

在 off-putting產品中有14篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,923的網紅學校沒教的英語聽力,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Ep.9單字補給⛽(PARTll) 👩‍🏫Stephanie老師怎麼說👩‍🏫 #這兩個單字長得很像常被搞混 #從現在開始學會 quantity (n.) 數量 quality (n.) 品質 ✏Example sentence: He would not only eradicate th...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過21萬的網紅好機車,也在其Youtube影片中提到,這一首音樂的身材很好!孤島梨幫之後變成怎麼樣呢?【中正嘻研社CCU Hip-Hop 2020 Cypher - 欸你過來一Shot】 連結:https://youtu.be/PzY3K5MqtqE Wesley: good style. Nice change ups and really go...

off-putting 在 F a t F o o d B e a s t Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-04-02 13:04:20

안녕여러분 👋🏻👋🏻Kimchi fans, where you all at? Spot the no-fuss lazy bowl of Neoguri Ramen with Homemade Kimchi from @humblekimchi - The pleasantly crisp,...

  • off-putting 在 學校沒教的英語聽力 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-25 20:30:42
    有 10 人按讚


    quantity (n.) 數量
    quality (n.) 品質

    ✏Example sentence:
    He would not only eradicate the off-putting flavor in the yellow pea, but also increase both the quality and quantity of the protein the plant creates.

    🔗例句出處: Food Dive

    #Ep9美國文化食物篇 #聽完就知道他們的身材怎麼來的
    🎧Podcasts app
    Listen Notes:https://lihi1.cc/eokWr

    #英文 #英聽
    #聽力 #食物

  • off-putting 在 Miss Tam Chiak Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-13 14:38:02
    有 207 人按讚

    To-Ricos runs two units at Old Airport Road Food Centre. As for why their name is To-Ricos, it’s because the owner used to sell fried chicken under the Brazilian franchise name To-Ricos. So, when they started selling kway chap, they reused the name. You can choose which parts you want and don’t want in the set. I wouldn’t call the soup flavourless, but there wasn’t much taste or depth to it. ⁣⁣
    The noodles themselves were soft and smooth. The distinctive smell of innards was present, but surprisingly wasn’t off-putting. They did a good job in cleaning the parts. Biting into the large intestine kind of felt like munching on a thicker version of chicken skin. The small intestine was creamier and had a funkier taste to it. But, it wasn’t overpowering at all. The whole piece of pork belly was easy to chew, especially the fatty layer. So sinful, but so good.⁣⁣
    Read more at:⁣⁣
    To-Ricos Guo Shi⁣⁣
    Address: 51 Old Airport Road Food Centre, Singapore 390051⁣⁣
    Close on Monday & Tuesday.⁣⁣
    ✅ Get first dibs on our food recommendations the very moment it gets published on our website - join us on our Telegram group: https://t.me/misstamchiak⁣⁣
    🎧 Listen to our podcast at https://www.misstamchiak.com/podcast-chiak-podcast/! We are on Spotify and Apple Podcasts too!⁣⁣

  • off-putting 在 Fat Food Beast Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-30 19:13:35
    有 5 人按讚

    If you are a fan of Pandan-flavoured cakes, @pandanesecake Pandanese Chiffon Cake is where you should visit online to order these goods from!!! With heaps of real pandan leaves💚💚💚, @pandanesecake makes really soft and fluffy cakes with a nice natural pandan fragrant. I am a huge fan of pandan cakes - especially the pandan-flavoured sponge/chiffon cakes. Baked to golden brown outside, these cakes with a natural green colour should be fluffy and moist on the inside, and @pandanesecake is definitely hitting all the right notes when it comes to making these pandan-themed cakes.

    Understand that it’s important to get that vibrant radioactive-green colour in these pandan cakes, which resulted in the use of artificial colouring and pandan paste/essence for some. However, it’s really off-putting to see the hideous green highlight on some of these pandan cakes outside at bakeries/cafes, hence, hats off to bakers who really take their time to make their own pandan extract with pandan leaves!

