[爆卦]One Last Kiss 歌詞 羅馬是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇One Last Kiss 歌詞 羅馬鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在One Last Kiss 歌詞 羅馬這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者misofish (味噌魚)看板Utada標題[情報] 新專輯情報和線上音樂會消息時間Fri ...





Hikaru Utada Announces 8th Studio Album and Online Concert Scheduled for Next Year. More Details Coming December 9!
Hikaru Utada kicked off 2021 with a huge success of “One Last Kiss”, theme song for EVANGELION:3.0+1.0 THRICE UPON A TIME, followed by world-wide reveal of “Find Love” featured in SHISEIDO's new global campaign "POWER IS YOU" and we have all been excited to hear the new track “Kimini Muchuu” as the main theme for TBS Friday drama Saiai each week.

Fans will be super excited with the latest news that her long-awaited 8th album is in production and will be released next year. Along with those three songs the album will also feature “Face My Fears” (opening song for action role-playing game KINGDOM HEARTS Ⅲ), “Time” (main theme for NTV Sunday drama Bishoku Tantei Akechi Goro) ,“Darenimo Iwanai”(SUNTORY Tennensui CM song)and “PINK BLOOD” (main theme for anime series To Your Eternity). With these hits lined up, the album is sure to create a
buzz around the globe.

An online concert to celebrate the album release is in the works, and its video production is currently underway in London.

Details for the album release and booking of online concert tickets will be announced on Hikaru Utada's debut anniversary, December 9. Stay tuned!


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Utada/M.1636650565.A.46D.html
※ 編輯: misofish ( 臺灣), 11/12/2021 01:14:05
※ 編輯: misofish ( 臺灣), 11/12/2021 01:17:49
yankslakers: 買爆CD!! 11/12 01:29
fendismiso: 太期待了! 11/12 01:33
much0810: 期待 11/12 02:06
ps20727: 終於!想說宅光怎麼主題曲上了還那麼低調 快發快發! 11/12 08:26
tober197: 好興奮啊啊啊 11/12 09:19
shindais: 新曲超有fu,敲碗專輯! 11/12 10:21
vu04: 一整個超期待!!!!!新專輯終於來惹QQ 11/12 10:24
nbmrockon: 終於盼到了!!!! 11/12 11:49
a21554099: 期待12/9先 太高興了~~ 11/12 12:57
a21554099: 而且online concert安排真的想不到hikki這麼勤勞了XD 11/12 12:59
a21554099: DD 疫情真的不容易,希望這次能多唱這幾年都少唱的R& 11/12 12:59
a21554099: B曲子啊!! 11/12 12:59
vu04: 君に夢中 是作為UH8先行單曲 11/12 13:18
eden3q: 好想趕快聽到新歌啊啊啊啊 11/12 18:26
shizukada: 12/9是出道日耶 11/12 19:56
ewane711: 線上live太期待了!!! 11/12 23:48
jkuhripvps: 太棒啦 11/15 00:51
winter9095: 等新專輯真的等好久,沒想到還有線上演唱會嗚嗚,超級 11/15 09:25
winter9095: 期待! 11/15 09:25
nancysmart: 新專輯!!!!!!線上演唱會!!!!!! 11/17 21:42
misofish: https://youtu.be/lyhQbrCEPlg 11/18 19:50
misofish: 好期待! 11/18 19:50
eva20: 新專真的沒收SUNTORY天然水的廣告曲 11/19 01:30
ps99you: “Darenimo Iwanai”(SUNTORY Tennensui CM song)不是嗎? 11/19 04:57
belast: 新聞沒寫到有收這首:o? 11/19 10:11
c98518: 有啊,日文版比較清楚(不用讀羅馬拼音XD) 11/19 15:12
c98518: https://i.imgur.com/MB5a0nh.jpg 11/19 15:13
c98518: 收face my fears很微妙,感覺在專輯中會突兀 11/19 15:14
vu04: 超討厭face my fears…那編曲浮誇到不行 11/19 17:32
MerciDanke: 讚啦!! 11/20 14:23
kouta: 哪次沒收 以前我說會收 colors 還被這裡人反駁 笑死 11/21 15:48
belast: 小光都會收啊,只是新聞稿沒有提到 11/21 16:34
urban01: fmf曲可 就是編曲真的不行 除了放第一首或最後一首 其他 11/21 19:31
urban01: 無法 11/21 19:31
kingdom: 放第一首不行啦 要放最後而且寫bonus XD 11/21 22:27
c98518: 最後一首然後前面一段Inetrlude,感覺比較好 11/21 22:47
c98518: colors是她和前期合作對象的一個段落,卻收在她獨立作業 11/21 22:56
c98518: 的起點作中... 11/21 22:58
belast: 要開曲序的賭盤嗎www 11/21 22:58
a21554099: 日文本來也沒寫天然水的cm曲,純粹是staff漏掉又後來 11/22 09:13
a21554099: 補上了XDDD 11/22 09:13
belast: 感覺出專輯之前還會有一二首,明年影集初戀要上網飛了? 11/22 12:23
iketsu: Face my fears有那麼糟嗎? 11/22 17:32
eden3q: 我個人很喜歡face of fear 11/22 17:42
eden3q: *打錯啦 11/22 17:42
c98518: 君に夢中居然有拍MV...... 11/25 23:41
misofish: 台灣時間 12/8 晚上11點 YT首播 11/26 16:07
misofish: https://youtu.be/5YKBgBMynbI 11/26 16:07
nicklin0709: 聽Face my fears那個編曲被電到很酥麻耶,愈聽愈上 11/27 13:42
nicklin0709: 癮! 11/27 13:42
unknownbeing: Face my fears應該是目前已釋出我最喜歡的(反指標) 11/28 16:33
kingdom: 其實官網前幾天好像有放完整版上去欸 11/28 21:53
vu04: 新專叫BADモード,兩版,初回限定盤CD+DVD+BD 6800,通常3300 12/06 00:49
ccc52168: Face my fears因為電玩有管弦樂版,旋律編得真的很好啊 12/07 09:26
ccc52168: ,只是單曲加入太多電音,有些人會不喜歡 12/07 09:26
c98518: 我是沒有討厭face my fears,但它和其他釋出曲很不搭 12/07 22:30
skybrest: 推 06/30 14:00

