[爆卦]Phlegm in throat是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Phlegm in throat鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Phlegm in throat這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 phlegm產品中有357篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【秋日養生】秋天水果不只得梨子 ⭐吃水果前分清自己寒熱底 ⭐平性水果寒熱體質皆宜 #星期四食材 秋日常見水果多偏涼 秋日常見水果如梨、柚子、楊桃、柿子等屬性都偏涼適合秋天天氣乾燥時候適量食用。梨子有生津潤燥的功效,有助紓緩秋燥帶來的不適,但體質偏寒、脾胃虛弱不宜多吃。而「寒底人」宜選擇屬性平和或...

 同時也有9部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過31萬的網紅Good news,也在其Youtube影片中提到,เครื่องดื่มที่ส่งผลดีต่อสุขภาพคุณโดยตรงถ้าหากคุณตื่นตอนเช้าDrinks that are directly beneficial to your health if you wake up in the morning. วิธีง่ายๆ...

phlegm 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-15 23:06:16

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Eat what nourishes your body, do what nourishes your soul, think what nourished your mind, hope you have a great weekend ahead! 🤩🤩 Recently I’ve been...

phlegm 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-15 23:06:16

【杏仁大不同】此杏仁不同彼杏仁 ⭐杏仁奶以堅果杏仁製造 ⭐中式甜品則採用南杏 #星期四食材 堅果杏仁 vs 南北杏 植物奶選擇眾多,杏仁奶是熱門選擇之一,如想自製杏仁奶,購買杏仁時要認清是哪一種杏仁,我們常吃到的杏仁有三種:南杏、北杏及堅果杏仁,製作杏仁奶最常用為啡色皮的堅果杏仁 (almond...

  • phlegm 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-30 18:01:39
    有 64 人按讚





    梨 — 性寒,有生津潤燥、清熱止咳化痰的功效,適合口乾、喉嚨痛、便秘、暗瘡等偏熱症狀人士食用。

    柚子 — 性寒,有清熱消滯、下氣化痰、醒酒的作用,適合消化不良、胃脹、噯氣人士、宿醉未解人士食用。

    楊桃 — 性寒,有清熱生津、止咳、解酒的功效,適合因為煙酒過多、經常熬夜而出現的肺熱咳嗽、黃痰。

    柿子 — 性寒,有清熱潤肺、生津止渴的功效,適合痔瘡出血、大便乾結人士食用。


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    Autumn fruits are usually cool in nature
    Fruits we see during autumn such as pear, pomelo, starfruit, and persimmon are cool in nature. Hence, they are suitable to be eaten during the dry autumn season.

    Pear can relieve the discomfort caused by autumn dryness, as it can induce salivation and quench thirst, but individuals with a cold body and a weak spleen and stomach should not consume it excessively.

    Those with a cold body should opt for fruits that are warm or mild in nature. For instance, grapes (induces salivation and strengthens the spleen), fig (strengthens the stomach and moistens the intestines), and guava (induces salivation and quench thirst).

    🔥 Common symptoms of people with heat-related body condition: reddish complexion, dry eyes, enjoy cold beverages, prone to dry mouth, yellowish urine, dry stool
    ❄️ Common symptoms of people with cold-related body condition: pale complexion, aversion to cold, enjoy hot beverages, partial body pain when encountering wind and cold, loose stool

    Pear – cold in nature; can induce saliva secretion, moisten the body, clear heat and phlegm; is suitable for individuals with heat-related symptoms such as dry mouth, sore throat, constipation and acne.

    Pomelo – cold in nature; can clear heat and relieve stagnation, clear the qi and phlegm, aid digestion and relieve hang over. It is suitable for those with digestion, bloating and belching problems, as well as those with a hangover.

    Starfruit – cold in nature; can clear heat and induce saliva secretion, induce diuresis, relieve a cough and a hangover; suitable to relieve heaty lungs and coughs as well as the secretion of yellow phlegm that normally happen to frequent smokers and night owls.

    Persimmon – cold in nature; can clear heat and moisten the lungs, induce saliva secretion and quench one’s thirst; suitable for individuals with bleeding hemorrhoids and dry stools.

    *Those with cold-related body condition, as well as those with a weak and cold spleen and stomach should avoid eating.

