

在 nominally產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過28萬的網紅美國在台協會 AIT,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 💕「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第15發:臺虎董事長黃一葦(Peter Huang) 要讓臺虎精釀 Taihu Brewing成為台灣年輕人才發光發熱與實踐夢想的平台 「儘管我有著東方面孔,但我不是台灣人,家族根源也不在台灣。一直到我念大學時 (美國麻薩諸塞州的威廉斯學院,非常棒的學校),我才透過普林斯...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,你想要高品質中英對照新聞嗎?訂閱《風傳媒》,就能隨意暢讀華爾街日報的新聞,中英對照喔! 原價一年一萬四,立刻降到三千九,趕快透過賓狗的專屬連結訂閱吧: https://events.storm.mg/member/BGWSJ/ 1【invite-only 邀請制】- 名詞 The app is ...

  • nominally 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-05 11:00:04
    有 6,274 人按讚

    💕「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第15發:臺虎董事長黃一葦(Peter Huang) 要讓臺虎精釀 Taihu Brewing成為台灣年輕人才發光發熱與實踐夢想的平台

    「儘管我有著東方面孔,但我不是台灣人,家族根源也不在台灣。一直到我念大學時 (美國麻薩諸塞州的威廉斯學院,非常棒的學校),我才透過普林斯頓北京中文培訓班的機會,真正到東亞來闖蕩。

    大學畢業之後,我埋首於數字和表格之間,精釀啤酒陪我撐過了這段辛苦的歲月。我的職涯始於紐約,但後來輾轉來到亞洲 (名義上是去新加坡,但主要是在印尼、緬甸和馬來西亞)。


    成立臺虎精釀的契機出現之後,我立刻想到台灣。之所以選擇這裡,不是因為台灣文化很吸引人 (雖然確實是),不是因為台灣有著厚實的文化傳統 (雖然確實有),更不是因為台灣的好山好水。


    臺虎精釀的商標 (由台灣傑出設計師Jess Lee設計) 由老虎、啤酒花和葫蘆三個元素組成,葫蘆是古代盛酒的容器。

    葫蘆就不需要多加解釋了,但啤酒花是當代精釀啤酒的基石,代表著創新創意的精神。事實上,我們使用的絕大多數啤酒花都來自美國,畢竟美國是精釀啤酒的中心 (過去20年一直都是)。美國的啤酒花產業 (還有麥芽產業) 可以說是世界之最,也難怪經典IPA啤酒中最受歡迎的啤酒花都來自美國。

    商標中的老虎是為了向早期台灣作為「亞洲四虎」(亞洲四小龍) 的年代致敬。當年台灣經濟快速起飛,產業朝氣蓬勃,民眾無不對未來充滿樂觀和期待。


    我們的目標是吸引並培育人才,最終目標希望能夠在台灣發展出欣欣向榮的創業生態圈。Sway是我們成立初期的成員,她一開始是在吧台工作,非常優秀。在小公司工作的好處就是,你可以盡你所能所想去做,Sway後來開始慢慢接觸進口通關業務,現在是我們全球物流的主管 (很不簡單)。

    也許有一天,她會開創自己的事業,進而將這份育才的信念在台灣新創圈繼續傳承下去。」— 臺虎董事長黃一葦 Peter Huang

    💕Why I chose Taiwan #15 – Taihu Brewing Founder Peter Huang leads Taihu to become a platform for Taiwan young talents to carry out their dreams and express themselves

    “Despite appearances, I’m neither Taiwanese nor have roots here. It took college (Williams College in Massachusetts – phenomenal place), to really bring me out to East Asia via Princeton’s immersion program in Beijing.

    Post-graduation, I paid my dues shuffling numbers around in a spreadsheet. Craft beer made it bearable-ish. Working life began in New York, but ultimately landed me in Asia (nominally Singapore, primarily Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia).

    Shuffling numbers was not the dream. So, as a responsibly stereotypical millennial, I had an urge to venture out on my own. Ideally, to try something at the intersection of opportunity and interest. Craft beer! The craft movement itself struck a chord - a yearning for what could be, rather than blind acceptance of what is. It is about building communities around delightful products and, critically, wonderful people.

    When the opportunity to start Taihu appeared, my mind immediately went to Taiwan. Not necessarily because the culture is fantastic (though it is), nor because it has a strong cultural heritage (though it does), and not even because the island itself is a magical composition of mountains meeting oceans.

    Ultimately, I chose Taiwan because of the people I met here. There’s a tired trope that you get two families in life, the one you’re born into and the one you choose. For me, that chosen family, well, it seemed like it could be in Taiwan.

