[爆卦]Knowledgeable of是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Knowledgeable of鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Knowledgeable of這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 knowledgeable產品中有264篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, LÒNG TÔN KÍNH PHẬT VÔ BIÊN (Boundless homage to Buddha - English version below) “ … Chúng ta hãy lễ kính Phật với tất cả lòng biết ơn, tôn kính. Nếu...

 同時也有24部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過371的網紅starringsarahchang,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Our stay at Ying Lun postpartum center 我們在英倫產後護理之家的日子 For my second child, I choose to stay at Ying Lun Postpartum Care. I was blown away by the amaz...

knowledgeable 在 Lufya Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 11:36:46

Berangan pinggang 24! 😵‍💫 Yes! I am super chubby now!!😭 Malas nak edit gambar kasi kecik lagi so here we go.. Since PKP i tak keluar rumah so asyik k...

knowledgeable 在 A PASSIONATE FOODIE Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-17 14:49:11

You’ve probably read the posts. In varying degrees of bluntness, people have expressed their less-than-satisfied experience at the final phase of the ...

  • knowledgeable 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-27 20:11:48
    有 393 人按讚

    (Boundless homage to Buddha - English version below)

    “ … Chúng ta hãy lễ kính Phật với tất cả lòng biết ơn, tôn kính. Nếu được như vậy thì phước của ta sẽ tăng lên từng ngày, nghiệp xưa mỏng dần và tội lỗi cũng được bớt đi. Ở những kiếp xưa mình có thể đã gây nên nhiều tội, nay mình chuộc lại chỉ bằng lòng tôn kính Phật, bằng sự lễ kính mỗi ngày khiến nghiệp xưa mỗi lúc mỏng dần và phước đức sẽ ngày càng thêm phát triển.

    Và khi phước đã tăng thì đời sống sẽ trở nên dễ chịu, thoải mái, tốt đẹp hơn. Chúng ta nhanh chóng có thêm trí tuệ để biết được lỗi của mình, việc sai biết sai, việc đúng biết đúng. Mình làm việc gì cũng dễ đúng hơn, dung mạo đẹp dần, và uy đức sẽ ngày thêm lớn mạnh. Những lời mình nói sẽ được người quý trọng, phiền não trong tâm cũng dễ được kiểm soát, dù sinh cõi giới nào thì cũng là cõi Phật, dễ gặp Phật Pháp và thực hành theo Phật Pháp. Một khi trong lòng đã đầy ắp lòng tôn kính Phật, ma không dám nhập và quỷ thần cũng không dám tác động vào tâm. Công đức lễ kính Phật vì thế thật lớn lao, giúp ta an ổn một đời tu hành tinh tấn.

    Hãy nhớ rằng: điều rất căn bản trong sự tu hành chính là lòng tôn kính Phật. Chúng ta phải làm sao để hiểu được Phật sâu sắc và yêu kính Người vô hạn.
    Chỉ cần yêu kính Phật thôi, để dù sống hay chết chúng ta cũng không màng điều gì khác nữa.

    Chỉ cần yêu kính Phật thôi, chúng ta sẽ có được hết tất cả, từ tình thương yêu con người cho đến muôn loài, vạn vật …”
    Nam Mô Bổn Sư Thích Ca Mâu Ni Phật!
    (Trích sách “Lòng tôn kính Phật vô biên” Trang 61, 62 - congtyphapquang.com)

    “ … Every day, we should kneel in front of Buddha with our most reverence for Him. If we can do so, we would be able to have more blessings. The more blessings we have, the less bad karma for us would be. We would have committed sins in our past lives, and we could only lessen our bad karma, only when we pay homage to Buddha and kneel in front of Buddha every day.

    And when we are blessed, our life would become more pleasant. We would be more knowledgeable to be aware of our mistakes, errors as well as the wrong and the right. With that intelligence, we would be able to know what is the right thing to do. We would be respected by others. Our advice for others would be appreciated. We could also easily control our mind and emotion. Regardless of what we do, we would also head towards Buddha to practice Dharma. Once we have the unequivocally reverence for Buddha, no evil spirits would be able to influence us. Therefore, our reverence for Buddha would be the most important factor in helping us strengthen our minds and improve our cultivation.

