[爆卦]Jiangsu port是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Jiangsu port鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Jiangsu port這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 jiangsu產品中有213篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【飲食文化衝擊】生吃就是野蠻人飲食嗎? ⭐生吃會增加脾胃負擔 ⭐容易腹瀉人士要格外小心 #星期六隻眼閉 從前不敢生吃的食物 / 真的可以生吃嗎? 幼稚園生都知道:食物要煮熟才能吃。但人越大,眼界越開闊,小時候煮熟才吃的東西,長大了發現原來都可以生吃!以下食物你覺得生吃還是熟吃美味呢? 🌽 白粟...

 同時也有30部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過14萬的網紅Mars Hartdegen,也在其Youtube影片中提到,?? Music: Fun House - Coyote Hearing...

jiangsu 在 ?? Foodie ☆ Lifestyle ☆ Travel Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 06:18:15

Went on a stellar culinary journey trying out refined contemporary Cantonese dishes at @yue.sheraton. 🍽🦀🥢 Soon to have led the Cantonese fine dining ...

  • jiangsu 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-21 16:38:09
    有 194 人按讚



    從前不敢生吃的食物 / 真的可以生吃嗎?

    🌽 白粟米

    🐟 魚

    🥚 雞蛋

    🐮 牛肉/雞肉
    法國菜的經典前菜Steak tartare韃靼牛肉,將生牛肉剁碎,混合香料及生雞蛋製成,除了牛肉亦有韃靼雞肉,日本亦有餐廳供應雞肉刺身,你敢試嗎?

    🦀 蟹

    🐙 活章魚


    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Can we eat them raw?
    Even kindergarteners know that cooked foods are safe to eat. As we grow older and are exposed to new knowledge, we realize there are some foods that can actually be eaten raw!

    Do you enjoy eating the following foods raw or cooked?

    🌽 White corn
    There are many ways to cook white corn, but the Hokkaido white corn, known to be the sweetest corn in the world, can be eaten raw.

    🐟 Fish
    Sashimi is a classic dish in Japanese cuisine. We can slice fresh raw fish and shellfish and eat them with wasabi and soy sauce. Many people enjoy sashimi, but do beware of the parasites that might enter the body if we consume them excessively.

    🥚 Egg
    Japanese enjoy mixing raw eggs into their rice, but not all eggs can be eaten raw. Eggs that are produced in Japan can be eaten raw within the first 21 days. Do watch out for the expiry date for raw consumption on the packaging.

    🐮 Beef/chicken
    Steak tartare is a classic French dish, and it is made of mixed minced raw beef, spices, and raw eggs. Besides steak tartare, there is also chicken tartare. In some Japanese restaurants, they serve chicken sashimi too. Would you be willing to give that a shot?

    🦀 Crab
    Soy sauce marinated crab is famous in Korean cuisine, and the crabs used in the dish are uncooked. Likewise, in Jiangsu and Shanghai, there are also people who marinate raw crabs with wine. Do note that eating raw crabs can increase the risks of getting the Paragonimus infection (lung infection caused by parasites called paragonimus) and cholera.

    🐙 Live octopus
    In traditional Korean cuisine, raw octopus is served. While diners would consume live octopuses as they are, the mollusks’ arms might cling onto the mouth, tongue, and even esophagus, suffocating the diners.

    The Chinese Medicine theories believe that eating raw and cold food is not good for the wellbeing of the body. ‘Raw’ refers to uncooked foods, whereas ‘cold’ refers to foods that are below room temperature. Eating raw and cold foods can damage the yang energy, the spleen, and the stomach, and it would cause the body to accumulate phlegm and dampness.

    Uncooked foods may also become a growing site for bacteria and parasites. Seasonings like vinegar, wine, garlic, and chili are not effective in wiping out the bacteria and parasites. Some might experience a mild indigestion after consuming uncooked foods, but in more severe cases, individuals might experience food poisoning. Hence, we need to be more cautious.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #腹瀉

  • jiangsu 在 Dinelle 黃蓉 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-18 21:08:33
    有 47 人按讚


    Outfit for “Macao Week in JiangSu 2021”: @saralolo_official
    Hair: Ericma hair / The Elements Salon

    #MacauMC #MacauEmcee #MacaoMC #澳門司儀 #澳門主持 #三語主持

  • jiangsu 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-01 15:30:16
    有 64 人按讚


  • jiangsu 在 Mars Hartdegen Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-31 08:00:11

    Music: Fun House - Coyote Hearing

  • jiangsu 在 The Meatmen Channel Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-12-04 17:00:24

    Happy TGIF! Today we feature one of the most popular fried rice, Yangzhou Fried Rice. You can literally find it at almost any ZiChar place in Singapore!
    As the name suggests, it’s a dish which originated from the City of YangZhou in the Jiangsu Province. Over the years, YangZhou Fried Rice has evolved into many variations and you might ask what is the authentic version?

    The essence of an authentic plate of YangZhou Fried Rice lies in the ingredients used.
    The key ingredients are XuanWei ham, shrimps, eggs, mushrooms, peas as well as meat; either pork or chicken :)

    In our video, we were unable to source for XuanWei ham :( Hence, we used the closest substitute, JinHua ham, which can be found in ShengSiong Supermarket!

    P.S. Can you spot any new differences in our new video? :)

    Recipe Link: http://themeatmen.sg/yang-zhou-fried-rice-扬州炒饭/
    I hope that we have inspired you to try this recipe out at home! Do let us know in the comments below if you loved it & don’t forget to like and subscribe if you haven’t already done so!
    Remember to also turn on your notification button to stay up to date on our latest content :)
    Until then, Stay Safe & Stay Cookin~!

    #themeatmen #meatmensg #yangzhoufriedrice #simplefriedricerecipe #easyfriedrice #yangzhou

    0:00 - B-Roll
    0:15 - Recipe Video

  • jiangsu 在 Pin Cheng Ji Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-10 19:01:28

    #品城記 #探店 #廣州#江浙菜#大閘蟹
    中秋前,嘉升去陽澄湖吃了一次大閘蟹,同時,也將那邊的大閘蟹引進到了我們品城記商城。不過,那期節目出街後,就有很多股東跟我們說,大閘蟹買回家又要洗、又要蒸,始終覺得麻煩了點;廣州有沒有比較好的吃大閘蟹的餐廳呢?答案是肯定的。今天,姚大秋就要去一家專做江浙菜的老字號,吃那裡的大閘蟹。說起來,廣州做江浙菜的餐廳還真的不算很多,做得好的,更是鳳毛麟角。而這一家店,絕對是佼佼者。當然,難得去一次,不能只吃大閘蟹一道菜,江浙菜當中的經典菜式,像龍井蝦仁、東坡肉什麼的,肯定也要順帶嚐一嘗啦。 。 。
    營業時間:週一—週日 11:00-14:00 17:00-21:30
    評分:口味:4.59 環境:4.81 服務:4.46


