[爆卦]LAVA for the night是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇LAVA for the night鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在LAVA for the night這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者Beandou (豆豆)看板popmusic標題[推薦] OZI - LAVA!時間Fri Ju...




I ain't even gonna lie
Been thinkin bout you all the time
Ever since that Friday night, tell me
if you got me on your mind? Oh
Something bout u makes me go
hands off the wheel, bout to lose control
f* the tensions, they don't gotta know
You gotta know
It' going down

Yeah it's going down
Oh it's going down
When I come around Come around baby

Say the word I'll make the drive
Just one night I'll make you mine
I'll be there, just give me a place and time
Girl let me be your lava
Just for the night LAVA!
Just for the night LAVA!
Just for the night

I won't let you sleep alone tonight
Take the night shift, 9pm to 5
Get naked drop em clothes on the bed side
Now let me get a taste of what you taste like Look
I dont need two,Cuz you the one
We got chemistry Cohesion bond
I told you babe I dont plan on staying long
I'll bounce when I'm done
Im gone Issa a hit and run

Yeah it's going down
Oh it's going down
When I come around Come around baby

Say the word I'll make the drive
Just one night I'll make you mine
I'll be there, just give me a place and time
Girl let me be your lava
Just for the night LAVA!
Just for the night LAVA!
Just for the night

It don't gotta be serious
Just admit it yeah you only want it for the night
You just gotta hit my phone later on and I
I'll go home In the morning Oh oh oh
Cause you know as soon as I'm there
Im gonna be lovin ya
I know you feel me oh oh oh

Say the word I'll make the drive
Just one night I'll make you mine
I'll be there, just give me a place and time
Girl let me be your lava
Just for the night LAVA!
Just for the night LAVA!
Just for the nigh




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/popmusic/M.1595542992.A.F17.html
choosin: 歌還不錯 MV很有質感07/24 09:36
※ 編輯: Beandou ( 臺灣), 07/24/2020 09:51:02
playthesong: 這mv很棒 07/24 15:41
erikaray: 超chill 08/04 22:05
arue: 推推(魔人 10/09 12:07

