[爆卦]Noun Definition是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Noun Definition鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Noun Definition這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 noun產品中有625篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅媽媽監督核電廠聯盟,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 你知道嗎?..... 英國廠商計畫打造 3,800 公里世界最長海底電纜,摩洛哥再生能源綠電將直輸英國!(09/28/2021 TechNews科技新報) 作者 Daisy Chuang 在國外,家裡所使用的電力,來源不一定是本地的發電廠,像是英國綠能開發商就打算在摩洛哥打造 10.5GW 太陽...

 同時也有76部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅ezManager,也在其Youtube影片中提到,別人稱讚你的時候,你常常覺得很羞愧嗎?害怕停下來,總覺得不做什麼,就會被大家給遺忘嗎?面對成就,卻總是覺得自己僅是僥倖嗎?國外研究顯示,70%的人曾有冒牌者症候群(Imposter Syndrome)在工作職場上相當普遍,不只是員工,甚至是一級高管、企業家都受此困擾。在一項研究中,冒牌者症候群(Im...

noun 在 Buan月亮說話 | 月亮曆 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-17 18:22:09

【部落比你想得更堅強——建立防災韌性,從彼此理解開始】 小編知道大家都不是那種會跑去嘲諷原住民「誰叫你住山上」的朋友,不過如果你對原住民族土地政策的流轉很好奇,除了看我們的貼文,也可以臉書搜尋原轉會看一下土地小組的調查。這一次貼文也是跟青年抗暖大遊行合作,其實大家也看得出來這幾年政府單位終於開始動...

noun 在 DSE英文|港大英文系+翻譯系 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-17 09:31:09

[#EnglishEverywhere🌋 : 中英大不同 ] 我地講英文既時候好多時都會由中文開始諗,直接翻譯做英文就講出黎。有時我地會因為咁而錯grammar,原來有時都會產生歧義㗎! 如果我想表達既係「我洗手」,英文應該點講呢? 睇下以下呢四句句子,究竟邊句啱邊句錯? 1⃣️ I wash ...

noun 在 Buan月亮說話 | 月亮曆 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-16 10:36:08

【自由、事先、知情和同意——永續發展的前提】 「原住民族集體權利訴求觸及社會重大政經利益,在自治與土地議題上尤為如此。以後者為例,還我土地運動所涉及的原住民族土地,大致上是在日治時期被殖民政府以單方面的法律手段以及軍事鎮壓強佔而得,中華民國政府接收台灣時,並沒有改正此一歷史錯誤,而是將殖民政府所強...

  • noun 在 媽媽監督核電廠聯盟 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-29 13:10:34
    有 12 人按讚

    你知道嗎?..... 英國廠商計畫打造 3,800 公里世界最長海底電纜,摩洛哥再生能源綠電將直輸英國!(09/28/2021 TechNews科技新報)

    作者 Daisy Chuang

    在國外,家裡所使用的電力,來源不一定是本地的發電廠,像是英國綠能開發商就打算在摩洛哥打造 10.5GW 太陽能與風力發電場,再透過 3,800 公里、世界最長的海底電纜輸電英國。

    英國再生能源開發商 Xlinks 預計在摩洛哥蓋勒敏-農河大區(Guelmim-Oued Noun)建造占地 1,500 平方公里的混合發電設備,再拉一條沿途經過西班牙、葡萄牙與法國的海底電纜,連接到英國,預計耗資 210 億美元。

    Xlinks 的摩洛哥綠能計畫包括 7GW 太陽能和 3.5GW 風力發電,再搭配 20GWh/5GW 電池儲能系統穩定電網,並採用雙絞 1.8GW 高壓直流輸電纜(HVDC)輸往英國。未來還會打造兩座工廠來製造所需的電纜,資金部分,據稱在 2023 財年前都算充裕,預計會在 2024 年開始製造 15,200 公里 HVDC 電纜,2025 年開始鋪設,2027 年完成 50%,2029 年完工。


    主要是看中摩洛哥優渥的日照與風力條件,另一方面,摩洛哥的氣候也跟英國截然不同,距離夠遠,透過遠程發電(remote generation)與電網相連,可以達到發電互補的作用,這是附近歐洲各國無法做到的。Xlinks 創辦人兼執行長 Simon Morrish 表示,遠程發電相當適合英國電力市場,電力來自一個天氣型態完全不同、無相關的地區,為英國電網提供足夠的彈性。