    Please remember that: Having boundless homage for Buddha is the most basic but important obligation in cultivation. We must do everything in our power to understand Buddhism principles and have reverence for Buddha boundlessly and infinitely.

    Only when we achieve that level of understanding about Buddha and having the boundless homage for Him.

    And only when we achieve the above, we would be able to love all beings, love our country unconditionally and infinitely
    Namo Shakyamuni Buddha! …”
    (Quoting from 61st - 62nd page of book “Boundless homage to Buddha” – www.congtyphapquang.com)”

    Nguồn: https://www.facebook.com/255090418336957/posts/682513702261291/?d=n

  • knowledgeable 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-15 15:40:55
    有 435 人按讚

    Jasmine loves to write her own music and express her feelings. This song called No Man Could, is very special as she wrote about my father. He was someone who truly loved life. The last video was a clip when we walked 2 hours hiking up and down mountains in the dark, to Jasmine’s campsite to deliver her emergency needs and then 2 hours back, he felt the area was not safe for her, so the next morning he went again to pick her up. No matter how busy he was, he would drop it immediately for our needs. He was always the first one to offer rides, accompany us to doctors appointments etc. He was always our emergency contact. My father lived life to the fullest, most knowledgeable, and righteous man. He was always genuine and humble. Everyone who met him loved him. He had a shy personality but was never shy to show his love for us.

    Papi. We miss you every single day.

    Thank you Nui for this beautiful song and video ❤️

    Repost @jasmineyenofficial

  • knowledgeable 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-15 00:13:15
    有 35 人按讚

    Nurul Jannah Jamian was one of the cheerful lot who attended my last physical Thermomix Cooking demos before the MCO 3.0 was implemented and now… she’s not just a customer … but a knowledgeable Sales Advisor under Team D'varomas TM6.

    I've watched her bloom as she continues to say YES to all tasks and assignments for the group.

    Take today as an example.

    I found out a few days ago thats she attended a short "Phone Photography Course" and I asked her if she is ok to share her tips to the team this evening.

    With no hesitation, she said “InshaAllah yes”

    I notice those who are givers and sharers … yang suka volunteer buat kerja and tak putus asa when shit hits the fan…are the resilient lot who succeeds in life.

    Some of you asked me where I got my personalised D’Varomas apron from.

    We ordered from her lah. Elok dia buat. Now we are in the midst of finalising more plans for 2022.

    I really can’t wait to share more good news with you all. But till that happens? Enjoy the updates of food and more over this page.

    Thanks for being part of D’VAROMAS my darling Jannah and Prof Jimi.

  • knowledgeable 在 starringsarahchang Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-26 21:58:54

    Our stay at Ying Lun postpartum center

    For my second child, I choose to stay at Ying Lun Postpartum Care. I was blown away by the amazing service and amenities there! For my second child, I thought that I would be pretty set in terms of knowing how to take care of the newborn baby, but I was pleasantly surprised that I really learned a lot during my stay at Ying Lun. While the services are mainly for mother and the newborn, when my eldest arrived to the postpartum center to visit with a scar on her forehead the nurses immediately came to help check and redress her wound. It was so sweet!
    我的第二胎,我選擇留在 英倫產後護理之家 。我被他們的服務和設施驚艷到!我認為我會在如何照顧新生兒方面做得很好,因爲這是我的第二胎,但是我很高興我在這裡學到了很多東西。雖然主要為媽媽們和新生兒提供服務,但是當我的大女兒來這探望我時,額頭上有小傷口,護士立即來幫助我們檢查傷口,真是太窩心了!
    My favorites things about Ying Lun were:
    1. The food! I didn't get sick of the meals there, and they were so delicious I pretty much finished all of them. As a breastfeeding mom, I finished the breakfast, lunch, dinner, and three snacks they provided.
    2. The nurses! The nurses at Ying Lun were extremely knowledgeable, accommodating and generally concerned for your well-being. I could tell they really went out of their way to take care of the babies and even talk to them show them love in the nursery.
    3. The amenities! I loved the luxurious decor, the comfy slippers they provided, the playroom for my eldest daughter, the photo studio @A Plus 專業攝影 , the spa package, the gym and even the coffee in the lobby. It was delicious!
    3.設施非常的豪華!裝飾也很漂亮,我超喜歡他們提供的舒適拖鞋,大女兒常常流連忘返的遊戲室,A Plus 專業攝影 ,Spa,健身房,甚至是大廳提供的咖啡都很美味!
    I guess it's hard to list my favorite things considering I liked everything about it! Check out our video below!
    Thanks so much Yinglun for your kindness and warmth. It was exactly my family and I needed! ❤ ❤
    If you want to hear more about our experience you can also tune in my latest Kungfu Momma Show podcast about it!
    Anchor: https://cutt.ly/UbMJPge

