作者stkissstone (淺澗遠秋)
標題[閒聊] 3.20 平衡 珠寶&元素異常
時間Tue Nov 15 04:41:32 2022
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3322027 剛好在推特看到
簡單翻一下 不逐字 也沒潤稿 有錯誤麻煩提醒一下 感謝
In our upcoming 3.20 expansion, we're making a number of balance changes that
we'll present over several balance manifestos that each cover an individual
topic. In today's manifesto, we're discussing changes to Jewels, most notably
increasing their potential for ailment mitigation.
Jewels have modifiers that provide various forms of ailment avoidance or
protection. However, because their current values are moderately low, you
often need to stack several Jewels in order to have adequate levels of
protection. We feel that this is an excessive amount of investment for how
necessary ailment mitigation is to a character's build. This issue has been
exacerbated by some of these mods being gated behind corruption, making them
more expensive and difficult to acquire.
簡單來說是原本數值太低 你不大量塞很多顆根本沒感覺 這對想免疫元素異常的玩家來
說需要投資的成本太多 主因為很多這類詞都要靠瓦的才瓦的出好看的數字 所以弄起來
We're expanding the pool of mods available on magic and rare Jewels and are
making their modifier values more generous so that players have better access
to sources of ailment mitigation, with less investment.
Regular Jewels (i.e. Jewels that are not Abyss or Cluster Jewels) now have
mods that provide Reduced Duration or Reduced Effect for a wider variety of
ailments than before. Abyss Jewels now have mods that provide avoidance of
various ailments.
(我記得原本就有這類詞? 還是他的意思是可以一條詞抗兩種元素異常?)
This means that Jewels should be a more reliable and less expensive source of
ailment mitigation through their higher mod values and better variety of
Many unique Jewels are not exciting to find. There are a few reasons for
this. In most cases they are simply underpowered, or apply to a too-narrow
window of usage, or both. There are also many corruption-only Jewels that
don't fulfill a good purpose.
Previously, we were hesitant to revisit unique Jewels and improve them beyond
their initial designs because many of their themes are somewhat rigid in
nature, meaning there is little room to improve them without completely
remaking them.
An example of this is the Fireborn Crimson Jewel. It has no values that we
could increase to make it more useful; it simply changes the damage type
within a radius which has very limited opportunities for use. Any
improvements we could make to this Jewel would have to fundamentally change
its identity and would therefore essentially remove the Jewel in its current
form from Path of Exile.
打個比方 ↓ 像這顆珠寶
https://poedb.tw/tw/Fireborn 這東西上面甚至沒有數值可以直接改善,這東西單純把範圍內的傷害類型改變,所以用途
We're making it so that every unique jewel that drops is very rare and highly
desirable. This means that many existing unique Jewels have been removed from
the drop pool. The intention is that now when you find a unique Jewel, it
should almost always be a very positive experience.
To help make jewel drops special, we've designed a new set of unique Jewels
that are powerful chase items. These can drop from the core pool. You can
learn more about these Jewels in our upcoming announcement livestream for the
3.20 expansion.
With that said, there were some unique Jewels that were still useful for a
subset of players because they had build-enabling modifiers or other very
niche uses (like the Brute Force Solution or other attribute-transformation
Jewels). Instead of getting rid of these, we've made them corruption-only
unique Jewels. We feel this has benefits for both players who want them and
players who don't, as generally players who don't want them won't come across
them as core drops and players who do want them can still actively pursue
Some build-enabling unique Jewels can now be found from more deterministic
sources throughout Path of Exile. One example is Combat Focus which can now
be obtained through a vendor recipe.
Some other build-enabling Jewels that affect Golems can no longer drop but
can be found from another more deterministic source. While we want you to
discover this new source on your own during gameplay, we will say for clarity
that these Jewels do not come from vendor recipes.
(我原本想猜支線 結果下面就啪啪給我兩巴掌= =)
Our goal is that finding a unique Jewel is an exciting experience. The unique
Jewels that drop naturally should be those that are very valuable with broad
appeal to the average player, either to use in your own build or trade to
someone else. We've worked towards this goal by removing uninteresting unique
Jewels, adding more chase unique Jewels, and moving Jewels that do appeal to
a smaller subset of players to other places so that they can be pursued by
Many of the unique Jewels that are currently granted through quest rewards
are not very desirable. Additionally, because they're offered to all players
who make their way through the campaign, they're extremely common, which
inhibits them from having value or being meaningful items to find. We have
also come to feel that it's thematically incorrect to offer unique items as
quest rewards, as it undermines their feeling of uniqueness and prestige.