    摩洛哥的全天空日射(Global Horizontal Irradiance ,GHI)位居北非第三,比西班牙高出 20%、更是英國的兩倍。摩洛哥日照條件遠遠優於處在溫帶海洋性氣候帶、全年有雨的英國,Xlinks 指出,若在摩洛哥裝置太陽能板,其發電量是在英國設置的三倍,尤其是冬季,1~3 月的發電量是英國的五倍。

    Xlinks 表示,預計 2030 年,摩洛哥-英國再生能源計畫可以為 700 萬戶英國家庭供電,並滿足英國 8% 電力需求。這座龐大的電廠計畫也可以為摩洛哥帶來 10,000 個工作機會,其中 2,000 個更是長期職業。

    The world’s longest subsea cable will send clean energy from Morocco to the UK

    Ex-Tesco CEO wants to build the world’s longest power link From Morocco to UK

    Xlinks Announces Ground-breaking Renewable Energy Project to Deliver Low-Cost, Clean Power to Over 7 Million British Homes


  • noun 在 Natasha Juan Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-28 11:53:19
    有 40 人按讚

    Dog (noun.)

    The best friend you will ever have. A loyal loving companion that cares for you more than itself. A special creature whose time in your heart will far outnumber its days on earth.
    Be a responsible owner and protect your furkid. Rabies prevention starts with you.

    #EndRabies #SarawakRabiesDayVirtualEvent #BeAResponsiblePetOwner #UnitKomunikasiAwamSarawak #GetYourPetVaccinated

  • noun 在 IELTS Thanh Loan Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-28 10:00:44
    有 43 人按讚

    ➡️ Sách Từ vựng & Ý tuởng cho IELTS Writing: https://ielts-thanhloan.com/san-pham/ebook-luyen-ielts-vocabulary
    ➡️ Sách Từ vựng & Ý tưởng cho IELTS Speaking: https://ielts-thanhloan.com/san-pham/ebook-ielts-vocabulary-speaking
    - the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree: a child usually has similar qualities to their parents.
    Eg: “It’s not unusual that you have the same interests as your mother. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

    - to follow in someone’s footsteps: to try to achieve the same things that someone else (usually a family member) has already done.
    Eg: I decided to go into law instead of medicine. I thought about following in my father’s footsteps and becoming a surgeon, but I don’t think I’d make a great doctor.

    - like father, like son: sons tend to be similar to their fathers. We normally use this idiom to talk about personality, interests, and character
    Eg: Jimmy is tall just like his father, and they have the same smile. Like father, like son.

    - to run in the family: many members of the family have that quality, skill, interest, problem, disease, etc.
    Eg: Heart disease runs in my family. I try to have a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise.

    - the apple of one’s eye: Someone’s favorite or most cherished person is the apple of their eye. We often use this idiom to talk about a parent and their child.
    Eg: Our grandson is the apple of our eye. We absolutely adore him.

    - get along with (or get on with): If two people get along with (or get on with) each other, it means that they like each other and have a friendly relationship. (Get along with is American English, and get on with is British English.)
    Eg: If you have a large family, there will likely be some people who don’t get along with each other.

    - (just) one big happy family: If a group of people is (just) one big happy family, it means that a group of people (often a family) get along and work well together. We sometimes use this idiom sarcastically.
    Eg: Our firm has been successful because of our close-knit relationship. We’re one big happy family.

    - bad blood: there is anger or hate between people people due to something that happened in the past.
    Eg: Are you sure you want to invite all of your cousins to your party? Isn’t there bad blood between two of them?

    - Bring home the bacon: kiếm tiền nuôi gia đình
    Eg: My mom – as a housewife, she does all the household chores, while my dad – as an officer, works outside and brings home the bacon.

    - Black sheep of the family: khác biệt
    Being the black sheep of the family, I’m the only one who works as artist, while my parents are both teachers.

    - Men make houses, women make homes: đàn ông xây nhà, đàn bà xây tổ ấm
    Folks rumoured that men make houses, women make homes. So, in Viet Nam, men often work outside to earn money, while women takes care for home.

