[爆卦]NEEDS Wedding是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇NEEDS Wedding鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在NEEDS Wedding這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 needs產品中有10000篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅IELTS Nguyễn Huyền,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, TỪ VỰNG IELTS - CHỦ ĐỀ STRESS PHẦN TỪ VỰNG - to live a stress-free life: sống một cuộc sống không còn căng thẳng - to overcome life’s challenges: vượt...

 同時也有2287部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅tizzybacvideo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Tizzy Bac 20週年演唱會「鐵之貝克 XX」 2019/12/14 at 天母體育館 特別感謝 Guitar:林維軒(杉特) Keyboard / Synthesizer:蘇玠亘(蛋) 嘉賓:方Q(宇宙人)、Twiggy(旺福)、弘禮(落日飛車) 𝕋𝕚𝕫𝕫𝕪 𝔹𝕒𝕔 𝟚𝟘𝕥𝕙 𝔻𝕣𝕦𝕞 ...

needs 在 CP Sarimah Ibrahim❤️ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-10-02 07:05:44

This is another Part of my interview snippet with @farisya_shukor about grief, loss, depression and the pandemic. ❤️🤲🏻 Women Empowerment Series Vide...

  • needs 在 IELTS Nguyễn Huyền Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-30 21:30:34
    有 825 人按讚

    - to live a stress-free life: sống một cuộc sống không còn căng thẳng
    - to overcome life’s challenges: vượt qua các thử thách của cuộc sống
    - to stay positive: lạc quan
    - the ongoing pressures of day-to-day life: những áp lực liên tục của cuộc sống hàng ngày
    - to shield sb from sth: bảo vệ ai đó khỏi gì
    - an essential part of life: một phần thiết yếu của cuộc sống
    - to complete important tasks: hoàn thành các nhiệm vụ quan trọng
    - to fail to do sth: thất bại/ không làm được việc gì
    - to dampen your spirits: làm giảm tinh thần của bạn
    - to feel a greater sense of control: cảm thấy mình kiểm soát sự việc tốt hơn
    - to develop a realistic, practical plan: xây dựng một kế hoạch thực tế
    - to fit your own needs: phù hợp với nhu cầu của riêng bạn
    - to lead a more peaceful life: dẫn tới một cuộc sống bình yên hơn
    - life-altering events: những sự kiện thay đổi cuộc đời
    - to care for a loved one during illness: chăm sóc người thân trong thời gian bị bệnh
    - to deal with a painful loss: đối phó với một mất mát đau đớn
    - to live through a difficult divorce: sống qua một cuộc ly hôn đầy khó khăn
    - to feel completely overwhelmed: cảm thấy hoàn toàn choáng ngợp
    - to be key foundations of happiness: là nền tảng chính của hạnh phúc
    - to struggle with debt: đấu tranh với nợ nần
    - a period of economic instability: thời kỳ bất ổn kinh tế
    - to enter a stable job market: tham gia vào một thị trường việc làm ổn định
    - stress resilience: khả năng phục hồi sau một giai đoạn căng thẳng
    - to provoke worry: kích động trạng thái lo lắng
    - to heighten anxiety: làm tăng sự lo âu
    - to make positive changes: tạo ra những thay đổi tích cực
    - to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and high blood pressure: tăng nguy cơ mắc bệnh tim mạch, ung thư và huyết áp cao
    - to be vulnerable to sth: dễ bị tổn thương với cái gì
    - to make good use of sth: sử dụng tốt thứ gì
    - to create a positive outcome: tạo ra một kết quả tích cực
    - to cultivate positive emotions: nuôi dưỡng cảm xúc tích cực
    - to take constructive steps to tackle sth: thực hiện các bước mang tính xây dựng để giải quyết vấn đề gì
    - to make time for sth: dành thời gian cho
    - to recover from a period of pressure: phục hồi sau một thời gian áp lực
    - to establish a good rapport with sb: thiết lập mối quan hệ tốt với ai
    - to do a great deal of harm: gây ra nhiều thiệt hại
    - to instill a sense of confidence: làm thấm nhuần niềm tin
    - to suffer from an anxiety disorder: bị rối loạn lo âu

    PHẦN VÍ DỤ: https://ielts-nguyenhuyen.com/tu-vung-ielts-chu-de-stress/

  • needs 在 Vaune Phan Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-30 20:37:34
    有 2,530 人按讚

    “I got hit.”

