[爆卦]Mandated by是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Mandated by鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Mandated by這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 mandated產品中有40篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, MERDEKA? I think it's a lot better to say, "Selamat Hari Kebangsaan" rather than "Selamat Hari Merdeka". Merdeka connotes a freedom, and we're not re...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,430的網紅伊森說 Ethan Talks,也在其Youtube影片中提到,美國選舉在即,勞工放幾天假也成為關注焦點,來看今天的新聞原文。 President Obama brought new attention to paid leave when he pointed out that the U.S. is the only advanced economy tha...

mandated 在 R O Z Z ™ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 14:51:39

MERDEKA? It's a lot better to say, "Selamat Hari Kebangsaan" rather than, "Selamat Hari Merdeka," isn't it? Merdeka connotes a freedom, and we're not...

mandated 在 Shahrol Azizie Azmi Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-02 11:49:09

Gencatan politik dulu buat masa ini.Fokus UTAMA wajib utk bantu rakyat yg hari ini yg sangat tersepit akibat pandemik covid19 ini.Rakyat sedang memerh...

mandated 在 Malaysianparenting.com Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-03 10:57:26

Today Covid cases has hike up to 9000. And probably the numbers may go up if we are careless. To be safe, I am getting all the surface that we use to ...

  • mandated 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-30 06:09:18
    有 25 人按讚


    I think it's a lot better to say, "Selamat Hari Kebangsaan" rather than "Selamat Hari Merdeka". Merdeka connotes a freedom, and we're not really free, are we? I still think Malaysia is a great country, and I'm very thankful to be a part of it. But I do not delude myself into thinking that any of us living here are truly free.

    I think most of us are still very frightened to speak out against the myriad injustices that occur right before our eyes, every day.

    To add, there is a culture of divisiveness amongst the races in this country that nobody wants to address. The worst thing about it all, is that the education system we currently have, fosters it.

    In 2021, when advanced societies are denouncing notions like 'superior race' and 'the right (religious) way of life', our political parties inch closer to primitive dogma, and those opposing it can't say anything against it, because it's all cloaked under that big untouchable subject called "religion".

    What is wrong with us? Where is our voice? We can't simply acquiesce, just because somebody said, "God mandated it." Over history, God has mandated A LOT of reprehensible acts. Once upon a time, that same God even mandated owning slaves. Atrocities like the Holocaust, the Spanish Inquisition and mistreatment and displacement of the Rohingyas were all committed in the name of God.

    People should not be afraid to raise their voices and question the authorities, when their rights are being trampled on. More importantly, they should feel compelled to raise their voices against the authorities, when the rights of others are being trespassed on. It is so crucial for us to speak up for them, because these people, these 'others'... they may not have a voice to stand up for themselves.

    When we are free to do that, THAT'S when we can say we have attained freedom. That is when we are merdeka.

    So until we achieve that, I will wish you Selamat Hari Kebangsaan instead.💜


  • mandated 在 學校沒教的英語聽力 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-24 20:30:58
    有 30 人按讚

    Ep. 35 Weekly Quiz 1
    1. Some companies have _____ all their employees to be ____ before going back to work.
    A. mandated, vaccinated
    B. mandates, vaccine
    C. mandate, vaccinate


    Podcasts app: https://enlistening.soci.vip/

  • mandated 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-13 20:37:45
    有 26,502 人按讚

    Saya ingin memberi pandangan dan nasihat yang ikhlas kepada semua ahli politik di Johor ataupun mana-mana. Anda harus memberikan keutamaan kepada krisis kesihatan dan krisis ekonomi yang kini berada di tahap yang amat membimbangkan. Sekarang bukan masa untuk berpolitik.

    Anda semua dipilih oleh rakyat untuk berkhidmat demi rakyat dan negara. Tolonglah berikan tumpuan untuk melaksanakan tanggungjawab yang telah diamanahkan dan cuba sedaya boleh untuk memerangi pandemik ini.

    Ketepikan segala perbezaan politik, lakukan gencatan politik buat sementara ini dan berikan tumpuan sepenuhnya kepada Rakyat. Ini adalah masa untuk berkhidmat dan membantu Rakyat.

    DYAM Mejar Jeneral Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Tunku Mahkota Johor


    I would like to offer my sincere view and advice to all politicians in Johor or anywhere else. You should focus your priorities on the health crisis and the economic crisis that are currently at alarming levels. This is not the time for politicking.

    All of you have been selected by the people to serve the people and country. Please focus on carrying out your mandated responsibilities and do your best to overcome this pandemic.

    Put aside all political differences, have a political ceasefire for the time being and focus entirely on the Rakyat. Now is the time to serve and help the Rakyat.

    HRH Major General Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Crown Prince of Johor

  • mandated 在 伊森說 Ethan Talks Youtube 的精選貼文

    2016-05-26 08:00:00

    President Obama brought new attention to paid leave when he pointed out that the U.S. is the only advanced economy that doesn't mandate paid sick or maternity leave for its workers.


    leave 假期
    paid leave 有薪假
    unpaid leave 無薪假
    sick leave 病假
    personal leave 事假
    maternity leave 產假

    Tom is on sick leave.
    I should call in sick tomorrow.

    mandate 強制
    Businesses are against government-mandated wage increases.

    economy 經濟、經濟體
    Taiwan’s economy is expected to remain flat in 2016.