    - Extended family (noun phrase): gia đình trực hệ
    ENG: people who are very closely related to you, such as your parents, children, brothers, and sisters

    - nuclear family (noun phrase): gia đình hạt nhân
    ENG: a family group consisting of two parents and their children (one or more)

    - only child (noun phrase): con một
    ENG: a child who has no sisters or brothers

    - extended family (noun phrase): đại gia đình, họ
    ENG: a family that extends beyond the nuclear family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives, who all live nearby or in one household.

    - offspring – a person's child or children: con cái
    Eg: My two sisters are coming over later with their offspring so the house is going to be very noisy.

    - family man – a man who enjoys being at home with his wife and children: người đàn ông của gia đình
    Eg: Deepak used to love partying but now that he has kids he’s become a real family man.

    - single parent – a person bringing up a child or children without a partner: cha/mẹ đơn thân
    Eg: My sister is a single parent now that her husband has left her.

    - stay at home parent / stay at home father/mother – a parent who stays at home to take care of their children rather than going out to work: cha/mẹ không đi làm mà ở nhà chăm con
    Eg: These days, it’s far more usual for men to be a stay-at-home parent than when I was young when it was always the mother who looked after the kids.

    Download PDF tại đây: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uc9mqGmbJIDV-prrFXp27I5WQQWuUfAn/view?usp=sharing

  • noun 在 ezManager Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-07 15:51:06

    別人稱讚你的時候,你常常覺得很羞愧嗎?害怕停下來,總覺得不做什麼,就會被大家給遺忘嗎?面對成就,卻總是覺得自己僅是僥倖嗎?國外研究顯示,70%的人曾有冒牌者症候群(Imposter Syndrome)在工作職場上相當普遍,不只是員工,甚至是一級高管、企業家都受此困擾。在一項研究中,冒牌者症候群(Imposter Syndrome)被認為是全球高階主管最常擔心的事情,60% 的高管表示這個問題對他們的自信與領導能力產生負面影響,甚至有九成的女性主管都受此情結所苦。

    ★冒牌者症候群測試量表 (EN英文網頁) https://testyourself.psychtests.com/testid/3803
    也歡迎您到FB私密社團 分享你的量表分數!

    ★ 優惠方案:
    2.ezManager五種超值方案:現在就幫自己加分,讓你Level Up!
    以上詳見 MixerBox報名 bit.ly/3xFWX4M

    ★ 本集分點章節:
    (00:00:45) 感謝康r 家柔 Sandy Felix 參加ezManager超值贊助方案
    (00:01:00) 語速問題回答
    (00:01:25) 本集開始,你有這幾點冒牌者症候群嗎?
    (00:02:16) 什麼是冒牌者症候群?Imposter Syndrome
    (00:04:23) 讀書會:每個人偶爾都有冒牌者症候群
    (00:10:05) 未來延續四大主題
    (00:10:57) 一分鐘商業英文: Struggle

    #國外商管類 讀書會,Great Managers are made, not born.

    ★ 本集導讀書籍:《the making of a manager: what to do when everyone looks to you》(暫譯:優秀管理者的後天養成之路) 亞馬遜去年最佳商業書第一名、華爾街日報暢銷書。原文書 9折購 https://lihi1.cc/dnwIH
    作者:Facebook 產品設計副總 Julie Zhuo 的十年管理心法。

    ★ 本集重點摘錄:
    冒牌者症候群(Imposter Syndrome亦稱冒名頂替現象、冒名頂替綜合症、騙子症候群)是心理學家在 1970 年代創造的術語。會影響從運動員和科學家到辦公室工作人員的每個人,患此症狀的人即使有充足外部證據證明他們的能力,仍然深信自己「不配」、甚至覺得自己是個騙子、很怕被拆穿。此症狀在出色的女性當中特別普遍。一直到最近幾年才被正式承認,但還不被列入正式疾病,是疾病的前身,冒名頂替綜合症是一種普遍現象,在大多數人的一生中至少會影響一次。如果嚴重的話,尋求心理諮商會有幫助。

    為什麼冒牌者症候群 對管理者的打擊如此之大?
    有兩個 原因。
    2. 你經常被放到 你以前沒有做過的事情的位置。

    根據專家Valerie Young 博士的個人研究,發現了冒牌者情節的幾種典型的“能力類型”

