

在 knowing產品中有4804篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Cheekiemonkies,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Can luncheon meat NOT be luncheon meat but still be tasty? The monkies did a taste test for yumeat™ Plant-based Luncheon without knowing beforehand th...

 同時也有489部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅椅子樂團 The Chairs,也在其Youtube影片中提到,窗外一遍又一遍重複的風景 總是好奇卻不夠勇敢看清 明知見一面少一面是時間的真理 卻又必須分離 宇宙會趨向混亂直到死亡 我努力抓住那把秩序的槳 但願能夠穩定地和你在這小路上 划出一道光 當終於雙手合十臣服於時代的巨浪 原來信仰是如此脆弱且易逝的呀 可親愛的你卻從未真正地離開我身旁 我們的地方是如此...

knowing 在 Mag Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 12:03:35

Tomorrow we’ll be celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary, and 12 years of us. And I just want to reflect on this. No marriage is a walk in the park...

  • knowing 在 Cheekiemonkies Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-29 19:43:16
    有 23 人按讚

    Can luncheon meat NOT be luncheon meat but still be tasty? The monkies did a taste test for yumeat™ Plant-based Luncheon without knowing beforehand that it is 100% plant-based but made to look, cook and taste just like meat. Watch the video for their reactions!

    Researched and Developed in Singapore, yumeat™ Plant-based Luncheon is formulated from a selection of non-GMO soy beans and contains no preservatives, no MSG, no antibiotics and is naturally cholesterol-free, which makes it a much healthier option compared to actual luncheon meat.

    And it is just as yummy too! I whipped up two recipes using yumeat™ Plant-based Luncheon - Cheesy Luncheon Muffins & Luncheon Kimchi Potato Pancake - and the result? Let's just say there were no leftovers!

    All yumeat™ products are ready-to-eat from the get-go with no cooking required. yumeat™ Plant-based Luncheon comes in both 190g and 360g versions, and there's a yumeat™ Plant-based Minced Meat with Bean Paste version too. Great for serving with noodles, porridge or rice! Available at selected NTUC FairPrice stores.

    For more information, visit https://yumeat.com

  • knowing 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-29 07:41:09
    有 657 人按讚

    I had prepared this profile picture for a job that fell through. Though my heart was crushed, I’ve learnt that there’s always a reason behind things - though I was highly disappointed, I put faith in HIM knowing HE knows best.

    There was a time I felt just as saddened and it took me a week to get over “losing” a glossy gig.

    At the 11th hour, global decided to not proceed and I was already in the midst of preparing for the one month shoot down south.

    The worst part was not understanding why they changed their minds.

    As I was moping about, another offer propped up last minute and in that period I was supposed to film the series? I was enjoying Hawai’i with @joelebosi instead.

    It was a perfect 50th birthday celebration as we celebrated it at the 50th State of The United States of America.

    Had I been in that previous shoot, I would have not had the opportunity to explore a place which Azmi had always wanted to take me to relive his childhood watching … yes … you guessed it … HAWAII 5-0!

    (Jeng jeng jeng jeng jeng jeng … jeng jeng jeng jeng jenggggg)

    Back to present times.

    I still don’t know why God put a spanner in the wheels for this job; but what I DO know is … something is baking … brewing … and I can’t wait to share more with all of you.

    @anisariantiariffin … are you ready partner?

    When you think of Thermomix … Think of @dvaromastm6 💞!

    P/s: I like my DVA apron. Simple and neat.


  • knowing 在 Milena Nguyen Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-28 14:00:08
    有 6 人按讚


    “You have to help me quit my job!”

    Even though the video was off, I could tell from Bria’s voice that she was in tears. This strong woman couldn’t keep herself together anymore.

    “You’re experiencing strong emotions now. That’s very natural,” I said, wanting to help her feel safe and accepted.

    After all, Bria and I had only met once in an event. Knowing that I was a coach, she reached out the next day to see if I could help.

    If there’s anything I’ve learned from my years of coaching, it’s that when the person is emotional, you need to give them the space to feel it.

    So as Bria sobbed, I stayed silent, feeling my belly rise and fall with each breath. After a short while, I could sense that her wave of emotion had passed.

    “Shall we take one long easy breath together?” I asked.

    I heard her breathing with me. I paused, allowing Bria the time to settle, then I asked her to tell me what’s so difficult to her about her job.

    After listening to her sharing, I said: “I can definitely help you, Bria.” I heard a sigh of relief on the other end. “But only if you promise me you won’t quit your job yet.”

    3 months after that conversation, Bria waltzed in my office one evening holding a bottle of red wine: “Let’s celebrate!”

    She had a giddy grin on her face, the very special grin with a dimple that I’d come to love after many hours supporting her. “Oh! Is it okay for us to drink a glass of wine in our coaching session?” She asked.

    I laughed: “Of course. What are we celebrating?”