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    #男 #女 #我枯燥 #我畏冷 #水果 #寒底人 #熱底人

  • phlegm 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-29 18:46:00
    有 79 人按讚






    ✔️CheckCheckCin 美茶推介:水腫腫


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    Dispel dampness to improve sloth-like personality
    “I’m quite plump even when though I’m not a big eater. Edema is a constant struggle for my body, and I feel lethargic all the time. My friends even make fun of me by calling me a sloth. I want to turn my life around. I want to get a better job and find myself a partner. Should I start by losing weight?”

    CheckCheckCin: From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, symptoms like plump, appetite loss, edema, and fatigue reflect the phlegm-dampness body constitution. Having dampness accumulated in the body is like having a wet towel wrapped around the body, so even after 6-8 hours of sleep, you will still feel exhausted and move like a sloth.

    Losing weight is a good start, but you should primarily dispel dampness from the body first. Once you are able to get rid of the excess dampness, you should be able to shed some pounds more effectively.

    Avoid consuming raw and cold foods and beverages. Instead, eat coarse grains such as rice, sweet potatoes, potatoes, white hyacinth bean, coix seed, and Chinese yam, as they could strengthen the spleen. Also, you can eat winter gourd and corn silk as they are effective in getting rid of dampness.

    Do exercise and sweat regularly. If you cannot adjust your diet, drink a cup of rice water a day to strengthen the stomach and spleen and to dispel dampness from the body. Improving the body constitution can also change our personality, and with a positive change on our personality, we can change our destiny. Good luck!

    Codonopsis root and poria tea with hyacinth bean coat
    Effects: strengthens the qi and spleen, induces diuresis to reduce swelling.
    Ingredients: 9g Codonopsis root, 6g poria, 9g hyacinth bean coat
    Preparation: Cut up the ingredients and place them into thermos, rinse once with hot water, and add in hot water and steep for 15 minutes. This tea can be re-brewed until its flavor weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 3-4 days. Two weeks for a treatment.

    ✔CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Edema
    Ingredients: Chinese yam , hyacinth bean coat, poria, dried citrus peel
    Effects: Strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness. Relieves bloatedness, lower-body bloating and eyelid swelling.

    Welcome to order through our website: www.checkcheckcin.com

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    #男 #女 #我胖了 #痰濕 #減肥 #水腫 #肥胖 #疲勞

  • phlegm 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-23 17:31:30
    有 132 人按讚




    淮山 — 性平,有健脾養胃、補肺生津的功效,其含有的可溶性纖維,有助消化及控制飯後血糖升高。

    百合 — 性平,能補中益氣,潤肺止咳,能紓緩氣虛型咳嗽、氣管敏感等、精神衰弱、心神恍惚、睡眠不安寧等症狀。注意感冒咳嗽、脾胃虛寒容易腹瀉者不宜進食。

    雪耳 — 性平,具滋陰潤肺、益氣養胃、強心補腦功效,適合肺熱津傷或肺氣虛弱、燥咳無痰、痰中帶血、氣喘氣短、咽喉乾燥、聲音嘶啞、病後體虛人士食用。

    白扁豆 — 性平,具健脾益氣、消暑化濕功效,因脾虛有濕而食少腹瀉人士尤其適合,亦適合氣虛及痰濕體質人士服用。惟注意容易便秘人士不宜多服。

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    White ingredients nourish the lungs and strengthen the qi
    Many women want to have a fair complexion, but having an anemic-looking face is not necessarily a good sign. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, an individual with a pale face normally experiences asthenia or chills.

    A pale face could mean that the qi in the lungs is weak, and the internal organ is incapable of protecting the body from pathogenic factors. Hence, such individuals might catch a cold and develop nasal or even respiratory allergies more easily, especially during the flu season.

    To strengthen the lung, one should consume white-colored ingredients such as Chinese yam, lily bulb, snow fungus, hyacinth bean. This is in accordance with a theory of Chinese Medicine—white ingredients are good for the lungs, as they can moisten and nourish the respiratory organ. Consuming these ingredients during fall and winter would be especially beneficial for the lungs.