    2. 女超人/男超人:經常會強迫自己超負荷的工作
    3. 天生的天才
    4. Soloist獨奏者
    5. 專家

    ★ 本集補充資料
    :: 冒牌者症候群:面對肯定、讚賞與幸福,為什麼總是覺得「我不配」?https://shoppingfun.co/2ry7o (博客來)
    :: 為什麼我無法坦率地擁抱成功? — 冒牌者症候群 https://reurl.cc/dG644D
    (by Jasmine Lin)

    ★ 一分鐘商業英文 Struggle (by Zach)
    "Struggle" is both used as a noun and as a verb.
    當名詞時As a noun, struggle means= a very difficult thing
    Making updates to the software was a big struggle for the company. They could only release one update every 3 months, which was not fast enough to keep up with the market.

    當動詞時 as a verb, we usually say, “struggled to do something” or “struggled with something”__(had trouble to do something)
    The company struggled to provide timely updates to its software. They could only release one update every 3 months, which was not fast enough to keep up with the market.
    The new intern struggled with time management. He was late to every meeting last month.

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    :: ezManager五種超值方案2分鐘說明影片 lihi1.com/p6101 :現在就幫自己加分,讓你Level Up! 職涯更勝利

    📚 一對一線上諮詢六大主題:
    1. 好履歷健檢|2. 團隊管理類
    3. 向上管理類|4. 抗壓管理類
    5. 溝通技巧類|6. podcast新手入門諮詢

    @合作接洽 ezmanagerGo@gmail.com (不分大小寫)

  • noun 在 普通女子 孫女 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-21 18:00:14


    0:21 東京都板橋區看池袋
    2:19 Sharpay的星國榴槤惡夢
    4:38 德國康士坦茨吃生豬肉三明治
    7:07 美國明洲攀岩就是nice~yeah~
    8:25 印尼殭屍防疫大隊
    10:06 西澳伯斯小暖男哎冷
    12:05 批發巴黎鐵塔回來的真男人

    *Location by Tara Nadhifa Salsabila from the Noun Project
    │孫女的IG│👉 https://instagram.com/by_ellllllllla/

    #孫女 #孫女訪問中

  • noun 在 時事英文 Podcast by ssyingwen Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-09 19:40:48

    15 頭亞洲象從雲南西雙版納往北走了 500 多公里在中國爆紅,最近國際媒體上也頻頻出現關於它們的報導,紅到了全世界。這北遷象群創下了中國最遠距離的野象遷徙紀錄,是哪些原因造成這維持了一年多的大遷徙?什麼時候會停下來?沒有人知道確切答案。

    0:00 Intro
    0:08 第一遍英文朗讀 (慢)
    4:14 單字片語解說
    26:15 第二遍英文朗讀 (快)

    ❤️ 給我繼續錄製 podcast 的能力 👉 https://bit.ly/zeczec_ssyingwen

    📝 單字筆記 & 所有平台連結:https://ssyingwen.com/ssep26
    🖼️ 單字卡: https://bit.ly/ssyingwenIG
    📪 ssyingwen@gmail.com
    💬 我有建議:http://bit.ly/sssurveyform


    👉 朗讀內容來自New York Times 紐約時報
    Podcast 裡只朗讀了片段,文字連結在: https://ssyingwen.com/ssep26
    完整文章在: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/03/world/asia/china-elephants.html


    1. 大象的 collective noun 集合名詞A herd of elephants
    - A parade of
    - A group of

    2. 不同移動的動詞如
    Lumbering 以緩慢、沉重、笨拙的方式移動。
    Wandering 沒有目的地的移動
    Trotted 小跑步、快步

    3. Scratch 誰的 head 片語
    困惑 / 摸不著頭緒 / 傷腦筋 / 費解
    類似 confused 的厲害片語版!


    #podcast #北遷象群 #雲南大象 #中國新聞 #chinaelephants #學英文 #英文筆記 #英文學習 #英文 #每日英文 #托福 #雅思 #雅思英語 #雅思托福 #多益 #多益單字 #播客 #英文單字卡 #片語 #動詞 #國際新聞 #英文新聞