Unique Jewels will no longer be offered as quest rewards. Most of the Jewels
that were previously offered have been removed entirely, though some
important ones have had their effects preserved in the form of new unique
items or by being added to the pool of rollable Jewel modifiers.
任務獎品不再給予傳奇珠寶,一部分被永久移除了,另一些比較重要 有自己特殊用途的
These quest rewards now offer a random Rare Jewel. Because the rewards are
not static like the unique Jewels were, they may have a better chance of
being useful to the receiver or something that may be valuable to trade to
others. At the very least, they should be less predictable.
Players should no longer be burdened with predictable unique Jewel quest
rewards but will not entirely miss out on some of the valuable aspects they
did have.
Jewels should be more exciting than before and provide a better source of
ailment mitigation than they were in 3.19. Jewels with effects that are
useful only to a subset of players should still be attainable while moving
them out of the way of players who aren't interested in them. You can find
out more information in the patch notes for the 3.20 expansion and in our
announcement livestream.
As we mentioned, we have several other balance manifestos coming out. These
will cover topics such as Curses, Archnemesis and Eldritch Altars, among
other things.
內容都講個大概而已 看看就好 期待跟不爽都不用太早下
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PathofExile/M.1668458495.A.9F2.html
推 WenKaiSu: 下版改動方向竟然是珠寶 11/15 05:07
噓 iamnotfatest: 老ggg了 沒有明顯大對手威脅生存的話 還是不期不待 11/15 05:42
→ iamnotfatest: 不受傷害 11/15 05:42
噓 Arebize: 白痴GGG不把珠寶花園上綴還回來讓玩家捨棄一個後綴搞免 11/15 05:45
→ Arebize: 役異常 11/15 05:45
推 michaelfat19: 說認真的 我好幾季不靠珠寶拿元免了這改動無感欸 11/15 06:15
推 sobiNOva: 看到減少掉落就知道要幹XX GGG了吧 11/15 06:18
推 rusa: GGG應該會讓你得從珠寶或天賦稱超過100%的 等者看 11/15 06:31
→ stkissstone: 反正現在野生珠寶沒幾個好的 有價的本身就超少 11/15 06:38
→ sx7890sx: 能力轉換變汙染不會比較好啊 這樣瓦不出上墜了啊== 11/15 07:29
推 egain: 生存祕技征服迅捷至少中期還能賣個幾十C給想瓦的人 任務給 11/15 07:31
→ egain: 黃珠寶能幹嘛 點金碎片? 11/15 07:31
噓 fantasybard: 那個污染變成轉換是認真的嗎,想污染的人不會想看 11/15 07:35
