#1正交- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
正交(英語:Orthogonality)是線性代數的概念,是垂直這一直觀概念的推廣。作為一個形容詞,只有在一個確定的內積空間中才有意義。若內積空間中兩向量的內積為0,則稱 ...
#2orthogonality - 正交性 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
正交性 · orthogonality · 名詞解釋: 凡兩個幾何量標度相同的物體,且彼此互相垂直。即稱具有正交性(參見orthogonal reperesentation)。 · 正交性 · orthogonality · 學術名詞.
#34. Orthogonality - 線性代數
3. Linear Transformations. 4. Orthogonality. 1. Inner Product Space · 2. Cauch-Schwarz Inequality · 3. Orthogonal · 4. Gram-Schmidt Process.
#4orthogonality | mathematics | Britannica
orthogonality, In mathematics, a property synonymous with perpendicularity when applied to vectors but applicable more generally to functions.
#5關於程式語言的orthogonality以下何者正確? (A)表示程式語言 ...
教甄◇電腦科專業題庫下載題庫 · 最少量的超負荷運算子,不會混淆運算子的涵義。 · 正交性(Orthogonality):(沒有重複) · 提供流程控制結構,使其有結構化程式設計的能力。
#6Orthogonal:正交還是無關? | Huan-Lin 學習筆記on DotBlogs
中文的資源不夠用,最好的辦法就是找原文的解釋了。以下解釋摘自英文維基百科(在該字的Derived Meanings 小節):. Orthogonality is a system design ...
#7orthogonality中文, orthogonality是什麼意思:正交 - 查查綫上辭典
orthogonality 中文::正交;正交性;相互垂直;直交性…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋orthogonality的中文翻譯,orthogonality的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#86. Orthogonality and Least-Squares
's}. Page 4. Linear Algebra. 6. Orthogonality and Least-Squares. CSIE NCU. 7. dExercises of Section 6.1. d W ⊥ is a subspace of Rn for any subset W of Rn. If w ...
#9orthogonality - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
orthogonality · 查看更多. 正交性;直交性. PyDict. Mountain View Santa Clara更新疑難排解 · 會員登入 · 設定 · 建議 · 服務中心 · 隱私權政策(更新版) ...
#10[1309.4547] Orthogonality and Dimensionality - arXiv
Following this idea, we develop a formalism based on two basic ingredients, namely an orthogonality relation and matroids which are a very generic algebraic ...
#11What is "Orthogonality"? - Stack Overflow
Orthogonality is the property that means "Changing A does not change B". An example of an orthogonal system would be a radio, where changing ...
#12Orthogonality - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Orthogonality refers to the ability of a design (either experimental or observational) to detect and quantify the effect of diversity against a background ...
Orthogonality u ⊥ v. Orthogonal Complement S⊥. Orthogonality of Fundamental Subspaces. Projection. Gram-Schmidt Process. Function Approximation∗.
#14Orthogonality - Statistics By Jim
Orthogonality is a mathematical property that is beneficial for statistical models. It's particularly helpful when performing factorial analysis of designed ...
#15On Orthogonality Constraints for Transformers - ACL Anthology
Orthogonality constraints encourage matrices to be orthogonal for numerical stability. These plug-and-play constraints, which can be conveniently ...
#16第13講Orthogonality IV - 清華大學開放式課程
L13_A ─ Orthogonal Bases and Gram-Schmidt ─ Projection Using Orthonormal Bases. L13_B ─ Projection Using Orthonormal Bases
#17orthogonality翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
orthogonality 中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. [數] 正交性;相互垂直。英漢詞典提供【orthogonality】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#18orthogonality - 維基詞典,自由的多語言詞典 - Wiktionary
搜尋. orthogonality. 語言 · 監視 · 編輯. 英語. 名詞編輯 · 正交 · 正體: 正交[性][通訊工程]; 简体: 正交性[大气]; 正體: 正交性[氣象].
#19orthogonality 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
Lack of orthogonality between a suspension(or centering)axis and the spin axis will then result in a drift-producing torque exerted on the gimbal.
#20Local orthogonality as a multipartite principle for quantum ...
In fact, there is a natural notion of orthogonality (also called 'exclusiveness') between events in contextuality scenarios, which are defined ...
#21The Role of Orthogonality in Genetic Code Expansion - NCBI
To achieve more robust orthogonality, strategies have focused on engineering aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (aaRS)/tRNA pairs, whole-genome recoding ...
