[爆卦]Philanthropy 意思是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Philanthropy 意思鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Philanthropy 意思這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 philanthropy產品中有121篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 不離不棄,韭是真愛...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅MAD Team,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#BBIN #TGBcharity #Sharelove 【擁抱世界 愛無限】 亞洲線上遊戲系統供應商領導品牌 #BBIN,自2018年成立旗下慈善品牌The Gaming Beat Charity(TGB Charity),積極參與世界各項重大議題,持續與慈善團體合作,以實際行動落實企業社會責任...

philanthropy 在 Bangkok foodies Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 14:20:03

9 Days Charity Menus: Food for Fighters continues their philanthropy work with the Kao Kin Kan (9 กิน กัน) campaign which involves 9 Bangkok Chefs ove...

philanthropy 在 Reiting Lee 李芮庭 أمل لي Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-16 10:58:59

Give Kids a Chance! 🇵🇸🕊 (English below) 一出生就成為孤兒並不是他們的選擇,但身為台灣人的我們可以選擇的是給巴勒斯坦孩童一線生機。 🌏 本週六5月29日晚上9點(台北時間) 🌏 在我的個人IG頻道 @reitinglee 中英文直播 與高中時期的老友巴勒斯坦...

  • philanthropy 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-08 12:06:50
    有 336 人按讚


  • philanthropy 在 Anchor Taiwan Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-30 12:10:25
    有 13 人按讚

    🦄 Unicorn from a social enterprise? At Anchor Taiwan's 13th Women in Venture Roundtable, we were so inspired by the sharing of Joan Yao, VP at Kickstart Ventures - CVC of Globe Telecom / Ayala Group. She touched upon:
    ▧ Impact investing: it's a spectrum
    ▧ Story of #Gojek: tech as an enabler
    ▧ Opportunities in SE Asia: content, e-commerce, fintech
    ▧ Corporate Venturing: investment focuses for Kickstart
    ... and so much more!
    🎥 What the full replay: https://youtu.be/MAvvs1qlQYE
    A big shoutout for SEMI 國際半導體產業協會 for supporting diversity and inclusion in our ecosystem. Humbling to gathering a room of investors from leading funds again! Until next time. 🙌
    * Session notes (Chapters on YouTube):
    0:00 Intro by Elisa Chiu, Founder & CEO of Anchor Taiwan
    3:15 Greetings from Joan Yao, VP at Kickstart Ventures
    5:43 Impact investing: what is it?
    8:23 Impact investing: it's a spectrum (slide) | LGT Venture Philanthropy
    12:24 "Not every business is built to scale" - story of student loan company InvestEd
    17:31 Advice for people wanting to get into impact investing
    23:04 View on current landscape with impact investing: an enabler, tech
    26:23 Example of Gojek: a social enterprise vs. tech startup
    29:24 Working with the Ministry of Trade in the Philippines: why, how and lessons learned
    35:36 Becoming a Corporate Investor: Kickstart Ventures, Globe Telecom, Ayala Group
    40:58 How the President of Kickstart Ventures Minette Navarrete recruit Joan?
    43:11 Critical mass for B2C markets; sample investments of Kumu (content), edamama (vertical specific e-commerce), nextpay (Fintech SME solutions)
    51:11 Is the Philippines a big enough domestic market?
    53:10 Some insights on Southeast Asia: 400M internet users in SEA (slide), 108M people in the Philippines (2nd most populous)
    55:34 36% of consumers are new to digital services; 94% of new users will stay (slide)
    56:12 Strategic investments for Ayala Group (healthcare, industrials/semiconductor/automotive, renewable energy)
    1:00:20 Personal convergence of impact investing and corporate venturing
    1:07:46 Q&A: Advice for building the startup / VC ecosystem in Cambodia?
    1:10:28 "Raid The Fridge"
    1:13:14 Q&A: How do you measure impact?
    #anchortaiwan #womeninventure #womeninvestors #WomenInSTEM #womeninbusiness #impactinvesting #corporateinnovation #venturecapital #innovation

  • philanthropy 在 Bangkok Foodies Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-27 12:38:48
    有 0 人按讚

    9 Days Charity Menus: Food For Fighters continues their philanthropy work with the Kao Kin Kan (9 กิน กัน) campaign which involves 9 Bangkok Chefs over 9 days to cook 300 meals per day for Covid-19 affected patients at Bangkok field hospitals during 19th - 27th August 2021, using the ingredients from local farmers purchased by Food for Fighters project raised-fund.

