[爆卦]Nasogastric tube是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Nasogastric tube鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Nasogastric tube這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 nasogastric產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過17萬的網紅李心潔 Sinje Lee,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 说一说…..父母 前一阵子,参加了一个心灵课程。 一位三十岁左右的男人出来做分享。 他在新加坡工作,去年得知妈妈的癌症复发,而且还开始扩散,心里很难过,也很纠结。 他问了一个长辈朋友他该选择留在新加坡继续打拼事业还是辞职回去陪伴妈妈? 那位长辈朋友跟他说了自己亲生的经历。 长辈朋友说他年轻的时候...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅拉哥 Lai UP,也在其Youtube影片中提到,每次幫病人插胃喉都會又流眼淚又流口水,現在終於終於知道為甚麼了!今天想體驗一下平時病人被拉姑插胃喉的感受。每插一下都有想作嘔的感覺,不斷流眼水,流鼻涕,咽喉又不斷分泌痰,想吞又被胃喉頂住,每吞一下都想嘔。希望大家要珍惜生命啊! 訂閱Lai UP ▶ http://bit.ly/laisubscri...

nasogastric 在 Medical Student Lifestyle⭐️ Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-09 03:07:26

🌻วันนี้เรียนหัตถการเบื้องต้น เช่น เย็บแผล, ใส่สายสวนท่อปัสสาวะ, ใส่สายอาหารลงกระเพาะ (Nasogastric tube: NG tube) ทั้งหมดนี้ทำกับหุ่นจำลองหมดเลยนะะ เป...

  • nasogastric 在 李心潔 Sinje Lee Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-04-24 08:59:47
    有 5,101 人按讚















    Let’s talk about….. Parents

    Just recently, I participated in a spiritual class. There was a man, in his thirties who did a sharing session. He works in Singapore and last year, he learned that his mother’s cancer had recurred and it had begun to spread. He felt a wave of sad and complicated emotions overcome him.

    He asked an elderly friend for advice, if he should choose to stay in Singapore to pursue his career or resign to accompany his mother?

    This elderly friend of his then shared his own experience with him. When he was young, his own mother had cancer and he brought his mother around to seek for medical treatment, hoping to be able to cure her. Alas, one doctor gave him one news he would not want to hear, mentioning that his mother only had a month left to live.

    He has a brother who had received a medical scholarship to study in a prestigious University a few years back and was all alone studying abroad. He gave his brother a call and delivered the unfortunate news. He was only four months away from graduation before he could be formally known as a professional doctor.

    He applied for a month leave from his professor, hoping to accompany his mother through her final days. However, his application was rejected with the reason given that if he was to stop his courses, he would not be able to graduate.

    He then thanked his professor for his care, guidance and advices throughout the many years but he chose and decided to take his leave and return to his homeland to care for his mother as there is only one mother in the world to him.

    When his brother returned, with the special, attentive care and companionship given to his bed-ridden mother; feeding, bathing her, cleaning up her excrement, she managed to live through for another three months.

    After listening to his friend’s story, he made a firm decision to resign from his job, returned to the place he grew up, returned to be with the woman who gave him life. His mother did not want to go through the sufferings of chemotherapy and chose holistic treatment instead.
    He accompanied his mother to learn Qigong and practiced it together with her. He would be next to her, teaching her patiently whenever she encountered obstacles in her learnings and practice with her continuously.

    This time around, he brought his mother and father for class. As days passed by, it can be seen that the interaction among them 3 was all about warmth, delving deeper into their inner world.
    One could see a 30 years old man, choking as he shared his deepest feelings but yet his face shining radiantly as his filial attitude nourishes his life, enriching his soul, touching everyone’s heart.

    You could see his mother who has cancer beaming broadly because of his love.
    You could see how each step he took soften his father’s pride and ego, allowing the aged couple to mesmerize the sweetness of love again.

    This sharing has nourished my inner soul, flowing through my system, like a quiet, clear river.

    This year, just before the Lunar New Year, my 90 years old grandfather had a stroke and broke his leg. It was also found that his oesophagus was narrowed and a nasogastric feeding tube had to be inserted.

    Grandpa has always enjoyed living alone. Nobody could convince him to stay with any of his children. So mum moved him to a house which she got nearby so that he can be taken care of easily. The location of the house is very strategic and lively as my younger brother, uncle and cousin sisters and brothers live in that area. The best part, my second brother and sister-in-law live just across the street.

    When Grandpa was discharged from the hospital, my parents, three aunts and uncles took turns, rotating shifts to take care of my bed-ridden grandfather 24 hours a day.
    There was a professional nurse who would come over to care, made necessary treatments and check up on Grandpa. She told my parents and relatives that from her experiences as a nurse, granddad would not survive till the Chinese New Year. My mum called me up to deliver this piece of news and told me to prepare for the worst.

