[爆卦]Nodal precession是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Nodal precession鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Nodal precession這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 nodal產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,072的網紅吳鈞鴻-犬貓腫瘤科醫師-豆漿醬油小馬爸,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【淋巴相關的腫瘤(主要是淋巴瘤)不同次分型,存活時間中位數】 (預估可以活多久?) 這也是昨天在廣播的時候, 楊醫師要求要加碼的部分(淋巴瘤)XD 其中我提到診斷淋巴瘤, 還是希望可以有採樣做病理! 很重要的原因就是不同的次分型(subtype), 可能有截然不同的存活時間! 這張圖可以很清楚的...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅Marc Yam,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Section III Wave Motion 3.2.6 Light: Wave Nature of Light Young's Double-slit Experiment...

  • nodal 在 吳鈞鴻-犬貓腫瘤科醫師-豆漿醬油小馬爸 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-06-25 23:47:38
    有 64 人按讚




    #狗/ #淋巴瘤/ #淋巴癌/ #化療/ #存活時間

    來源:Fourth Meeting of the European Canine Lymphoma Group

    BL – Burkitt’s
    AL – acute leukemia
    TCLEB – T cell leukemia of English bulldogs (provisional diagnosis)
    HS – hepatosplenic lymphoma
    CEL – cutaneous epitheliotrophic lymphoma
    DSBCL – diffuse small B cell lymphoma (provisional diagnosis)
    (瀰漫性小型B 細胞,暫時的名稱)
    PTCL – peripheral T cell lymphoma
    nMZL – nodal marginal zone lymphoma
    DLBCL – diffuse large B cell lymphoma
    (瀰漫性大型B 細胞)
    LGL – large granular lymphocytic leukemia
    B-CLL – B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia
    MCL – mantle cell lymphoma
    TZL – T zone lymphoma
    sMZL – splenic marginal zone lymphoma
    FL – follicular lymphoma

  • nodal 在 甲狀腺醫者 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2016-02-27 21:31:13
    有 90 人按讚

    遲來的放射碘治療, 永遠追不回的健康歲月

    有些病友在群組上留言說我昨天診間門口叫號燈停在某個數字很久(超過1 小時),其實當時我在診間裡很煎熬…


    我從家屬手上接來從外院(台北某X泰保險企業集團的綜合醫院)帶來的病歷摘要,快85歲的張媽媽是軍眷在8年前手術切除右葉甲線和峽部,手術前她覺得自己是上呼吸道感染然後聲音嘶啞,該院影像學看到右葉甲狀腺2.3公分不規則邊緣 (uneven margin),內容不勻質 (heterogeneous),左葉1.1公分但是邊緣平滑 (smooth margin) 的節結,兩顆都是低迴音(hypoechoic),穿刺結果是取樣細胞不足 (limited cellularity),因為腫瘤壓迫到氣管所以該院的耳鼻喉科C醫師幫她手術切除右葉甲狀腺,術中冷凍切片病理報告是乳突癌 (papillary thyroid cancer),但病患並未將剩下的左葉完全切除,最終病理報告確認是乳突癌,腫瘤大小2.3 cm,手術邊緣仍有腫瘤 (surgical margin involved by tumor),意味該手術未完全切除腫瘤(incomplete tumor resection),且甲狀腺外軟組織有侵犯(peri-thyroidal invasion),淋巴摘除7顆,其中5顆腫瘤侵犯,且已有淋巴外延展(extra-nodal extension),病理報告來判定至少已經是pT3N1aMx的三期乳突癌。手術紀錄也很清楚,腫瘤與喉返神經緊接(tightly adhesion to tumor, sacrificed),也就是切下該處之神經了,氣管食道也與腫瘤相近,氣管旁淋巴有切除,如此而言算是四期乳突癌。

    張媽媽自述在外院的追蹤都很完整,耳鼻喉科主治醫師說都很好(但我從該院病歷的資料看不到有何追蹤),除了服用一陣子甲狀腺素也沒有做其他任何治療,最後就不追蹤了,兩年前曾經肺炎在該院治療(這一段我很懷疑,當時可能就是肺部轉移的徵兆),幾個月前她來我們醫院發現胸部X光異常疑似有轉移的病灶,接著翻出了幾年前在x泰醫院的舊帳,再次切片頸部病灶,原來沒清完的甲狀腺乳突癌轉移到肺部多處,而且腦部MRI也看到頭頂顱骨有轉移了。驗血報告發現甲狀腺球蛋白(Thyroglobulin, Tg)高達 80以上。

