#1Kinocilium - Wikipedia
A kinocilium is a special type of cilium on the apex of hair cells located in the sensory epithelium of the vertebrate inner ear.
#2kinocilium | anatomy - Encyclopedia Britannica
…one relatively long hair (kinocilium) and about 50 shorter ones (stereocilia). The kinocilium is inserted eccentrically on top of the sense cell; the ...
#3The Kinocilia of Cochlear Hair Cells: Structures, Functions ...
由 D Wang 著作 · 2021 · 被引用 6 次 — Kinocilium develops before stereocilia, finally leading the hair bundle facing toward the non-neural side. Accordingly, the HCs also acquire PCP ...
#4Kinocilium - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The kinocilia are arranged in different directions on either side of the striola, so that a single sheet of hair cells can detect motion forwards and back, and ...
#5The kinocilium of auditory hair cells and evidence for its ...
Auditory hair cells that survive mechanical injury in culture begin their recovery by reforming the kinocilium. This study is based on cultures of the organ ...
#6kinocilia {sing. kinocilium} - 動纖毛 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
學門: 細胞生物. 以kinocilia {sing. kinocilium} 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域 ...
#7Kinocilium Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
The meaning of KINOCILIUM is a motile cilium; especially : one that occurs alone at the end of a sensory hair cell of the inner ear among numerous nonmotile ...
#8kinocilium - Wiktionary
kinocilium (plural kinocilia). A special type of cilium on the apex of hair cells, located in the sensory epithelium of the vertebrate inner ear and ...
#9NEET PG-Topic-Kinocilium & Stereocilia-Physiology - YouTube
To more from us visit our medicoapps store athttps://medicoapps.org/store/?aid=youtubeTallest Hair Cell - KINOCILIUM ; ...
#10Journal of Cell Biology | Rockefeller University Press
#11Kinocilium Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
Kinocilium definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!
#12Deletion of Kncn Does Not Affect Kinocilium and Stereocilia ...
Auditory hair cells possess stunning cilia structure that composes of a bundle of stereocilia for mechano-electrical transduction and a single kinocilium ...
#13Best 1 Definitions of Kinocilium - YourDictionary
Define kinocilium. Kinocilium as a noun means A special type of cilium on the apex of hair cells, located in the sensory epithel....
#14Hair bundle orientation and kinocilium positioning defects ...
Download scientific diagram | Hair bundle orientation and kinocilium positioning defects in WlscKO cochleae. (a–c) E18.5 control (a) and WlscKO OC (b and c) ...
#15Biomechanical measurement of kinocilium.
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Biomechanical measurement of kinocilium." by C. Spoon et al.
#16Chapter 10: Vestibular System: Structure and Function
Bending the stereocilia toward the kinocilium depolarizes the cell and results in increased afferent activity. Bending the stereocilia away from the ...
#17Development of the Inner Ear - 第 163 頁 - Google 圖書結果
generally concerns the shape of the bundle , the length of the kinocilium , and the number and length of the stereocilia . In the neuromast organs of the ...
Peripheral fibers 5 and 6 of the kinocilium and the basal foot of the basal body are oriented away from the stereocilia; that is, in a direction.
#19kinocilium | Encyclopedia.com
kinocilium (pl. kinocilia) The single cilium of a hair cell that protrudes much further than the other, relatively short, stereocilia.
#20Deletion of <i>Kncn</i> Does Not Affect Kinocilium and ...
Deletion of Kncn Does Not Affect Kinocilium and Stereocilia Bundle Morphogenesis and Mechanotransduction in Cochlear Hair Cells.
#21definition of kinocilium by Medical dictionary
kinocilium. [ki″no-sil´e-um] (pl. kinocil´ia). a motile, protoplasmic filament on the free ...
#22kinocilium - Wikidata
kinocilium. nonmotile primary cilium that is found at the apical surface of auditory receptor cells, surrounded by actin-based stereocilia.
#23abnormal kinocilium morphology Mammalian Phenotype Term ...
Term: abnormal kinocilium morphology. Synonyms: abnormal kinocilia morphology. Definition: any structural anomaly of the nonmotile primary cilium that is ...
#24Stereocilia mediate transduction in vertebrate hair cells - PNAS
vertebrate hair cell, while the kinocilium may serve-primarily as a linkage conveying mechanical displacements to the stereocilia.
#25Fine Structure of Guinea Pig Vestibular Kinocilium
The tine structure of the utricular kinocilium of the guinea pig was examined with transmission electron microscopy after treatment with tannic acid to ...
#26Kinocilium - Typeset
Kinocilium is a(n) research topic. Over the lifetime, 525 publication(s) have been published within this topic receiving 29064 citation(s).