    Food for Fighters also would like to wish the public members with prosperity and good health with number 9 auspicious number by joining the campaign to donate 9 THB in order for the organisation to move forward with this charity food preparing activity.

    The inspiration of Kao Kin Kan (9 กิน กัน) campaign which is literally translated as “Let’s Go Eating” or “Let’s Move” is a phrase which plays with the word “Kao” with similar pronunciation but with different spelling and meaning. “Kao” being the number 9 (“เก้า”), a lucky Thai number. Another meaning is “Kao or ก้าว” which means to “move forward”. Inspired by all these meaning, this is what Food for Fighters, chefs, volunteers, sponsors and friends are collectively doing together to donate food boxes daily to people and frontline medical staff who are in need during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    There are many ways in which you too can help!
    Contact info: @Foodforfighters
    Call Center: +66 (0)2 016 9910
    Khun First: +66 (0)93 924 4692
    Khun Keng: +66 (0)84 265 5491

    #9กินกัน #9KINKAN #WisdomOfSharing #FoodForFighters #supportfarmerssupportfighters

  • philanthropy 在 MAD Team Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-20 17:00:11

    #BBIN #TGBcharity #Sharelove

    【擁抱世界 愛無限】
    亞洲線上遊戲系統供應商領導品牌 #BBIN,自2018年成立旗下慈善品牌The Gaming Beat Charity(TGB Charity),積極參與世界各項重大議題,持續與慈善團體合作,以實際行動落實企業社會責任。至今,TGB Charity已與百大DJ慈善基金會、TREES FOR THE FUTURE、新加坡食物銀行、柬埔寨兒童基金會、Water.Org、Playground of Hope、SAATH等機構合作,透過不同的專案活動,不僅提升大眾對慈善的重視,也讓行善變有趣,讓慈善有了新的定義!未來也將繼續投身各項國際慈善活動、關注弱勢群體,為世界盡一份心力。

    或上網搜尋 #TGBcharity。

    Share love, play your part!
    BBIN, the leading Asia-based iGaming software provider, established its charity brand, The Gaming Beat Charity (TGB Charity), in 2018. Since then, TGB Charity has been actively taking part in solving major issues in the world. It also works with various charitable organizations to fulfill its CSR through actions. TGB Charity has worked with the Top 100 DJs Foundation, Trees for The Future, The Food Bank Singapore, Cambodian Children’s Fund, Water.Org, Playground of Hope, SAATH. Through different projects and events, it has redefined philanthropy by increasing public attention and making it more fun!

    In the future, the brand will continue to participate in various international charitable events, bring attention to vulnerable groups, and make contributions to the world.

    To support us, please head to www.bbinevent.com/TGBcharity or search “TGBcharity” online.



    MAD | 噗攏共Mic check
    MAD | 2020精彩重現
    MAD | 賽事全紀錄
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    MAD | MAD | 傳說對決攻略 觀念分享
    MAD | 傳說對決公會招募活動
    MAD | K一ㄤ樂隊
    MAD | 瘋挑鬥節目

    ▼MAD Team 社群▼

    官方網站: http://www.madteam.com.tw/
    Facebook: https://goo.gl/amhHpZ
    instagram: https://goo.gl/5tbwM9
    Flickr: https://goo.gl/bXkEcH
    Twitch: https://goo.gl/ykQBRg

    ▼MAD Team 商城▼

    shopee: https://goo.gl/zS6fN4

    ▼MAD 傳說對決▼

    Neil : http://bit.ly/2Ru6TfF
    Yuzon : http://bit.ly/2GS1vPm
    03.22 : http://bit.ly/2Z8e7L4
    KUKU : http://bit.ly/2NoH5hU
    Fanta : http://bit.ly/35SYB4m

    ▼MAD 實況主▼
    一隻手: http://bit.ly/3ja8a6J

  • philanthropy 在 MING'S Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-09-10 13:52:34




  • philanthropy 在 劉薰愛 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-07-18 17:45:15

    我誠摯邀請各位姊妹來做 #公益眉
    號召大家一起做眉毛 !做公益!!!
    📍各類眉公益價 $8000



