

在 pancreatic產品中有65篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Yoo Sang-Chul has sadly passed away at the age of 4️⃣9️⃣ after a long battle with pancreatic cancer! ⚽️⚽️⚽️ He was part of the South Korean team which...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅夠維根Go Vegan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,FB粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/GoVeganTW 提倡一種新的生活態度,透過動畫宣導"動物權利"! 吃肉會早死?(台灣素食營養學會撰寫):http://goo.gl/Mb4tDR 特別感謝"台灣素食營養學會"贊助 臺灣素食營養學會官網:http://www.tw...

pancreatic 在 Jamie✨Fitness & Movement Coach Instagram 的最佳貼文

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// Friday in the city // This lockdown, I’m reading more, listening to more health/business podcasts… and I found out that Steve Jobs died a billionai...

pancreatic 在 Dr. Amalina | General Surgery Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-05-30 04:40:09

Pancreas is an organ that produces enzymes, helps you digest your food and makes hormones such as insulin. Pancreatic cancer is often called a silent ...

pancreatic 在 Syed Saddiq Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-04-04 03:56:55

Such a pleasure meeting with Dr @tanseeleng , Singapore's Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, Second Minister for Manpower and Second Minister fo...

  • pancreatic 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-07 22:47:10
    有 365 人按讚

    Yoo Sang-Chul has sadly passed away at the age of 4️⃣9️⃣ after a long battle with pancreatic cancer!
    He was part of the South Korean team which reached the semi-finals in the 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣2️⃣ FIFA World Cup & a member of the FIFA World Cup All-Star Team in the same year!
    Rest In Peace.

  • pancreatic 在 媽媽監督核電廠聯盟 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-25 23:19:14
    有 14 人按讚

    輻射傷害的防護基本理念: ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable),受曝劑量越低越好的合理抑低原則。

    在輻射傷害防護的範疇內,總的來說,LNT(Linear-Non-Threshold)模式對於高劑量、高強度的輻射暴露的情況相對來說,更加的適用。在一般日常生活的狀態來說,避免輻射傷害,普遍採取 ALARA( As Low As Reasonably Achievable),也就是越低越好的合理抑低原則,這是人類關於游離輻射防護的基本理念。

    ALARA( As Low As Reasonably Achievable; 越低越好的合理抑低 )原則也是美國能源部國家核子保安總署(DOE/NNSA)輻射 緊急事件支援及訓練中心(REAC/TS)出版之「The Medical Aspects of Radiation Incidents (台灣翻譯為:輻射傷害醫療處置)」手冊內容中所提及的輻射防護基本理念。

    “ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) is the underlying philosophy associated with protecting people from ionizing radiation.

    It basically means that one should not unnecessarily expose themselves to radiation without the benefit outweighing the risk.

    Time, distance, andshielding are widely considered to be the primary
    concerns. At REAC/TS, we like to add a fourth item to the list - quantity. All four of these concepts are used concurrently with the others. "

    其基本意涵是 : 一個人應該避免不必要且無利益的輻射 曝露風險(這裡指的是非醫療性質的輻射暴露。任何輻射暴露都會造成傷害,但在治療重大疾病的時候,兩害相權取其輕,接受有限度且嚴格控管的輻射照射將體內惡性病變組織破壞,阻止其增生、擴散惡化的潛在利益大於輻射照射所引起的傷害的醫療應用案例,不屬於這裡所指的“不必要且無利益的輻射曝露風險”的範疇)。

    此外,有報導指出:“...... 在日本的實際研究案例中,「餵飲氘水佔1/3的水,經過1個禮拜,老鼠腦部組織裡的氫被替換掉,老鼠變得眼睛上吊,有攻擊性,一直囓咬鐵籠的鐵網,反覆地昏睡或暴躁。」東京工業大學理工特任教授入口紀男(Norio Iriguchi),透過老鼠實驗,提醒福島氚污染水的危害。




    「氚因為有這樣和物質相結合的性質,在體內造成長期被曝。用醫學實驗,可以證明氚會被當成氫攝入到細胞核內。構成DNA的基因的4個鹽基,是靠氫來結合,換成氚進去的話(失去結合力),鹽基化學式產生變化,遺傳情報也會改變。導致健康上的實際損害。」而當被攝入的氚衰變成氦時,也會損傷細胞( http://www.inaco.co.jp/hiroshima_2_demo/pdf/20140103_tori_A4.pdf )。


    又,氚水的化學式是HTO,因為氚很容易和生物體內的碳結合,成為有機結合型氚(Organically Bound Tritium、簡稱為OBT),跟氚水相比,後者滯留體內時間為20~50倍,被染色體等人體重要部份攝取。「氚水被放流後,經生物攝取變成有機結合型氚,人類去吃這些生物,便會蓄積在體內。」在核食檢測上,有機結合型氚的檢測程序,又比普通的氚來得複雜。




    A 1961 experiment showed that mice dosed with 21.5 μCi/g of Cs-137 had a 50% fatality within 30 days (implying an LD50 of 245 μg/kg).

    A similar experiment in 1972 showed that when dogs are subjected to a whole body burden of 3800 μCi/kg (140 MBq/kg, or approximately 44 μg/kg) of caesium-137 (and 950 to 1400 rads), they die within 33 days, while animals with half of that burden all survived for a year.

    Important researches have shown a remarkable concentration of 137Cs in the exocrine cells of the pancreas, which are those most affected by cancer.

    In 2003, in autopsies performed on 6 children dead in the polluted area near Chernobyl where they also reported a higher incidence of pancreatic tumors, Bandazhevsky found a concentration of 137Cs 40-45 times higher than in their liver, thus demonstrating that pancreatic tissue is a strong accumulator and secretor in the intestine of radioactive cesium.





