

在 junkfood產品中有208篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過358的網紅Grassrootseaters • 草根食堂,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 《你心目中最正嘅可樂喺邊一款🥤🧐?》 一眾可樂迷唔知有冇留意最近無糖「可口可樂」轉咗新包裝😆? 見便利店賣緊$6罐,我地都貪新鮮買咗試一試🤟🏻包裝望落更簡潔,原來除咗包裝唔同,口味都有改變! 想知有咩唔同?自己買罐試完就知! 全新無糖可口可樂®係咪史上最正嘅可口可樂® ?YES / NO, 試咗先講...

 同時也有86部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過304萬的網紅MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Roll a Umaibo with thinly roasted eggs. That's it. Then you skewer it and eat it with green laver and sauce. I wish I had mayonnaise too. I recommend ...

junkfood 在 Ivy Tsao Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-16 02:26:54

有人也是看電影一定要配🍿爆米花的嗎?🙋🏻‍♀️ 現在在家追劇也有貴婦爆米花可以解饞了🤤 🍿JOE’s Popcorn 喬的美式爆米花 在泰國曼谷EQUATIER貴婦百貨販售,大家去泰國必買的伴手禮阿,真空易開罐包裝,裝行李箱也不怕壓壞好安心👏🏻 不是一般電影院的爆米花,而是蘑菇爆米花,每一粒都很...

  • junkfood 在 Grassrootseaters • 草根食堂 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-28 10:28:13
    有 7 人按讚

    全新無糖可口可樂®係咪史上最正嘅可口可樂® ?YES / NO, 試咗先講!
    #無糖可口可樂 #可口可樂 #CocaColaHK #試咗先講 #新口味 #新包裝 @cocacolahk @cocacola #cocacola #softdrink #sweet #汽水 #can #可樂 #girl #girls #junkfood #food #zero #drink #nosugar

  • junkfood 在 Vickymui 唯琪妹 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-02 21:14:33
    有 42 人按讚

    #有咩零食推介 #食零食有助減壓 #係邪惡左少少 #junkfood #chips #favorite

  • junkfood 在 Benny Price Fitness Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-20 20:14:18
    有 1 人按讚

    🧐 The lack of scepticism deployed on social media with regards to fitness is quite bonkers. If you found out someone who had been advising you on how to get to rich had been handed $1mil to start their portfolio, would their advice feel as relevant to you?
    I know plenty of people in good shape who haven’t got a fucking clue why or how other than that it requires some effort 🤷🏻‍♂️ The reason they’ve got a bigger chest than their other friend who works out? “Oh, my chest workouts are INNNSANNNEE” and not “I’ve got a large rib cage & good insertions + I train pushing movements often”. Thankfully most of them aren’t coaches, but there are plenty online selling their magical programs or providing advice with no context.
    I could have easily been one of them. Once we hit puberty, my siblings & I were all slim and had solid intuitive eating habits having grown up in an essentially sugar-free, junkfood-free household. I was just a “hard-gainer”, not helped by preferring a nutrient-dense diet. Eating enough pizzas and spending enough hours in the gym would probably have given me a physique that convinced people I knew everything necessary to help them. In reality it would have equipped me to help no one other than myself (and barely).
    BUT, what if you were talking to a financial advisor who had helped dozens of people with your risk appetite and disposable income build a strong investment portfolio? That might be someone worth taking advice from...
    Likewise with a coach who has shown an ability to get results with either a wide range of clients or a large number of clients with a similar profile to yourself. Keep in mind that coaches who only train the genetically gifted (like athletes) end up with a comically poor perspective on what the general population need and their $19.99 programs will probably display that. New mums taking training advice from some 22 year old failed college athlete turned callisthenics advocate might want to re-think.
    Genetics aren’t to be used as a means of discrediting someone’s achievements or justifying someone’s lack thereof, but they should not be discounted when assuming someone’s personal results warrant taking their advice.

  • junkfood 在 MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-19 19:59:58

    Roll a Umaibo with thinly roasted eggs. That's it. Then you skewer it and eat it with green laver and sauce. I wish I had mayonnaise too. I recommend the Mentaiko flavor of Umaibo.It might be a good idea to start rolling before the egg gets hard. Anyway, it's a fun Dagashi cooking.(The last robot is one that my second son made when he was little. He started working for a robotics company this year.)



    #dagashi #junkfood #umaibo #japanesejunkfood #snack #eggroll #だがし #駄菓子 #うまい棒 #卵巻き

  • junkfood 在 YueYin伍月莹 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-12 21:27:09

    MoShi MoShi Hi 我是伍月莹
    我是爱拍影片 爱音乐 爱吃 爱笑 爱可爱东西 的番薯
    欢迎你们一起来到这里 陪我一起成长哟~

    ▶ 點這裡订阅我的YouTube頻道哟 ?

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  • junkfood 在 YueYin伍月莹 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-03-02 22:52:05

    MoShi MoShi Hi 我是伍月莹
    我是爱拍影片 爱音乐 爱吃 爱笑 爱可爱东西 的番薯
    欢迎你们一起来到这里 陪我一起成长哟~

    ▶ 點這裡订阅我的YouTube頻道哟 ?

    ▶ 欢迎追蹤我的生活动态哦 ❤❤️
    Follow:『 YueYin伍月莹 』
    #TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@yueyin12105?l...
    #IG: https: https://www.instagram.com/yueyin1210/
    #FB : https: https://www.facebook.com/YueYin%E4%BC...

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