    For those who are keen to know what i’ve had as shown in image above, it’s the:
    1️⃣Pandan Chiffon Cake RM 30- Size 8”- 600g
    2️⃣Pandan Butter Pound Cake RM 30- 450g
    3️⃣Mini Onde-Onde Chiffon Cake RM15-Size 4”

    These cakes are all baked without any preservatives, flavourings and colouring, would highly recommend @pandanesecake as it’s a brand that I will order from if I were to get a gift for someone who loves pandan cakes. You can also find @pandanesecake selling their cakes at Starling’s Bazaar from the 1st - 4th of October, feel free to drop by to get these fragrant pandan cakes! Their mini onde-onde chiffon and chiffon cakes are not to be missed, trust me!

    For those interested to order with them, please whatsapp 0173879303 or visit their website at https://pandanese.com.my/all-cakes/ to pre-order. Walk-in is limited to availability only, hence best is to pre-order.

    If you are thinking of getting a gift for your onde-onde lover friends, you can probably consider getting their mini/petit onde-onde chiffon cake as it is really packaged in a nice plastic box. It’s the perfect cake size for 1, nothing too heavy for sure!🔥😍

  • off-putting 在 好機車 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-20 20:00:10

    這一首音樂的身材很好!孤島梨幫之後變成怎麼樣呢?【中正嘻研社CCU Hip-Hop 2020 Cypher - 欸你過來一Shot】

    Wesley: good style. Nice change ups and really good cadence. Also very strong stage presence, although his outfit looks kind of college nerdy but it works for him. Needs to change up his style so that he stands out more. The dancing needs more work, feels like he’s trying to hard and some shots but that’s OK because they’re college kids.

    羅福公:really good. Strong stage presence and strong emoting. Excellent incorporation of Japanese, Chinese, and English. Although, some of the English pronunciation was way off even in the name of trying to make things rhyme. Aside from that his style is cool and not much to really improve. Dresses like a deep-sea fisherman from the movie life aquatic with Steve Zissou

    Third guy: technically really decent rapper. Although the drunken/lazy Mumble rap tongue rhyme scheme has been done better by 蛋頭. Really liked the HAM part towards the end, but the incorrect incorporation of hip-hop lingo and lines from other popular American rap songs(Migos) was a bit off putting. Also most of the English is mispronounced.

    Gfate: I didn’t get what you were trying to do at all. Are you rapping? Ranting? Mumbling? Nice voice tho.

    Fifth Guy: Really dig his swag. His voice is deep and smooth. LIke the elongation style and his rhyming style just sways. Rapping style is very musical. Sounds like an instrument. Very confident and natural in front of the camera.

    Kerrita: Nice singing voice but sometimes out of tune. Usage of pitch correction is pretty obvious. The English took me out. Also her jazz singing style doesn’t really match the song. Too much vibrato and execution of syncopation wasn’t precise. However, the rap was really good. I’d like to hear her rap more. Score: 3.0

    As a Group: If you’re going to rep your school/present yourself as a crew, then you need to have some overall theme(dress, swag, etc) that presents you as a team. This video feels like random people came together for one project, but they don’t really know each other or have chemistry. Find something that makes your school/group unique and exploit it.

    若侵犯版權或需要我們下架,煩請來信告知~ :D
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/stalksona/
    聯絡信箱: goodbikemob@gmail.com

  • off-putting 在 KAWAII PATEEN Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2014-10-29 16:02:47

    Trendy KAWAII MAKEUP TUTORIAL GAL(gyaru) Style
    by fashion model Arisa Kamada
    - 鎌田安里紗今時ギャルメイク講座 -

    Arisa Kamada is a regular model for the Japanese fashion magazine RANZUKI, specialized in “Gyaru” style.
    Arisa was our first host on Kawaii Pateen but now she shows us her tips and tricks to achieve GAL-style makeup.

    Tokyo Street Fashion KAWAII♥PATEEN
    _Have fun with Fashion!_
    Everything kawaii, Street fashion snaps, makeup tutorials and reports on fashion events in TOKYO!!

