[爆卦]Namelist or name list是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Namelist or name list鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Namelist or name list這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 namelist產品中有11篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Taking Revenge Won’t Satisfy your Soul “Don’t say, “I will pay back evil.” Wait for Yahweh, and he will save you.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭20:22‬ ‭WEB‬‬ Notice...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過10萬的網紅RamboChai 蔡阿保,也在其Youtube影片中提到,? 上一部影片:https://youtu.be/7HeU4SztYVA 如果你想参与游戏,请到我的Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/rambochai/ 【送你iPhone X】抽奖游戏 注意:游戏只限在FACEBOOK 这次送你??iphoneX,?PS...

namelist 在 徐永豪|HKU中文學士碩士|DSE中文補習 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-07-16 22:46:12

#升456同學仔必睇 #舊生開心Share🙏🏻 食一食字先,其實我知「十點」個gag好爛🥺 1✅全港分校聽日都係「十點」開始搶報,可以跨分校報名,例如屯門分校報旺角Live 2✅S45/S6孖住報$395六堂優惠限定7日(11/7-17/7) 3✅可以搵親友/同學仔代報,舊生記得影低英皇學生證 4✅...

namelist 在 梵高爸爸 ??‍? 表達藝術認可執行師 ? 電台主持 ?? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-09 02:12:24

【🧠腦筋劇透。累!忘了?➡️ 忘不了!】 9月忙透生活開始了! 除咗堅守一星期三日全日湊湯丸 👶🏻 仲做Slasher都要瓣瓣掂 上一刻化身導師,準備視藝教材🎨 下一刻可以變做品牌公關,出post落廣告搵代言人 然後,仲要上堂學「藝術治療進階」 總之。忙到一個點!瞓少咗,記性真係差咗! 有時濕碎嘅...

  • namelist 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-20 20:00:43
    有 191 人按讚

    Taking Revenge Won’t Satisfy your Soul

    “Don’t say, “I will pay back evil.” Wait for Yahweh, and he will save you.”
    ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭20:22‬ ‭WEB‬‬

    Notice how the second sentence in the verse above doesn’t really respond to the first.

    In the first sentence, the person’s desire is to take revenge against the evildoer.
    However, in the second sentence, the godly advice totally disregards vengeance, and instead focuses on the victim’s salvation from evil.

    There is a lesson here! God’s priority is your safety. His heart is for you to be protected from evil and to be well.

    Vengeance isn’t going to make you happy and satisfied. There is no fulfillment found in the destruction of a person.

    In the future, Jesus has a Day of Vengeance. It is more popularly known as “the Second Coming of Christ”. He will slay the Antichrist and his wicked armies to save Israel from their hands. But Jesus takes no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked. What God loves is to deal graciously with man.

    If the person who is persecuting you suddenly dies, you may feel relief and a certain sense of victory that God has punished your enemy, but it will revert to emptiness shortly after.

    Your life still has to go on. Your enemy might be gone, but you are still here. If your only purpose in life was to take revenge, then you have become an empty shell, just drifting aimlessly. That’s why a life spent pursuing vengeance is not worthwhile.

    It is better to embrace the godly dreams and goals in your heart, and use your gifts to build up the body of Christ. That’s a life worth living.

    I heard someone say that the best vengeance is for you to live your life so well and happily that it infuriates your enemies. I find that so true.

    Take no thought of your persecutors, but fill your mind with God and Jesus. God’s priority is to save you from their evil schemes. Expect and confess His deliverance, and while you’re waiting for it, rejoice because you’re in Christ!

    Nothing angers your haters more than seeing you happy while they are hopelessly miserable.

    “Therefore “If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in doing so, you will heap coals of fire on his head.” Don’t be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans‬ ‭12:20-21‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    If you want to take it one step further, be so nice to those who are evil to you. Extend lavish grace to them for Jesus’ sake. It will either make them even angrier, or you may even melt their stony hearts and turn them into your friends.

    Remember: God’s priority is your safety and wellbeing. He takes no pleasure in executing vengeance. Expect Him to save you from evil, so that you can focus on living undeterred for His glory!

    Thanks for reading this devotional! Ways you can be a blessing:
    1) Share this post to encourage more people
    2) Support this ministry by sowing a love gift: http://ko-fi.com/miltongohblog

    Supporters are added to my “Baby Benefactors Namelist”, receive my eBook “Messiah’s Miracles: The Power of Having Faith in Jesus Christ” and also get permanent access to all supporter-only devotionals on Ko-Fi!

  • namelist 在 Aki小秋 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-02-18 14:17:35
    有 138 人按讚

    与 Simply, Cosplay gathering 2020 举行情人节联动Giveaway 成绩揭晓了哦!!

    1. Kira Yamato
    2. Maverick Loh JX
    3. Airantou Chan
    4. Lee Zhihui
    5. Xiiao Shiro

    在活动当天我会cos 阳菜哦
    另外一天不晓得要cos :
    1. 水果篮的本田透
    2. 工作细胞的血"大"板
    3. 单蠢女孩的花畑佳子


    Giveaway event winner namelist :
    1. Kira Yamato
    2. Maverick Loh JX
    3. Airantou Chan
    4. Lee Zhihui
    5. Xiiao Shiro

    By the way i will cosplay as Hina during @Simply Cosplay Gathering in Penang D'Piazza Mall
    It is a two days event, the other day i have few plan in mind
    1. Fruit Basket - Tohru
    2. Cells at Work! - Platelet
    3. Aho girl- Yoshiko Hanabatake
    These are costume suitable for gathering and easy to move haha , hope to enjoy the gathering and have fun with my friends.
    Which one u prefer to see?
    Let me know in comment ya

  • namelist 在 梵高爸爸 心靈藝術 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-09-19 22:44:35
    有 54 人按讚

    【🧠腦筋劇透。累!忘了?➡️ 忘不了!】
    9月開始忙透了!堅守一星期三日全日湊湯丸 👶🏻
    個仔飲哂奶樽 🍼 唔!記!得!洗!!!! 大罪 🔥
    👶🏻💬 買到奶粉但🈚️奶樽飲奶。你玩L哂啦?


