[爆卦]NLP 工程師 PTT是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇NLP 工程師 PTT鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在NLP 工程師 PTT這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者iewang (哈哈)看板Soft_Job標題[徵才] 美商UI Sr. ChatBot/NLP...

NLP 工程師 PTT 在 香港人的冥想減壓服務 | App | 企業培訓 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-06-15 06:02:08

今天 #VoidMotivation 為你帶來: 有一位爆破工程師,一天,他打算下班買禮物慶祝孩子的生日。一時趕急,他把車泊在了禁停區,到店鋪買禮物,事後才發現車被拖走了。 他猶豫了一番後決定先把車取回卻遭到拖車公司的拒絕,只好回家。 到家後,妻子準備的晚餐己變涼,還責備了工程師一番,於是他無奈...

Hi 大家好!
UI.com((美國上市公司:優比快)在徵Sr. ChatBot/NLP AI工程師. 希望有chatbot開發經
驗的加入我們AI Team.






職缺:Senior ChatBot/NLP AI Engineer (1位)

【Senior AI NLP Engineer】
We are looking for outstanding NLP/ChatBot developer to join our fast growing
AI team.
We expect you to bring your experience, enthusiasm and creativity on deep
learning into high-quality and impactful real-world solutions.

- Design and Develop AI Chatbot services and target to make “human-like”
conversation in dialogue management systems.
- Participate in the end-to-end machine/deep learning product lifecycle, from
data collection, data exploration, feature engineering, model training, model
evaluation, model deployment, model inference monitoring to solve real world
- Arrange and design the training dataset, prompts and pipeline required for
fine-tuning large language models and validation purposes.
- Design and establish ETL processes, system architecture, algorithm
pipeline, and evaluation metrics for various NLP tasks.
- Investigate and implement robust approaches of slot filling, NLU,
NLI/entailment, intent classification, text generation, question answering,
and keyword extraction.
- Conduct effective training and automated inference/retrain pipelines.
- Stay up to date in current technologies and state of the art methods.
- Thrive in an agile development process and constructive feedback. Critical
thinker, problem solver, team player, time management skills, good
interpersonal and communication skills.

【Basic Qualifications】
- MS or PhD degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical
Engineering or equivalent.
- 5+ years of NLP/Chatbot Machine learning development and deployment
- Expertise in Python and ecosystem library pandas, spark, dask, machine
learning/deep learning framework - pytorch, huggingface, scikit-learn, spacy,
cupy ...etc.
- Strong ability in designing conversational AI Chatbot and dialogue
management system integration.
- Strong ability in problem solving. Capable to reach out for solutions and
enjoy closely collaborating with PM/engineers to share AI Chatbot design and
solution ideas.
- Strong verbal and written communications skills are a must, as well as the
ability to work effectively across internal and external organizations and
virtual teams.

員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) :否

薪資(保證最低年薪,必填項目): 1.2M+ ~ 2M+(no upper limit)

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1678269301.A.FC1.html
MoonCode: XD 乍看以為找設計師03/08 18:33
libitum: 一個美國上市公司找sr. nlp engineer 最低只有1.2m+ ??03/08 22:19
libitum: 只能說 面試流程毫無一個上市公司的樣子03/08 22:22
DrTech: 不是寫了 no upper limit了…03/09 00:03
DrTech: 台灣哪家公司做NLP,"最低"可以給月薪十萬? 03/09 00:05
libitum: no upper limit到底能幹嘛...? 當真認為開職位沒有任何03/09 01:03
libitum: budget嗎? salary range能開那麼廣的 真能達到2M+會多03/09 01:03
libitum: 挑惕 就不說那個標準了 這不跟美國一堆tech companies 03/09 01:04
libitum: provide unlimited PTO一樣的道理嗎 怎可能不對公司有利03/09 01:04
libitum: 台灣哪家 標準是指本土公司還是國外在台灣設RD team?03/09 01:05
libitum: 比較的基準要有 也要一致吧03/09 01:05
libitum: 5+ years nlu or ml experice 下限只值1.2m+?03/09 01:06
libitum: 然後total package 1.2m 不等於月薪十萬喔 看給13個月還03/09 01:13
libitum: 還有沒有rsu之類的 1.2m+接近外商在台招募的市場價?03/09 01:14
NTUmaki: 啊就開什麼薪水就找什麼樣的人啊@@ 也沒必要噓吧,薪水沒03/09 02:34
NTUmaki: 競爭力的話就只能找比較弱的啊03/09 02:34
gocreating: 請問要寫回家作業嗎?寫完沒過會給feedback嗎?面試官03/09 11:12
gocreating: 會嘲諷人選嗎?會像迴避給作業feedback一樣迴避這個推03/09 11:12
gocreating: 文嗎?我先坐等勇者舔你們的香蕉好了,應該會臭到來板03/09 11:12
gocreating: 上開箱ㄅ03/09 11:12
acgotaku: 請給正確的薪資範圍, no upper limit 很像吹牛的人很常03/09 11:19
acgotaku: 講的話, 裝闊氣卻把下限開這麼低 這不就是吹牛招人嗎 03/09 11:20
pleomax0730: go大有掛?03/09 12:16
loadingN: 我也覺得你要來ptt發,就乖乖給範圍嘛,又不是騙新人,03/09 12:21
loadingN: 誰不知道職級都有對應的價碼03/09 12:21
dxwd1: 先批評,之後再自己默默投offer03/09 15:23
jobintan: +1,現在經濟寒冬,一堆5+YOE的前FANGMAN工程師應徵。 03/09 16:44
baboimoma: 回前幾樓,搜go的id有發過文跟留言,投履歷但code跑不03/09 23:28
baboimoma: 起來的大大03/09 23:28
baboimoma: 不知道被嘲諷是什麼故事就是了 03/09 23:28
jobintan: 開TC無上限結果面試砍價很會呀…03/10 07:58
※ 編輯: iewang ( 臺灣), 03/10/2023 10:17:21
※ 編輯: iewang ( 臺灣), 03/10/2023 10:18:33
ddonme: 保14,所以1.2M不會是月薪10萬.不過還有bonus.所以會>1.2M 03/12 20:35
ddonme: 2M 應該是無可挑剔的人選會有機會拿到 03/12 20:37