#27Auditory Hair Cell Centrioles Undergo Confined Brownian ...
Auditory Hair Cell Centrioles Undergo Confined Brownian Motion Throughout the Developmental Migration of the Kinocilium [2013]. Lepelletier, Léa; de Monvel, ...
#28kinocilium的中文解释和发音 - 欧路词典
#29QuickGO::Term GO:0060091
A nonmotile primary cilium that is found at the apical surface of auditory receptor cells. The kinocilium is surrounded by actin-based stereocilia.
#30Kinocilia Dr.Jastrow's EM-Atlas
microvilli lengthwise (monkey), kinocilium - basal body border stereo image (rat), Kinocilia + micro- villi cross sectioned (rat) ...
#31A Molecular Blueprint at the Apical Surface Establishes Planar ...
tric primary cilium, or kinocilium, that is located at the vertex of the. V-shaped bundle of stereocilia. Second, HCs are uniformly ori-.
#32The controversial cupula and the enigmatic kinocilium
Tumarkin, A. (1971) The Enigmatic Kinocilium. Toynbee Lecture, Royal College of Surgeons (unpublished).Google Scholar. Wing, M. E. (1962) Response of the ...
#33From Sound to Synapse: Physiology of the Mammalian Ear
The stereocilia are arranged in rows or clusters ( depending on the organ ) , whose orientation is determined by the single kinocilium .
#34Scanning Electron Microscopy in BIOLOGY: A Students’ Atlas ...
Important in the overall functioning of the hair cells shown here is the attachment of the kinocilium to the stereocilia and the special arrangement of the ...
#35Q7 answer - University of Minnesota Duluth
There is a structural difference between a kinocilium (which is a true cilium, having a 9+2 microtubule arrangement), and stereocilia (which ...
#36Kinocilia | Psychology Wiki - Fandom
A kinocilium is a special structure connected to the hair cells of the inner ear's cochlea. It acts to aid in depolarization and hyperpolarization of the ...
#37Basal bodies, kinocilia and planar cell polarity
The organization of the single kinocilium and multiple stereocilia atop each sensory hair cell in the organ of Corti, within the.
#38Kinocilium hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy
Kinocilium Stock Photos and Images · Inner ear hair cells in the vestibular system - closeup view 3d illustration Stock Photo · Inner ear sensory cells. · The two ...
#39Translation and Meaning in All English Arabic Terms Dictionary
Meaning of kinocilium, Definition of Word kinocilium in Almaany Online Dictionary, searched domain is All category, in the dictionary of English Arabic.
#40kinocilium — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
Biomechanics of hair cell kinocilia: experimental measurement of kinocilium shaft stiffness and base rotational stiffness with euler–bernoulli and ...
#41New gene mutation linked to congenital deafness
Mutations in CDC14A, however, can disrupt the links between hair bundle and kinocilium, producing abnormal hair bundles.
#42細說聽覺 - 高點醫護網
... 卵圓窗→前庭道的外淋巴→雷氏膜、內淋巴振動→蓋膜(tetctorial membrane) → Corti organ( 柯蒂氏器毛細胞) →靜纖毛(stereocilia) 向動纖毛(kinocilium) 擺動→ ...
#43Live imaging of hair bundle polarity acquisition demonstrates ...
Directional sensitivity of hair cells (HCs) is conferred by the aymmetric apical hair bundle, comprised of a kinocilium and stereocilia ...
#44kinocilium Definition in the dictionary English - Glosbe
Learn the definition of 'kinocilium'. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Browse the use examples 'kinocilium' in the great English corpus.
#45Stereocilia Mediate Transduction in Vertebrate Hair Cells - jstor
vertebrate hair cell, while the kinocilium may serve primarily as a linkage conveying mechanical displacements to the stereocilia.
#46Kinocilium - 2 definities - Encyclo
1) Trilhaar (2) cilium dat oriëntatie van de output van de stereocilia bepaalt (niet bij cochlea haarcellen)
#47Ick Ciliary Kinase Is Essential for Planar Cell Polarity ...
Inner ear sensory hair cells (HCs), which have several rows of staircase-like stereocilia and one kinocilium located at the vertex of the ...
#48What does kinocilium mean? - Definitions.net
A kinocilium is a special type of cilium on the apex of hair cells located in the sensory epithelium of the vertebrate inner ear.
#49Cilia, Part B - 第 29 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Stiffness of the kinocilium (Sk) was measured in this study by applying a force F at the top of individual kinocilia and measuring the resulting deflection ...
#50Flow Sensing in Air and Water: Behavioral, Neural and ...
Note that the single-celled ancestor of all multicellular animals, the choanoflagellates (1), has a single, kinocilium surrounded by microvilli utilizing an ...