→ fantasybard: 到這鬼東西吧,GGG又發病了是吧= = 11/15 07:36
推 rusa: 一貫作風花式改爛 11/15 07:42
推 p200404: 就是給你垃圾阿 那幾個傳奇珠寶還有點用處 黃珠寶就是垃 11/15 07:44
→ p200404: 圾 11/15 07:44
→ p200404: 鑑定我還嫌浪費我一張只是卷軸 11/15 07:44
噓 scott50110: 結論 11/15 07:59
→ scott50110: 11/15 07:59
→ scott50110: 玩家不用被那些任務綁死,並且不會錯過那些舊傳奇珠寶 11/15 07:59
→ scott50110: 有用的部分 不是欸 講的好像可以跳過劇情一樣 送傳說 11/15 07:59
→ scott50110: 珠寶的任務不是主線任務嗎 打善那個任務 11/15 07:59
推 kenntrf: 不期不待 沒有傷害 11/15 07:59
推 amsmsk: 有人靠塞珠寶拿元免嗎 窩很好騎 11/15 08:11
→ amsmsk: 任務不給傳奇 那為啥不移除任務 11/15 08:12
推 zianz113: 熟悉的ggg風格最對味 11/15 08:18
推 sm3bp078: 移除 lol 11/15 08:25
推 ja2200: 該改的是很多廢技能吧 11/15 08:43
推 Jwfsm: 垃圾太多所以我們把垃圾移除的既視感 11/15 08:53
推 steven70101: 現在傳奇珠寶好像都支線,黃金手,烏圖拉,瓦斯提里 11/15 09:26
→ steven70101: 之翼,原本主線拿門檻珠寶的被拔了 11/15 09:26
→ steven70101: 不過能力轉換改成污染限定....還好我這季千屬玩過了. 11/15 09:27
→ steven70101: . 11/15 09:27
推 cjwgary: 每次看GGG發言都覺得好像他們玩的是不同的遊戲 與現實玩 11/15 09:29
→ cjwgary: 家體驗脫節 11/15 09:29
推 steven70101: 如果污染限定只留殘虐跟扣球剩下都砍的話可以期待( 11/15 09:31
→ steven70101: ?)。反正剩下沒印象有build會綁定的 11/15 09:31
推 MoneyBlue: 光環貴桑桑bd就是靠星團的珠寶洞稱免疫 11/15 09:50
→ MoneyBlue: 不過我現在覺得玩sc沒差,刷圖不用稱太多免疫,獵首上 11/15 09:51
→ MoneyBlue: 去通通ok 11/15 09:51
→ MoneyBlue: 刷uber建議直接針對boss傷害去特化防禦,或是直接用通 11/15 09:52
→ MoneyBlue: 貨堆出超級玻璃大砲 11/15 09:52
→ MoneyBlue: 想要一個腳色全吃才會出問題 11/15 09:52
推 palewalker: 我們賣的50塊抽抽樂內容有很多都是渣渣,我們的改進是 11/15 10:00
→ palewalker: 把渣渣拿掉,價格改高。嗯嗯嗯 11/15 10:00
推 TabrisXVII: 繞一大圈 我看就是想砍掉那個生存系列珠寶 11/15 10:09
推 cty78221: 珠寶詞綴pool又要增加了= = 11/15 10:11
推 bee0316: 假裝要buff 先預防性砍爛 11/15 10:19
推 albino1347: 好耶 傳奇珠寶變強了 只是再也打不到了 11/15 10:19
推 waterfully: 任務給的裝備向來都是垃圾 除了跑水 哪次不是直接賣商 11/15 10:46
→ waterfully: 店 11/15 10:46
推 babyalley: 熟悉的ggg改法 呵呵 11/15 10:51
→ sobiNOva: 改怎樣都沒差吧 反正根本不會掉XDD 11/15 10:53
推 poboq0002: 不愧是垃圾公司 延期後的改版方向還是這麼低能 11/15 11:02
推 saulong: 太多爛傳奇珠寶掉出來讓玩家沮喪 所以我們降低掉落率了 11/15 11:12
→ saulong: GGG真的不會讓人失望耶 11/15 11:12
推 islyun: 反正還是會玩 11/15 11:16
→ shane24156: 又增加更多廢詞嗎 11/15 11:17
推 waterfully: 不過如果專精作戰配方就能換的話 對自立還蠻友善的 11/15 11:22
推 fucc: 改的更稀有=打不到=改版無感 11/15 11:26
推 CityRanger: 可憐 除了3.17全知星塵 能不能來點好玩好掉的 11/15 11:44
