

在 obscene產品中有68篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過324的網紅All Things Fashion,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Bubblegum & Baguettes.. so I spent an obscene amount of money on Bubblegum today, and I can still blow a pretty good bubble!! 🤣😋 #bubblegum #bubblegum...

 同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過75萬的網紅志祺七七 X 圖文不符,也在其Youtube影片中提到,→本集工商服務時間由趨勢科技贊助播出← 智慧連網裝置越來越普及,但也帶來了新的威脅⚡️ 無法安裝防毒軟體的智慧家電,一但遭到駭客攻擊, 不僅可能讓家中被偷窺、偷聽,甚至可能遭闖空門! 趨勢科技推出的「智慧網安管家」,提供了: 「安全防護」、「裝置控管」、「家長防護」三大功能 讓智慧網安管家,全面守...

obscene 在 ???????? ????? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-05-30 07:33:27

The English version designed by @paehdesign الحمد لله. Even though the bombs have stopped, our support for Palestine* does not as their struggle con...

  • obscene 在 All Things Fashion Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-30 20:48:39
    有 9 人按讚

    Bubblegum & Baguettes.. so I spent an obscene amount of money on Bubblegum today, and I can still blow a pretty good bubble!! 🤣😋 #bubblegum #bubblegumbitch #todayslook #ootd #mylook #stylistbath #stylistbristol #personalstylist #imageconsultant #mystyle #sanfilippostyle #allthingsfashion

  • obscene 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-28 15:55:11
    有 964 人按讚

    #葉郎每日讀報 #娛樂要聞揀三條


    ▼ 1.‘Friends’ - A Timeline of Obscene Profitability(https://flip.it/pFwVM1)

    1994年《Freidns 六人行》剛剛開播的時候,六位主角的費用大約是每集2.25萬美元。中間一度更自協商漲價使部分人提高到4萬美元左右的水準。後來六個演員開始採用集體協商漲價的方式來跟製作單位談判,使他們的費用一路飆漲到第10季的每人每集100萬的天價,也就是說每集約1000萬美元的製作費中有6成是用來支付他們的片酬。製作單位不是笨蛋,之所以願意支付這個高的費用是因為《六人行》的獲利非常非常驚人。2015年媒體報導已經完結10年的該劇每年仍有高達10億美元收入,佔當時 Time Warner 營收的4%之多。而這幾位演員依據合約每年仍坐收2000萬美元的分紅。2014年 Netflix 取得完整10季的4年串流權利時支付了1.2億美元,5年後 HBO Max 買來串流權利時則是向同集團的版權方支付了4.25億美元。早在2004年就全劇終的《六人行》顯然一時半刻還不會停止賺錢。

    ▼2. WarnerMedia Chief Jason Kilar Says He’s Staying at Company Through 2022(https://flip.it/NGfAY-)

    目前好萊塢處境最難堪的人無非是 WarnerMedia 執行著 Jason Kilar。他被先前高升為 AT&T 執行長的前任執行長 John Stankey 指名接班,並在一年內替老闆弄髒雙手開除了大量員工、重組整個集團,並為了強化AT&T 最在乎的 HBO Max 而得罪了包含 Nolan 在內一大票好萊塢重量級創作者。然後他被老闆出賣了。WarnerMedia 接下來將與 Discovery 合併,並預計由主導整個秘密談判的 Discovery 執行長 David Zaslav 擔任新公司的執行長。WarnerMedia 現任執行長 Jason Kilar 原先傳出第一時間立刻找了律師開始跟公司談判離職條件(通常會涉及高額補償)。但他在昨天召集員工的會議中出乎意料地宣佈自己將會留任到2022年,而且今年內都不會去思考關於公司合併之後的事情(畢竟那已經是別人的課題)。先前有產業專家對此表達顧慮,因為串流大戰瞬息萬變,而 WarnerMedia 如果坐等漫長的公司合併談判(可能長達一兩年)而沒有當前的快速策略,很可能會在這段空白之中一個不小心就直接被淘汰出局。

    ▼ 3. In Current M&A Moment, Lionsgate A Prime Target As CEO Jon Feltheimer Downplays “Concept Of Scale”(https://flip.it/gtn3aa)

    兩週內連續兩起大型片廠併購案之後,Sony 搶著說沒有打算出售片廠,大家只好把注意力轉向 Lionsgate。擁有《Saw 奪魂鋸》《Huner Games 飢餓遊戲》和《John Wick 捍衛任務》系列電影的 Lionsgate 在規模和片庫資源上都非常近似 MGM,也同樣因為難以自營串流而在串流轉型上顯得處境尷尬。Lionsgate 執行長 Jon Feltheimer 說這幾週的產業變化再次彰顯了內容、IP 和品牌的重要價值,然而他們公司目前仍會專注在眼前的工作上,並不會被這些越併越大的競爭對手給轉移注意力。不過他的官腔回答之中也有別的玄機:「當然我們將來仍然會跟每一個人對話,聆聽每一個可能性」。也就是說 Lionsgate 仍不排除用併購的方式來加入規模大戰。