    張媽媽說沒有不舒服,雖然偶而會咳嗽,如果還要開刀寧可不治療,但她又問還可以活久? 我只能說還有一陣子吧,但後面會愈來愈喘甚至肋膜積水(像是溺水一般),而骨骼破壞之處會疼痛然後骨折,一旁的兒子和媳婦很不解怎麼當初的治療不能擊退病魔呢? 他們或許不知道如果當初能夠甲狀腺全部切除加上放射碘治療,整個情況就會改觀,現在能做的(補救的碘-131治療、電療和標靶藥物)其實很難追回健康的歲月,而且會付出數十至百倍的金錢和精力來減輕張媽媽即將面臨的病痛。


  • nodal 在 臨床筆記 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2015-05-20 23:59:46
    有 66 人按讚

    ECG 診斷:

    Atrial flutter with 2:1 and 3:1 block

    Circulation ECG Challenge Response! Regarding the 56 year old woman with AF and palpitations:

    Diagnosis: atrial flutter with 2:1 and 3:1 AV block

    There is a regular rhythm at a rate of 130 bpm. There are several longer RR intervals (↔). The QRS complex duration is normal (0.08 sec) and the morphology is normal. The axis is normal between 0° and +90° (positive QRS complex in leads I and aVF). The QT/QTc intervals are normal (280/410 msec). There are P waves seen, primarily in lead V1 (+) and there is a short RP (┌┐) and long PR (└┘) interval. Etiologies for a short RP interval include:
    1. sinus tachycardia
    2. atrial tachycardia
    3. ectopic junctional tachycardia
    4. atrial flutter with 2:1 AV conduction
    5. typical atrioventricular nodal repentant tachycardia (unusual variant termed slow-slow)
    6. atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia
    During the longer RR intervals (↔) two sequential P waves can be seen (+, ^). They have a stable PP interval at a rate of 260 bpm. The only atrial arrhythmia that has a regular rate ≥260 bpm is atrial flutter. Therefore there is 2:1 and 3:1 AV block.

  • nodal 在 Marc Yam Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-03-25 20:47:07

    Section III Wave Motion
    3.2.6 Light: Wave Nature of Light
    Young's Double-slit Experiment

  • nodal 在 Marc Yam Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2017-10-08 16:39:19

    Section III Wave Motion
    3.1.2 Properties of Waves
    Interference Pattern

  • nodal 在 Kuma Films Youtube 的精選貼文

    2016-03-18 02:57:07

    Subscribe to see more! http://bit.ly/1tLVDYk
    Issac Hou’s Cyr Wheel is one of Taiwan’s most famous and popular street performances! We wanted to show you what it’s like to experience his awesome performance live.

    Original Video: http://bit.ly/1Eyn7XE

    Make sure you are using the YouTube app on iOS or Android devices. If you are watching on a computer use the Chrome or Firefox browser to get the full 360 experience! Also be sure to watch at the highest quality setting! To control the camera move your phone/tablet around. If you are using a computer click and drag your mouse around the screen or use the WASD keys to control the camera. This can also be viewed using a Virtual Reality (VR) headset like the Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR, or Google Cardboard. Enjoy!

    This video was filmed in Taipei, Taiwan using 7 GoPro hero 4 Blacks in the 360Heros Pro 7 rig. All the footage was stitched together using Kolor's Stitching software Autopano Video Pro and Autopano Giga and edited in Adobe Premiere Pro CC

    Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/KumaFilms
    Instagram → http://instagram.com/KumaFilms @KumaFilms
    Twitter → https://twitter.com/kumakumafilms @kumakumafilms
    Soundcloud → https://soundcloud.com/kuma-films
    Contact us at kumakumafilms@live.com

    Featuring: Issac Hou

    Music: A Chantar Mer - Angels of Venice

    The Gear We Used for this video:
    Gopro Hero 4 Black x7
    360 Heros Pro 7 rig
    Nodal Ninja Travel Pole
    Freedom 360 Basic Ball Tripod
    Stitched using Kolor Autopano Video Pro and Autopano Giga
    Edited in Adobe Premiere Pro CC