→ Barbarian123: 全知跟星辰真的是ggg最後難得的佛心 11/15 11:45
推 steven70101: 魔像珠寶沒配方不掉落,不知道是變成專屬掉落還是又 11/15 12:07
→ steven70101: 塞去迷宮(頭痛)。還是塞去密教,希望是魔像boss系 11/15 12:07
→ steven70101: 列專屬掉落啦 11/15 12:07
→ c121125: 魔像打死BOSS有機率掉落之類的? 11/15 12:21
→ c121125: 這改動說真的還可以,但有更重要的要改,等接下來的消息 11/15 12:24
→ c121125: 這跟病人需要做開腔手術,他把凍甲治好了一樣 11/15 12:24
推 kirkno123: 按照ggg改動套路(有buff必有更多nerf)隱藏起來的改動 11/15 12:35
→ kirkno123: 應該很感人…例如亂刪 打不到 拿不到,nerf聯盟後也意 11/15 12:35
→ kirkno123: 識到牙膏或pn還是說好話就好吧 11/15 12:35
噓 quick511413: 主線給了一顆黃珠寶除了佔格子以外能幹嘛 11/15 12:46
推 qd6590: 陸續放出 沒關係我就等你全放出看是不是又暗改 11/15 13:00
→ hecaton: 現版本主要是免暈難拿,不然元素其實眾神/暴風盾/鞋工藝 11/15 13:03
推 Kingofknife: 他們這次的體驗報告是沒錯的啊 傳奇珠寶99%都垃圾 11/15 13:04
→ hecaton: 就可以很好過度拓荒甚至大後期 11/15 13:04
→ Kingofknife: 就算砍掉99%不見了 也沒差阿 補的是垃圾也不變 11/15 13:06
推 Kingofknife: 傳奇垃圾要刪除換一批垃圾沒感 白癡宿敵先弄好就好 11/15 13:08
→ Kingofknife: btw明明不只珠寶其他類傳奇也都是垃圾 不比照辦理嗎 11/15 13:11
推 hanmas: 廢到笑www 花一堆時間去砍這些東西 沒屁用還降低自己遊戲 11/15 13:27
→ hanmas: 深度 真的是搬石頭砸自己腳 11/15 13:27
→ hanmas: 加後綴就是污染詞庫讓你難骰爆傷 11/15 13:29
推 qd6590: 這次pn 沒改宿敵+掉寶就要考慮下季不玩了 11/15 13:59
推 p200404: 笑死人 光看數值是很大方啦 實際上是多了更多垃圾詞去污 11/15 14:17
→ p200404: 染珠寶池 11/15 14:17
→ p200404: 每種異常是單獨一條 有屁用 11/15 14:17
推 p200404: 而且怎麼可能有這麼多天賦跟洞去給這些東西 11/15 14:23
→ su4vu6: 好ㄟ 珠寶詞被弄髒了 11/15 14:24
推 doom3: 先猜魔象珠寶特殊掉落 打魔象類的BOSS 11/15 14:43
推 ilove640: 我們發現垃圾腰帶太多,為了讓玩家打到腰帶有更爽的體 11/15 14:52
→ ilove640: 驗,決定刪掉除了魔血以外的所有傳奇腰帶,並且大幅下 11/15 14:52
→ ilove640: 降魔血的掉落率,讓玩家看到傳奇腰帶就高潮,天才吧= = 11/15 14:52
推 amsmsk: 第一個牙膏就臭到不行 看來玩家還是太多了 11/15 15:02
推 ja2200: 懶人包:珠寶更多廢詞,暴傷珠寶更難做了 11/15 15:02
推 fff417: 如此粗暴的刪法duck不必 獵首和魔血同基底的全刪掉就好 11/15 15:03
推 hh123yaya: 玩過火鉅跟13月 我現在只想知道有沒有QOL的更新 11/15 15:16
推 amsmsk: 防單一元素異常到底誰會用= = 還來汙染珠寶 吐了 11/15 15:21
→ lovehina9304: 防單一我會用阿,不過那是花園珠寶上綴還在的時候了 11/15 15:30
推 howard91707: 還沒到我最期待的昇華 希望有比上季死靈師更有料的東 11/15 15:33
→ howard91707: 西 11/15 15:33
→ dxassin: 50% 權重 25 讚啦 11/15 15:40
推 p200404: 火炬也開始言論審查了 直接把支那那套信用評分直接套用在 11/15 15:42
→ p200404: 遊戲身上 11/15 15:42
→ p200404: 你就算安靜不跟人吵架 你信用評分不夠直接被系統變成透 11/15 15:43
→ p200404: 明人 11/15 15:43
→ goliath: 宿敵詞天怒人怨 11/15 15:44