  • knowledgeable 在 Ghib Ojisan Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-09 19:45:40

    My wife and I purchased a resale HDB flat for around 500,000 Singapore dollars. It's been 2 months since we moved in, and I thought I should share some of my thoughts and opinions. How is it like living in a public housing in one of world's most expensive country?

    Big thanks to Steigen for making my life easier! Book your FREE site measurement for Steigen systems here: https://bit.ly/3dFmtPZ
    Quote GHIB80 to enjoy $80 off all Steigen systems. Valid until 9th July 2021.
    Check out all the models from their website: https://www.steigen.com.sg/

    You can also go to their showroom to check out all the models. I went down too and the staffs were knowledgeable and kind. https://goo.gl/maps/us2JqmcZkYDY3Bgp6

    00:00 Intro
    00:15 I feel blessed
    00:38 I learned more about the locals
    01:00 Extremely convenient
    01:46 Flats are spacious than Tokyo
    02:20 Housework is so tedious
    04:03 Insects everywhere
    04:54 Not much interactions with neighbors
    05:44 I learned Singapore is not THAT strict
    06:22 Super convenient delivery
    06:36 Abundance of greenery
    07:05 Convenient public transportation
    07:43 Conclusion

    Follow me on social medias!
    ?Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ghibli_ojisan/
    ?Twitter https://twitter.com/ghibli_ojisan

    ?Subscribe: http://urx3.nu/HTUJ
    ?Watch - Perhaps the Best Meal I had in Singapore:https://youtu.be/d46br1oiYaE

    ?Merch Links(アパレル):
    SE Asia | https://ghib-ojisan.secure-decoration.com/shop/category/T-Shirt?c=2731898
    Japan | https://suzuri.jp/ghib-ojisan
    USA & EU | https://teespring.com/stores/ghib-ojisan

    Business Enquiries
    ✉️[email protected]
    You are welcome to send fan mails but I may not be able to respond to all of them. But I immensely appreciate your support. Thank you!

    #Singapore #HDB #Steigen

  • knowledgeable 在 Beixin & Robin Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-05-01 21:00:16

    When we read about Beyond Expeditions' Back-to-Basics: Woodcraft & Bushcraft Experience, we knew we had to sign ourselves up!

    The day started with a short boat ride to Pulau Ubin, an island off eastern Singapore, where we spent a rejuvenating day away from civilisation. We picked up basic bushcraft (wilderness survival skills) from the super knowledgeable Scott, took turns to saw and chop fallen firewood, learnt some woodcraft from the talented Frederick, and made ourselves a scrumptious aglio olio lunch over open fire.

    What a day it was, and what a workout too! We had such a good time we frankly didn't even stop to check our phone once.

    A big thank you to Beyond Expeditions for the hospitality, and Seek Sophie for organising this experience.

    Wanna try your hand at Bushcraft & Woodcraft too?

    Sign up with Beyond Expeditions:

    Or book the experience through Seek Sophie:

    Shawne Koh - https://www.youtube.com/user/shawneydepp

    May our videos be a form of escapism and source of zen for you, and encourage you to appreciate the little, simple things in life. Even in these turbulent times, there is still much beauty in this world if we keep our hearts and minds open.



    x Connect with Us
    Instagram - https://instagram.com/beixinandrobin
    Beixin's instagram - https://instagram.com/beixin
    Robin's instagram - https://instagram.com/robinlamhj
    Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/beixinandrobin

    x Gear List:
    Main Camera - Canon EOS R
    Main Lens - Canon RF 28-70mm f2
    Tele Lens - Canon RF 70-200mm f2.8
    Mic - Rode Videomic Pro NTG
    Drone - DJI Mavic 2 Pro

    x Music
    Artlist - https://artlist.io/Robin-58878
    (Get 2 months free)

    x Software
    Adobe Premiere Pro

    Contact us at hello@beixinandrobin.com.