  • obscene 在 SF Artography Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-02-09 23:32:07
    有 8 人按讚

    They hate you because it's easier than beating you. Stay focused on your goals, ignore the noises and the haters. If they kick you when you're down, they better pray you don't get up because you are a fighter, and fighter FIGHTS, and DO NOT QUIT!🐅💥

    DID YOU KNOW? - 🐯

    Tigers are the largest cat species in the world. They can reach up to 3.3 meters in length & weighing up to 670 pounds. They are renowned for their power & strength.

    3 Fun Facts about Tigers:
    🐯Tigers live between 20-26 years in the wild
    🐯Tigers are great swimmers and they like the water unlike cats
    🐯Cubs start learning to hunt at 6 months of age but stay with their mom until they are about 18 months old

    Unfortunately, the overall tiger populations have reduced dramatically due to poaching, retaliatory killings, and habitat loss. Over 95% of the world's tiger population is lost😭

    Can you imagine, over 100 years ago, they may have been 100,000 tigers that roam in the planet, now, we only have 3,900 tigers remain in the wild across the globe🥺😰

    Tigers are a keystone species because it's conservation enables the conservation of their entire ecosystems, which contribute favourably to the climate, which in turn impacts our life as a human being.

    Tigers have 9 subspecies and 3 of them already extinct. The remaining 6 subspecies are on the brink of extinction.

    There are only less than 200 Malayan Tigers left in the wild and they are critically endangered species. We don't want to see the 'last day of the tigers' or the future children only see tigers on the internet😔

    All of us play a part in helping to conserve an effort to increase the tiger population and spread awareness about the need to protect this endangered species.

    Use your VOICE & EFFORT to stop trophy hunting, persecution, poaching, deforestation, and supporting sellers who sell products using tiger skins, bones, blood, meat and sexual organs that are used in bogus traditional medicines & meaningless talismans or eating exotic meat as obscene symbols of wealth & social status. We need to play a part & STOP these!‼

    Not only the tigers are facing these real threats, but most wildlife animals are! Among the related species that are endangered are Polar Bears, Snow Leopard, Giant Panda and many more😭

    Humans are the cause of our current extinction crisis. Let's THINK & ACT about how can we build a future together in which human lives in harmony with nature. A real team effort is needed from each of us. How can we live together with the wild and animals around us without ripping them apart. They are living beings.

    Teach our children to respect all animals, nature and protect what we can, as much as we could and continue to support conservation organisations.

    Who's with me??! Please share this with family and friends and let's be the change agent. 🐾❤

    Source: WWF

    #sfartography #rainbowpegasus #tigers #wildlife #wwf #zoonegaramalaysia #endangeredspecies #animals #awareness #wildlifeawareness #adoptananimal #conservation #savetheplanet #naturelovers #writerscommunity #tamantasikshahalam #photography

  • obscene 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-30 19:00:01





    #趨勢科技 #智慧網安管家

    歡迎留言 #ItDeservesGreenMark #這應該綠標
    和我們一起協助 YouTube 建立一個更完善、更精準的AI判別系統!

    ✔︎ 成為七七會員(幫助我們繼續日更,並享有會員專屬福利):http://bit.ly/shasha77_member
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    00:00 前導
    01:12 趨勢科技「智慧網安管家」廣告段落
    02:42 PUA是什麼?
    03:47 PUA的發展
    05:20 PUA的悲劇案例
    06:44 PUA的實際技巧
    08:53 台灣也有PUA嗎?
    10:09 我們的觀點
    12:31 提問
    12:45 結尾

    【 製作團隊 】



    【 本集參考資料 】

    → 中國首例「把妹達人」案,涉案人兜售「自殺鼓勵」等內容被刑拘,你怎麼看?:https://bit.ly/2IByFV8
    → 潘瑋柏新婚妻子被指參與「天王嫂訓練營」嫁入豪門,你如何看這種求偶方式?:https://bit.ly/2W1J7sj
    → 走進「PUA勾引術教練」的神秘世界:訓練男性「勾引」年輕女性的爭議性產業:https://bbc.in/37Vssfo
    → 「捕獵」女性、鼓勵自殺:PUA背後,中國的性別不平等:https://nyti.ms/39ZB1Zp
    → 50 years of pickup artists: why is the toxic skill still so in demand?:https://bit.ly/37RgCD2
    → Pickup Artists Are Still A Thing. And They Want You To Know They’ve Evolved.:https://bit.ly/2KfAdVc
    → Men Are Still Spending Obscene Amounts of Money to Become Pick-Up Artists:https://bit.ly/375XeTC
    → The Man Who Helped Invent Pickup Artist Culture Now Sees It As ""Hateful"":https://bit.ly/2JXvdot
    → 戀愛特訓班:現代人求愛新「市場」:https://bit.ly/3gBZ81l
    → 愛你愛到殺死妳(下):父權體制默許之下,由愛而生的暴力:https://bit.ly/3m3P1DD
    → 把妹達人之謎男方法:https://bit.ly/3oIo4XX
    → Pickup guru: 'I make men less creepy':https://cnn.it/3meX2WI
    → 我的PUA經驗:有人追求簡單速成,把神功練成了「九陰白骨爪」:https://bit.ly/3qO1nDu
    → 「PUA情感操控」背後的財色陷阱:https://bit.ly/3nckh4I
    → 英文維基百科:https://bit.ly/3a76ZmF
    → 中文維基百科:https://bit.ly/3qOstdV