推 hanmas: 遊戲內的公頻本來就很難討論什麼吧 是說火炬可以在這個版 11/15 16:11
→ hanmas: 討論嗎? ptt好像沒專版 11/15 16:11
→ tatamikuo: 你都給宿敵怪一堆爆抗增傷了,玩家天賦昇華有免疫的也 11/15 16:18
→ tatamikuo: 砍過一輪,不如元素淨化改25%保留,珠寶上綴改成能瓦 11/15 16:18
→ tatamikuo: 出求知效果或魔血一條藥劑才吸引人吧 11/15 16:18
推 je789520: 我知道了 砍掉神感對吧 11/15 16:57
推 ExCaleBuR: 寫作平衡,唸作nerf 11/15 17:26
→ Barbarian123: 若ggg覺得珠寶buff 那一定有其他被砍了 11/15 17:50
推 knight831022: 把花園固定詞還來有這麼難嗎= = 11/15 18:04
→ edwin96017: 一顆珠寶4個詞算2減輕詞 也還是要兩三顆才能免疫吧? 11/15 18:24
推 hanmas: 真要講只有湊抗暈有用吧 拿珠寶三條詞湊單抗免疫不是腦袋 11/15 18:39
→ hanmas: 壞掉 最重要的冰凍用眾神就解決了 11/15 18:39
→ hanmas: 單異常*免疫 說不定冰凍跟冰緩還要分兩條 11/15 18:40
→ stkissstone: 數字放出來再說吧 忙著期待跟忙著崩潰都挺巨嬰的 11/15 18:49
→ c121125: 發現情緣你最近挺愛說巨嬰的,這形容詞還蠻好用的XD 11/15 18:54
→ edwin96017: 有推特文 一般珠寶35% 深淵50% 11/15 19:06
→ stkissstone: 那可以一次全抗或抗好幾個嗎 因為單抗現在有了阿 11/15 19:07
→ stkissstone: 我覺得要罵也要看實際數字再罵也比較大聲 比較爽 11/15 19:08
推 hanmas: 推特下面說單抗 11/15 19:11
→ hanmas: 從推特說出來的數字就夠垃圾了 11/15 19:12
推 yotama12005: 懶人包:珠寶掉落我再繼續砍囉~不用謝 11/15 19:47
→ tatamikuo: 不是固定%根本超大坑,不要還說再拆成t1t2兩個等級耶 11/15 20:03
→ tatamikuo: ,你這季已經把神聖搞成這樣了,花園密教都沒得骰了 11/15 20:03
→ stkissstone: 神聖真的很搞 卡少又沒碎片 沒弄配套就改這個 11/15 20:11
→ stkissstone: 最好改回去 不然至少出個神聖碎片 11/15 20:13
推 westwade: 我不會在被騙了 一定有更大的nerf沒說 11/15 20:22
推 egain: 沒關係你就繼續 我火炬接軌D4 11/15 20:34
推 RushMonkey: 好像每次都是我們要大Buff囉 但其實都是Nerf 11/15 21:07
→ a856445: 他們寫change才該害怕,記得有一季講得像是多大的改動 11/15 21:37
→ a856445: 結果全部動數字還是nerf 11/15 21:37
推 kolykoly: 根本就沒有BUFF阿,你是拿原本珠寶的詞墜去換免疫詞墜 11/15 21:40
→ kaosie1219: GGG現在總是會偷nerf 新賽季開之前都是假的 11/15 21:41
→ kolykoly: 是玩家拿原本能拿的其他數值去交換免疫,又不是送的 11/15 21:41
→ kolykoly: 這個免疫詞墜就是把抽卡池加更多東西,讓你原本想湊的 11/15 21:44
→ kolykoly: 讓你原本想抽得更加抽不到而已 11/15 21:44
推 wfleowang: 跟天賦專精點一樣 buff但是你要多升等拿天賦點去點哀嘿 11/15 21:50
推 Silwez: 可以學C洽有PoE點就能討論火炬 11/15 21:51
推 Silwez: 這珠寶改動就像以前把好拿的東西拔掉,丟到詞綴池要你洗 11/15 21:53
→ chu630: 算了吧 已經看破ggg平衡法 11/15 22:17
推 gustavvv: BEX:Everything is going to be okay 蛤?????? 11/15 23:13
推 ppon: GGG還是沒搞清楚 玩家想要的是什麼 看來3.20有機會再爛尾 11/15 23:33
推 quick511413: 下版說不定再來個半強迫你要犧牲OO換這些免疫 11/16 00:22
→ davi0621: GGG玩得當然是不同遊戲 有六詞簡純耶!千小測試 EZ啦 11/16 00:29
推 p200404: 我都覺得他們每個人都有好幾顆八個洞的一嗓 不然他們這 11/16 00:56