    We went back to our hometown for the Chinese New Year celebration and initially, my mum and aunts have made a restaurant reservation of 6 tables to have a feast for my grandfather and I as we share the same birth date and it was very close to Chinese New Year. We have had such celebrations for many years however, due to Grandpa’s condition, we were not able to celebrate together this year. We were all reminded numerous times that we are not to even talk about it by our elders because according to Malaysia’s Chinese Custom, it is best to forgo celebrating birthdays when our older relatives are gravely ill.

    Therefore, all of us, the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren went to Grandpa’s house every day to gather and have meals during the Chinese New Year celebration. It was bustling with noise and excitement. Although Grandpa was bed-ridden, listening to the gleeful voices from his grand and great-grandchildren has made him feeling happy. It was as though these companionships were the best medicine where one could see the corner of his mouth rising up faintly.

    He kept reminding my aunt to prepare the Red Packets (Ang Pows) for him and that he would hand it out to us each, himself.

    “Dad, Happy New Year. May you be blessed with good health”.. “Grandpa, Gong Xi Fai Cai, to good health”.. “Azu, Happy Chinese New Year..” There were about 70 of us, we could see an extremely long line forming from the living room up to the kitchen! We would hold Grandpa’s hand tenderly as we take the precious Red Packets from him.

    After the Chinese New Year holidays, we all returned to our own home and I called up my mother every day to check up on Grandpa’s condition. With the sincere care and accompaniment of his children and grandchildren, not only did Grandpa spent the entire Lunar New Year with us but pull out the nasogastric tube all by himself (as it was making him feeling uncomfortable) and surprised us all as he began to eat by himself!
    A few days ago, my sister-in-law sent us a short video. When I played the video, Grandpa could stand and began to walk slowly!

    This time around, there is an outbreak of a new pneumonia (COVID-19) pandemic. There are many elderly people living alone or nursing homes in Europe. Due to them not being able to receive the proper treatment at the right time, many of them passed away feeling lonely.

    Little Yellow Flower Education Foundation did a part by supplying free food baskets for some of the poor elderly folks who lives alone during the Malaysia Movement Control Order.

    I visited a nursing home with my aunt once and the administrator told us that there were more nursing homes mushrooming and it was so disheartening for him.

    It is something that is not understandable as in this modern metropolis world, where we can be proud of our achievements, where the world is more advanced, civilized, technologies are more developed, goods are more refined, education levels are standing tall, why is it that we are not able to accommodate and tolerate these elderly people who have once devoted their early days to the society and sacrificed for their family?
    They were also once young and energetic laborers. Why are they now forgotten and abandoned during their last years when they are the ones who needs to be cared for, and loved most?

    Feeling more superiority does not bring us more happiness. The more private space we strive for, will only distance ourselves from others…..
    So far… that we could not even see and remember the people or things are really matters and are worth treasuring.

    Where are the family members of these aged people?
    There may be many stories to it but can it be rewritten if there were less pride and a little more empathy?

    The Universe creates Life and parents are the bridges that brings life into this world. Why is it that we can provide the best for our children but not for our parents?

    My friend, Rene has to take care of her grandmother, her father and mother; three golden gems. She will always walk over to their house to see them, accompany them, cook delicious meals for them and take care of their daily lives. Each time I see the pictures, videos and texts she share about her grandmother and parents, I am deeply moved.

    Even as an International acclaimed actress and singer, she would still try her very best to take care of the three old family members and 1 young child as any normal mother, daughter and grand-daughter will do in her everyday life.

    Last year, I visited a nursing home with a friend where there were more than 60 seniors who had dementia.
    They are given shelter for various reasons. There are some seniors being visited by family members occasionally whereas there are some who are being totally neglected and abandoned. Seeing some of them, fragile looking, gazing blankly into the wall, allowing loneliness to seep into their souls by the inches, waiting for death to visit them while lying on their bed in this empty, dark shed, left me feeling extremely sad.

    Let us all close our eyes, recollect our childhood’s memories, picturing the silhouettes of our parents who were taking care of us. Quiet down, feel the presence of our parents now. Can we still hear their voices, sense the connection and the warmth among us?


