在 partnership產品中有3538篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Dah dah dah korang jangan dok Squid Game lagi! Ambil masa sikit untuk tengok video ini dan comment dan like. Kasi chance sikit. hahahahahaha #ROYALCR...
同時也有1776部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅朱學恒的阿宅萬事通事務所,也在其Youtube影片中提到,市井小民大企劃 ! 邀請民眾齊唱【塔綠班之歌】 歡迎投稿至:[email protected] 贊助專區 Paypal傳送門: https://paypal.me/HsuehHeng 綠界傳送門: https://p.ecpay.com.tw/706363D 歐付寶傳送門: ...
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partnership 在 Nat Aniporn Chalermburanawong Instagram 的最佳解答
2021-09-24 09:16:17
เตรียมพร้อม! 1 ทุ่มตรงวันนี้ อยากเที่ยวคุ้มมมมม พร้อมได้สะสมแต้มความดี ต้องแวะมา 💰 . กับ #LIVE พิเศษ “ช็อปโรงแรม ช่วยชุมชน” จากโครงการ Thailand Recove...
partnership 在 goodbyehkhellouk Instagram 的最佳貼文
2021-09-24 05:12:53
「算吧啦你」用法文點講? (肥波表演如何一次過得罪兩個國家) 當法國同美國friend返扮無嘢,叫大使返工嘅時候,肥波路過美國去聯合國開會,竟然忍唔住繼續串法國總統,仲要用法文,順便提埋中國。 對於法國總統不滿英國撬澳洲潛艇生意,記者問肥波比人鬧有咩睇法,條友竟然送上兩句法文, "prenez ...
partnership 在 Cindy Sirinya Bishop Instagram 的精選貼文
2021-09-24 09:52:05
🐘 If it’s the ONE THING you do today, make a pledge to NEVER ride an elephant or buy ivory again. Please. 🙏🏻 Speaking at the Counter Wildlife Traffi...
partnership 在 朱學恒的阿宅萬事通事務所 Youtube 的最佳解答
2021-09-28 21:01:30市井小民大企劃 !
歡迎投稿至:[email protected]
Paypal傳送門: https://paypal.me/HsuehHeng
綠界傳送門: https://p.ecpay.com.tw/706363D
歐付寶傳送門: https://reurl.cc/eENAEm
今天要談談國防外交議題,但不會強迫國防部長說台語噢,還有中國的能源狀況到底是怎麼一回事? ft.不傳美女圖給我的耶魯政治學博士 #郭正亮
根據中央社的報導:【立法院外交及國防委員會今天關切戰時的後備能量, #國防部 全民防衛動員室主任韓岡明表示,緊急命令發布後,第一波將在24小時內動員21.5萬名後備軍人,另有第二波的戰爭耗損補充部隊,約7.8萬人待命中。
根據鏡周刊的報導,【不過,由於 #張亞中 此次黨魁選舉在台北市及高雄市開出紅盤,分別拿下42.63%及38.48%的得票率,已被外界點名可參選2022年縣市長,雖然他第一時間對此表示「還沒有規畫。」但似乎也未把話說死,甚至稱「黃花崗革命是失敗了,但接下來的就是辛亥革命的成功。」替下一步動向埋下伏筆。本刊調查,藍營內部分深藍黨員,已開始出現力拱張亞中代替蔣萬安出戰首都的聲浪。而張亞中過去曾批評 #蔣萬安 是「末代王孫」的言論,也在深藍群組內傳開。他當時投書媒體指出,蔣萬安領銜提出《威權統治時期人民權利受損恢復條例》,該其行為就是「末代王孫情結」的展現。】幹這是在開我玩笑是吧,我大台北天龍國還要被這些深藍老屁股再搞一次啊,亞中之亂一次不夠,還想再來亂我台北市,是不是玩上癮了啦!輸了還不洗洗睡,這些張粉是要鬧到宇宙探險世代嗎?
