在 plugged產品中有229篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過166萬的網紅Engadget,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, It might have been about testing security....
同時也有25部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過26萬的網紅白同學DIY教室,也在其Youtube影片中提到,覺得內容精采想打賞贊助白同學的朋友們,歡迎您贊助打賞~謝謝 綠界斗內入口 https://p.ecpay.com.tw/7799A89...
- 關於plugged 在 Fara Zamri Instagram 的精選貼文
- 關於plugged 在 Milena Nguyen✨Shine Your Light Instagram 的最佳解答
- 關於plugged 在 Kah Kei · 茹嘉淇 Instagram 的精選貼文
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- 關於plugged 在 Milena Nguyen Facebook 的最佳解答
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plugged 在 Fara Zamri Instagram 的精選貼文
2021-09-03 16:43:40
My Favourite Cordless Vacuum Cleaner Sonic Pro X6 from @perysmith.my 🤩 Great product! I use it so often because it’s so easy, just grab it and go. Th...
plugged 在 Milena Nguyen✨Shine Your Light Instagram 的最佳解答
2021-09-03 16:41:32
Having a baby was probably one of the best things that happened to my business. I didn’t expect myself to say this. But it’s the truth. Before havi...
plugged 在 Kah Kei · 茹嘉淇 Instagram 的精選貼文
2021-09-10 19:30:13
affordable and easy way of teeth-whitening at home 🦷 with @white.republic just use it for 13 mins after brushing your teeth before bed 🤍 it can be p...
plugged 在 白同學DIY教室 Youtube 的最讚貼文
2021-07-21 20:00:13覺得內容精采想打賞贊助白同學的朋友們,歡迎您贊助打賞~謝謝
綠界斗內入口 https://p.ecpay.com.tw/7799A89 -
plugged 在 Sunny Huang - IBCLC Youtube 的精選貼文
2021-04-02 21:00:113月份回覆留言內容:寶寶提早醒來該餵奶接覺或不管他、左邊乳房冷敷後奶量下降該如何追奶、媽媽乳汁充沛但寶寶每晚喝奶大哭該怎麼辦、寶寶剪完指甲還是刮花臉怎麼辦、如何更明確判斷寶寶是否餓了、用小花杯收集母奶是否會影響寶寶喝到的奶量、親餵後不排空如何刺激大腦製造更多奶水、使用擠奶器後還能手擠出奶是否是擠奶器力道不夠或其他原因/長期無法排空對媽媽有無影響、一部影片提到BLW一定要滿6個月而另一部影片說4-6個月何者為對/BLW是否會錯過減少過敏反應和對食物的興趣、should hand express painful with or without plugged ducts、3個月寶寶長牙也要用含氟牙膏嗎、when to start sleep routine、母奶冷凍後只能冷藏24小時是從完全解凍後或冷藏時開始計算、寶寶快6個月晚上瓶餵用吸管杯或奶瓶、電動擠奶器不如手擠是否只能用手擠、寶寶7.5個月會用手抓食物但不會用湯匙該怎麼辦、寶寶2.5個月含乳嘴巴沒有張大需要矯正嘴型嗎、懷孕可以繼續餵母乳嗎/會否對寶寶們不好、有辦法把乳頭的出乳孔變大嗎、跟寶寶遊戲時一定要跟寶寶面對面嗎、乳腺炎打抗生素後奶量大減該如何追奶、小白點破開流出乳汁但還沒消失該怎麼處理、產後二個月雙邊擠奶50ml還能追奶嗎、母乳媽媽可以吃海鮮嗎、哺乳期可以隨意用護膚品和毛髮增長液嗎、do you do tummy time on harder or softer surface、可以用大人手指頭取代奶嘴給寶寶吸嗎、剛出生的嬰兒可以用”安撫哭鬧不停寶寶”影片裡的姿勢抱嗎、全母乳寶寶吃不胖是媽媽體質導致奶水不滋養嗎、懷孕24周乳房按摩手擠奶有透明液體可以持續練習嗎、親餵多久後開始瓶餵才不會乳頭混淆、4個月寶寶可以吃大人的含糖燕麥嗎、可以邊用擠奶器邊按摩胸部增加出奶量嗎、不是母乳也可以控速瓶餵嗎、寶寶腸絞痛只含乳頭拒絕奶嘴該如何訓練、沖泡配方奶的搖晃方式是否會導致寶寶不同程度脹氣、出生後第三天母乳性黃疸/喝奶有吞嚥聲音/不包包巾對寶寶有何負面影響、高於70度水溫會破壞配方奶成分嗎、水溫70度會否會導致益生菌失活、水奶已滅菌是否過期還可以喝、如何單次沖泡一天的配方奶量並保存於冰箱中、可否提前半小時至一小時先把配方奶泡好降溫後放置於保溫器內待用、側躺餵母乳從鼻孔流出來會否導致寶寶窒息、可否將電熱水器的水降到室之後泡奶馬上飲用、奶瓶消毒烘乾後是否能收納在桌面上等開放空間裡、Sunny給寶寶吃的滴雞精品牌為何、可否先加入一半的70度熱水沖泡奶粉後再加入另一半滾沸後降溫的室溫水混合、如何清洗不能放進洗衣機的玩具、矽膠Silicone材質的奶瓶可以放入UV紫外線機消毒嗎、沖泡好的配方奶可以放在溫奶器保存多久、懷孕中持續哺乳會否影響初乳量、可以把母奶和配方奶混合一起餵嗎、在月子中心是否該要求遮光罩幫助寶寶睡眠、寶寶體重落在15%生長曲線比其他85%寶寶還差怎麼辦、6個月寶寶只願意喝0-3個月流速奶嘴會否有不好的影響、寶寶厭奶期吃玩睡節奏亂了該怎麼辦、寶寶不厭奶是正常的嗎、親餵厭奶是否改瓶餵比較穩定、平時媽媽補充維他命D讓增加母奶維D,寶寶厭奶期是否需要額外給予滴劑、Is it too late to train baby latch at day 6、陰唇側殘留氧化鋅乳膏該如何清潔、減少擠奶次數只維持每日兩次power pumping及夜間親餵能否維持奶量、寶寶不接受冷凍母奶的原因和處理方式、瓶餵轉親餵長期使用乳盾會否導致奶量下降、先用湯匙餵等寶寶可以吃軟塊狀再轉BLW可以嗎、為何兒醫學會不建議寶寶吃花生/花生醬、平時醒著和半夜dream feed補餵之後寶寶拒絕刷牙該怎麼辦、6個月寶寶吃輔食之後不愛喝奶是否該改為先餵奶、寶寶在還沒預設的起床時間喝奶導致循環變成”護理-吃跑-哄睡”該怎麼辦、補餵dream feed需要減少嗎清醒哄不睡需要改睡前補dream feed嗎。📢 快來訂閱我的頻道:http://bit.ly/2kttyum