    I believe that's the last thing any of us would want to hear from a friend/ family who got caught in a traffic accident.

    Reality is, if you've been on the roads long enough, there will come a point where you'll realise accidents are inevitable, just a matter of whether it's a serious one or not.

    I've had my fair share too.

    In any accident, however big or small, it's important to remain calm at all times and take note of the key things you’d need to do.

    ✔ Check for injuries. If you notice any, call 995 immediately.

    ✔ Take photos of the accident scene without moving any of the vehicles involved. This is important for insurance companies and the police to help determine the cause and impact of the accident.

    ✔ Exchange particulars of of drivers/ riders involved. Note down the name, contact, address, vehicle registration plate details. Do also take note of the time, date and location of the accident as this would be required in the police report that you make.

    ✔ Regardless of whether there are any claims/ injury in an accident, you must report it to your insurance provider within 24 hours from the time of accident. This is to ensure your interests are protected at all times. If you fail to do so, not only will you stand to be at the disadvantage, you may risk losing your NCD too.

    Make sure you keep yourself and your family safe on the roads with comprehensive insurance like what DirectAsia Insurance offers.

    You can tailor your policy with different optional benefits and they even have a dedicated specialist to attend to your policy needs so do check them out and stay safe wherever you are!


    #ad #DirectAsiaInsurance #Singaporebikers

  • needs 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-30 20:10:52
    有 137 人按讚

    Celebration of the Father

    “Behold, two of them were going that very day to a village named Emmaus, which was sixty stadia from Jerusalem. They talked with each other about all of these things which had happened. While they talked and questioned together, Jesus himself came near, and went with them. But their eyes were kept from recognizing him. He said to them, “What are you talking about as you walk, and are sad?” One of them, named Cleopas, answered him, “Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who doesn’t know the things which have happened there in these days?” He said to them, “Foolish men, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! Didn’t the Christ have to suffer these things and to enter into his glory?” Beginning from Moses and from all the prophets, he explained to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself. They said to one another, “Weren’t our hearts burning within us, while he spoke to us along the way, and while he opened the Scriptures to us?” They rose up that very hour, returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and those who were with them, saying, “The Lord is risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon!”” (Luke‬ ‭24:13-18, 25-27, 32-34‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Did you ever wonder why out of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, only one of them was named while the other remained anonymous?

    Therefore, I believe that the name “Cleopas” is crucial to understanding the significance of this passage.

    Cleopas is an abbreviated form of the name Cleopatros, made of the two Greek words “kleos” (to celebrate) and pater (father). Cleopas means “celebration of the father”.

    Let us see what Jesus did in the passage. He told the two discouraged disciples all about the things concerning Himself in the Old Testament Scriptures, and how He fulfilled them all at the cross.

    It was a celebration of the Father, praising Him for His glorious plan of salvation that was once hidden and is now revealed through the prophets, apostles, and the other writers of the Scriptures.

    When Jesus celebrated the Father with the two disciples, their hearts “burned”, likely with faith, hope, and love in response to the love and grace of God. They experienced an “Emmaus” (meaning: hot springs) in their hearts, washing away the unbelief and refreshing their spirits.

    They were no longer depressed and despondent. Instead, they were filled with hope, and energized in their bodies and souls. Having just walked a long way from Jerusalem to Emmaus, they immediately set off on a journey back to announce the good news they had seen and heard.

    This world needs “Cleopas”—a celebration of the Father. They need to hear about a Father God who is gracious and full of love, who freely offers salvation through Jesus Christ His Son. They need to hear that He wants to be a Father near to them and not a Judge far off; that He is reconciling the world to Himself through Jesus, welcoming them home.

    “But all things are of God, who reconciled us to himself through Jesus Christ, and gave to us the ministry of reconciliation; namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not reckoning to them their trespasses, and having committed to us the word of reconciliation. We are therefore ambassadors on behalf of Christ, as though God were entreating by us: we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For him who knew no sin he made to be sin on our behalf; so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians‬ ‭5:18-21‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Anytime you are feeling down, you can initiate a celebration of the Father. It will cleanse you from unbelief, refresh your spirit, fill your heart with hope, and energize your body and soul!

    If you are new to reading the four gospels for yourself, or you have some questions about difficult passages in there, I would like to recommend you read my four-ebook bundle called “Understand the Four Gospels Through the Lens of Grace”.

