為什麼這篇Ohni 韓文鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在Ohni 韓文這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者freestyle12 (路人)看板SNSD標題Re: [影音] 101112 Tiffany ...
Ohni 韓文 在 芋泥小姐 Ms.ohni Instagram 的最佳貼文
2021-04-02 03:52:48
剛剛改了IG帳號名@ms.ohni 本來想全部都改 但改不了 還要再等14天~~ 就先維持番茄芋泥吧🍅 可以改的時候 會變成 芋泥小姐 Ms.ohni 因為 本名唸起來像芋泥 以前就叫自己芋泥 我也真的愛吃芋泥 (歡迎芋泥美食找我業配🤣🤣 然後 英文Ms.ohni Ms是小姐的意思 芋...
※ 引述《vicky250179 (咩)》之銘言:
: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af4uRq7t7Ro
: 我剛好12:40看到Iska的推特= = 整個錯失Live T口T
: 是英文不是韓文 (≧<>≦)
: 帕尼說英文真的好好聽喔喔喔喔喔喔~~~~
抱歉...小妹打到Word上,所以直接貼上會比較快 Q Q 原本想用推文回的...
前面有T的就是帕尼說的話,麻煩有錯誤的地方請大大不吝賜教 >"<
Just say who you are
T "Hi Iska, this Tiffany from girls generation, we're... I dont know I think
we just enjoying on singing in one country longer than ten days? (laugh) yeah
I mean its fun and so nice to be back at home, I am home here now.
Yeah I was surprised she actually has a day off yesterday
T "Yeah I was with Iska yesterday wooooo"
So I promise, oh and by the way thank you for the candy because now I am hook
(or hoot).
T " yeah I told you"
And I am getting my stuff hook on it too. but anyways, we got a message from
Mexico and saying I love you. I saw you in the SM Town. and you guys were
awesome. God bless all the way from Mexico.
T " Oh thank you, 然後墨西哥話?"
And the... Okay we got a lot of messages coming in, and the we had a lot of
love form Sydney Australia coming in as well
T " Wow thank you."
And the... we got some other messages. And everybody is wishing you good luck
on your show for today.
T " Yeah~~~"
And the we got another msg from Singapore said" Her right cheerful voice
just make my day, hope Girls generation wins tonight."
T " Oh thank you."
Alright so you guys are all dressed up and looking pretty and all that so
who's sleeping? (and have fun here) yeah who's sleeping? whos sleeping rite
T "hmm.. actually they are kinnda awake, I think girls are playing game."
Okay, coz I saw pictures of uh Tiffany was able to take pictures when all her
members sleeping, and I got good look of those yesterday.
T "Oh Oh that was a secret"
Thats ok, they are not listening rite?
T "yeah (laugh)"
Okay well 旁邊那位先生的名字 you have the honor of talking to girls
generation Tiffany, do you have anything to ask her?
Oh actually I just want to say my member xxx, he is a big Tiffany fan!
T "Thank you"
yeah he just want me to let you know that. so...
T "thank you, hopefully I will meet you soon."
Yeah it will be nice to have you in the studio if you ever have a day off.
T "I know I was asking. and be hopefully... I told Iska that too "
Yeah hopefully if I have a chance I was gonna bring you to the studio. coz
she was like ohni I must going to the studio, but since she's so busy we just
decide to call her today.
T "yeah at least at least we are... (似乎線路有點不穩?) "
oh oh
T "yeah I want to thank you for all the fans on yours and always continually
listen to your station and asking friends(後面聽不太懂) its the reason why we
are getting so much love on this album, and the Japanese single at the same
time. Its just like (深呼吸)totally scenario and so unbelievable at the same
time. I just want to say thank you. "
Yeah she was like begging me yesterday she was like ohni I really really
really really really really really want to go on your show.
T "heeeeeheeeeeheeeeheeeee"
hey I will keep you in our studio all day long if I could.
T "I say I do it."
yeah she would do. And I actually do fear my job because Tiffany is like
Ohni I really like your job, you can be sick a couple times you know. And she
is like Ohni(然後韓文Q Q) I am just like I think I am gonna lose my job if
she come to the show
T "No No you are implacable."
Okay it looks like since you are busy, we just have to let you go, but do you
have anything you want to say before you go?
T "Oh um..........................thank you? (sooooooooooooo
cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!)and and .... I dont no I am like nervous at the same time.
Thank you and thank you to all the fans. and I just want to say the girls
want to me to say thank you as well, and we love them. well.... we will just
keep on going on stage and having fun. And it's the holiday season so, happy
early holidays, I am like annoying Christmas holiday girl of this year so ...
T "Happy early holiday"
Oh yeah and sweets, dont forgot there is a lot of students taking the
placement test,
T "Oh yeah!!! Fighting!!!!!"
So any msg for them too?
T "Well... fighting is all I can say (smile) I am nervous"
Alright alirght, okay a big love from sushifid(誰?) as well dropping by today
T "huh(倒抽口氣) sushifid!!!!!"
T "yeah!!!!"
T "alright, I should be going on pretty soon"
okay we are hum unfortunately to say goodbye, I just have to say Tiffany
there is like a big room of guy guests all over like our PD all over the
T ""你好" (韓文) and (聽不懂)"
oh my goodness, you just make like all of our PDs' days.
Alrite hone, we gonna listen to your track. "HOOT!!!!!" for today (Yeah) and
good luck Okay?
T "Okay Bye~~~ "
帕尼羞澀的講話實在太可愛了!!!!!!! >////////////////<
心滿意足的睡覺去 >///////< 希望有幫助到大家!!!
沒能翻中文是因為...明天要上班...一定要去睡了...讓我夢到九隻吧~~~ : D
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