[爆卦]Painstaking 中文是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Painstaking 中文鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Painstaking 中文這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 painstaking產品中有64篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,772的網紅Crisel Consunji - Artist / Educator,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, I can’t get over them! I keep crying every time I watch their videos. I feel the pride and joy in the videos of people cheering for them. I can’t ge...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅translation,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#'92年にズームが発売した、レースゲーム作品。 FOCA公認で、92年シーズンのチーム,ドライバーが全て実名で登場。 コースはラスター処理、ピットイン・ピットアウトはポリゴン処理される。 BGMは下野氏と木村氏による共同作曲で、T-SQUARE風なフュージョンで綴られている。 効果音・作曲:下...

  • painstaking 在 Crisel Consunji - Artist / Educator Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-27 22:37:20
    有 64 人按讚

    I can’t get over them!

    I keep crying every time I watch their videos. I feel the pride and joy in the videos of people cheering for them.

    I can’t get over their strength, tenacity, and exceptional mental fortitude. I can only imagine the years and years of painstaking practice they have had to go through.

    Hidilyn Diaz 🇵🇭 and Edgar Cheung Ka Long 🇭🇰, what shining examples of grit and resilience you give! 💪🏼

    Hidilyn, you personify grace and courage. You have achieved more than just the historic win; By your example, you are giving Filipinas the confidence to envision themselves as truly strong women— and the permission to celebrate that strength.

    Ka Long, I truly admire how humble you are. You’ve shared how you felt like a “nobody” amidst the other olympians… but by not being afraid to be vulnerable, you’ve shown how strong you can truly be.

    Okay, I’ll stop here, because I just might cry again 🙈

    So many more inspiring moments in the #Tokyo2020 Olympics. So much to learn from so many amazing athletes. Such a good feeling to end this day with ✨

    Photos taken from The Philippine Star and The Standard (HK).

  • painstaking 在 Miss Tam Chiak Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-01-21 08:00:01
    有 139 人按讚

    Making a traditional and authentic thosai is a laborious process. The power mother-and-son duo at Rajarani Thosai sticks to the painstaking process of grinding soaked black lentils by hand, and making their own sambars, dhal, and chutneys to accompany the fresh thosai made from scratch daily.⁣

    The Masala Butter Thosai had crisp paper-like edges and velvety soft centre loaded with spiced and buttery potatoes. The salty globs of melted butter (not Planta or margarine, mind you) melded perfectly together with the aromatic masala spices, making every mouthful particularly delicious. Served on an Indian Thali plate with 3 sauces — coconut chutney, dhal and chilli and onion chutney.⁣

    Another crowd-favorite was the fresh made on-site appams. Using a similar fermented rice batter as thosai but with coconut milk, these UFO-looking pancakes had shatteringly crisp edges with thick and cushiony centres. The Plain Appam paired well with a simple sprinkling of orange palm sugar, which lent a mild sweetness to the savory batter.⁣

    Read more at:⁣

    Rajarani Thosai⁣
    Address: 137 Tampines Street 11, Tampines Round Market & Food Centre, #01-33, Singapore 521137⁣

    ✅ Get first dibs on our food recommendations the very moment it gets published on our website - join us on our Telegram group: https://t.me/misstamchiak⁣

    🎧 Listen to our podcast at https://www.misstamchiak.com/podcast-chiak-podcast/! We are on Spotify and Apple Podcasts too!

  • painstaking 在 與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-27 23:57:05
    有 13 人按讚







    1. 你覺得人地明,人地係咪真係明?

    2. 如果你*認為*係,你又點知人地係咪真係明?抑或係礙於禮貌「哦哦哦」扮明?如果人地真係明,係at what cost?At WHAT cost?

    3. 假設人地最後真係明,會唔會係因為人地花咗好多時間、好painstaking咁睇你篇文,到最後勉強係明你講咩嘅。但過程係要花多好多時間,花時間到一個地步,之後唔會再願意睇你寫嘅野,又或者心裡面對妳默默起左負面評價,甚至討厭咗你?








    The mistakes you’re making are distracting peoplefrom whatever art that you’re making.

