[爆卦]Oestrogen placenta是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Oestrogen placenta鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Oestrogen placenta這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 oestrogen產品中有12篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過13萬的網紅Padper.com,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 人體自然產生的雌激素 (Oestrogen) 及孕酮 (Progesterone) 等女性荷爾蒙,是乳癌細胞的生長素;因此抑制女性荷爾蒙以阻止癌細胞生長,是醫治和預防各種期數乳癌的重要方法之一 ......

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5,910的網紅Linora Low,也在其Youtube影片中提到,SUBSCRIBE to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/linoralow I'm going to start calling these Brunch Chats. LoL Another great Q&A chat session with Ben...

oestrogen 在 Christian Yang 楊尚友 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-10-16 19:24:13

高血壓 health update #2 We did a blood test to see exactly what kind or reality I will have to face. 初頭佢哋抽咗血做咗個Test. 我最擔心就係糖尿病心臟病高血壓同埋膽固醇. 我都覺得自己可能有脂肪...

oestrogen 在 Trainer Singh Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-03 18:01:23

Do you smoke weed? - Here is a common question i get answered by @smurray_32 ➖ Exercise performance: It is clear that marijuana will in no way benefit...

  • oestrogen 在 Padper.com Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-23 14:47:44
    有 1 人按讚

    人體自然產生的雌激素 (Oestrogen) 及孕酮 (Progesterone) 等女性荷爾蒙,是乳癌細胞的生長素;因此抑制女性荷爾蒙以阻止癌細胞生長,是醫治和預防各種期數乳癌的重要方法之一 ...

  • oestrogen 在 Padper.com Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-02-14 15:36:27
    有 0 人按讚


  • oestrogen 在 Christian Yang (楊尚友) Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-13 18:20:05
    有 117 人按讚

    高血壓 health update #2

    We did a blood test to see exactly what kind or reality I will have to face.
    初頭佢哋抽咗血做咗個Test. 我最擔心就係糖尿病心臟病高血壓同埋膽固醇. 我都覺得自己可能有脂肪肝. 但係原來我冇同埋唔使太擔心糖尿病 😅。

    Family history: diabetes, heart disease, high BP and cholesterol = biggest worries. I assumed that I have fatty liver even though I famously don’t drink alcohol.

    Surprisingly, I am not AS bad as I thought. No fatty liver and no worries in the diabetes department! What a relief!

    New find: Oestrogen levels were high and testosterone was low = a vicious cycle of fat. Looking at some photos of “Hormone Imbalance Body Types” it explains why my waist and bum and legs are so huge. So we are working on this now. It's a long, slow process but I am very excited about this discovery.

    New discovery = low vitamin D (apparently very common)! Something to look out for because it helps the respiratory function and may help fight against Covid.

    SO… Update:

    After 14 days detox - avoidance of toxifying foods supplements and a mild medication prescribed by Dr Ho (pictured) and my blood pressure has come down from a shocking 170/150 to 134/97 - a whole 40 beats!!!!!
    During the detox there is a lot you have to do your best to avoid. The key phrase is “Try your best”. So the tricks Lifehub have been telling me to try is:
    Chew more 趙多啲
    Eat greens first 先食菜
    Sleep more 瞓多啲咁個人就冇咁肚餓啦
    Drink green tea 飲綠茶

    I was never hungry during the detox, and I was a but cheeky and didn’t do too much portion control. So I ate a lot of raw vegetables. I didn’t eat raw because of nutrients, I ate raw because I am cheap! You can cook a bag full of vegetables and then only end up with a cup of cooked vegetables, so I imagined 1.) Surely raw raw veggies will be more filling for the same price! 2.) Maybe my body will work harder to break down raw vegetables.
    排毒嘅時間真係唔係太肚餓因為我食咗好多生嘅菜。我成日主菜嘅時候都見到有一包咁大嘅變咗一碗咁細我就知唔係咁抵食啦咁我就決定趙多啲生嘅菜咁就會飽肚啲囉。So far我覺得健康生活要靠信任要搵一個信得過嘅醫生同埋要比信心自己係做得到. Thank you for letting me share.