    Bria said, her face brightened even more: “I just realized today that I have the perfect job!”

    The most fascinating thing about this story is that the “perfect job” she referred to was the exact same job she had practically begged me to help her quit.

    Bria’s circumstances hadn’t changed. But her experiences of the circumstances had changed 180 degrees. Why? Because she did.

    Bria’s story teaches me once again, that life is truly created from the inside out.
    👉 Dig deeper on why you should not quit your job yet with this article: https://bit.ly/2XB64q0

  • knowing 在 椅子樂團 The Chairs Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-28 14:50:37







    The scenery outside the window repeats again and again
    I'm always curious but never brave enough to see it through
    Knowing that the time we meet each other will only be less and less
    Still we have to be parted

    The universe tends to be chaotic until its death
    I try the best I can to hold the paddle of my order
    Wish I could be with you stably along the way
    Illuminating the darkness while we’re rowing

    When I finally surrender to the billow of the time
    I come to realize how fragile our belief can be as it vanishes
    But my dearest friend, you never leave me and are always by my side
    How firm and steady our place is

    You, beautiful people who make a brief stop at my station
    How I desire that you’d stay on my branches
    However every life has its own plans
    And there's no way I'll be able to know the answer to them

    When I finally surrender to the billow of the time
    I come to realize how fragile our belief can be as it vanishes
    But my dearest friend, you never leave me and are always by my side
    How firm and steady our place is

    作詞 |裘詠靖
    作曲 |裘詠靖
    錄音|邢銅 @ 55 TEC Studio
    混音|Andy Baker @Yuchen Studio
    母帶後期|Andy Baker @Yuchen Studio
    封面設計|Fuling Chang Illustrations / 章芙菱

  • knowing 在 王大喜 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-27 06:42:42


    #抗體的秘密 #抗體 #Antibody #Antibody

    *今日經文;daily Chapter:
    「我們並有先知更確的預言,如同燈照在暗處。你們在這預言上留意,直等到天發亮,晨星在你們心裏出現的時候,才是好的。 第一要緊的,該知道經上所有的預言沒有可隨私意解說的; 因為預言從來沒有出於人意的,乃是人被聖靈感動,說出神的話來。」
    ‭‭彼得後書‬ ‭1:19-21‬ ‭CUNP-神‬‬
    「And we have the word of prophecy made more sure; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day-star arise in your hearts: knowing this first, that no prophecy of scripture is of private interpretation. For no prophecy ever came by the will of man: but men spake from God, being moved by the Holy Spirit.」
    ‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭1:19-21‬ ‭ASV‬‬


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    Dream Walker: RastaWang.com

  • knowing 在 starringsarahchang Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-26 21:58:54

    Our stay at Ying Lun postpartum center

    For my second child, I choose to stay at Ying Lun Postpartum Care. I was blown away by the amazing service and amenities there! For my second child, I thought that I would be pretty set in terms of knowing how to take care of the newborn baby, but I was pleasantly surprised that I really learned a lot during my stay at Ying Lun. While the services are mainly for mother and the newborn, when my eldest arrived to the postpartum center to visit with a scar on her forehead the nurses immediately came to help check and redress her wound. It was so sweet!
    我的第二胎,我選擇留在 英倫產後護理之家 。我被他們的服務和設施驚艷到!我認為我會在如何照顧新生兒方面做得很好,因爲這是我的第二胎,但是我很高興我在這裡學到了很多東西。雖然主要為媽媽們和新生兒提供服務,但是當我的大女兒來這探望我時,額頭上有小傷口,護士立即來幫助我們檢查傷口,真是太窩心了!
    My favorites things about Ying Lun were:
    1. The food! I didn't get sick of the meals there, and they were so delicious I pretty much finished all of them. As a breastfeeding mom, I finished the breakfast, lunch, dinner, and three snacks they provided.
    2. The nurses! The nurses at Ying Lun were extremely knowledgeable, accommodating and generally concerned for your well-being. I could tell they really went out of their way to take care of the babies and even talk to them show them love in the nursery.
    3. The amenities! I loved the luxurious decor, the comfy slippers they provided, the playroom for my eldest daughter, the photo studio @A Plus 專業攝影 , the spa package, the gym and even the coffee in the lobby. It was delicious!
    3.設施非常的豪華!裝飾也很漂亮,我超喜歡他們提供的舒適拖鞋,大女兒常常流連忘返的遊戲室,A Plus 專業攝影 ,Spa,健身房,甚至是大廳提供的咖啡都很美味!
    I guess it's hard to list my favorite things considering I liked everything about it! Check out our video below!
    Thanks so much Yinglun for your kindness and warmth. It was exactly my family and I needed! ❤ ❤
    If you want to hear more about our experience you can also tune in my latest Kungfu Momma Show podcast about it!
    Anchor: https://cutt.ly/UbMJPge