    Chinese yam - mild in nature. Can strengthen the spleen and stomach, nourish the lungs, and induce salivation. Besides, its smooth and thick fluid contains protein that can reduce blood sugar levels.

    Lily bulbs - mild in nature. Can replenish vital energy and qi, moisture the lungs to relieve coughing. Relieves qi deficiency related coughing and respiratory allergies, mental weakness, absent-mindedness, and poor sleep. Not suitable for those with cough and flu, asthenic cold spleen and stomach, and those prone to diarrhea.

    Snow fungus - mild in nature, can nourish yin and moisten the lungs, nourish qi and stomach, strengthen the heart and mind. It is suitable for those with hot lungs or asthenic lung qi, dry cough without phlegm, phlegm with blood stain, shortness of breath, dry and sore throat, coarse voice, and weakness post illness.

    Hyacinth bean - mild in nature, strengthens the spleen and replenishes qi, suitable for those with diarrhea after eating a little due to asthenic weak spleen with dampness. It is also suitable for those with qi deficiency and phlegm and dampness body type. Note that those are prone to diarrhea should eat less.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我疲憊 #氣虛 #感冒 #咳嗽

  • phlegm 在 Good news Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-03-29 19:00:15

    เครื่องดื่มที่ส่งผลดีต่อสุขภาพคุณโดยตรงถ้าหากคุณตื่นตอนเช้าDrinks that are directly beneficial to your health if you wake up in the morning.
    วิธีง่ายๆ ที่จะช่วยให้คุณสดชื่นและสดใสในตอนเช้าทุกๆวัน ... แถมยังเป็นเครื่องดื่มที่หาทานง่ายได้สุขภาพสลับกันทานได้ทุกๆวัน
    ลองหาน้ำมะนาวมาดื่มตอนเช้า เพราะในน้ำมะนาวจะมีกรดซิตริก มีวิตามินซีที่นอกจากจะช่วยขับเสมหะ แก้อาการเจ็บคอแล้วยังช่วยให้ร่างกายสดชื่น
    เพราะแน่นอนว่า อาหารเช้า เป็นตัวเพิ่มพลังงาน ที่ร่างกายจะขาดไม่ได้เลยล่ะค่ะ แต่สำหรับใครที่ไม่ชอบกินอาหารเช้า จะลองหันมาดื่ม 5 น้ำเพื่อสุขภาพนี้ทุก
    An easy way to help you be refreshed and fresh in the morning every day ... plus it's a drink that is easy to find and can be eaten alternately.
    Try to find lemonade to drink in the morning. Because lemon juice contains citric acid There is vitamin C, in addition to helping to expel phlegm. Relieves sore throat and helps to refresh the body.
    Because of course, breakfast is an energy boost That the body can't live without But for those who do not like to eat breakfast Will try to turn to drink 5 water for this health every

  • phlegm 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-01-09 12:40:02

    ⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️


    1. 玉竹、南杏、紅腰豆、腰果及蜜棗用滾水浸10分鐘。
    2. 合掌瓜,洗淨皮,切好,起芯。
    3. 腰果、南杏、紅腰豆及蜜棗,沖洗乾淨擎乾水,放入電飯煲。
    4. 玉竹洗淨,放入電飯煲。

    1. 加2公升水入電飯煲。
    2. 用煲湯功能,煲2小時。
    3. 加入少許鹽,可飲用。

    (Vegetarian soup in rice cooker)
    Cashew soup with angular solomon's seals and chayote :

    Chayote 2 Nos.
    Angular solomon's seals 1 tael
    Red kidney beans
    Sweet apricot kernels 1/2 ta el
    Preserved dates 3 Nos.
    Water 2 litres
    Salt little

    1. Angular solomon's seals, south apricot kernels, red kidney beans, cashews, and preserved dates to be soaked in water for 10 minutes.
    2. Chayote, rinse skin,
    and remove seeds.
    3. Cashews, south apricot kernels, red kidney beans and preserved dates to be rinsed thoroughly. Hang dry then put all the above in rice cooker.
    4. Rinse angular solomon's seals, then put into rice cooker.
    5. Put 2 litres of water in rice cooker.
    6. Use "porridge/soup" function, to cook soup for 2 hours.
    7. Add appropriate amount of salt, serve.

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    2019-12-07 13:08:32