#23Orthogonality - wikidoc
Orthogonality is a system design property facilitating feasibility and compactness of complex designs. Orthogonality guarantees that modifying ...
#24Learning Discriminative Representations for Face Recognition
More specifically, the optimization objective of Orthogonality loss is the first moment and second moment of cosine similarity of weight vectors ...
#25Orthogonality in Statistics
Simply put, orthogonality means “uncorrelated.” An orthogonal model means that all independent variables in that model are uncorrelated.
#26Orthogonality in discrete self-assembly – survey of current ...
Over years, mathematicians, biologists and chemists have capitalised on the highly useful concept of orthogonality for developing ...
#27Robust Cross-Orthogonality Check Using the Principle of ...
The cross-orthogonality check (XOR) is a widely used correlation measure for validating finite element (FE) models, where the orthogonality ...
#28Orthogonality of Separation in Two-Dimensional Liquid ...
(iii) The orthogonality is defined as a normalized area covered by peaks in 2D separation space. The greater coverage, the greater is the ...
#30General purpose intelligence: arguing the orthogonality thesis
In his paper “The Superintelligent Will”, Nick Bostrom formalised the. Orthogonality thesis: the idea that the final goals and intelligence levels of ...
Orthogonality. Hung-yi Lee. Page 2. Outline. • Reference: Chapter 7.1. Page 3. Norm & Distance. • Norm: Norm of vector v is the length of v. • Denoted .
#32Universal Route to Impart Orthogonality to Polymer ...
The method relies on imparting chemical and physical orthogonality to a polymer film via formation of a semi-interpenetrating diphasic ...
#33almost orthogonality | What's new - Terry Tao
Tagged with almost orthogonality. 247B, Notes 3: pseudodifferential operators. In contrast to previous notes, in this set ...
#34Orthogonality - UCLA Neurology - Los Angeles, CA
The mention of “orthogonality” sends us running to our dictionaries. The word does not come bubbling into the mind in, say, the morning commute.
#35Orthogonality in linear metric spaces - Project Euclid
June 1935 Orthogonality in linear metric spaces. Garrett Birkhoff · DOWNLOAD PAPER + SAVE TO MY LIBRARY. Duke Math. J. 1(2): 169-172 (June 1935).
#36Orthogonality - The Free Dictionary
the state or quality of being right-angled or perpendicular. — orthogonal, adj. ... the state or quality of being right-angled or perpendicular. — orthogonal, adj ...
#37Can We Gain More from Orthogonality Regularizations in ...
This paper seeks to answer the question: as the (near-) orthogonality of weights is found to be a favorable property for training deep convolutional neural ...
#384.11: Orthogonality - Mathematics LibreTexts
4.11: Orthogonality · Determine if a given set is orthogonal or orthonormal. · Determine if a given matrix is orthogonal. · Given a linearly ...
#39Orthogonality - SAGE Research Methods
When someone says that orthogonality exists, the statement refers to the assumption of a correlation among two or more elements.
#40VITA-Group/Orthogonality-in-CNNs - GitHub
[NeurIPS '18] "Can We Gain More from Orthogonality Regularizations in Training Deep CNNs?" Official Implementation.
#41What is the purpose of instrument orthogonality test?
Concerning your issue about he purpose of instrument orthogonality test. The Instrument Orthogonality test, also known as the C-test or Eichenbaum, ...
#42Chapter 4 Orthogonality
Definition (Orthogonality of subspaces): Two subspaces V and W are said to be orthogonal if. vTw = 0 for all v ∈ V and all w ∈ W.
#43Orthogonality of Eigenfunctions - Math
We now develop some properties of eigenfunctions, to be used in Chapter 9 for Fourier. Series and Partial Differential Equations. 1. Definition of Orthogonality.
#44Orthogonality and normalization of radiation modes in ...
Abstract. By expressing Maxwell's equations in a linear-operator formalism, it is shown that the orthogonality and normalization properties ...
#45orthogonality 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
orthogonality 正交性; 直交性; 正交; 相互垂直來源(2): WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn] orthogonality n 1: the relation of opposition between things at right ...
#46Orthogonal -- from Wolfram MathWorld
This condition has been exploited to define orthogonality in the more abstract context of the n -dimensional real space R^n . More generally, two elements v ...
#47orthogonality in nLab
Contents · 1. In inner product spaces · 2. In category theory · 3. Related concepts.
使用Reverso Context: Andrei's description of policy classes describe their power as being derived from their granularity and orthogonality.,在英语-中文情境 ...