另外,補一下, #陳柏惟 是不是選戰不世出的天才,我跟郭正亮都太小看他了,所以我們不能理解他的做法。(笑)正常罷免時應該要低調順天愛人,造橋鋪路行善積德,結果陳柏惟大殺四方,瘋起來連執政黨的國防部長都打,忘記自己是側翼了嗎?根據中廣新聞網的報導:【國防部長邱國正昨天(27日)在立法院備詢時和台灣基進立委陳柏惟發生爭執,陳柏惟事前申請台語同步口譯,邱國正則堅持委任國防部官員傳譯並直指「語言是交通工具」,讓陳柏惟氣得痛罵「部長你有夠鴨霸」,他事後表示:「只是卑微的希望我能使用台語進行質詢」、「抱歉造成不必要的誤會。」對此,國民黨前立委顏寬恒在臉書直言:「母語是媽媽講的話,不是拿來炫耀和壓迫別人的工具,說台語我很驕傲,但推廣母語靠的不是在國會殿堂上做秀,你監督了什麼問題才重要。」】臉書上說很謙卑用台語,現場看影片只差沒把麥克風吃下去,柏惟啊柏惟,我不懂你啊!是挖坑給自己跳還是想要把整個基進黨埋下去?
湯瑪斯佛里曼:【中國上週申請加入「跨太平洋夥伴關係協定」(Trans-Pacific Partnership)——該貿易協定最初由貝拉克·歐巴馬(Barack Obama)總統談判,其目的正是為了制衡中國在太平洋地區的經濟實力。不幸的是,唐納德·川普(Donald Trump)總統沒有去了解它的用意、讓國會批准它,反而迅速撕毀了它,此後,民主黨人沒有採取任何行動來恢復這項被稱為TPP的協議。
朱學恒的表情包2.0上線拉 https://store.line.me/stickershop/product/16645010
【Facebook傳送門】 https://www.facebook.com/Geekfirm
【Twitch傳送門】 https://www.twitch.tv/otakuarmy2
【加入YT會員按鈕】 https://reurl.cc/raleRb
【訂閱YT頻道按鈕】 https://reurl.cc/Q3k0g9
購買朱大衣服傳送門: https://shop.lucifer.tw/
00:00 開播
06:00 台灣後備能量足夠嗎?廢徵兵不要核電 台獨喊假的?
28:00 張亞中選高雄選首都 可能嗎?
36:00 罷免陳柏惟案/立院武鬥
56:00 不挺陳柏惟?立院暫停通譯
01:01:00 陳柏惟罷免案會是綠營的第一張骨牌?/朱立倫的立威之戰
01:13:00 台灣加入cptpp 分析利弊
01:34:00 對岸限電 能耗雙控 -
partnership 在 Memoirs with Momo CAももコーナー Youtube 的最佳貼文
2021-09-18 16:09:21Hey guys!
In collaboration with Facetheory I have reviewed their newest collection of their makeup range. Facetheory is a skincare brand made in the UK and is vegan and cruelty free, and use natural ingredients and sustainable packaging. #facetheory #ad #partnership
Use my discount code BBC24Y8C for 20% off until the 17th October 2021.
Use my link before!
Nishi - https://thmatc.co/?l=9A95EB09
Naomi - If Love is the Answer - https://thmatc.co/?l=A457C510
Check out my socials!
Instagram: www.instagram.com/memoirswithmomo
Tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJoPh2hY/ -
partnership 在 Laura Ribeiro Youtube 的精選貼文
2021-07-20 18:00:15Tshirt Link: https://lauraribeiro.stores.jp
Subscribe & don't forget to LIKE this video to help my algorithm, thank you!
