

在 magnanimity產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 今天是7/4! 是美國🇺🇸的國慶日,也是Independence Day, 難怪今天電影台紛紛在播ID4 「星際終結者」和第二集ID4 Resurgence 「星際重生」! 你們有看過嗎? 外星人👽 攻打地球🌍 ?植入病毒🦠?超勇猛美國總統?超聰明科學家👨‍🔬?反攻外星人母船🛸 ? 老實說,我還...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5,580的網紅Anthe Au Yeung,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#每月最愛 #愛用品 #愛用彩妝 #口罩妝 1:24 Channel 底妝 Chanel le blanc Channel Les Beiges water fresh tint Channel Le Blanc tone-up easy touch 6:...

magnanimity 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-06 05:58:15

今天是7/4! 是美國🇺🇸的國慶日,也是Independence Day, 難怪今天電影台紛紛在播ID4 「星際終結者」和第二集ID4 Resurgence 「星際重生」! 你們有看過嗎? 外星人👽 攻打地球🌍 ?植入病毒🦠?超勇猛美國總統?超聰明科學家👨‍🔬?反攻外星人母船🛸 ? 老實說,我還...

magnanimity 在 Coach ET 1977 ★ 松江南京天海紫瓊仙姑 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-10 22:32:50

- ⋯⋯得天獨厚的年輕人,沒有藉口不努力讓所有德行臻於完美。如果能達成這一點,他們就值得亞里斯多德所說的終極榮譽——被視為「培養出偉大的靈魂」(megalopsychos, 這是希臘文的「大」加上「靈魂」或「精神」所組成的字)。最接近的英文字是從拉丁文衍生而來,也就是「magnanimity」(氣度...

  • magnanimity 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-04 22:21:37
    有 63 人按讚

    是美國🇺🇸的國慶日,也是Independence Day,
    難怪今天電影台紛紛在播ID4 「星際終結者」和第二集ID4 Resurgence 「星際重生」!

    外星人👽 攻打地球🌍 ?植入病毒🦠?超勇猛美國總統?超聰明科學家👨‍🔬?反攻外星人母船🛸 ?

    說到Independence Day,
    就會想到「獨立宣言 The Declaration of Independence」,
    🇺🇸 俐媽英文教室—獨立宣言篇:
    📰 course (n.) (歷史/事件)歷程
    📰 entitle (v.) 使有權利/資格
    📰 All men are created equal. 人生而平等。
    📰 be endowed with... 被賦予⋯
    📰 liberty (n.) 自由
    🗽 the Statue of Liberty 自由女神
    📰 secure (v.) 保障;努力而獲得
    📰 derive (v.) 起源於
    📰 consent (n.)(v.) 同意
    📰 alter (v.) 改變
    📰 abolish (v.) 廢除
    📰 principle (n.) 原則
    📰 transient (a.) 短暫的
    📰 be accustomed to N/Ving 適應⋯
    📰 usurpation (n.) 篡奪;侵佔
    📰 despotism (n.) 專制獨裁
    📰 colony (n.) 殖民地
    📰 constrain (v.) 限制🚫
    📰 tyranny (n.) 暴政
    📰 candid (a.) 誠實的
    📰 forbid (v.) 禁止
    📰 suspend (v.) 擱置;暫停
    📰 neglect (v.) 忽略
    📰 district (n.) (行政)區
    📰 legislative (a.) 立法的
    📰 depository (n.) 受託者
    📰 comply with N 遵守
    📰 invasion (n.) 入侵
    📰 annihilation (n.) 消滅
    📰 convulsion (n.) 災變;動亂
    📰 appropriation (n.) 分配
    📰 tenure (n.) 任期
    📰 jurisdiction (n.) 管轄權
    📰 deprive sb of sth 剝奪⋯人的⋯
    📰 arbitrary (a.) 專斷的
    📰 plunder (v.) 竊取
    📰 ravage (v.) 破壞;蹂躪
    📰 mercenary (n.) 傭兵
    📰 petition (n.) 陳情
    📰 magnanimity (n.) 雅量
    📰 consanguinity (n.) 血緣關係
    📰 assemble (v.) 聚集
    📰 pledge (v.) 保證
    📰 sacred (a.) 神聖的
    如The Patriot 「決戰時刻」、National Treasure 「國家寶藏」、Lincoln 「林肯」、Born on 4th July 「七月四日誕生」⋯⋯


    📰 獨立宣言中英文對照:


  • magnanimity 在 Katy Beauty Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-05-14 16:30:26
    有 24 人按讚




    ❶ intergalactic 璀璨星河汽泡彈
    ❷ eau roma water 羅馬許願池爽膚水
    ❸ mask of magnanimity 薄荷清爽面膜
    ❹ outback mate 尤加利香薰皂
    ❺ new shampoo bar 再新洗髮皂

    🎁thanks @lushhk

  • magnanimity 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-01-23 04:17:08
    有 146 人按讚

    41st Learning Session Recap: A Wonderful Year of Abundance
    (English version below)




    師父說出正確答案後,便說當大家看到一位侍應生有這樣的特徵時,最好就不要跟他點菜,因為祇會受氣。 眾人笑著點頭。


    春天,是大地復甦的季節。夏天,是百花爭豔的時候。在秋天,人會比較容易憂愁, 而在冬天, 會不想做工。










    六、身體裡也會出現的四季, 如何能夠看出,及對個人運程的影響?






