#49What does Orthogonal means in Wireless Networks? - Training
Introduction The orthogonality concept is one of the most important and crucial mechanisms that allow the existence of modern wireless ...
This orthogonality is homogeneous, but is neither symmetric nor additive. 2. Existence of orthogonal elements. An element x of a normed linear space is ...
#51orthogonality在线翻译_英语_读音 - 海词词典
Orthogonality is one of those creeping viral problems. 正交性是一种慢性感染性的问题。 Computation mesh is generated by the algebra method, ...
#52Orthogonal designs - Minitab
The concept of orthogonality is important in Design of Experiments because it says something about independence. Experimental analysis of an orthogonal ...
#53From Norm to Orthogonality: Fundamental Mathematics for ...
From Norm to Orthogonality: Fundamental Mathematics for Machine Learning with Intuitive Examples Part 2/3 · What are Scalar, Vector, Matrix and Tensor? · 1-Norm, ...
#54Orthogonality in smooth countably normed spaces - Journal of ...
We generalize the concepts of normalized duality mapping, J-orthogonality and Birkhoff orthogonality from normed spaces to smooth countably ...
#55Dot Products and Orthogonality
Understand the relationship between the dot product and orthogonality. Vocabulary words: dot product, length, distance, unit vector, unit vector in the ...
#56Orthogonality of sesquilinear forms and spaces of operators
We obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for Birkhoff–James orthogonality in the space of all continuous vector-valued functions from ...
#57Orthogonality definition and meaning - English - Collins ...
Orthogonality definition: the state or condition of being orthogonal | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.
#58A feasible method for optimization with orthogonality constraints
Furthermore, since orthogonality is preserved by any skew-symmetric matrix A, there exist many different ways to generate low-rank matrices A ...
#59Parameter Orthogonality and Approximate Conditional Inference
obtain orthogonality of a scalar parameter of interest t to a set of nuisance parameters. The concept of orthogonal parameters seems to have fairly broad ...
#60The orthogonality relations
Theorem 4 (First orthogonality relation). 1. |G|. ∑ g∈G χi (g)χj (g−1) = δij for all 1 ≤ i, j ≤ r. Proof: Applying the above formula for the ...
#61Treatement of Non-orthogonality with solvers and relaxation ...
Non-orthogonality measures the angle between two faces of the same cell. In a grid with only rectangular cells the value would be zero.
#62Lec 29~30: Orthogonality and Orthogonal Projection - HackMD
Linear Algebra - Lec 29~30: Orthogonality and Orthogonal Projection · Solution of Inconsistent System of Linear Equations · Least Square Approximation ...
#63On orthogonality and learning recurrent networks with long ...
On orthogonality and learning recurrent networks with long term dependenciesEugene Vorontsov, Chiheb Trabelsi, Samuel Kadoury, Chris PalIt is ...
#64A Feasible Method for Optimization with Orthogonality ...
Keywords Orthogonality constraint · spherical constraint · Stiefel manifold ... this paper, we consider optimization with orthogonality constraints:.
#65Wall Orthogonality - Pointwise, Inc.
Description. For structured domains and unstructured domains used in a prism block the orthogonality of grid points adjacent to the domain is calculated.
#66What really is ''orthogonality''? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
So orthogonality seems a ''coordinate dependent'' concept. The question is: is my reasoning correct? And, if yes, what make the usual standard ...
#67Criterion for local distinguishability of arbitrary orthogonal states
We consider the relation between the orthogonality and the distinguishability of a set of arbitrary states (including multipartite states).
#68What is Orthogonality | IGI Global
What is Orthogonality? Definition of Orthogonality: Perpendicular reference to a plane or a geometric object. Various object defined within an orthogonal ...
#69Orthogonality and Spacetime Geometry (Universitext)
Amazon.com: Orthogonality and Spacetime Geometry (Universitext): 9780387965192: Goldblatt, Robert: Books.
#70Lecture 23: 6.2 Angle and Orthogonality
Orthogonality. ▫ Definition. ❑ Two vectors u and v in an inner product space are called orthogonal if 〈u, v〉= 0.
#71Orthogonality Thesis - LessWrong
The Orthogonality Thesis states that an artificial intelligence can have any combination of intelligence level and goal, that is, its final goals and ...
#72Part 15 : Orthogonality and four fundamental subspaces
Orthogonality of Four Fundamental Subspaces · Row Space · Column Space · Null Space · Null Space of transpose (Left Null Space) ...