How we Met: https://youtu.be/5tAaVrL_AT8
Same-Sex Partnership in Japan: https://youtu.be/sgTvHwMrJhE
6am couple morning routine: https://youtu.be/oYeNs7vzzcc
▹Instagram - http://instagram.com/lauraribeiro.x
▹Instagram - http://instagram.com/amiidemusic
1. How did we meet?
2. What did you like the most about each other during the moment you were getting to know each other?
3. Does anything get lost in translation between you coming from two distinct cultures?
4. Is there anything you wanna fix about each other?
5. What are their weird traits/habits?
6. Do you want your alone time while you live together?
7. What’s the secret to our relationship?
8. Do we get jealous?
9. Do we want to get married?
▹Spotify - https://spoti.fi/32gT32B
▹Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/lauraribeiro-x
Hey, I’m Laura Ribeiro. I am Brazilian-Portuguese, raised in London. I moved to Tokyo in 2014.
I work as a full-time model, and a singer-songwriter musician. My channel is based on lifestyle, beauty & fashion videos. I have always loved documenting everything, and being able to look back.
thanks for watching, don't forget to subscribe ♡
#TokyoVlog #Japan #lgbt #lesbiancouple
Will we get married? Jealous, Cultural Differences | Lesbian Q&A
partnership 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Dah dah dah korang jangan dok Squid Game lagi!
Ambil masa sikit untuk tengok video ini dan comment dan like. Kasi chance sikit. hahahahahaha
📢DISCLAIMER📢 Vape or electronic cigarette is strictly not suitable for kids under 18. All Vaping reviews will be set to age restriction. This review is for adult smokers trying to get better health for quit smoking. For adult vapers to update about new products and tutorial. Vape safe and be happy gais! ✔
Review/Branding/Sponsors/ job enquiries please email: adrianlodejavu@gmail.com
🔰Mcclubz 🔰Wind Motorsport 🔰ML Automart 🔰Trapo Mat
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partnership 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
Follow Alana proudly supports the partnership between @MalalaFund and Cochlear Foundation and their belief that all children and young people with hearing loss deserve to access a quality education and early access to hearing healthcare and support. Together, we aspire to remove hearing loss as a barrier to a quality education and life’s opportunities so all children and young people can gain an education, build self-esteem and realize their full potential throughout their life.
partnership 在 Leica Camera Facebook 的最佳貼文
The deadline for our 2021 Leica Women Foto Project is just around the corner. Start your application today. Message us here with any questions. ⠀
Tag someone you believe should apply. ⠀
Now in our third year, the Leica Women Foto Project aims to further promote diversity in photography, and has expanded to include an additional call for entries to the Leica Women Foto Project x VII Mentor Program in partnership with VII Agency. Applicants may apply for either the Award OR the Mentor Program within the application form. ⠀
The Award will grant three photographers $10,000 and Leica SL2-S camera set to help complete an in-progress, photo project that bears witness to humanity, expressed through the female point of view. ⠀
Awardees will also have an exhibition at Fotografiska New York to commence in 2022. ⠀
The Mentor Program will grant three mentorships which include monthly 1:1 coaching sessions by a VII Photographer, exposure on VII’s site, representation by VII Agency, Leica Gallery exhibition, and a 12-month loan of a Leica Q2. ⠀
Apply to either the Award or Mentor Program today via link in bio or visit leicawomenfotoproject.com. ⠀
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Void where prohibited and outside US. Open to legal residents of the 50 U.S. (and DC) who are 21 yrs+ at entry. Contest is NOT open to individuals who have a formal affiliation or partnership with competitors of Sponsor. Contest begins at 9:00 AM ET on August 26, 2021 and ends 11:59 PM ET on October 8, 2021. For full terms & conditions: bit.ly/LWFPTerms ⠀
Special thanks to our partners and Jurors: @viiphoto @fotografiska @fotografiska.ny #karinkaufmann @elizabethavedon @hajjyhajjhajjar @nataliajimenez @ljohnphoto #elizabethkrist @lyonse @photoville #lauraroumanos @maggiesteber #sandrastevenson @wolffdee ⠀
Leica Store LA Senior Brand Ambassador @SussanFarahani photographed by @ashalexander.studio on SL2.