→ p200404: 種改法 洞怎麼夠用 11/16 00:56
推 Orenjifurai: GGG調整平衡不是本來就看前0.1%的玩家在調嗎?玩不到 11/16 00:58
→ Orenjifurai: 內容是玩家不夠努力的問題 11/16 00:58
推 weboau: 繼續耍低能的垃圾公司 11/16 01:08
推 good90150: 下一版再不ok我就直接移除ggc永遠quit了 11/16 01:30
→ Orenjifurai: GGG式的Buff就是把加強的部份往後面放,然後把前中ne 11/16 01:33
→ Orenjifurai: rf砍掉,前前後後完整體是加強沒有錯啦,但是後面內 11/16 01:33
→ Orenjifurai: 容只有前0.1%的玩家才享受的到 11/16 01:33
推 metroid0104: 珠寶詞弄得更難洗,GGG式的平衡:更多痛苦,更少收穫 11/16 07:15
推 dchain: =========上面抱怨的都是真粉========= 11/16 08:49
→ yabeeboo: 反正開季還不是乖乖拓荒 11/16 10:14
→ zzahoward: 直接移除GGC 然後直接下載GGG國際服客戶端XDDD 11/16 10:40
推 demon444: 看完ggg改動,都不自覺往壞的地方想,這群人是不是來噁 11/16 12:27
→ demon444: 心我 11/16 12:27
噓 jackysuyu: ggg上季連最頂端的那幾個硬核主播都說受不了了,還敢繼 11/16 12:33
→ jackysuyu: 續這樣搞膽子真的大 11/16 12:33
推 thbygn98: 這遊戲真的越改越爛欸笑死 11/16 13:53
推 thbygn98: SSF越來越難玩了,洗個珠寶垃圾辭墜一堆 11/16 13:57
推 thbygn98: 而且特定元素免疫有很強嗎?怎麼不給全異常狀態免疫 11/16 13:59
→ Alicputster: c肥他們真的很擅長利用問題製作出更多問題.... 11/16 14:09
推 Merkle: 打火炬爽刷爽做裝 幹嘛回來虐待至自己 11/16 14:14
→ su4vu6: 特定免疫很強阿 全免疫更強阿 不然大家幹嘛開全抗光環 11/16 14:18
→ su4vu6: 幹嘛主神選免冰 11/16 14:18
推 thbygn98: 他是%數免疫欸,要犧牲幾條辭職拿100%?一個主神就搞定 11/16 14:19
→ thbygn98: 的事 11/16 14:19
→ thbygn98: 你願意犧牲幾條辭墜拿冰異常狀態免疫? 11/16 14:20
→ thbygn98: 同樣位置可以拿血量%爆傷%,你確定你想犧牲這些? 11/16 14:23
→ thbygn98: 而且這種%數的中個詛咒或者踩地板一樣沒用zzz 11/16 14:36
→ thbygn98: 要撐就是撐100%不然跟沒撐一樣,犧牲三條起跳 11/16 14:46
推 thbygn98: 我希望他%數區間至少33起跳==33~35這樣 11/16 15:39
→ stkissstone: 深淵50 要這樣不如用深淵 配自己昇華之類的 11/16 16:40
推 bryanyang507: 開珠寶洞就是要拿傷害啊... 11/16 16:45
→ bryanyang507: 免疫都馬靠天賦/裝備或開光環 11/16 16:45
推 gkkcast: 33~35要犧牲三顆。50才有競爭力吧。 11/16 16:55
推 leocolin123: 我就主神免冰凍 其他靠6門 11/16 16:59
→ stkissstone: 插在腰上 解決眾神漏掉的那個 結束這回合 剩下不管 11/16 17:00
→ mjmj58747: 希望這次設計,不要對普羅大眾是5c過渡垃圾,但看起來真 11/16 19:14
→ mjmj58747: 的像..所以免暈/流血呢 11/16 19:14
噓 SivLoMario: 花式亂砍~ggg屎性不改哈哈哈哈 11/16 19:43
推 ttosgion: 明明就是宿敵詞在搞!好好的平衡!變成打箱怪 11/16 20:57
→ elspe: 還想騙我啊光頭 11/17 00:31
→ stkissstone: 宿敵詞有要改 下幾篇會講 文章出來了再翻過來吧 11/17 01:03
推 doom3: 宿敵獎勵改隨機掉落不看詞綴名 11/17 04:25
→ doom3: 一個宿敵詞只有一個效果 宿敵詞顯示改成直接寫效果 11/17 04:26
噓 chy19890517: 神聖崇高兩個先改回來再說== 11/17 04:28