

在 ksitigarbha產品中有24篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過52的網紅taiwan_gods,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 地藏王菩薩 KSITIGARBHA (乞叉底蘗婆)-新莊天隍宮 新莊天隍宮:主祀吳府千歲/五府千歲 新北市新莊區中榮街122巷16號6樓 #地藏王菩薩 #地藏菩萨 #地藏菩薩 #神明#神像#神像欣賞 #神像紀錄 #神像攝影 #神像賞析 #神像藝術 #神像系列 #神像拍攝 #佛#佛祖#菩薩#新莊#...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,480的網紅玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu,也在其Youtube影片中提到,(English version below) 今天,2018年9月9日,農曆七月三十日,就是隔幾年才能夠見到的「南無大願地藏王菩薩」的聖誕。 吾虔心地告訴妳你們,外面的傳說是不確實的。「南無大願地藏王菩薩」確實是幽冥教主,更是一位大菩薩,所以就會有很多的護法金剛圍繞著祂。祂在地獄境界裡,有祂的...

  • ksitigarbha 在 taiwan_gods Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-01-02 20:11:39
    有 0 人按讚

    地藏王菩薩 KSITIGARBHA (乞叉底蘗婆)-新莊天隍宮
    #地藏王菩薩 #地藏菩萨 #地藏菩薩 #神明#神像#神像欣賞 #神像紀錄 #神像攝影 #神像賞析 #神像藝術 #神像系列 #神像拍攝 #佛#佛祖#菩薩#新莊#天隍宮#宗教#信仰#文化#taiwan_gods#taiwan#god#gods#culture#religion#art

  • ksitigarbha 在 Melissa 翁昕瑩 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-02 14:32:56
    有 25 人按讚

    2020年雖然因為大環境的影響很多部舞台劇都延後了,但是很慶幸收到 @asiamusicalproduction 的邀請參與了地藏菩薩音樂劇短片的拍攝。

    從小每一次看到地藏王菩薩或聊到地藏王菩薩都會很害怕,因為我自小對生死離別看得非常重,而我們都說地藏王菩薩是掌管生死輪迴和鬼魂論道的。恰巧,今年误打误撞地走上了灵性的道路,都在和个案说要放下,不要执着。正巧给了我当头一棒。或许就如地藏王菩萨之光目女的故事一样 - 生离死别不能避免但能在活着的时候尽孝心尽孝道做福报,便是最幸福不过的一件事了 ❤️



  • ksitigarbha 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-10-08 23:30:46
    有 4,499 人按讚

    週四半夜場!廣結善緣的祕密法! ❤️
    (別的Youtubers正常時間上片,而我就是這種夜貓時間 😇)

    Thursday Midnight Show!
    The Simple Secret to Forming Mass Positive Affinities! ❤️
    (Other Youtubers upload at normal human hours. My channel seems to only do midnight premieres... 😇)




    * Correction: The Sutra of the Fundamental Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva states that virtuous deeds done on the deceased people's behalf, only one-seventh of the merit will benefit the deceased. Sixth-seventh of the merits will benefit the doer, and not the 3:7 ratio I spoke in the video.

  • ksitigarbha 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-09-09 14:21:45

    (English version below)









    Today, 9 September 2018, also the 30th day in the 7th Lunar Month, is the Holy Birthday of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva (Namo Di Zang Wang Pu Sa) which occurs every few years.

    Please hear my sincere words that the rumours you heard are unfounded. The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is indeed the Lord of the Netherworld, but also a Great Bodhisattva surrounded by many Dharma Protectors. His Pure Land, named Cui Wei Pure Land, is in the Netherworld

    According to the Scriptures, anyone who enshrine the statue of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva at Home will receive protection against malevolent spirits and reap the 10 merits:

    If you do not wish to be born as a woman in your next life, you can pay respect and make offerings to His statue.

    You enjoy peaceful sleep, good appearance, protection against theft, etc.

    Thus everyone can perform this auspicious recitation today. First, please bath yourself and observe vegetarian diet if possible. Seat yourself comfortably on the living room sofa or in front of the altar in straight posture and with your palms together. Recite “Namo Di Zang Wang Pu Sa” 7 times or 21, 49, 108 times. You will reap more merits if you recite a higher number. After the recitation, you may dedicate the merits generated to yourself, your family and parents, or another person who needed help, such as a patient in the hospital. The recipient will receive great empowerment and blessings.

    I wish for everyone auspicious tidings.


  • ksitigarbha 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2015-09-12 04:23:16

    南無地藏王菩薩摩訶薩聖號 - 21遍
    Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva - 21 times

    農曆七月三十日 (12 September 2015) 是南無大願地藏王菩薩的聖誕。在這一天恭念祂的洪名、持祂心咒或唸《地藏菩薩本願經》,等等,功德加倍,有不可思議的力量!



    The 30th day of the Seventh Lunar Month (12 September 2015) is the holy birthday of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva. If you recite His name, His mantra or The Sutra of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Fundamental Vows, merits are multiplied and immense Dharma power is generated!

    On His birthday, you can do this at home: Take out the pictorial card of the Bodhisattva (if you have one), take a bath and observe the vegetarian precept, or at least, wash your face and gargle your mouth. After which you can respectfully recite the name of Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, "南無地藏王菩薩 (Namo Ti Zang Wang Pu Sa)" or "南無地藏王菩薩摩訶薩" (Namo Ti Zang Wang Pu Sa Mo He Sa), for a total of 1080 times or at least 108 times, and dedicate the merits to your ancestors and deceased relatives for a swift rebirth in the Pureland or for yourself. If your friends or relatives are ill or hospitalized, dedicate the merits to them, praying for recovery from the illnesses or improvement in the condition and be discharged from the hospital.

    (Please refrain from doing the chanting on your bed.)

    Background music: KennieMusicLovers


    WEBSITE: http://www.masterdaihu.com
    FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/masterdaihu
    INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/masterdaihu

