為什麼這篇Middle name鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在Middle name這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者femto (遺忘)看板Eng-Class標題middle name的問題..時間Tue Mar...
Middle name 在 Kyla。ไคร่า。 Instagram 的精選貼文
2021-07-11 08:38:54
不知不覺成了上班前小悠閒的咖啡廳 點片吐司 來杯奶咖是必須的🤟🏻 不辦公、不上網 坐在門口這位置還真是挺舒服。 室內很適合辦公、上網、看看書之類~ (撇除下午人多時段比較吵雜以外) 📍middle name 🏠台北市大同區南京西路18巷10號 ⏰9:00-19:00 週六、日10...
請問外國人在什麼情況下會有middle name?
我覺得自我介紹時一般人都不會說middle name,
似乎比family name更私人?
如果我到外交部申請護照上的"ALSO KNOWN AS ooo"
那以後到美國填文件表格時,可以說ooo是我的middle name嗎?
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作者: LuciferXI (極簡) 看板: Eng-Class
標題: Re: [問題] Middle name
時間: Wed Aug 25 15:30:57 2004
middle name
In the United States and Canada the usual practice is to insert
another name (frequently expressed in writing only by the initial letter)
between the given and the family name. This is the second, or middle, name.
It may be the original family name of a married woman inserted between
her first name and the last name of her husband, the maiden name of one's
mother, as well as other names.
In Europe, such a second name is less common and is usually acquired at
Baptism (or, eventually, at Confirmation). In most European countries,
the first baptismal name is the important one, and the second one
(third, and so forth) can be omitted.
In German usage, however, the baptismal name immediately preceding the
family name is the most important one.
For example, if one of the baptismal names in Johann Sebastian Bach or
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is to be omitted, it would be Johann.
(But in a sequence like Johann Nepomucenus Nestroy, the shorter form is
Johann Nestroy, because Nepomucenus is only an attribute discerning one
of the numerous saints who had the name Johann.)
British usage varies in this respect, but sometimes follows the German
pattern—e.g., W. Sidney Allen.
如果自己取了英文名字是放在Middle Name的位置的
他在國外簽全名就是簽 XX(名的拼音), Sammuel, X(姓的拼音)
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作者: gianni (giovanni80) 看板: Eng-Class
標題: Re: [問題] Middle name
時間: Thu Aug 26 05:59:06 2004
1. 因為他爸媽高興. 這很有可能是家族裡有不少first name一樣的, 這樣比較好區分.
也有的是為了紀念家裡哪個人所以把他名字擺在middle name. 多半受洗的名字是用
first name的, 所以first name才會又稱為christian name.
2. 除非說你要把你"正式名稱"改掉, 不然這個Ben只是當作別稱. 就像是說有人叫
Benjamin, 會在一些地方告訴別人說他自己喜歡別人叫他Ben. 如果你要去政府機關改名,
那我建議你把Ben擺在first name, 本來的中文名擺middle name, 因為一般人是不看
middle name的. 如果你把Ben改成middle name,不清楚的人還是會叫你中文譯音.
如果你只是在台灣的護照上加個名字, 那個只是別稱, 和你全名沒有關係.
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