    Master Dai Hu held the 1st Learning Session of 2018 on 6th January 2018, imparting knowledge on how to preserve and build up our energy during the Chinese New Year period, in order to enjoy a successful year ahead.

    As the session commenced, after everyone had ordered their dinner, Master Dai Hu asked the participants if they had noticed any special facial feature of the waiter taking their orders.

    Every participant gave their answers, all of which were incorrect.

    Master Dai Hu told them the correct observation, and recommended the participants to best avoid waiters with such facial feature, so as not to feel frustrated. Everyone laughed and nodded their heads.

    Following that, Master asked everybody to give themselves some appaluse, citing that that day was a hugely auspicious day in 2018 for them.

    Spring is the time of renewal for the Earth. Summer is the time where all flowers bloom. In the Autumn, people becomes moody easily, and in Winter, we becomes lazy to work.

    Someone asked: "Doesn't that make us similar to animals?"

    Master laugh: "When Man does not eliminate his desires, how is he different from animals?"


    Learning Session Highlights:

    1. The start of every year is the time when we can "take in tonic" for our personal luck.

    2. What is the significance of greeting Master Dai Hu with your palms together?

    3. "It is rare that you get to meet me. Why are you pulling such a long face?" Master Dai Hu asked one lady participant.

    4. Filial piety does not only mean providing monthly allowances to your parents, but to put on a genuine smile every time you see them.

    5. Avoid doing these 3 things during the Chinese New Year.

    6. There are also four seasons in your body. How can you tell, and what are their effects on your own fortunes?

    7. Which are the mandatory Chinese New Year dishes?

    8. Which are the 7 Chinese New Year dishes, that will boost the fortunes of your family members?

    9. Is it auspicious (or otherwise) to display a Eight Treasure Box at home during Chinese New Year?

    10. Which beverages are mandatory during the Chinese New Year period?

    11. How do you welcome the Gods of Wealth, Happiness, Fortune, and Nobility, into your home, and make Them stay for a while longer?

    12. Why is it inauspicious to eat sitting at low levels?

    13. Avoid these foods on Chinese New Year's Eve, if you wish for success and fame.

    14. What is the best shape for the dining table?

    15. The position of the dining table in this house is the CAUSE of the frequent quarrels and misfortunes.

    16. Master Dai Hu illustrated with an example, how a certain position in a house can adversely affect the health of its occupants.

    In the midst of the session, Master Dai Hu noticed that one participant stacked up all the plates in front of her.

    Master spoke, "I can tell what obstacles you are facing now, from the way you stacked and arranged those empty plates in front of you.

    There are plenty of space in front of you, and you should afford yourself more space. We should not set up ourselves for a dead end road in life."

    No one would sympathize with you if you trap yourself in a dead corner. Abundance will not come knocking.

    One participant sent an apology SMS to Master to apologise for her lack of manners towards him on a previous occasion. Master reminded her that manners are important. Apology should be conveyed at least with a personal phone call, and not via a text message. Furthermore, most people, including her, were aware that Master Dai Hu did not respond to SMS. All communication via the Internet is handled by his disciple.

    Master explained that this behaviour showed that she had a strong attachment to self, and a lack of sincerity. Therefore, in her daily life, she must have made her family members feel uncomfortable, just that no one told her so.

    Through an analysis of their Bazi, Master was able to tell that they had female health problems. He further reminded them on how to take care of their female health, in order to avoid any form of bloodshed.

    Master Dai Hu later brought everyone to the new Terminal 4 of Changi Airport. He said that the new terminal had very auspicious energies. Master pointed out the various Feng Shui applications at the new terminal as they strolled about, making it a very beneficial trip for all.

    Master reminded them that Feng Shui is still confined to this material world, and it can help one on the road of spiritual practice. For example, a spiritual practitioner can make use of Feng Shui to improve his cultivation environment, helping him attain incredible progress in his meditation. However, Feng Shui will not lead one to Enlightenment.

    There is bound to be sadness in life, thus we should all look at the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas often, to learn Their magnanimity and ease.

    Looking at yourself excessively will turn you into a narcissistic person, while looking at your spouse will turn you into an "Angry Bird" (laughter from all). So, it is better to look at the Buddhas and the Bodhisattvas. Another alternative is to visit the Facebook page of Master Dai Hu, and be happy looking at his photos, while learning wisdom at the same time!