#51kinocilium - Medical dictionary
kinocilium — (plural klinocilia)) a motile cilium, especially one that occurs alone at the end of a sensory hair cell of the inner ear among numerous non motile ...
#52kinocilium - Español Inglés Diccionario - Tureng
Tureng Dictionary and Translation Ltd. El Diccionario Multilingüe Tureng te ofrece un extenso diccionario en el que podrás hacer búsquedas de términos en ...
#53FGFR1-mediated protocadherin-15 loading mediates cargo ...
Thus, Pcdh15 must be specifically targeted and trafficked into the hair-cell kinocilium. Here we show that kinocilial Pcdh15 trafficking relies ...
#54kinocilium - Keyword Search - Science Photo Library
Keyword search for 'kinocilium'
#55kinocilium 中文 - 查查綫上辭典
kinocilium 中文意思::動纖毛;活動纖毛…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋kinocilium的中文翻譯,kinocilium的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#56kinociliumの意味・使い方・読み方 | Weblio英和辞書
kinocilium の意味や使い方 動(繊)毛 - 約1484万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。
#57KINOCILIUM [1 fiche] - TERMIUM Plus® — Recherche
... microfibrils and nine peripheral pairs; they extend from the apex of hair cells in all vertebrate ears except mammals. 1, fiche 1, Anglais, - kinocilium ...
#58KINOCILIUM in Portuguese Translation - Tr-ex
Translations in context of "KINOCILIUM" in english-portuguese. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "KINOCILIUM" - english-portuguese ...
#59kinocilium - Translation in LEO's English ⇔ German Dictionary
kinocilium [ZOOL.] die Kinozilie pl.: die Kinozilien. Es existiert derzeit keine Diskussion zu Ihrem Suchbegriff in unseren ...
#60Translate English Arabic kinocilium - ArabDict
arabdict Arabic-English translation for kinocilium , our online dictionary provides translation, synonyms, Example and pronunciation, ask questions, ...
#61Cilia and Nervous System Development and Function
At the start of bundle development, the hair cell apical surface is covered by very short microvilli of uniform height and a single kinocilium rests at its ...
#62National Centre for Biological Sciences on ... - Twitter
Now, there is one long hair known as a kinocilium, and then multiple smaller ... The question then is what makes the kinocilium special?
#63Height of tallest hair attached to a single k - BNID 111038
Height of tallest hair attached to a single kinocilium in cochlear hair cell ; Crawford AC, Fettiplace R. The mechanical properties of ciliary bundles of turtle ...
#64PLOS Genetics
Stereocilia surround a centrally located kinocilium (arrowed). F. Tip-link like structures (arrows) from tip of shorter stereocilium to side of adjacent longer ...
當Stereocilia向著Kinocilium的方向彎曲時,就會使Hair cell興奮。 (2) Peripheral processes of the vestibular nerve cells Þ 當它們進入 ...
#66kinocilium的中文意思 - Dict.site 英漢/漢英線上英文字典
搜尋. kinocilium 中文意思是什麼. kinocilium 解釋. 動毛. 例句. 目前還沒有kinocilium例句。 相似字; 英漢推薦; 漢英推薦. kinnella · kinnelon · kinnemann.
#67How to pronounce kinocilium | HowToPronounce.com
How to say kinocilium in English? Pronunciation of kinocilium with 1 audio pronunciation and more for kinocilium.
#68Auditory structure - part 2 (video) - Khan Academy
Kinocilium. So, basically a whole bunch of these little filaments are attached to one another and they form the hair bundle. So, each kinocilium is actually ...
#69Asymmetric distribution of cadherin 23 and protocadherin 15 ...
In the kinocilial links of vestibular hair bundles, cadherin 23 localizes to the stereocilium and protocadherin 15 to the kinocilium.
#70Degeneration and Reorganization of Vestibular Epithelia after ...
Five months after the treatment, the new kinocilium was still present and sometimes stereociliary-like structures.
#71File:The kinocilia is mislocalized in Tailchaser hair cells.png
Note remnants of a staircase-like stereocilia arrangement in Tlc/+ hair cell. (D, H, L) Confocal microscopy images showing kinocilium position ...
#72kinocilium | Übersetzung Deutsch-Englisch - dict.cc
Übersetzungen für den Begriff 'kinocilium' im Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch.
#73Dukes' Physiology of Domestic Animals - 第 80 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Stereocilium Kinocilium +K K+ channel Tip K+ link K+ K+ K ... comprising a kinocilium and numerous stereocilia, at the apical surface (Figure 9.2B).
#74inner-ear - Dizzy Docs
Deflecting the kinocilium excites or inhibits the hair cells and results in the transmission of sensory information to the brain stem where balance and eye ...