    Taihu Brewing’s logo (designed by brilliant local artist, Jess Lee) is comprised of a tiger and hops within a hulu (traditional Chinese alcohol vessel).

    The hulu needs no explanation, but hops are the cornerstone of modern craft beer. They represent the innovation inherent in the space. In fact, the vast majority of the hops that we use are from the United States. Since the US is the epicenter of craft brewing (and has been over the last twenty years), the American hop industry (malt too, actually) is arguably the best in the world. It is for good reason that the most popular hops in category-defining IPAs are American.

    The tiger is a nod to an earlier era when Taiwan was one of the “Four Asian Tigers.” Taiwan’s meteoric economic rise was accompanied by deterministic optimism, vibrancy, and general excitement about the future.

    The tiger represents that energy. That sense of opportunity, positivity, and hope. Taihu’s 167 employees are almost entirely Taiwanese. Internally, we think of Taihu as more of a platform for young Taiwanese talent than as a brewery, a medium for that energy to express itself.

    Our goal to attract and develop talent with the ultimate goal of developing the burgeoning entrepreneurial ecosystem here in Taiwan. One of our earliest team members, Sway, came on board as a bartender -- a fantastic bartender. At a small company, you do what you can, where you can, and Sway ended up taking up some of the slack in our logistics. Now she runs all of Taihu’s international supply chain (no small feat).

    With luck, one day she’ll be running her own successful Taiwanese business, and, in doing so, perpetuate the cycle.” — Peter Huang, founder of Taihu Brewing

  • nominally 在 Food of Hong Kong by Epicurushongkong Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-19 02:47:36
    有 9 人按讚

    《 Seiko Gani 🦀, Hyogo Prefecture #セイコガニ (雌) 兵庫県 》, with Variegated Pink Lemon 🍋

    Another round of freshly boiled seasonal Female Snow Crab, in various regions otherwise known as #香箱蟹, etc as explained in before posts. Fishing ban for them is relaxed for 2 months from Nov to end of December nominally 漁の解禁.

    This one was bursting with so much Eggs 外子, thought they would escape from the Crab during boiling! Had to end up serving separately on its own Crab apron, rather than stuffed into the carapace as I do normally

    Procured via @homemakase this time..

  • nominally 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-12-18 15:30:29
    有 90 人按讚

    [Do you know Tesla?]真係大師冇點你(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)

    固然之前N咁多倍嗰浸冇份,但,你日日咁樣諗,好快人都癲。Missed opportunities 嚴格嚟講唔會令你輸錢(*),最緊要自己有進步。




    講緊,760億美金嘅換馬,史上最大型。因為Tesla太大了,而家係超過6000億美金市值嘅公司。除咗五大big tech FAAMG外,就係阿里巴巴同埋Tesla.

    順手講埋,人類史上得四間公司見過10000億美金市值(而家亦保持到): Apple Amazon Microsoft Google.Facebook雖然係 FAAMG開頭,但只係因為語文上嘅問題,佢市值係最細嘅。之前一路估佢會係第五間10000億市值。亦有人估阿里巴巴騰訊(兩者都係大約7000—8000億,美金啦梗係),但近嚟三隻表現都普通,會唔會Tesla 後來追上? TAAMG?


    本人不負責任地望過下,可以留意下Walmart,百事,P&G,Johnson & Johnson,雅培藥廠ABBOTT,T-Mobile,Nike 之類。似乎會有啲沽壓,可能係機會。點計出嚟?就梗係睇Patreon 先會知。(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。


    (*)但通脹會。You can think of 係一個不停扣分嘅遊戲,不進則退。投資有風險,但唔投資風險更大。應該好少人會反對銀紙貶值呢回事,只係因為nominally 貶值你唔覺唔覺每年輸少少咁(**)


    Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100蚊唔使,4個月已800人訂!(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)

  • nominally 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-02-04 12:00:14


    1【invite-only 邀請制】- 名詞
    The app is invite-only, you need to know somebody on it to get on it.

    2【nominally 名義上;有名無實地】- 副詞
    It’s nominally a private space.

    3【FOMO 錯失恐懼症】- 名詞
    Clubhouse is creating a lot of FOMO.

    1)invite-only 邀請制
    2)nominally 名義上;有名無實地
    3)FOMO 錯失恐懼症

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    MixerBox 下載連結:hyperurl.co/bingo_bilingual



    YouTube 也有日更喔,歡迎來訂閱!

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