    【 延伸閱讀 】

    → 楊冰陽Ayawawa:按男權社會的標準,煲女人情感雞湯:https://bit.ly/378Ua9k
    → 辣台妹聊性別:「女版PUA」?是什麼構成中國的天王嫂訓練營:https://bit.ly/3gATCMB
    → 朱家安專欄|為什麼「天王嫂訓練營」不是女版PUA?:https://bit.ly/3qHSH1H
    → 你的單身焦慮感:https://bit.ly/3ncKHnc
    → 自我感覺不良好?你需要這5個方法:https://bit.ly/2IDQO4J
    → 「#Me Too」時代,接受心理治療的男性說了什麼:https://nyti.ms/3ozC4mS




  • obscene 在 Danny One Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-05-27 10:00:00

    IT's chapter Two Trailer 播放後還是那麼的恐怖啊!!!

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    #粵語creator #溫力銘

  • obscene 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-05-03 17:40:41

    Once the flu didn't stop Allen Iverson, nobody could.

    Iverson scored a season-high 50 points, leading the Philadelphia 76ers to a 98-86 victory over the Atlanta Hawks on Saturday night.

    Kenny Thomas had 13 rebounds, and reserve John Salmons added 13 points for Philadelphia, which leads the Atlantic Division despite a 9-9 record.

    Weakened by a flu, Iverson had a season-low 12 points and missed 15 of 19 shots in a loss to Indiana on Friday night. He had 13 points in the first quarter against Atlanta, and kept scoring.

    "I didn't feel better, but I was rested," Iverson said.

    Jason Terry had 20 points and Shareef Abdur-Rahim had 17 for the Hawks, who are off to a 6-12 start.

    It was the ninth time, including playoffs, that Iverson has scored 50 or more points in his eight seasons. He had 55 in a playoff victory over New Orleans last April.

    "He was phenomenal," Sixers coach Randy Ayers said. "We really needed it."

    Iverson made six of his seven shots -- all jumpers -- in the third quarter, and finished 20-of-34, including 4-of-7 from 3-point range. He had 14 of Philadelphia's 18 points during one stretch as the Sixers pulled away early in the fourth quarter.

    Consecutive 3-pointers by Iverson and Salmons gave the Sixers an 80-68 lead less than two minutes into the fourth quarter, and the Hawks didn't threaten the rest of the way.

    "He wasn't missing anything," Hawks forward Stephen Jackson said. "When a guy is shooting like that, there's nothing you can do."

    Iverson scored 14 straight points for the Sixers, including a fallaway jumper for a 93-80 lead with 2:54 left. He made two free throws to reach 50 points with 1:06 remaining, and received a standing ovation when he went to the bench.

    "It's always special, always a good feeling to get in a groove like that," Iverson said. "But the most important thing is to win the game."

    The Sixers were again without forward Derrick Coleman, who missed his second straight game with a left knee injury.

    Philadelphia led 42-32 after an alley-oop slam by Thomas off a pass by Aaron McKie. But the Hawks closed out the second quarter with a 12-4 run to get within 46-44 at halftime. Terry had seven of the 12 points during the stretch, beginning the spurt with a 3-pointer and ending it with a driving layup.

    "Allen Iverson had a fantastic game," Hawks coach Terry Stotts said. "When a jump shooter gets it going, it's tough to stop him."

    Game notes
    Iverson was fined $10,000 for making an obscene gesture toward fans in Milwaukee during Philadelphia's 95-91 loss to the Bucks last Monday. "I made a mistake and I deserve it," Iverson said. ... Former Hawks forward Glenn Robinson sat out his 11th game because of a sprained left ankle. Coleman missed six games with the same injury earlier in the season, then returned for two games. ... The Hawks were 3-1 against the Sixers last season. ... Former Sixers center Theo Ratliff had six points and five rebounds. ... Iverson has scored 40 or more points 49 times in his career. He had six assists and five rebounds.