    此外,1961年的一項實驗發現對老鼠注射21.5 μCi/g 濃度的Cs-137,在30天之內有一半的受試老鼠死亡,這項實驗的結果等同於半至死劑量為0.000245公克(也就是百萬分之245公克),所謂半至死劑量指的是指在固定濃度下,暴露一定時間(通常1~4 小時)後,觀察14 天, 能使試驗動物組群半數(50 %)死亡的濃度。

    在1972 年有另外一項類似的實驗, 對受試驗的狗群注射3800 μCi/kg (140 MBq/kg, or approximately 44 μg/kg,大約百萬分之44公克濃度)Cs-137,這群受試的狗在33天內全數死亡,而另一群接受一半劑量的受試狗群,則可以存活到為期一年。

    從上述的那些實際醫學研究例證,包括了比較適用於LNT模式的狀態,以及一般日常生活環境下遭遇到低劑量但是長期輻射暴露累積下來的狀態。ALARA( As Low As Reasonably Achievable; 合理抑低 )原則在兩種狀態下通通一體適用。




    ^Moskalev, Yu. I. (1961). "Biological Effects of Cesium-137". In Lebedinskiĭ, A. V.; Moskalev, Yu. I. (eds.). Distribution, Biological Effects, and Migration of Radioactive Isotopes. Translation Series. United States Atomic Energy Commission (published April 1974). p. 220. AEC-tr-7512.

    ^ H.C. Redman; et al. (1972). "Toxicity of 137-CsCl in the Beagle. Early Biological Effects". Radiation Research. 50 (3): 629–648. Bibcode:1972RadR...50..629R. doi:10.2307/3573559. JSTOR 3573559. PMID 5030090.
    ^ Nelson A , Ullberg S, Kristoffersson H, Ronnback C (1961). "Distribution of Radiocesium in Mice". Acta Radiologica. 55, 5 (5): 374–384.
    doi:10.3109/00016926109175132. PMID 13728254.

    ^ Bandazhevsky Y.I. (2003). "Chronic Cs-137 incorporation in children's organs". Swiss Med. Wkly. 133 (35–36): 488–90. PMID 14652805.


  • pancreatic 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-29 14:00:36
    有 11 人按讚

    2018 #TangPrize laureate Tony Hunter delivered a speech Tuesday at a major annual biomedical conference, in which he shared his latest research into the mechanisms behind pancreatic and liver cancer, according to the Tang Prize Foundation.

  • pancreatic 在 夠維根Go Vegan Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2016-02-22 18:16:07



    1. 103年國人死因統計結果。台灣衛生福利部。http://www.mohw.gov.tw/news/531349778

    2. 心臟病、中風:Huang T, Yang B, Zheng J, Li G, Wahlqvist ML, Li D. Cardiovascular disease mortality and cancer incidence in vegetarians: a meta-analysis and systematic review. Ann Nutr Metab. 2012;60(4):233-40. doi: 10.1159/000337301. Epub 2012 Jun 1. Review. PubMed PMID: 22677895.

    3. 淋巴癌:Ma X, Park Y, Mayne ST, Wang R, Sinha R, Hollenbeck AR, Schatzkin A, Cross AJ. Diet, lifestyle, and acute myeloid leukemia in the NIH-AARP cohort. Am J Epidemiol. 2010 Feb 1;171(3):312-22.

    4. 乳癌:Cho E, Spiegelman D, Hunter DJ, Chen WY, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Willett WC. Premenopausal fat intake and risk of breast cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2003 Jul 16;95(14):1079-85.

    5. 胰臟癌:Otsuki M, Tashiro M. 4. Chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer, lifestyle-related diseases. Intern Med. 2007;46(2):109-13. Epub 2007 Jan 15. Review.

    6. 直腸癌:Bouvard V, Loomis D, Guyton KZ, Grosse Y, Ghissassi FE, Benbrahim-Tallaa L, Guha N, Mattock H, Straif K; International Agency for Research on Cancer Monograph Working Group. Carcinogenicity of consumption of red and processed meat. Lancet Oncol. 2015 Dec;16(16):1599-600.

    7. 吃肉會增加死亡率:Pan A, Sun Q, Bernstein AM, Schulze MB, Manson JE, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC, Hu FB. Red meat consumption and mortality: results from 2 prospective cohort studies. Arch Intern Med. 2012 Apr 9;172(7):555-63.

    8. 吃肉血膽固醇較高:Appleby PN, Thorogood M, Mann JI, Key TJ. The Oxford Vegetarian Study: an overview. Am J Clin Nutr. 1999 Sep;70(3 Suppl):525S-531S. PubMed PMID: 10479226.

    9. 勃起障礙:Thompson IM, Tangen CM, Goodman PJ, Probstfield JL, Moinpour CM, Coltman CA. Erectile dysfunction and subsequent cardiovascular disease. JAMA. 2005 Dec 21;294(23):2996-3002.

  • pancreatic[email protected] Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2014-12-29 11:51:03

    胰臟癌 專題 - 楊丕祥外科專科醫生@FindDoc.com


    (一) 除腹痛外,有什麽症狀顯示患上胰臟癌?0:29

    (二) 應做什麽檢查以診斷是否患胰臟癌?準確性高嗎?1:25

    (三) 治療胰臟癌有什麽方法?需要做手術嗎?若需接受手術,其程序是怎樣的?手術成效如何?2:26

    (四) 胰臟癌患者在接受手術後和康復期間,有何注意事項?3:50

    (五) 胰臟癌的成因是什麽?有哪些因素會增加患胰臟癌的風險?可如何預防?(FindDoc 健康資訊) 4:59


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