    As you read it, many confusing pieces of Scripture will be unlocked to you, and things that used to scare you will be read in the right light. Order the bundle and you can download and read it right away:

  • needs 在 tizzybacvideo Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-30 21:00:19

    Tizzy Bac 20週年演唱會「鐵之貝克 XX」
    2019/12/14 at 天母體育館

    Keyboard / Synthesizer:蘇玠亘(蛋)

    𝕋𝕚𝕫𝕫𝕪 𝔹𝕒𝕔 𝟚𝟘𝕥𝕙 𝔻𝕣𝕦𝕞 ℂ𝕒𝕞 精選【安東尼 / Tissue Time / 我不想一個人睡】



    〈安東尼〉創作的靈感就是Red hot chili pappers主唱安東尼;〈Tissue Time〉是很早期我們還在唸大學、在熱音社練團室就寫好的作品,沒有放在第一張反而放在第二張,只是想用鋼琴寫寫看龐克歌曲會是怎樣;〈我不想一個人睡〉印象中是先完成了編曲,聽起來好像很性感,所以嘗試寫點成人取向的歌詞,MV倒是很好玩( https://youtu.be/UgppI7wDSZo ),我們還做了一個泰文歌詞版但是用google 翻譯的,完全是因為覺得畫面很泰、我造型也很泰,覺得很酷這樣。

    #TB20 #鐵之貝克XX #DrumCam
    「鐵之貝克 XX」演唱會藍光BD
    ▸ 相信音樂購物網:https://reurl.cc/Ezkq4n
    ▸ 博客來:https://reurl.cc/MdrYOX
    ▸ 五大唱片:https://reurl.cc/Y6LM04
    ▸ 佳佳唱片:https://reurl.cc/4mEkWV

    再來 我從來不曾放棄忍受
    再說 怎麼說都沒有用
    這個世界有的時候總是美好幻象太多 殘酷現實太難接受
    hit me just prove it how you dare
    hit me just show me how you care
    hit me 看看你成了什麼模樣 掉進自己的陷阱了啊
    我不想生活太過明明白白 那麼聰明 究竟是要給誰交代
    這樣是對 那樣是錯 又如何 反正從來不曾認識真正的我
    hit me do you think I really care
    hit me I only want to hold myself
    hit me 沈默固執 任性遊走 不讓任何人定義我
    但唉 回頭看這過往 不能說這人生得足夠堅強
    都沒有留下任何遺憾 只是快樂悲傷 最後我會遺忘
    沒有例外 只剩這路是我確實經過
    伴隨說過的謊不停後退 帶走了最在乎的夢 錯過的該怎麼解脫
    我又如何能夠再次安慰 所有靈魂超載的負累 只能一再相信

    【Tissue Time】
    翻來覆去 難以成眠 自找麻煩
    But I don's wanna take all this responsibility
    Can't you just be stronger for all your needs
    cause you're like a baby sitting on the ground
    and crying for someone to come to ease your bleed
    so meet my army here and I'll carry you to whatever
    where that you've never been

    好難吶 戒不斷這貪戀
    緩慢地 你手中裊裊的煙
    好羨慕 我也想燒灼在你指間
    淡淡的哀愁在撫慰 這痛卻更美
    我不想一個人睡 我不要一個人睡
    溫柔的預感在作祟 感性在蔓延
    我不想一個人睡 我要大人的滋味
    擁抱吧 親吻吧 末日前 佔有吧
    真叫人無法自拔 在你懷裡融化
    淡淡的哀愁在撫慰 這痛不很美?
    我不想一個人睡 我不要一個人睡
    溫柔的預感在作祟 感性在蔓延
    我不想一個人睡 我要大人的滋味

  • needs 在 ezManager Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-26 21:11:53

    本集聲沙請慎入。你是否想過請主管同事吃誠實豆沙包,來讓自己更進步突破? 連貫第40集,本集作者教我們如何採樣,尋求真實反饋的步驟step by step以及範本。了解自己的職場招牌優勢,校准你的優勢和劣勢面對真相,打造你在職場專屬差異化(個人品牌),加上心態設定小撇步,新的心態思維陪你創造全新的經驗與美好!