#73orthogonality check | European Cooperation for Space ...
measure of the mathematical orthogonality and linear independence of a set of mode shapes (analytical or measured) using the mass matrix of the mathematical ...
#74Pseudomomentum and the Orthogonality of Modes in Shear ...
2) Using the quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity equation, it is shown that pseudomomentum orthogonality provides a simple explanation for how quasi- ...
#75The Superintelligent Will - Nick Bostrom
The Orthogonality Thesis. Intelligence and final goals are orthogonal axes along which possible agents can freely vary. In other words, more or less any level ...
#76Orthogonality Measurement of Three-Axis Motion Trajectories ...
orthogonality measurement is approximately 0.3%. Keywords: stereo light microscope; microscopic stereovision; micromanipulation; ...
#77Orthogonality Meaning | Best 1 Definitions of ... - YourDictionary
What does orthogonality mean? (mathematics, statistics) The property of being orthogonal. (noun)
#7818.03SCF11 text: Orthogonality Relations - MIT ...
Orthogonality Relations. We now explain the basic reason why the remarkable Fourier coefficent formulas work. We begin by repeating them from the last note:.
#79orthogonality的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
Orthogonality of system architecture can be reduced by performing one - to - one functional mapping. 正交性的缺點可以透過減少系統架構一對一對映功能的方式 ...
#80Functional Implications of Ubiquitous Semicircular Canal Non ...
We find that substantial deviations from orthogonality, angle symmetry, and coplanarity are the rule for the mammals in our comparative sample.
#81Orthogonality and closure operators - Numdam
Orthogonality and closure operators. Sousa, Lurdes. Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques, Tome 36 (1995) no. 4, pp. 323-343.
#82Adjusted orthogonality in nonorthogonal designs | Biometrika
AbstractSUMMARY. The concept of orthogonality of experimental designs and the factors of a design has been discussed by numerous authors and defined in a ...
#83Orthogonality in Software Engineering - freeCodeCamp
Orthogonality is a software design principle for writing components in a way that changing one component doesn't affect other components. It is ...
#84Tools of the Trade: a joint test of orthogonality when testing for ...
An alternative, or complementary approach is to test for joint orthogonality. To do this, take your set of X variables (X1, X2, ...
#85The Orthogonality Relation
An easy way to determine whether or not two vectors are orthogonal is to take their inner product. (also called the dot product).
#8629.14 Orthogonality - DLMF
Lamé polynomials are orthogonal in two ways. First, the orthogonality relations (29.3.19) apply; see §29.12(i). Secondly, the system of functions ...
#8710 Orthogonality
10 ORTHOGONALITY. 2. Orthogonal complement. Let S be a subspace of V . The orthogonal complement of. S (in V ), written S⊥, is the set of all vectors in V ...
#88Orthogonality - Wikiwand
In mathematics, orthogonality is the generalization of the notion of perpendicularity to the linear algebra of bilinear forms.
Orthogonality Copy link to clipboard. YAKINDU Statechart Tools allows to specify orthogonal regions that are executed virtually concurrently.
#90Orthogonality of Zernike polynomials - SPIE Digital Library
There are several reasons why these coefficients may lose their orthogonality in an FEA analysis. The effects, their importance, and techniques for ...
We obtain a complete characterization of all orthogonality preserving operators from a JB*-algebra to a JB*-triple. If T : J → E is a bounded linear ...
#923.3 Orthogonality
3.3 Orthogonality. Computing the orthogonal projection of <2,3,-1> in the direction <1,1,1>: >> u=[2 3 -1]; >> a=[1 1 1]; >> ( dot(u,a)/norm(a)^2 ) * a ans ...
#93Definition of orthogonal - Merriam-Webster
orthogonality \ ȯr-ˌthä-gə-ˈna-lə-tē \ noun. orthogonally \ ȯr-ˈthä-gə-nᵊl-ē \ adverb. Examples of orthogonal in a Sentence.
#94Birkhoff Orthogonality and Different Particular Cases of ...
Birkhoff Orthogonality and Different Particular Cases of Carlsson's Orthogonality on Normed Linear Spaces. Prakash Muni Bajracharya 1 and ...
INNER PRODUCT & ORTHOGONALITY. Definition: The Inner or "Dot" Product of the vectors: , is defined as follows. Definition: The length of a vector is the ...
#96Orthogonality Angle -- CFD Online Discussion Forums
The CFX11 Solver Guide lists the orthogonality angle as one of the measures of mesh quality. It's defined as the "area weighted average of ...
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