  • painstaking 在 translation Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-18 16:30:01



    効果音・作曲:下野秀幸氏, 木村直之氏

    Manufacturer: 1992.11.13 ZOOM
    System: X68000
    Hardware: YM2151, MSM6258
    Sound Effect: Hideyuki Shimono, Naoyuki Kimura
    composer: hideyuki shimono, Naoyuki Kimura
    00:00:00 01.SAY ZOOM 92 (OPENING 0)
    00:00:58 02.ANXIETY (OPENING 1)
    00:02:13 03.DEEPEST RED (OPENING 2)
    00:05:24 04.DEPARTURE (UNUSED 1)
    00:07:25 05.JOYRIDE (DEMO DISK)
    00:12:28 06.READY (QUICK RACE QUALIFY)
    00:12:33 07.MAKE A WISH
    00:15:22 08.SHOWDOWN (DATA BASE)
    00:26:40 11.HOW ANNOYING (TEST RUN)
    00:32:35 13.AFTER RACE (RESULT)
    00:33:50 14.EXCEED (AUSTRALIAN)
    00:44:22 17.SPIT (UNUSED 2)
    00:46:46 18.TRAFFIC JAM (SETTNG)
    00:59:06 21.ON THE LIMIT (TIME ATTACK)
    01:09:09 23.S BEAT (FRENCH)
    01:14:17 25.TAKE THE NEW STAGE
    01:14:54 26.READY S.P.2 (DRY CONDITION)
    01:14:58 27.READY S.P.3 (WET CONDITION)
    01:15:04 28.unknown (unused 3)
    01:16:35 29.PRECIOUS TIME (ENDING 1)
    01:20:46 30.RAISE YOUR HANDS (ENDING 2)
    01:23:38 31.WIN HANDS DOWN (ENDING 3)
    01:25:21 32.CLOSING (ENDING 4)
    01:26:35 33.A SUNSET GLOW (ENDING 5)

  • painstaking 在 Zee Vlogs Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-03-18 09:41:19

    Day 4 in the amazing Varanasi, the holiest city in India setting out on a boat tour and getting drowned in paint!

    ★ Follow me on INSTAGRAM https://goo.gl/c9ZKgt
    ★★ Follow me on FACEBOOK https://goo.gl/dyY7S1

    The more time I spent in this city, the more I have come to love it. The energy, the people, the scenery and ambiance. It's really quite spectacular. It has definitely become a winner among all the places we visited in India.


    Early start to the day, walking down to the ghats of Varanasi to meet the fixer who organised a sunrise boat tour across the Ganges River for us. Bella had some stand-uppers she had to get through, so we worked on them while waiting for the boat to come.

    It was pretty chilly on the ghats without the sun to keep us warm, but the view of the rising sun was MAGICAL! It was so worth it to wake up early for that experience. I've never seen such a clear sunrise like that before. And with the birds flying around overhead, it made it even more special.

    We got dropped off on the other side of the Ganges to a spectacle of people bathing in the water. I'd not seen anything like this on the other side of the river. Whole families and elderly folk swimming together and washing off. Highly entertaining.

    Once that was over we went back to the hotel and freshened up. Had some breakfast and then straight out the door and through the streets of Varanasi, to visit a festival that was going on a few minutes away.

    The holi festival isn't actually for a couple of days still but there was a famous guru down from Kolkata and his followers wanted to celebrate Holi with him, so they did a pre-holi 'Holi' celebration. It was my first time seeing this celebration and my first time having paint wiped across my face.

    Was not expecting to get dirty at all, but our fixer, Rajeev, was having none of it and coloured my face a lovely shocking pink colour. hehe.

    Getting back to the hotel and washing off the paint was such a relief. It took as about an hour each to fully clear all the paint off us which was painstaking. also took us a number of trials and errors before we found the magic solution to removing it. BABY OIL!

    We had more things to film that evening, so we left the hotel in the late afternoon and went in search of Varanasi's famous BLUE LASSI shop. Hidayat had been going on about the lassi at this place for so long that it was compulsory for us to stop by for a visit.

    After trying it, I understood what all the hype was about. Definitely worth a try if you are in Varanasi.

    Day came to an end walking back to the hotel. We actually visited the evening Aarti along the ghats, but I didn't have enough time in my vlog to include it. So I'll save that for another day.


    Bella Zahir @bellazahirzain
    Hidayat Abdul Hadi @muhdhidayatullah
    Ezzwan Mardzi @ezzwanmardzi


    Greemz - Nozahi

  • painstaking 在 公視新聞網 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2017-03-18 14:55:06

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