    詹姆斯(William James)曾說:「思想(態度)決定行動,行動決定習慣,習慣決定性格,性格決定命運。」

    1.還在害怕失敗、害怕判斷、恐懼...?? 想改變命運就從設定心態開始。

    ★ 優惠方案:
    1.💎9/29(三) 21:00 VIP職場諮詢相談室:心態致勝進階篇_如何掌握三步驟鍛鍊成長心態。凡參加ezManager五種超值方案任一,均可免費參與&提供側錄音檔,能無限複習。(暫定時段/由平台工作人員email通知)
    以上詳見 MixerBox網址 bit.ly/3xFWX4M

    ★ 本集分點章節:
    (00:08:05)一分鐘商業英文 One-Minute Business English(feat. Zach)
    (00:10:16)比爾蓋茲推薦書:Fixed Mindset定性心態VS. Growth Mindset成長心態

    #國外商管類 讀書會,Great Managers are made, not born.

    ★ 本集導讀書籍:《the making of a manager: what to do when everyone looks to you》(暫譯:優秀管理者的後天養成之路) 亞馬遜去年最佳商業書第一名、華爾街日報暢銷書。原文書 9折購 https://lihi1.cc/dnwIH
    作者:Facebook 產品設計副總 Julie Zhuo 的十年管理心法。

    ★ 本集補充資料
    :: 成長心態vs.定型心態 動畫說明 (請手動點開中文字幕) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUWn_TJTrnU

    :: 為了發展我們的自覺,及校准我們的優勢和劣勢,我們必須通過詢問他人的真實坦率意見,來面對我們真正要的真相。目標不是為了尋求讚美;目標是為給我們的同事 提供一個安全的機會,讓他們可以誠實——甚至是殘酷的誠實——以便我們自己能夠獲得最準確的信息。

    《第三部份問答》首先是請教主管 兩個問題:
    1. 你認為我有沒有哪些機會,可以做更多我擅長的事情?

    2. 你認為在我的這個職務中的最適合人選會具備哪些技能?對於每項技能,您如何按照 1 到 5 的等級給我打分?


    例如,如果您不確定自己的演講能力如何,請在演講後跟幾個人說:“我希望提高我的演講技巧。你認為我的上台 簡報如何?有什麼讓它好兩倍的建議嗎?”

    ★一分鐘商業英文 One-Minute Business English
    【managing up】向上管理
    to build a successful working relationship with a superior, manager, or employer.
    My co-worker is known for his ability to manage up. He knows our boss’s needs very well, and our boss tends to rely on him the most.我的同事以向上管理能力著稱。 他非常了解我們老闆的需求,我們老闆往往最依賴他。
    Henry is terrible at managing up. Henry doesn’t want to talk to his boss, so he does not have a good relationship with her. Henry亨利的管理能力很差。 亨利不想跟老闆說話,所以跟她關係不好。

    :: 採集完本集的誠實豆沙包問卷之後,再回到Ep40. 統整

    Music C.C. by Chester Bea Arthur -Folk Physics / Free Sound Effects lihi1.cc/QIOep


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    :: IG:www.instagram.com/ezmanagergo
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    :: 上Youtube搜尋「怎麼給星評分」一分鐘教學影片,或點這 https://lihi1.cc/N8vYt (分享給你沒在聽podcast的親友)
    :: ezManager五種超值方案2分鐘說明影片 lihi1.com/p6101 :現在就幫自己加分,讓你Level Up! 職涯更勝利
    📚 一對一線上諮詢六大主題:
    1. 好履歷健檢|2. 團隊管理類
    3. 向上管理類|4. 抗壓管理類
    5. 溝通技巧類|6. podcast新手入門諮詢

    @合作接洽 ezmanagerGo@gmail.com (不分大小寫)

  • needs 在 Something Shelley Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-09-25 11:32:12

    ✨請點開資訊欄 ✨





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    - ALO運動褲(7折中)

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    Instagram: somethingshelley



    1. Feel So Lucky (K-Pop Version) - Collin Lim

    2. My Love (Instrumental Version) - Adelyn Paik

    3. Hey Pal - Dylan Sitts

    4. You Set My World On Fire (K-POP Version) - Adelyn Paik

    5. I'll Get Over You (K-POP Version) (Instrumental Version) - Adelyn Paik

    *All the musics are from Epidemic, a royalty free site that needs monthly payment to access.

    💌Business Inquiries:

    FTC: This video is NOT sponsored! (Some links are affiliated, thank you for the support if you guys decided to purchase through them.)
    這支影片不是合作! (有些產品網址是有回饋的但不影響購買價錢)

