蹤志祺IG :https://www.instagram.com/shasha77.daily
    ✔︎ 來看志祺七七粉專 :http://bit.ly/shasha77_fb
    ✔︎ 如果不便加入會員,也可從這裡贊助我們:https://bit.ly/support-shasha77

    #外太空條約 #南極條約 #月球協定
    00:00 開頭
    01:09 【NVIDIA GTC Spring】一分鐘廣告
    02:50 聯合國的《外太空條約》
    04:09 解決南極紛爭的《南極條約》
    05:57 《南極條約》的極限?
    07:01 所有人共享資源的《月球協定》
    08:19 官方不能佔為己有,那民間呢?
    09:27 美國不玩了!
    10:36 我們的觀點
    12:13 問答
    12:33 結尾

    【 製作團隊 】



    【 本集參考資料 】

    SpaceX 建立火星基地的相關報導
    →Elon Musk says SpaceX is on track to launch people to Mars within 6 years — here's the full timeline of his plans to populate the red planet' - Insider:https://bit.ly/3rTlK1w
    →50岁的《外层空间条约》名存实亡? - 中国航天科技集团:https://bit.ly/3sSAAqs
    →Extraterrestrial real estate:https://bit.ly/3wx6Cu3
    南極條約 相關討論
    →南極條約體系 - Wikipedia:https://bit.ly/31PiEky
    →南極條約一甲子,老而彌堅還是行將就木? - 鳴人堂:https://bit.ly/3cUi23o
    →無主之地的管轄權:在南極和太空犯罪要歸誰管? - 法操:https://bit.ly/3uq3Ox3
    →摘下星星送給你–國家或個人可以把星體當自己的嗎? - 法操(這裡面有在月球上成立國家的案例):https://bit.ly/3mmUGq6
    →你真的能買下月球的土地嗎? - 天下雜誌(裡面有提到Lunar Embassy Corp 的例子):https://bit.ly/3dxjGXS
    →月球土地先佔先贏? - 科學人:https://bit.ly/3mjYLLW
    →在月球上炒「地皮」 - 科學Online:https://bit.ly/2PDhhD1
    →月球屬於誰? - 泛科學:https://bit.ly/2RbJSzO
    NASA 阿提密斯協定
    →8國簽署Artemis Accords協議 訂定探索月球標準 - 科技政策研究與資訊中心:https://bit.ly/3rSnHvb
    →NASA 發布新版月球探索公約《阿提米絲協議》,鼓勵資源開採 - 科技新報:https://bit.ly/3mmPYc0
    →人類月球探索:誰將擁有月球資源的開採權? - BBC 中文:https://bbc.in/2PUSQ3M

    【 延伸閱讀 】

    →富豪星際爭霸戰(上):馬斯克、貝佐斯與他們的太空事業 - 鳴人堂:https://bit.ly/3cTbaU4
    →富豪星際爭霸戰(下):雲端、衛星與國防,誰能把握太空經濟先機? - 鳴人堂:https://bit.ly/39OlFWy
    →Making Humans a Multi-Planetary Species‘ - Elon Musk:https://bit.ly/3mo879n
    →SpaceX's Mars Colony Plan: How Elon Musk Plans to Build a Million-Person Martian City:https://bit.ly/2PZAChw
    →How SpaceX's Starship Will Help Establish a Mars Base :https://bit.ly/39NYxaV
    →Elon Musk on planning for Mars: ‘The city has to survive if the resupply ships stop coming from Earth’ - CNBC:https://cnb.cx/2PGUYw9
    →公地悲劇—The tragedy of the commons:https://bit.ly/3fL7h5l




  • populate 在 Shiney Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-07-02 01:10:29

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Special Edition
    ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://www.cdkeys.com/pc/games/the-elder-scrolls-v-5-skyrim-special-edition-pc-steam-cd-key?mw_aref=Shiney
    พากย์ไทย แปลไทย

    วิธีการเพิ่ม items

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an action role-playing game, playable from either a first or third-person perspective. The player may freely roam over the land of Skyrim which is an open world environment consisting of wilderness expanses, dungeons, caves, cities, towns, fortresses, and villages. Players may navigate the game world more quickly by riding horses, paying for a ride from a city's stable or by utilizing a fast-travel system which allows them to warp to previously discovered locations. The game's main quest can be completed or ignored at the player's preference after the first stage of the quest is finished. However, some quests rely on the main storyline being at least partially completed. Non-player characters (NPCs) populate the world and can be interacted with in a number of ways: the player may engage them in conversation, marry an eligible NPC, kill them or engage in a nonlethal "brawl". As in previous The Elder Scrolls games, killing certain NPCs can make some quests or items unobtainable. Some NPCs cannot be killed due to their importance in later storylines. If witnessed, crimes like murder and theft accrue the player a bounty which is tracked independently in each of Skyrim's nine holds. Should the player be stopped by a guard, they may wipe their bounty with gold or jail time or may resist arrest which will trigger an aggressive pursuit. It is also possible to bribe a guard, or convince him to forget the crime, if it is a minor offense. NPCs may offer the player additional side-quests and some side-quests have parameters adjusted based on nearby dungeons which the player has yet to explore. Some NPCs who are befriended or hired by the player may act as companions who will accompany the player and aid them in combat. The player may choose to join factions which are organized groups of NPCs — for example, the Dark Brotherhood, a band of assassins. Each of the factions has an associated quest path to progress through. Each city and town in the game world has jobs that the player can engage in, such as farming.

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Special Edition is a remastered version of the game.

  • populate 在 Shiney Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-06-30 15:31:23

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Special Edition
    ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://www.cdkeys.com/pc/games/the-elder-scrolls-v-5-skyrim-special-edition-pc-steam-cd-key?mw_aref=Shiney
    พากย์ไทย แปลไทย

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an action role-playing game, playable from either a first or third-person perspective. The player may freely roam over the land of Skyrim which is an open world environment consisting of wilderness expanses, dungeons, caves, cities, towns, fortresses, and villages. Players may navigate the game world more quickly by riding horses, paying for a ride from a city's stable or by utilizing a fast-travel system which allows them to warp to previously discovered locations. The game's main quest can be completed or ignored at the player's preference after the first stage of the quest is finished. However, some quests rely on the main storyline being at least partially completed. Non-player characters (NPCs) populate the world and can be interacted with in a number of ways: the player may engage them in conversation, marry an eligible NPC, kill them or engage in a nonlethal "brawl". As in previous The Elder Scrolls games, killing certain NPCs can make some quests or items unobtainable. Some NPCs cannot be killed due to their importance in later storylines. If witnessed, crimes like murder and theft accrue the player a bounty which is tracked independently in each of Skyrim's nine holds. Should the player be stopped by a guard, they may wipe their bounty with gold or jail time or may resist arrest which will trigger an aggressive pursuit. It is also possible to bribe a guard, or convince him to forget the crime, if it is a minor offense. NPCs may offer the player additional side-quests and some side-quests have parameters adjusted based on nearby dungeons which the player has yet to explore. Some NPCs who are befriended or hired by the player may act as companions who will accompany the player and aid them in combat. The player may choose to join factions which are organized groups of NPCs — for example, the Dark Brotherhood, a band of assassins. Each of the factions has an associated quest path to progress through. Each city and town in the game world has jobs that the player can engage in, such as farming.

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Special Edition is a remastered version of the game.