    #health #healthjourney @lifehubwellcare

  • oestrogen 在 Linora Low Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-04 10:57:32

    SUBSCRIBE to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/linoralow

    I'm going to start calling these Brunch Chats. LoL Another great Q&A chat session with Ben Siong founder of Australian Strength Performance and Australia's renowned body composition specialist.

    I do hope this Q&A with Ben gave you some information that you can take away and apply to your life. Thank you to everyone who join in for my FIRST multistream LIVE SHOW on facebook, youtube, twitter - and dropped in questions on my Instagram at @linoralow. Don't worry for there will be more session from Ben coming to you soon :)

    Here are the time stamps of the questions, so you can easily jump to them :)

    9:26 - How did you manage rejections in the beginning of your career
    13:27 - What’s a good ratio of fat carbs and protein during the luteal phase
    18:00 - Ben how I increase my weigh/load in a bench press, I feel weak at my anterior belt
    29:00 - What is a suitable training for women who have a big lower body and huge thighs - as I understand you can’t spot reduce. Difficult to for me lose thigh fat and lower abs.
    33:10 - Your views on carb cycling?
    34:56 - Proper squat for kids? How essential is it or just let them explore their ROM first?
    44:27 - Lets say I have an ankle that clicks, what type of specific exercise should be done to strengthen this muscle
    48:25 - How can we enhance a client’s mentality?
    52:15 - 12 year old kid. Overweight, female 66kg. How you you advise her to lose weight by getting active and not just starve. She hates exercising.
    54:45 - Mom is starting chemo. Can she take magnesium supplement to assist her sleep? What food is good for her?
    1:02:16 - A lot of MMA fighters train HIIT routines and this leads to loss of muscle mass instead of fats. Comparing to a western male athlete, they are huge and lean. Is this cause of their culture and food intake in their country?1:06:57 - You mentioned oestrogen contributing to fat accumulation in the body. Will eating lots of chicken and beef causes increase in external estrogen and then storage of more fat?
    1:08:37 - Could you recommend saw awesome workouts for a 6 year old?
    1:11:01 - How do you think the fitness industry will change post -RMO (freelance / boutique /chain)
    1:12:30 - Are you into biohacking? If so what are your biohacking gadgets or methods you use?

    Find Ben here:
    Website: http://www.trainasp.com
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/benjamin.siong.52
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/benperformancecoach
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0J3F8MMySoYEGhKXWEcPIQ

    Learn his subjects here:
    Website: http://www.learn-asp.com
    For special rate to my audience USE code: LINORA

    You can find me here
    Website: http://www.linoralow.com
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/linoralow
    Twitter: @http://twitter.com/linoralow
    Tiktok: linoralow

  • oestrogen 在 Bubzvlogz Youtube 的精選貼文

    2016-03-02 05:42:55

    Hello Youtube Family,

    Today’s Vlog:
    The Man Flu Theory,
    Meet Arnold,
    Impersonation Game

    It's been an amazing week indeed. We were blessed to get two major sets of keys in one day: one for our new home and one for our new car. The house still needs flooring and furniture but it sure feels good to know we have our very own place to call home. Here comes the fun part, DECORATING wohooo! Hopefully we can move in in the next few weeks ^_~ We've been busy sorting out bits and bobs here and there everyday but it's all been such a blessed opportunity.

    Tim and Isaac are finally healing from the flu too. I believe I am more happy than they are. It really does seem that males get it worse. Apparently they don't have the oestrogen women have to help body heal faster. What's your thoughts?

    It's been so fun hanging with my little brother again. He'll be uploading lots of vlogs to come so be sure to subscribe to his channel: http://www.youtube.com/rikehtube

    Love, the Bubz family xo

    Subscribe to my Vlog channel for daily doses of HAPPINESS!

    Subscribe to my Beauty Channel here:

    Connect with me:
    MY WEBSITE: http://www.bubzbeauty.com
    TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/bubzbeauty
    INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/itsbubz
    TIM'S INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/bubzhubz
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