    逛開萬寧,俾我發現盒 #忘不了 💡
    註明 🧠 #腦醒記憶力
    對 忘不了醒腦記憶力 有個印象
    點知,今次有得試 wor

    其二,有 #特強醒腦成分 ⚡ 磷脂酰絲氨酸 #PS ⚡
    據講可以促進細胞再生,補腦活腦 🧠

    ✨睇我張相都young咗啦 😎

    已經記哂8個學生個名 👏🏻👏🏻

    聽case學theory 📝專注咗
    學習能力變相都高咗 ⬆️

    我記得幫湯丸洗奶樽 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻

    🔎 關於PS同補腦理論?睇留言啦!

    🛒 更多產品資訊 www.wasurerumonka.com

    忘不了醒腦記憶力 #提升記憶力 #提升專注力 #踢走腦疲勞 #紓壓提神 #萬寧

  • namelist 在 RamboChai 蔡阿保 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-02-11 09:00:02

    ? 上一部影片:https://youtu.be/7HeU4SztYVA
    如果你想参与游戏,请到我的Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/rambochai/

    【送你iPhone X】抽奖游戏

    Facebook 链接 --

    ◼ 步骤1 前往 “藏宝岛TREASURE ISLAND”
    *Merdeka Mall
    *Giant Hypermarket (STUTONG)

    ◼ 步骤2 把你和參賽卡的合照相片上载在【就是要送你iPhone X】影片的留言中
    Hashtag #giveawayiphonex 和 #treasureisland,表示你參加抽獎遊戲

    ◼ 步骤3 一定要分享【就是要送你iPhone X】影片到你的脸书,tag五位朋友

    ◼ 步驟4 記得去LIKE Treasure Island 的 FB page,我們會在這公佈參賽者名單

    ◾ 3月3号,中午2點会公佈被选中的參賽者

    ◾ 在3月4号,中午2点正开直播进行抽奖游戏

    ◾ 被选中的參賽者必定要看直播和分享出去

    ◾ 藏宝岛公司会送出二十份奖品

    ◼ Step 1: go to ‘’Treasure Island’’ which available on certain location which are
    - CityOne Megamall
    - Giant, Stutong
    - Plaza Merdeka
    And purchase ‘’5 boxes’’ to meet the criteria of participation, then request the signboard with our ‘’Treasure Island’’ crews and take a photo with your own creativity

    ◼ Step 2: Upload your photos under the comments of the videos 【iPhone X giveaway】
    And then hashtag,
    #giveawayiphonex and #treasureisland

    ◼ Step 3: share the 【iPhone X giveaways】to your Facebook wall, and tag 5 friends

    ◼ Step 4: LIKE Treasure Island 的 FB page, NameList will be publish in the Page.

    #GiveAwayiPhoneX #PS4 #电器 #回馈粉丝
    ⭐️訂閱頻道追蹤 - 每星期看新影片
    ?YouTube主频道►► https://goo.gl/l3XIeJ
    ?第2频道►► https://goo.gl/4Ljrgu
    ◼IG►► https://goo.gl/xgi9pP
    ◼FB 粉专►► https://goo.gl/7sGOg4
    ◼FB 个人►► https://goo.gl/qXooQJ

    ? 熱門影片排行 | More Playlist :
    ◾《恶整PRANK》► https://goo.gl/GCvdfy
    ◾《旅游TRAVEL》► https://goo.gl/Uj8BEC
    ◾《就是要讲TALK》► https://goo.gl/LZRPim
    ◾《玩爽GAME》► https://goo.gl/hfwBM2
    ◾《就是要EAT》► https://goo.gl/FPWT4X
    ◾《开箱OPEN》► https://goo.gl/rf5gqK
    ◾《微电影MOVIE》► https://goo.gl/moAaDv
    ◾《翻唱COVER》► https://goo.gl/kAbCHW
    ◾《原创SONG》► https://goo.gl/jJWHps
    ◾《SLAP!乐团》► https://goo.gl/L2AyfZ

    ??追蹤 ? 【NaNaBoy】
    YouTube频道►► https://goo.gl/t73nvw
    Boy Instagram►► https://goo.gl/zuGCov
    NaNa Instagram►► https://goo.gl/A9nAfQ

    ??追蹤 ? 【PriscillaAbby 蔡恩雨】
    Instagram►► https://goo.gl/zfF6xE
    FB 粉丝专页►► https://goo.gl/plAEeU

    ??追蹤 ? 【AnnHui 蔡恩慧】
    希望这频道能與你共度此生, 記錄你我的點點滴滴。
    麻煩大家分享Share 哦~
    ※Music provided by Audio Library
    ※BGM also Credit to Kevin MacLeod - Artist: http://incompetech.com