    On Facebook with tons of photos :
    Official site : http://waoryu.jp

    Hello, this is Arisa Kamada.
    Today, I'm introducing cute and modern Gal "gyaru"makeup.
    Let's start.
    Starting from base makeup.
    This has base and the foundation combined together, making it possible to make base makeup with just this.
    As thin base makeup is in style now, putting it little by little, not making it too heavy.
    Spreading with fingers, not using brush or anything.
    Avoiding irregular surface for the whole face.
    Dark circles tend to appear around the eye, so putting double layer will make the face brighter
    Using the sponge, blending in to the skin.
    When there are no irregular parts, it is ok.
    Erasing the dark circles and dimple marks using the concealer.
    Once around the eye gets dark circles, it will change the look of the finished makeup, so I'm keeping it bright as possible.
    The nostrils tend to have too much makeup so keeping this on will keep the makeup from coming off.
    Putting concealer on the bridge of the nose will make the nose look higher
    so doing this from the base will change the impact on the finish.
    Straightening the skin with this powder.
    Putting too much will make the skin too thickly painted, so keeping it small.
    Puffing enough where the makeup tends to remain will adjust the makeup.
    Drawing the eyebrows .
    This can be used as nose shadow, but I'm using it on my eyebrows.
    Not making it too heavy, more like just placing the color on top.
    Having drawn the shape of the eyebrows, adjusting it with the pencil.
    Pencil is used to add some eyebrows to the corner.
    Drawing it to fill in the space between the eyebrows.
    The key is not making it too thick.
    Using eyebrow mascara, straightening it.
    Key is going against the flow of the eyebrows and not along it.
    Applying it against it will make it blend in totally and change the color nicely.
    Adjusting this flow again.
    The eyebrows is done.
    Coloring the cheeks.
    Mixing orange and pink is "in" now, and it's easy to mix these two colors for the cheek.
    Taking right in the middle here, mixing pink and orange.
    Putting it on the high point under the eye, in sideways.
    Adding to the highest point of the cheekbone will make a modern makeup.
    The cheek color is the key, so I'm applying pretty heavily.
    Putting the highlighter.
    There are 3points for the highlighter. First is the bridge of the nose.
    Putting on the bridge to make the nose look higher.
    Next is putting here under the eye some highlighter.
    Making the face impression brighter, putting here also.
    The final key is putting here under the chin.
    This makes the face light up quite a bit.
    Using this eyebrow brush for nose shadow.
    Mixing the dark and light color together and putting thin lines to the nose bridge.
    Drawing as if connecting with the eyebrows will make it look natural.
    Adding thick lines where the nose and the eyebrows meet will give a nice shadow.
    Blending it in with the finger will give the final touch.
    Starting the eye makeup.
    Using this brown eyeshadow to draw.
    Pink eyeshadow is "in" now, so I'm using this one up here.
    Applying it all over the eye hole.
    Putting it in a wide area.
    Changing to a thinner brush.
    Using this thin brush to paint the bottom eyelid.
    Widely from the inner corner to the outer corner.
    Connecting with the upper shadow will make it look natural.
    Before, making a gradation was popular, but using single color is "in" now, so that's it for the eye shadow.
    The eyeline.
    Using thin brush will enable clean lines so that is my recommendation.
    Starting from the middle.
    Next, the corner of the eye.
    Having in mind not to make the lines too thin, drawing as if to fill in between the lashes.
    Final touch is the corner lining like the shape of the eye and streching going a little downward
    Pulling the eyelid up a little and filling in between all of the eyelids.
    This eyeline filling makes the eyes look wide.
    Using the eyelash curler to pull up.
    Clamping from the very root and pull up strongly.
    Clamping again around the center and giving it some angle.
    Next, the mascara.
    Putting quite less of the mascara since the fake eyelashes will be put later on.
    The bottom eyelashes being easy to put on, starting from the upper lashes.