立即預約「 Sunny老師線上泌乳門診哺育諮詢 」
無論妳在國內或海外,透過線上視訊互動方式諮詢(Video Chat),讓Sunny老師即時專業輔導,解決妳遇到的母乳哺育問題!預約視訊諮詢服務:https://forms.gle/AphbHvtcv5Y2Rr4EA
Sunny老師的Amazon Store (推薦清單不定期更新) https://www.amazon.com/shop/sunnyhuang-ibclc
#Sunny回覆留言 -
plugged 在 chungdha Youtube 的精選貼文
2020-12-30 12:00:02Synco Mic-D1 - https://amzn.to/3rFNyHC
Synco Mic-D2 - https://amzn.to/34T1lRI
Going into the test I was expecting the two to sound different, but from the point we turn off the High Pass Filter, from a blind test we could not hear the difference. We had to put the audio into a professional audio software to check for the sound differences and it is so minimal that most people would not have heard the different. You have to be quite nit picking to really say one is better than the other in audio.
However it be a no brainer to buy the cheaper Synco Mic-D1 which also have additional feature of enable to power with AA battery and directly be plugged into a camera. While the Synco Mic-D2 only pro is that it smaller in size, but the case of both mics are the same size though.
Check out my Adobe Premiere Pro Effects tutorials here:
Edited with Adobe Premiere Pro - http://goo.gl/k2EagF
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Chung Dha © 2020 Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
plugged 在 Engadget Facebook 的最佳貼文
It might have been about testing security.
plugged 在 Milena Nguyen Facebook 的最佳解答
Having a baby was probably one of the best things that happened to my business.
I didn’t expect myself to say this. But it’s the truth.
Before having a child, I could always count on the (not so healthy) need to achieve to fuel me.
After having a child, I’m too tired even for that.
It felt like if I continued to let myself running after that need to achieve, I might go insane.
I spent months feeling not ‘fired up’ to do anything.
(Of course I couldn’t be fired up. Between the endless flow of poopy diapers, waking up 10 times a night, and weekly plugged ducts, I was burn out!)
In a weird way, that gave me the chance to reach out to what brings me joy (my passion), what feels easy (my genius), and what I feel compelled to create at a soul level (my mission.)
Now only those things can drag my ass from the couch to the desk.
I also have much less time compared to before. But it also means I have much less time to waste.
Limited time is a teacher. It teaches me (forces me) to do only what matters in my business and drop the rest.
So if you’re worried that a baby may stop you from going for your dreams, that doesn’t have to be your reality.
With the right mindset and the right support, you can be a mother, and still follow your calling, and still making the difference you were born to make.
You got this.
I’m right here cheering you on.
(Multiple pictures to prove how hard it is to take a non shaky photos 😂)
plugged 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
為什麼要探討BGA焊墊/焊盤的 SMD(Solder-Mask Defined) 與 NSMD(Non-Solder-Mask-Defined) 設計?是為了可以讓BGA增加抵抗外應力衝擊而造成錫裂的問題,雖然最終結論BGA應該設計成SMD或NSMD並沒有太明顯的差異,但在電路板的BGA焊墊採用【NSMD+plugged-via】還是我們的設計方向沒有改變。