  • nasogastric 在 趙強營養師這樣說 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-04-07 17:01:46
    有 290 人按讚

    COVID 19 –靜脈營養重點(British Dietetic Association)

    1. 靜脈營養(PN)應是萬不得已的方法,在此期間,應在給予PN之前進行腸道營養的嘗試。若需使用PN,即使很少量,也要盡可能與PN一起餵食。

    2. 使用一同補充維生素與微量元素的多室袋(Multi-Chamber Bag, MCB)作為一線方式,或單獨輸注靜脈注射維生素和微量元素。此外,若患者能藉由腸胃進食與吸收這些營養素,則可開立處方補充微量營養素,例如Forceval。此時,PN就不需給予。

    3. 從每公斤供應熱量的最少量開始,然後進行監控。遵循PENG的準則進行餵食、估計營養需求和監測。

    4. 每天監測尿素和電解質(U&E)、鎂、磷、鈣、肝功能檢查(LFT),CRP與全血細胞計數(FBC),直至穩定。

    5. 每四個小時監測血糖直至穩定。

    6. 密切監測體液平衡,尤其是排泄物、嘔吐物/鼻胃抽吸物和造口/瘻管的損失。

    7. 不要過量攝取葡萄糖或脂質,特別是重症患者。

    8. LFT的異常可能是由於藥物,包括抗生素和/或敗血症,而不是短期PN引起的。考慮給予以魚油為基礎的MCB。

    9. 如果代謝穩定,週期性PN(12-16小時),對LFT紊亂有幫助。

    10. 我們目前無法給予出院患者居家靜脈營養(Home Parenteral Nutrition, HPN),因此應嘗進行所有可能使用的腸道途徑(包括由鼻胃管給予經口的水分補充)的嘗試。

    11. 如果HPN患者入院,請聯繫平時照顧他們的團隊以尋求建議。

    == 原文 ==
    COVID 19 – Parenteral Nutrition Top Tips

    1. Parenteral Nutrition (PN) should be a last resort and all attempts at enteral nutrition should be tried before PN during this time. If PN needs to be used feed enteral alongside PN if at all possible, even if a small volume.

    2. Use Multi-Chamber Bag (MCB) supplemented with vitamins and trace elements as first line or separate infusion of intravenous vitamins and trace elements. Alternatively, a micronutrient supplement such as Forceval could be prescribed if the patient is able to eat and drink and absorb these enterally. There will be limited compounding for PN during this time.

    3. Start at lower end of kcals/kg and monitor. Follow PENG guidelines for refeeding, estimating nutritional requirements and monitoring.

    4. Monitor Urea & Electrolytes (U&E), Magnesium, Phosphate, Calcium, Liver Function Tests (LFTs), C-reactive protein (CRP) and full blood count (FBC) daily until stable.

    5. Monitor blood glucose every four hours until stable

    6. Close monitoring of fluid balance especially losses from drains, vomit/nasogastric aspirates and stoma/fistulae.

    7. Don't overfeed glucose or lipid especially in the critically ill.

    8. Deranged LFTs may be due to medications including antibiotics and/or sepsis and not short term PN. Consider fish oil-based lipid MCB.

    9. Cyclical feeding (12-16 hours) of PN can help with deranged LFTs if metabolically stable.

    10. We are currently unable to discharge patients on Home Parenteral Nutrition (HPN) therefore all attempts to use enteral routes (which may include nasogastric tube for oral rehydration solutions) should be tried.

    11. If a patient on HPN gets admitted to your hospital please contact the team who normally look after them for advice.)

    Source: https://www.bda.uk.com/resource/covid-19-parenteral-nutrition-top-tips.html

  • nasogastric 在 Jenn’s 沬厤 Life After Cancer #spreadlovecreatehope Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-07-28 11:50:33
    有 180 人按讚

    ☂️ Day 18 Updates

    It's feeding time.
    This is all daddy feeds on every 3 hours..
    Milk powder (prescribed by the doctor), mixed with some water and sometimes crushed medication..

    This process is known as nasogastric (NG) intubation. During NG intubation, doctor or nurse inserted a thin plastic tube through the nostril, down into esophagus, and into daddy's stomach. Once this tube is in place, they (caregiver or nurse) will use it to give him food and medicine.

    Sometimes daddy is fine with the NG but most of the time he's uncomfortable with it. There was once he tried to pulled it out.. Mom shared it was approximately 6 inches long.. (The length of the tube that he'd managed to pulled out) 😰

    Almost all the time, ever since his diagnosis, daddy wasnt aware of what's going on. He don't even remember where he was.. Or where he is..

    And for those who have visited daddy in the hospital, I would say, you're lucky if he remembers you. You'd probably happen to catch him when he's "online"..

    Daddy can now recognize mummy, me and my sister. But he have yet to remember my younger brother. It takes time. I hope he can recall of his youngest baby very soon.

    🙏✨ *to be continue*

    Note: if you think the food you had today was lousy, imagine those patients in the hospital, what they had was a total tasteless and bland. Don't waste food, appreciate the YOU today and the food you ate today ❤️

  • nasogastric 在 拉哥 Lai UP Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-07-23 17:50:21


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