#75Hair Bundles - Development, Maintenance, and Function
However, kinocilium positioning at the vertex of the hair bundle was significantly rescued compared with WlscKO mutants (Figures 4F,I,M).
#76How to pronounce kinocilium in English - Forvo
Pronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce kinocilium in English with native pronunciation. kinocilium translation and audio pronunciation.
#77kinocilium 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释kinocilium这个英文词呢? kinocilium这个英文词,中文意思如下:A special type of cilium on the apex of hair cells, located in the ...
#78Proteostasis is essential during cochlear development for ...
In the cochlear epithelium, these polarity proteins act to define the position of the kinocilium and the shape of the stereociliary bundle 12, ...
#79Auditory Hair Cell Centrioles Undergo Confined ... - CORE
during the period of kinocilium migration was a doubling of the centrioles' confinement area taking place early in the process.
#80L17-Physiology of inner ear.pdf - KSUMSC
one large cilium called kinocilium, arranged from shortest to tallest (towards kinocilium). • kinocilium connected to stereocilia by: thin filamentous.
#81Puzzelwoordenboek Kinocilium - Mijnwoordenboek
2 puzzelwoorden gevonden voor `Kinocilium`. 8 letters. TRILHAAR. 10 letters. ZWEEPDRAAD. Puzzelhulp. Staat je antwoord er niet bij of heb je een vraag ...
#82Auditory hair cell centrioles undergo confined Brownian ...
The only dynamic change observed during the period of kinocilium migration was a doubling of the centrioles' confinement area taking place ...
#83Josh Salvi - The Grass Foundation
The kinocilium might therefore play an active role in mechanosensory perception. To address this question, I will study the responsiveness of afferent neurons ...
#84The Sensory Hairs and their Attachments in the Lizard Basilar ...
At the top of the kinocilium thin filaments are seen bridging the gap to the closest stereocilia, thus linking the kinocilium to the rest of ...
#85kinocilium - معنی در دیکشنری آبادیس
معنی kinocilium - معانی، کاربردها، تحلیل، بررسی تخصصی، جمله های نمونه، مترادف ها و متضادها و ... در دیکشنری آبادیس - برای مشاهده کلیک کنید.
#86Body balance during dynamic condition is initiated by which ...
Otoconia · Cupula · Stereocilia of crista · Kinocilium of maculae · The cupula is a structure in the vestibular system, providing the sense of spatial orientation.
#87Stereocilium - Oxford Reference
Bending of the kinocilium causes the array of stereocilia to bend en masse, thereby changing the pattern of impulses in the adjacent sensory neuron.
#88General 2 - Aquatic Bioacoustics
Transmission electron micrographs from the saccule of a moray eel. Abbreviations: c - cuticular plate; F - filaments making up kinocilium; HC - hair cell; ...
#89Fig. 5 - Zoological Letters
... mk mouth kinocilium, np neuropile, pdvn pharyngeal dorso-ventral nerve, pk posterior pharyngeal kinocilium, plgn pharyngeal longitudinal gland nerve, ...
#90kinocilium - Sesli Sözlük
... İlaç) A kinocilium is a special type of cilium on the apex of hair cells located in the sensory epithelium of the vertebrate inner ear. kinocilium ...
#91Disruption of the lysine acetyletransferase Elp3 causes planar ...
Disrupting the genesis and/or migration of the kinocilium causes defects in hair bundle morphology, and also in the planar cell polarity of the organ of ...
Kinocilium. Stereocilli. Hair. Bundle. Efferent nerve ending. Afferent (sensory) nerve ending. Hair cell = receptor cell. - 1 long kinocilium.
#93Maculae - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
Each hair cell of the macula contains 40 to 70 stereocilia and one true cilia, called a kinocilium. A gelatinous cover called the otolithic membrane ...
#94Kros hair cell lab - mechanotransduction
The tallest cilium of a vestibular hair cell (the kinocilium) bears a large club like end. Within the mammalian cochlea however, the auditory hair cells ...
#95دیکشنری تخصصی | معنی kinocilium به فارسی | ترجمه البرز
تارپروتوپلاسمیک متحرکی است در روی سطح آزاد یک یاخته : kinocilium.
#96Cilium vs Kinocilium - What's the difference? - WikiDiff |
As nouns the difference between cilium and kinocilium is that cilium is (cytology) a hairlike organelle projecting from a eukaryotic cell (such as a ...
#97Department of Fine Morphology, The Institute of Medical Science
sensory hairs consisting of a kinocilium and a group of regularly arranged stereo- cilia. The arrangement of sensory hairs is similar to that of the sensory ...
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